今城 哲二
vol.24, no.9, 1983-09-15
vol.2000, no.9, pp.63-70, 2000-07-29

寺田 麻佑
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.82, pp.47-71, 2016-09-30

Privatization generally means the transfer of ownership or business fromthe governmental organization to the private company and there are manymethods to exercise ‘privatization’.We have to think carefully and deeply on the methods of privatizationalong with the risk and the ways of responsibility that the government andlocal governments should take. It is because methods of privatization are thekey to think of the ways, fields and frameworks of providing services by thecentral and local governments.This paper takes up airport privatization among many fields whereprivatization becomes an issue. After looking at several countries’ privatizationsituations of airports from a viewpoint of legal system (mainly Japan, the U.S.,the U.K. and Germany), it considers the nature of the system and ways ofpreferable controlling of the airports.Currently in 2016, privatization of airports is progressing in Japan. Forexample, privatization of Kansai International Airport and Itami Airportwas carried out and they are operated as privatized airports from this April.Plus, Sendai Airport has also been privatized early this year and the newcompany which was founded by the new management rights holder is goingto run the airport from this June. In addition to above, there are many otherconsiderations of privatization are currently done for other airports.Therefore, this paper looks at the methods and risk of privatization ofairports. In particular, what kind of approaches are adopted as methods ofprivatization of airports, what kind of legal risks the methods would holdare to be considered by comparing other countries’ methods and cases ofprivatization of airports. Then the indication for future consideration on thelegal methods and risks of privatization of airports of Japan and other countriesare compared and basis for future consideration will be examined.This paper first introduces the methods to privatize the airports andconsider the ways of privatization of airports. Then this paper will look at theactual cases of other countries where privatization of the airport actually wassuccessful and not successful. Finally, this paper considers and analyzes therisk of the governments how they should take the responsibility to guaranteethe outcome or service by thinking of the methods of the privatization ofairports which currently is also progressing in Japan on the comparison of thelegal systems of that of other countries.
小倉孝夫 森川郁也 安田雅哉 長谷部高行 新崎卓 津田宏
vol.2014, pp.1995-2000, 2014-07-02

生体認証をインターネット上で実現することで,本人確認性の高い様々なサービスを容易に利用可能にするシステムを開発した.ネットサービスで生体認証を利用する際の課題として,クラウド上に生体情報を預ける不安がある.また,最近ではサービス事業者の代わりに認証サービスおよびユーザ個人のデータを預かるIdP(Identity Provider)も現れ,ユーザはサービス事業者へユーザ個人のどのようなデータを提供するか制御したいという要求がある.前者に対しては,手のひら静脈から抽出したバイオ特徴コードを,準同型暗号で保護したままサーバに保存および照合することにより,インターネット上であっても安全に生体認証を実現することで解決する.また,後者に対しては,認証・ID連携の標準的な技術であるOpenID Connectと組み合わせ,サービス等に応じて匿名レベルを選択できることで,不要なユーザ個人のデータをサービス事業者へ提供しないようにする.これらの技術をクラウド上で試作・性能評価し,さらにデモンストレーションシステムを構築した.
山本 和彦
pp.27-34, 2013-01-11

純粋関数型プログラミング言語 Haskell に対して、三つのテスト基盤を統合したテスト手法を提案する。ライブラリのユーザに見せるべき振る舞いの記述には、Python から移植した doctest を用いる。doctest では、利用例、設計、および自動テストが実現できる.ユーザに見せるべきでない振る舞いの記述には、Ruby の rspec をヒントに実装したhspec を使用する。hspecでは、設計および自動テストが実現できる。Haskellでは、純粋なコードと副作用のあるコードが型システムにより明確に分離される。純粋なコードは、性質をテストしやすいことが知られている。我々は、性質テストツールである QuickCheckをdoctestと hspecに統合した。
権 静香 小嶋 秀幹
福岡県立大学心理臨床研究 : 福岡県立大学心理教育相談室紀要 (ISSN:18838375)
vol.7, pp.31-42, 2015-03-31

伊藤 一彦
中国21 = China21 (ISSN:13428241)
no.22, pp.37-56, 2005-06-20
佐藤 孝雄
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.107, pp.119-165, 2003-03-31

For an archeologically discussion of the establishing process of Ainu's animal cult, including the “sending-off” ceremony for bears, it is first necessary to investigate modern Nusa sites, places where outdoor sacred altars were built, that have ethnographic information available and to organize the characteristics and remains of animals there so as to compare them with other archaeological evidence. However, only a few attempts have been made for Nusa sites in the mountains, far from an Ainu settlement, called a kotan. In particular, the species and characteristics of animal remains at a kotan's Nusa site important due to its relationship with the “sending-off” ceremony for reared bear cubs, called an iomante, have effectively not been studied.As far as I know, the Nijibetsu Shuwan Kumaokriba Site in Shibecha-town, east Hokkaido, is the only remains that is appropriate for the investigation of animal remains. The History Study Group of the basin of the River Kushiro excavated the Kumaokuriba Site in 1976 and 1978 with an about 5mm mesh sieve for collecting fine samples, and recovered over 18,000 pieces of animal body fragments from the Site, it is said that Mr. Kotaro Hashibami, a neighbor of the Site, sent off 200-300 bears from late 19th century (early Meiji era) to 1939 at the site, which is also famous for being the site of the last iomante (December 1939) that was observed by Dr. Takemitsu Natori and his colleagues. However, although these animal remains have a high academic significance, they have not been analyzed in detail.I scrutinized the animal body remains between December 1996 and January 1998. As a result, a statement of the details and characteristics of the animal body remains can be summarized as follows:・ The excavated species were 15 in total including wild animals such as brown bear (Ursus arctos yesoensis), fox (Vulpes vulpes schrencki), river otter (Lutra lutra), sable (Martes zibellina brachyura), deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis), Blackiston's fish owl (Ketupa blakistoni), and large eagles (Haliaeetus sp.); as well as boar (Sus scrofa, of course, which has a possibility of pig) and domestic animals such as dog (Canis familiaris), sheep (Ovis domesticus), cattle (Bos taurus), and horse (Equus caballus), which originally did not inhabit Hokkaido and is unknown as a cult object.・ At least 59 mandibular bones of brown bears were detected, including 11 cubs (<2 years old) that are the objects of the iomante. Beside, bones of extremities, those of trunks, which are rarely observed at rock shelter Nusa sites in the mountains, were also found, though their quantity was lower than 30 % of the mandibular bones on a population basis.・ Cranial bones were more marked in the excavated bones of small terrestrial animals (rabbit, fox, river otter, and otter) than in those of brown bears. One hundred, 49, and 7 mandibular bones of rabbit, fox, and river otter, respectively, were found. Small amounts of bones of extremities and trunks that were derived from one individual had been excavated. Moreover, only 3 sable mandibular bones were found; no sable otter bones were observed.・ The deer specimens were derived from only 2 individuals; this may be attributable to the hunting with bow or trap, and hunting by chasing animals being banned in the early Meiji era, and a reduced population size due to heavy snowfalls.・ The Blackiston's fish owl specimens obtained were derived from at least 3 individuals, with nearly entire body pars being excavated. These findings indicate the possibility of a “sending-off” ceremony for owls, something that is poorly researched in ethnographic information, and will be valuable for archeological study of the establishing process of that ceremony.