杉野 博史
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.60, no.3, pp.157-165, 2017-06-01 (Released:2017-06-01)

古賀 佳代子
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.34, no.4, pp.4_83-4_93, 2011-09-01 (Released:2016-03-05)

水俣病補償制度の申請に至るまでの心理的プロセスを明らかにすることを目的に,水俣病補償制度に認定申請した経験がある者に聴き取り調査を行った。その結果,水俣病補償制度の申請に至るまでの心理的プロセスは,【怒りや不安などの葛藤】【自己実現の模索】【新しい人生に向けての決心】の3つのカテゴリーと8つのサブカテゴリーに分類された。 「申請する」は,ただ単なる補償してほしいという思いだけではなく,そこには,自分のいままでのつらい過去を認め,新しい未来に向けての決意という2つの意味が込められていた。また,「申請する」という行動変容に最も大きく影響していたのは,他者の支援(声かけ)と社会の動き(補償制度)であった。まだ何らかの補償を受けていない方に対して,表面上のみならず内に秘めた思いも汲み取り,その人の方向性を見出すことが保健師には求められる,と示唆を得ることができた。
今泉 敏
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.44, no.2, pp.111-118, 2003-04-20 (Released:2010-06-22)

空間解像度の高いPETや機能的MRI, さらには時間解像度の高い脳磁図などの脳機能画像法の発達によって, 発話の中枢機構が明らかにされつつある.それに伴って吃音などの原因論にも新たな見解が示されてきた.吃音者と非吃音者, あるいは吃音状態と非吃音状態での脳活動パタンの違いから, 左半球優位性の未熟説や自己発話の聴覚モニター障害説など従来からの仮説がより具体的に検証され, それに代わる新たな仮説が提案されるようになってきた.本文では非吃音者と吃音者の発話中枢機構に関する最近の知見を概括し, その可能性と限界, 将来の研究動向を考察した.
平井 靖史
vol.33, 2018-07-01
綿田 稔
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.396, pp.25-44, 2008-11-05

Jukô-in was built as the family temple in memory of Miyoshi Nagayoshi (1522-64, posthumous name Jukô-indono, or Lord of Jukô-in) and is one of the sub temples of Daitoku-ji in Kyoto. The main hall of Jukô-in, built in the typical architectural style of the late Muromachi period, is extant. The paintings on the walls of the hall are thought to be essentially contemporaneous with the building and they too remain in good condition. Indeed, these paintings are considered one of the benchmark works of Kano Eitoku (1543-90), a painter who defined his age. In the past there has been an ongoing debate amongst painting historians as to the date of the construction of the Jukô-in main hall, with one faction backing a date of 1566 and another 1583. However, the restoration report that set off this dating debate states that construction of the hall lasted from the end of the Eiroku period (1558-69) through the beginning of the Tenshô era (1573-1591), and thus does nothing more than indicate that the foundation date is not limited to 1566. Watanabe Yûji, the proposer of the 1583 theory, considers that there is still ample room for a reconsideration of the 1566 theory, and thus his argument is nothing more than a statement that in the extreme, 1583 could be possible. In spite of these arguments, the Jukô-in clearly existed within Daitoku-ji as an organization in 1572, as Ogawa Hiromitsu has indicated. Further, if the extant main hall dates to 1583, then it must be imagined that its state indicates that it was moved from another site or was rebuilt. However, at this point in time there has been no report of the existence of any proof or documentary support for such a state of affairs. Further, judging from the state of the inscription, 1583 might be the date in which the previous cypress-bark roof of the main hall was changed to a tile roof. Thus it is important to note that there is no evidence to confirm either hypothesis, and further, that in the Eiroku era there is no trace of the residence of either Shôrei Sôkin (1505-83), founding priest of Jukô-in, or his teacher Dairin Sôtô (1480-1568) at Jukô-in. It may be that 1566 marked the founding not of Jukôô-in, but rather that of its predecessor. Another possibility is that the founding of such a temple was conceived of in 1566 and later this date was taken as its honorary foundation date. Up until now there has been no definitive historical document directly linked to the creation of the Jukô-in main hall, and in the end, both the 1566 and the 1583 arguments remain without solid documentary evidence or circumstantial proof. At this stage, no matter what date is proposed as a production date for the Jukô-in wall panel paintings, given that there are no definitive dated inscriptions on the paintings itself, there is nothing that can extract us from a state of "nothing can be said." This author took a critical stance against the 1583 hypothesis in the exhibition review included below, and in this forum seeks a sense of direction in argument from the previously introduced information on the subject. The conclusion of this search finds that the date of 1571 can be proposed as the actual completion date of the Jukô-in main hall, based on the situation surrounding the commissioner of the Jukô-in, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu (1551-73), and the date of the portrait of Shorei Sôkin with self-colophon written in the Jukô-in main hall. It is similarly highly likely that the wall panel paintings can also be attributed to that year.
Songpon Teerakanok Tetsutaro Uehara Atsuo Inomata
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.29, pp.381-391, 2021 (Released:2021-05-15)

In this paper, a generic framework for IoT device registration is proposed. Unlike existing approaches, the proposed method is designed to provide a high level of compatibility, allowing it to work well with devices from different manufacturers. Furthermore, this framework requires only some commonly available technologies (like Bluetooth or BLE) to perform, making it highly applicable to most of the current generation of smart devices available in the market. With security and user-friendliness in mind, the developed registration protocol requires less user interaction while maintaining a considerable high level of security against various types of attacks, i.e., eavesdropping, replay attacks, modification, and man-in-the-middle attack.
Koya Sakuma
The Biophysical Society of Japan
Biophysics and Physicobiology (ISSN:21894779)
vol.18, pp.159-167, 2021 (Released:2021-06-18)

ABEGO is a coarse-grained representation for poly­peptide backbone dihedral angles. The Ramachandran map is divided into four segments denoted as A, B, E, and G to represent the local conformation of poly­peptide chains in the character strings. Although the ABEGO representation is widely used in backbone building simulation for de novo protein design, it cannot capture minor differences in backbone dihedral angles, which potentially leads to ambiguity between two structurally distinct fragments. Here, I show a nontrivial example of two local motifs that could not be distinguished by their ABEGO representations. I found that two well-known local motifs αα-hairpins and αα-corners are both represented as α-GBB-α and thus indistinguishable in the ABEGO representation, although they show distinct arrangements of the flanking α-helices. I also found that α-GBB-α motifs caused a loss of efficiency in the ABEGO-based fragment-assembly simulations for de novo protein backbone design. Nevertheless, I was able to design amino-acid sequences that were predicted to fold into the target topologies that contained these α-GBB-α motifs, which suggests such topologies that are difficult to build by ABEGO-based simulations are designable once the backbone structures are modeled by some means. The finding that certain local motifs bottleneck the ABEGO-based fragment-assembly simulations for construction of backbone structures suggests that finer representations of backbone torsion angles are required for efficiently generating diverse topologies containing such indistinguishable local motifs.
一ノ瀬 俊也
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.112, no.8, pp.1370-1385, 2003

The intent of the present article is to analyze "histories" compiled by each regiment in the Japanese army from the Russo through the Sino-Japanese wars, concluding that such works were nothing the Sino-Japanese wars, concluding that such works were nothing but attempts to praise "the heroic past" and provide a means to instill such a consciousness in both the troops and society in general.The historical remembrances of the Russo-Japanese conflict were more and more emphasized with the outbreak of the First World War and the anti-war and anti-militarization movement that accompanied it.The descriptions of those who had died in past conflict were intended to stir the emotions of the troops and provide a route by which to legitimized "dying forons's country".Even on the local level during that time, "memorials to veterans" of both wars were compiled with the similar intention of establishing a forum upon which to instill a common sentiment about the viewpoints and logic of the military within local society.After the outbreak of the Manchurian Incident, "regimental histories" took on two distinct forms.The first consisted of memoirs concerning the victorious history of the Russo-and Sino-Japanese Wars, which in addition to insisting upon Japan's legitimate claim to Manchuria, tried to prove that even the Japanese people, who had not really experienced a genuine war since the Russo-Japanese conflict and had become used to peace, could indeed win another full-scale war, thus playing a role in attempts to instill"definite behavior patterns" and encourage the country's fighting spirit.The second contained contemporary regiment-by-regiment accounts of the Manchurina Incident told from the personal views of individual combatants with the intention of verifying the regiment's consciousness concerning the Incident, encouraging further sacrifices for the cause, and appsaling to society at large.The veteran memorial literature published on the local level at that time were compiled with a similar intent in mind, attempting like during World War I to instill military ideals and persuasive logic into society at large.
矢部 信成 村井 信二 横瀬 崇寛 尾戸 一平 吉川 貴久 北里 憲司郎 清水 裕智 小島 健司 水野 達人 大久保 恒希 味生 洋志 池谷 仁美 林 量司 中村 雄二 浅野 朗
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kanto Chapter
Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:13489844)
vol.87, no.1, pp.184-185, 2015

Transanal rectal foreign bodies are foreign items retained in the rectum following direct insertion through the anus. In general, the treatment strategy is to attempt endoscopic removal of the foreign body through the anus. At our hospital, there were 4 cases of rectal foreign bodies during the 4-year period from April 2010 to March 2014, and the foreign bodies were removed endoscopically in all the cases. All the patients were male, with a median age of 22.5 years (16 to 87 years) . Their motives for the foreign body insertion were sexual preference in 2 cases, amusement in 1 case, and habitual practice to induce defecation in 1 case. The foreign bodies found were vibrators in 2 cases, the plastic cap of an nasal spray in 1 case, and a toothbrush in 1 case. In all the cases, the removal was carried out under intravenous conscious sedation. The instruments to be used for the removal procedure were determined according to the case. Non-invasive procedures for the removal of transanal rectal foreign bodies are greatly beneficial for the patients.