総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科 総研大文化フォーラム2021企画委員会 / 編集
総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科

目次1 2021 年総研大文化フォーラムについて .....1 1-1 概要............................................. 1 1-2 テーマ・趣旨 ............................. 12 日程・プログラム ................................. 33 オンライン開催方法 . ............................ 5 3‐1 オンライン開催について ................. 5 3‐2 配信について(Zoom Meetings、YouTubeLive) ............. 5 3‐3 連絡について(Slack) ................................................ 6 3‐4 広報について(Peatix、総研大HP ほか) ......................... 74 当日の内容 ...................................................................... 5 4-1 基調講演 .................................................................... 9 4-2 口頭発表1 ................................................................. 11 4-3 口頭発表2 ................................................................. 12 4-4 口頭発表3 ................................................................. 14 4-5 独自プログラム(関西・関東) ....................................... 15 4‐6 研究紹介リレー ......................................................... 17 4-7 懇親会 ....................................................................... 18 4‐8 シンポジウム ............................................................... 195 学生企画委員会総括 ............................................................ 23 5‐1 概要 .......................................................................... 23 5‐2 感想 ........................................................................... 246 アンケート結果 ................................................................... 25編集後記 ............................................................................... 35
仁藤 敦史
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.1-17, 2003-10-31

延 恩株 Eunju YON
桜美林論考. 言語文化研究 = The journal of J. F. Oberlin University. Studies in language and culture (ISSN:21850674)
vol.2, pp.83-100, 2011-03-01

藤森 かよこ Kayoko Fujimori
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.24, pp.115-136, 2010-03-19

This paper aims to demonstrate the logical affinity between gender feminists and Libertarians by clarifying and reconsidering the exact connotation of "gender." Now it is a common knowledge to distinguish sex as the biological state of being male and female from "gender" as the socially and culturally constructed state of being male or female. However, by the end of 1990s, as Joan Wallach Scott says in the preface to the revised edition of Gender and the Politics of History, "gender" in generally accepted usage had become something quite different from what it really means. Some regard "gender" as a synonym for the differences between the sexes. Some think that "gender" denotes the social rules imposed on men and women. Some misunderstand that gender feminists aim to eliminate the difference between men and women. Some warn that gender feminists attack manhood, womanhood, masculinity, femininity, fatherhood, motherhood, heterosexuality, marriages and family values. These misinterpretations are caused by their failure to grasp the exact meaning of gender concept. The earliest meanings of "gender" were "kind," "sort" and "type or class of noun." Since the 14th century the word gender has been used as a grammatical term, referring to the classes of nouns and pronouns in Latin, French, Greek, German, Russian and other languages designated as masculine, feminine, neuter and common. In other words, "gender" is a way to recognize things by classifying them. We cannot see innumerable things as they are. To categorize them to classes according to shape, size, color and other distinctions is the first step for human beings to perceive the world. However, this perception is a judgment based on an illusion. In fact, properties, numbers and sets are merely features of the way of considering the things that exist. Only particular, individual objects exist. To classify things never leads us to know them, since we cannot have a true appreciation of all attributes that an individual thing has. Thus we can safely say as follows : Once you know that gender is "the knowledge that establishes meanings for bodily difference," we are necessarily induced to accept nominalism that universals or general ideas are mere names or inventions without any corresponding reality. That's why gender feminists have been resisting the consolidation of women into homogeneous categories. Such gender feminists are destined to become Libertarians. Libertarianism has a greater affinity for a nominalistic view about human existence than any other political thoughts, since it advocates the maximization of individual liberty in thought and action. Libertarians are committed to the belief that individuals, and not states or groups of any other kind, are both ontologically and normatively primary. All schools of Libertarianism take a skeptical view of "the common good," though they embrace viewpoints across a political spectrum, ranging from pro-property to anti-property (sometimes phrased as "right" versus "left"), from minarchist to openly anarchist. Libertarians share the notion that "the common good of a collective-a race, a class, a state-was the claim and justification of every tyranny ever established over men," as Ayn Rand, one of representative Libertarian thinkers, says in The Fountainhead, her novel. This is why Libertarians hold that activities such as drug use and prostitution that arguably harm no one but the participants should not be illegal ; people are free to choose to live any kind of life on their own risks on condition that their activities never violate other people's rights. Thus gender /Libertarian feminists refuse the general, collective image of women as victims and the oppressed. They seek to celebrate or protect the individual woman. They encourage women to take full responsibility for their own lives. They also oppose any government interference into the choices adults make with their own bodies, because they contend that such interference creates a coercive hierarchy and suppresses the individual woman.
清 愼一
vol.2013-GI-29, no.9, pp.1-8, 2013-02-25

宮武 茉子 鳴海 紘也 関谷 勇司 川原 圭博
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.63, no.3, pp.752-760, 2022-03-15

小熊 進之介 丸山 啓太 澤井 伶 中野 航平 河野 博
東京海洋大学研究報告 = Journal of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
vol.18, pp.1-19, 2022-02-28

2018年4月から2019年11月に千葉県新浜湖において小型地曳網と張網を用いて採集したニクハゼの出現様式,機能発育,および食性を調査し,干潟域におけるニクハゼの初期生活史を明らかにした.本研究では853個体のニクハゼが採集された.発育段階は,遊泳関連形質に基づくと4段階,摂餌関連形質に基づくと3段階に分けられた.消化管内容物調査の結果,体長13 mm未満の個体は浮遊性カイアシ類,体長13.0–23.9 mmでは浮遊性カイアシ類と多毛類,体長24.0 mm以上では様々な動物プランクトンやチチブ属の仔魚を主に摂餌することが明らかになった.また,岸側と沖側で採集されたニクハゼの個体数の違いから,新浜湖の干潟域では仔魚は岸側で成育し,成長に伴って岸側に加えて沖側も利用することが明らかになった.さらに,本種は東京湾内湾の干潟域の中では高塩分環境を好むと考えられた
木村 貴子


7 0 0 0 OA 会長挨拶

山下 英男
vol.1, no.1, 1960-07-30