東田 大志
Kyoto University

鈴木 宏哉

本研究では,これまで客観的測定が困難であったゲームパフォーマンス成就に要求されるチームに専門的な技能を測定及び評価することを目標とする.したがって,専門的な技能の測定及び評価に関する背景とその必要性,そして ...
三喜田 熊蔵
信州大学文理学部紀要. 第1部, 人文・社会
vol.9, pp.1-18, 1960-01-25

Urgermans had no state in the modern sense of the word. Caesar siad in his "De Bello Gallico" VI, 23, "In peace there is no common magistrate, but principes of provinces and cantons administer justice and determine controversies among their own people. When a "civitas" either defends itself in a war urged against it, or urges a war against another, the magistraate is chosen to preside over that war with such authrity that they have power of life and death. In Germany coexisted monarchies and republics. This juxtaposition of monarchies and republics was based on the distinction made between their chiefs. If their chiefs were "reges", their states were called "monarchies", and if their chiefs were "principes", their states were called republics, and both of them were very democratic systems. Tacitus says in his "Germania " c. 7, "nec regibus infinita aut libera potestas". Even in monarchical states a general peace was not a royal peace but a folk-peace. Peoples of the German states consisted of three classes, honoratior personae (of nobiles), ingenuus and serviles personae. German nobiles were composed of superior "principes" or "reges" and inferjor "comites. "Ingenuus (liberi)" were the core of German infantry from earlier days to the days of Charles the Great. "Serviles personae " were divided in two classes, "laeti" (or "coloni") and slaves. "Laeti" were half-free, and "servi" were not free. German Law is the product of their justice and freedom, and this spirit expressed itself in their system of "Fehde right" and "Compositionen right". And this system was based upon their social moral that "Justice is Power". Tacitus says in his "Germania" c. 19, "plusque ibi boni mores valent, quam alibi bonae leges".
阿部 崇史
新領域創成科学研究科 基盤科学研究系 基盤情報学専攻

報告番号: ; 学位授与年月日: 2007-03-22; 学位の種別: 修士; 学位の種類: 修士(科学) ; 学位記番号: 修創域第2007号 ; 研究科・専攻: 新領域創成科学研究科基盤情報学専攻
細川 英雄
国文学研究 (ISSN:03898636)
vol.65, pp.97-110, 1978-06-15
石川 明 Ishikawa Akira
2007-09-01 (Released:2006-08-02)

(2010.4.23)本テキストは、日本実験動物学会総会のワークショップ「遺伝子 マッピングとその応用」で配付していたテキストに加筆・修正を加えたものです。2009年の「改訂版4」の誤植を修正するとともに一部内容を追加・修正して「改訂版 5」としました。従来公開していたテキスト(第53回日本実験動物学会総会(2006年5月)で配布したものに少し修正を加えたもの(ishikawa.pdf))も残してあります。
垂水 浩幸 鶴身悠子 横尾 佳余 西本 昇司 松原 和也 林 勇輔 原田 泰 楠 房子 水久保 勇記 吉田 誠 金 尚泰
情報処理学会論文誌 = IPSJ journal (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.1, pp.110-124, 2007-01-15

市販のGPS 付携帯電話を端末とした位置依存の共有仮想空間(擬人化エージェント機能や利用者間コミュニケーション機能を含む)を応用して観光支援システムを開発し,これについて公開実験を行った.ここで公開実験とは,観光者に現地で依頼して被験者となってもらい,かつ観光者自身の所有する携帯電話を使用して,我々の提供するサービスを評価してもらう実験であり,観光の観点から客観性の高い現実的な評価を得ることが目的である.実験は香川県の代表的観光地である金刀比羅宮と栗林公園でそれぞれ1 週間ずつ実施した.その結果,年齢,性,観光地への訪問経験などにより反応が異なる場合があることが確認でき,ターゲットユーザの絞り込みが重要であることが分かった.また仮想空間で提供する情報は,ガイドブックや立て看板などの現実のメディアとの役割分担が重要であることも明確になった.またGPS の誤差については問題が残るが,位置誤差の評価と観光支援サービスの評価は独立であることも確認した.本論文ではこの公開実験の方法と結果について詳細に述べる.We have developed a sightseeing support system, using our shared virtual world service including human-like agents and inter-user communication for popular GPS-phones on the market. We have conducted open experiments for the service. By open experiments, we mean those with real tourists as subjects and letting them use their own phones. By open experiment, we have aimed to acquire realistic and objective evaluation from the viewpoint of sightseeing itself. The experiments were conducted at two major sightseeing destinations in Kagawa prefecture, each taking one week. As results, we have found that visitors responded differently by their age, gender, experiences, etc. We have also found that virtual media should give different information from real media. These findings will help the future design of such services. GPS inaccuracies were found but subjects evaluated them independently from other evaluation. In this paper, the method and results of the experiments are described.
榊 和良
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.163, pp.80-108, 2013-03-27

A number of Sanskrit works are attributed to Gorakṣanātha. Among them, the Gorakṣaśataka is considered as one of the authoritative texts that contain Nātha doctrines. With regard to the transmission of the Gorakṣaśataka, we have located some remarks on the number of verses and variety of manuscripts. Despite the varied number of verses in the text, only two versions have been found to have been published with different titles. One version has 101 verses as its name śataka indicates, and another version contains over 200 verses. The latter is the more prevalent text. Recently, another short version has been introduced as the original śataka. We can add two Persian manuscripts which contain the Gorakṣaśataka in the form of a conversat ion between Matsyendranātha and Gorakṣanātha. One is the Retention of Breath (Pās-i Anfās) and another is the Translation of Gorakh (Tarjumah-i Gorakh). Despite the different titles, different translation styles, omissions, and additions, they are supposed to have been based on almost identical texts or oral tradition that contain the same number of verses as the longer version. Thus far, the examination of Persian translations has clarified that the source text may have been some kind of compendium of Nātha doctrines. It may have been the Vivekamārtāṇḍa ascribed to Viśvarūpadeva, which fixes the longer version of the Gorakṣaśataka in the core and contains the part of the Śivasvarodaya. The introductory part of this book has common verses in the first chapter of the Haṭhapradīpikā with ten chapters. Since the date of the transmission of the Cistern of Life (Amṛtakuṇḍa) in the 13th century, the science of the breath (svarajñāna) has been prevailed among the Islamic intellectuals and the Sufi circles. They left indispensable materials for the study of the formation of Nātha literatures.