図書館だより = Tosyokan Dayori
no.181, pp.1-2, 2020-11-04
PRADHAN Gouranga Charan
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.32, pp.69-88, 2019

This paper examines the English-language translation of Hōjōki by famed novelist Natsume Sōseki (1867–1916). Sōseki’s pioneering translation moved away from previous interpretive readings of the classic, which focused on its Buddhist elements, disaster narratives, and theme of reclusion. Rather, Sōseki’s interest lay in reading Hōjōki as a Romantic Victorian work on nature, to which end he likened its author, Kamo no Chōmei (1153 or 1155– 1216), to English poet William Wordsworth (1770–1850). Sōseki’s English literature professor, James Main Dixon (1856–1933), played a crucial role in the crafting of this novel and radical interpretation, yet the translation and essay present unique views on translation as well, namely that translation simultaneously comprises a critical element of cultural circulation and yet is of dubious efficacy as a mechanism of transference between cultures and languages. In addition to bringing such matters to light, this critical analysis of Sōseki’s Hōjōki translation and essay also shows how important perspectives on translation that would appear later in the novelist’s career actually took shape during his university days.
大渡 勝己 木谷 裕紀
vol.2020, pp.30-37, 2020-11-06

二人単貧民はトランプゲームの大富豪(大貧民)を簡略化した二人零和確定完全情報ゲームである.通常,単貧民は手札をすべて出し切ったプレイヤの勝ちである.それに対して本研究では勝利条件を一般化し,予め定めた枚数の手札を出した方が勝ち,言い換えると,それぞれ指定された残り手札枚数に先に到達した方が勝ち,というルールについて検証を行った.結果として,通常の単貧民の場合と同じく,必勝プレイヤの判定を手札の総数N に対してO(N) 時間で計算でき,二人単貧民の性質の多くはこの一般化した勝利条件においても成り立つことを示した.さらに,このゲームにおける最適戦略についても,最適な提出札の必要十分な範囲をO(N) 時間で計算できることなどの複数の新しい知見を得た.
鍛冶 博之 Hiroyuki Kaji
社会科学 = The Social Science(The Social Sciences) (ISSN:04196759)
vol.48, no.1, pp.121-146, 2018-05-31

1980年代以降、ベトナムは著しい経済成長を遂げ、多くの商品がベトナム国民の日常生活に普及するようになった。特にオートバイは日々の移動手段として購入され利用されており、ベトナム社会におけるランドマーク商品のひとつとして位置づけられよう。本稿は、発展途上国を対象とする商品史 研究の一例として、1990年代よりベトナムで急速に普及し、今日もなお生活者の不可欠な生活必需品として位置付けられるオートバイに注目し、オートバイが1990年代以降に急速に普及した経緯と背景を明らかにすることを目的とする。
大山 裕
vol.61, no.12, pp.1184-1187, 2020-11-15

松永 賢次
vol.61, no.12, pp.1183, 2020-11-15

王 青躍 金子 俊彦 大平 辰朗
埼玉大学工学部紀要 第一部 論文集 (ISSN:18804446)
vol.46, pp.1-5, 2013

In our study, we try to develop new method for utilizing the essential oils extracted from cedar, cypress and todomatsu tree residues for control of human allergenicity of Japanese cedar pollinosis. Therefore, we evaluated dissociation constant (KD) of cedar pollen allergenic Cry j 1 by using the Biacore J system based on the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) principle before and after exposure to the different trees essential oils. We found that the KD value (2.20×10-10M) of Cry j 1 when it has been exposed to polluted air of NO2 and O3 is lower than those of Cry j 1 (1.35~2.45×10-9M) exposed to both of pollutant air (NO2 and O3) and the essential oils. It is suggested that the trees essential oils are valuable for allergenicity inhibition of cedar pollen allergenic Cry j 1.
北本 朝展 カラーヌワット タリン Alex Lamb Mikel Bober-Irizar
vol.2019, pp.223-230, 2019-12-07

羽生 有希
Gender and Sexuality (ISSN:18804764)
no.11, pp.149-174, 2016-03-31

Resonating with early queer theory's motifs such as appropriation, LeeEdelman's No Future or its central theme, queer negativity, has received notonly applause but also fair criticism, and thereby occupied one of the centralpositions in recent queer theory. In response to such criticism, Edelmanclarifies that the negativity he proposes should not be equated with thesimple negation of particular political positions, and its refusal of “positiveidentity” should rather be directed to the identity principle on which ourwhole society rests. Although such a radical challenge to positive identitycannot be underestimated, we might question whether such a drive-like,amorphous queer resistance tacitly preserves or rehabilitates the positiveidentity it purports to negate. It should also be asked how, while criticizingsuch an insidious risk, we can reframe queer negativity.In order to answer these questions, this paper firstly examines thesimilarities between the argument of queer negativity and that of Frenchfeminist theory, focusing on the concept of improper subject; botharguments, relying on Lacanian psychoanalysis, insist on dis (ap) propriationof identity.After demonstrating their connection, the second section of this paperexplores the criticism offered by Gayatri C. Spivak of such insistence on thedivided subject, and, by doing so, marks the risk that the argument of queernegativity might entail. This section first considers her criticism againstJacqueline Rose. Based on Derridean affirmative deconstruction and hisuse of catachresis, Spivak proposes to understand the subjectivity of thedecentered subject not as a privileged right but as “a bind to be watched”.She also warns against Rose’s reduction of the difference between theontico-epistemological subject and the ethicopolitical subject. Through a reading of such criticism, this paper suggests that an argument like thatof Rose implicitly obliterates the trace of the wholly-other, which is onlynoticeable by attending to the catachresis “woman”, and that it reintroducesthe sovereign subject.The latter part of the second section connects such metaphysicalarguments with the political analysis also made by Spivak. This partexplores the criticism against Foucault / Deleuze, focusing on (A) the statusof the “desire” as catachresis and (B) the inattention to the gap betweendescriptive representation and political representation, which can berespectively compared with (A’) the status of the catachresis “woman” and(B’) the reduction of the difference between the ontico-epistemologicalsubject and the ethicopolitical subject. The inattention to the gap betweenDarstellung and Vertrerung leads to, according to Spivak, the perpetuation ofbourgeois ideology. Functioning with that kind of ideology, the confusion ofthe desire of the empirical instance with that of the transcendental instancerehabilitates the S / subject and implicitly preserves the transparent subjectof the theorists. This paper, based on the similarities between the argumentof queer negativity and that of the French feminist theory demonstratedearlier, lastly directs the criticism on French theory offered by Spivak to theargument of queer negativity. It concludes that queer negativity is to be“watched” in order to affirm the radical negativity of the other.