鎌谷 勇宏
no.11, pp.81-92, 2017-03-20

ソーシャルインクルージョンの議論に奥行きを持たせるため、属性と社会政策的貧困論をキーワードにして社会保障の歴史を再検討した。現在、社会保障や社会政策において主要なテーマとして掲げられているソーシャルインクルージョンは属性分類を極力行わない方向で制度化されていることに対して、社会保障発展の歴史はいかに属性を分類し制度対象として含めていくかの歴史であった。歴史を長い目で概観すると、属性分類制度から非属性分類制度に変化したことになるが、この過程やその特徴を明らかにするためイギリス新救貧法(1834)の分析を行った。 その結果、14 世紀から18 世紀末までは静学的属性分類が制度発展を牽引し、18 世紀末には動学的属性分類も行われるようになった。しかし1834 年の新救貧法制定段階になると、属性ではなく社会政策的貧困論が社会保障政策に大きな影響を及ぼしたことを明らかにした。
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.30, no.1, pp.1-16, 2019-07-31

The purpose of this paper is to study the concepts of work and work knowledges in DorothySmith’s Institutional Ethnography.Inspired by the thinking of a feminist group called the Wages for Housework group, she expanded the meaning of work not only into what people are paid to do but also into anything that people do that takes time, effort and intent. The concept of work in this “generous” sense orients the institutional ethnographer to what people are actually doing as they participate in institutional processes. Work knowledges refers to what people know of and in their work and how it is coordinated with the work of others. It is a major resource of the institutional ethnographer. Whether they are produced in interviewer-informant interchange or in participant observation, work knowledges should be evoked dialogically.After brief examination of the definition of these concepts in Smith’s argument, this paper tries to reconsider her researches on women’s mothering work for their children’s schooling. In so doing this paper tries to explicate how sociological investigation based on work and work knowledges could be proceeded. The work and work knowledges in this sense could not be accountable in institutional discourse. This paper explores how IE could discover what people know of and in their work and explore how it is coordinated with the work of others.Lastly, this paper discusses the problem of “institutional capture”. This is a barrier created by the ways in which institutional discourse may enter into the dialogue that produces work knowledges. The objectified knowledge in institutional discourse would subsume and displace descriptions based on experience and prevent the institutional ethnographer from accessing to the people’s work knowledges.Through examining the idea of Smith’s work and work knowledges, this paper tries to develop the method of sociological inquiry into knowing the social from people’s actual everyday world.
郝 暁卿
福岡県立大学人間社会学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies and Social Sciences, Fukuoka Prefectural University (ISSN:13490230)
vol.17, no.1, pp.13-27, 2008-07-31

綿田 稔
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.408, pp.105-112, 2013-01-18

The single-volume printed book introduced in this article is one of the items originally collected by Tanaka Sukeichi (1911–2000, doctor and local historian of Hagi city, Yamaguchi Prefecture), and now in the collection of the Hagi Museum. It seems that the Hanzawa family, descendants of a branch of the Unkoku family of painters who were in service to the Hagi clan during the Edo Period, gave this volume to Tanaka. This is thought to be the first volume of what would have originally been a set of three volumes, and it is made up entirely of painting method explanations. Various painting manuals are known from the Edo Period including Tosa Mitsuoki’s Honchô-gahô-taizen (1690), Kanô Einô’s Honchô-gashi (1693), Hayashi Moriatsu’s Gasen (1712), Nishikawa Sukenobu’s Gahô-saishikihô (1738) and Miyamoto Kunzan’s Kanga-hitori-geiko (1807). Though, there has yet to be a compilation of all these. This lacuna is a result of the focus of modern art history studies on painting history and theory, and thus nowadays even normal painting techniques have been largely forgotten. In the modern context, Nihonga techniques were given special status and standardized as the Japanese way of painting. Painting materials also changed dramatically. Not only was an understanding of pigments lost or neglected, but also that of brushes, painting papers and silks. Conversely, conditions were ripe for improvements in research on materials and methods, thanks to the great advances made in the technical field. However, scholars across various disciplines could not agree on the norms, and thus debate on this subject could not advance to a conclusion. While the On-e-kagami painting manual, printed in an inexpensive, popular edition, does not seem to contain any secret or proprietary techniques, it does seem to record general common sense methods. Even if the tome has limits, the accumulation of information and illumination of the standard procedures of the day surely would not be without merit for future studies.
國吉 知子
女性学評論 = Women's studies forum
vol.29, pp.23-49, 2015-03

母と娘の関係性は身近なテーマであるが、心理学的な複雑さを内包している。近年では少子化の影響を受け、一卵性母娘など母娘の問題が家族の問題としてクローズアップされているが、実は童話や神話の中にも母娘のテーマは表現されている。本稿は、まず娘の母親への生涯にわたる依存性の高さと、62%の女性が母親に依存的であるという質問紙を用いた実証研究を概観した。次に深層心理学的観点から、母と娘に特有の親密性の高さと娘の自立の困難さについて、神話やディズニー素材(「白雪姫」「ラプンツェル」「リトルマーメイド2」「メリダとおそろしの森」「アナと雪の女王」)を取り上げ、それぞれの物語における母娘関係を分析し、これらに共通する興味深いパターンと、母娘の絆がいかに強く分離しにくいかを示した。さらに、母娘関係を深く理解するために、母親が娘をコントロールする無意識的メカニズム、すなわち、抑圧、同一化という自我の防衛機制や「母」役割が持つ献身の問題(斉藤 2008)を紹介した。特に、献身の問題については、マゾヒスティック・コントロール(高石 1997)の観点から論じ、その対処について述べた。その結果、女性の自立を考えるには、従来の男性の自立モデルとは異なる、女性特有の自立スタイルを考えることが重要であることが示唆された。
星野 瑠海 橋田 朋子
vol.2020, pp.40-45, 2020-08-22

犬はしばしば飼い主の食事を食べたそうな様子を見せ, 人も愛犬と食事を共にしたいと考える. しかし, 人の食事は犬に有害なものもあり, そのまま与えることは難しい. 本研究は犬の嗅覚の鋭さに着目し, 食事のうちの「匂い」をファンとチューブからなる匂い伝送システムを用いて犬の食事(ドッグフード)に伝えて付けることで, 人と犬とが部分的に食体験を共有できるようにするものである. 提案手法により, 犬が人の食事の匂いが付いたドッグフードをよく食べること, その際に犬の飼い主計50人へのアンケートで得られた嬉しそうな仕草をすることを確認した.
井上 善文
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.2, no.1, pp.51-59, 2011-09-30

International Accounting Standards Committee issued the International Accounting Standards No.41(IAS41) “Agriculture” on February, 2000. The purpose of this paper is outline briefly how the conceptof agricultural activity and to point out how the accounting treatment of agricultural activity, biologicalassets, biological transformation. This standard adopted a new approach for measurement method of fairvalue. This approach will set a new trend of measurement of agricultural products in the world. We willdistill what to learn to establish the accounting standards for the agricultural activity in Japan.

4 0 0 0 OA 経済法序説(2)

舟田 正之 フナダ マサユキ Masayuki Funada
vol.91, pp.118-67, 2015-03-30