佐藤 大介 青葉山 古文書の会
東北大学災害科学国際研究所 歴史文化遺産保全学分野

磐井郡藤沢町の商家・丸吉(まるきち)皆川家の当主が2代・約80年にわたって 書き残した日誌のうち、天保4年(1833)~天保15年(1844)を中心とする時期の記録、約22万字分を翻刻。藤沢町、さらには仙台藩や日本各地のの社会・経済 の状況について克明に記録したもの。論説2編で、記録の性格や丸吉皆川家日誌からみる天保飢饉下の人々の動向について論じる。約500頁。
vol.上(中区・磯子区), 1930
山本 景子 長沼 大樹 油井 俊哉 原田 誠史 福谷 和芳 堀 修生 福澤 貴之
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.24, no.3, pp.313-323, 2019-09-30 (Released:2019-09-30)

"Astral Body" is an art installation for viewers to reveal the origin of life by showing the sense of life. A dead body and an artificial sign of life with dead matter are presented so that the viewers could think of relationship of the two. Astral Body has a kinetic surface made with ferromagnetic powder to present creature-like movements and human interaction. We have expressed the movements by using an automatic running robot with a magnet. Through the exhibitions, we have collected reactions and opinions from the attendees, and observed them. In this paper, we will conclude the overview, concept, design, implementation, and outcomes from the exhibitions.
Yifan Zhu Wakana Oishi Mayuko Saito Masaaki Kitajima Daisuke Sano
Japan Society on Water Environment
Journal of Water and Environment Technology (ISSN:13482165)
vol.19, no.3, pp.170-183, 2021 (Released:2021-06-10)

Amid the ongoing battle against COVID-19, the scientific community has high hope in wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE). It was not only proposed as a complement to capacity-plagued clinical testing, but also an early warning tool that may enable timely intervention measures. In this study, we developed a wastewater SARS-CoV-2 RNA load model based on the fecal shedding profile of infected individuals. The epidemic data of COVID-19 in the Tokyo metropolitan area were used to perform a simulation to analyze the capability of WBE in providing early warning. The simulation result suggests that under the current settings, WBE is not a feasible approach as the detection limit is too high to provide a warning signal in the early stage of the epidemic. However, it also indicates that if the methodology can be reasonably improved by new experimental practices, optimized sampling strategy, and refined model, the concentration of viral RNA in Tokyo wastewater would exceed the detection limit as early as in April 2020, when Tokyo was being hit by the first wave of COVID-19 outbreak. This early detection may have great social benefit if the detection can be used to facilitate the decision-making process and form epidemic emergency response.
今泉 吉典 吉行 瑞子
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.15, no.3, pp.177-188, 1989-09

A new species of the subgenus Lutra BRISSON, 1762,of the genus Lutra is described from Shikoku in Japan under the name of L. nippon. It is a primitive species with relatively long tail and long facial portion of cranium among the Eurasian species of the subgenus Lutra.
Kenji Suetsugu Takaomi Sugimoto
The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (ISSN:13467565)
vol.69, no.1, pp.69-74, 2018 (Released:2018-03-02)

We report three new localities of the mycoheterotrophic plant Sciaphila corniculata (Triuridaceae) from Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Previously, S. corniculata was reported only from Kolombangara Island (Solomon Islands), Waigeo Island (New Guinea) and Obi and Aru islands (the Moluccas). We also update a description of its morphology, in particular on stylar characteristics based on new materials. A key to the Japanese species of Sciaphila based on total flower and stylar characteristics is also provided for easy identification of these rare mycoheterotrophic plants.
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.52, pp.32-36, 2022-02-28 (Released:2022-03-01)

A single male specimen (24.7 mm standard length) of Hazeus profusus Allen and Erdmann, 2021 (Gobiidae), previously recorded from the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands, was collected from Amami-oshima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. The specimen, described here in detail, represents the first record from Japan as well as the northernmost record for the species. The present specimen possessed 10 dorsal-fin soft rays, 9 anal-fin soft rays, 17 pectoral-fin rays, 13 branched caudal-fin rays, 26 scale rows in the longitudinal series, 8 pre-dorsal-fin scale rows, fully scaled cheek and opercle, ctenoid scales covering on the body, nape, opercle, and posterior portion of cheek, cycloid scales covering on the pre-pelvic-fin region, the pectoral-fin base, and the most of cheek, the first spines of each dorsal fin robust, the second dorsal-fin spine not elongated, 2 longitudinal and 5 transverse rows of cephalic sensory papillae on the cheek, 5 large dark blotches on the mid-lateral body, the first dorsal fin without a large black blotch posteriorly, dark bands on the snout, cheek, and behind the eyes, and dark and white blotches on the upper and middle, respectively, of the pectoral-fin base. The specimen was collected alone at a depth of about 10 m on a steep sandy-muddy bottom slope extending from 5–30 m depth in the inner bay, Amami-oshima island. A new standard Japanese name “Monro-yukatahaze” is proposed herein for the species.
佐藤 健二
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.165, pp.13-45[含 英語文要旨], 2011-03

本稿は近代日本における「民俗学史」を構築するための基礎作業である。学史の構築は、それ自体が「比較」の実践であり、その学問の現在のありようを相対化して再考し、いわば「総体化」ともいうべき立場を模索する契機となる。先行するいくつかの学史記述の歴史認識を対象に、雑誌を含む「刊行物・著作物」や、研究団体への注目が、理念的・実証的にどのように押さえられてきたかを批判的に検討し、「柳田国男中心主義」からの脱却を掲げる試みにおいてもまた、地方雑誌の果たした固有の役割がじつは軽視され、抽象的な「日本民俗学史」に止められてきた事実を明らかにする。そこから、近代日本のそれぞれの地域における、いわゆる「民俗学」「郷土研究」「郷土教育」の受容や成長のしかたの違いという主題を取り出す。糸魚川の郷土研究の歴史は、相馬御風のような文学者の関与を改めて考察すべき論点として加え、また『青木重孝著作集』(現在一五冊刊行)のような、地方で活躍した民俗学者のテクスト共有の地道で貴重な試みがもつ可能性を浮かびあがらせる。また、澤田四郎作を中心とした「大阪民俗談話会」の活動記録は、「場としての民俗学」の分析が、近代日本の民俗学史の研究において必要であることを暗示する。民俗学に対する複数の興味関心が交錯し、多様な特質をもつ研究主体が交流した「場」の分析はまた、理論史としての学史とは異なる、方法史・実践史としての学史認識の重要性という理論的課題をも開くだろう。最後に、歴史記述の一般的な技術としての「年表」の功罪の自覚から、柳田と同時代の歴史家でもあったマルク・ブロックの「起源の問題」をとりあげて、安易な「比較民俗学」への同調のもつ危うさとともに、探索・博捜・蓄積につとめる「博物学」的なアプローチと相補いあう、変数としてのカテゴリーの構成を追究する「代数学」的なアプローチが、民俗学史の研究において求められているという現状認識を掲げる。This essay represents a preliminary attempt at constructing a "history of folklore studies" in the context of modern Japan. Because of the overwhelming number and range of studies documenting aspects of the Japanese folklore movement, it is necessary to engage in a process of "comparison," as Émile Durkheim advocated. By reconsidering the current state of the field, we can investigate alternative ways of studying the subject from a "relativistic" or "holistic" perspective. This essay takes into account how previous historical studies took into account publications issued in local areas or by local research groups, and attempts to rectify the scholarly neglect of such contributions. Historical studies to date as a rule do not fully take into account concrete evidence provided by local folklore studies, even if they try to avoid so-called "Yanagita Kunio centricity." By shifting our stance, we can take up issues concerning approaches taken up by researchers involving minzokugaku (folklore studies) on a localized level, kyōdo kenkyū (research on local history and culture), or kyōdo kyōiku (methods of teaching local history and culture).For instance, through the investigation of the local history of folklore studies in Itoigawa, I have stressed the importance studying the work of a literary figure such as Sôma Gyofû. I have also taken into account the painstaking efforts involved in the publication of the discoveries of local researchers such as The Collected Works of Aoki Shigetaka (15 volumes published to date). Similarly, the research and compilation of proceedings of the Ōsaka Minzoku Danwa Kai (Osaka Folklore Discussion Society), led by Sawada Shirosaku, suggests that consideration of the "place," where the local folklore studies were born plays an crucial role in the subsequent construction of a history of folklore in modern times. The investigation of the "place," where multiple interests were exchanged and diverse persons interacted with each other can open the way to a revised history of "practice" and "method," which differs greatly from a history according to "paradigm" and "theory." In this essay, I evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the use of "chronological tables." The "problem of origin," as proposed by Marc Bloch, who was a close contemporary of Yanagita, is also raised. Furthermore, I propose that an "algebraic" approach, which treats the composition of categories as variables or values and analyses the relation of variables. Such a methodology, while contributing the construction of a revised history of modern Japanese folklore studies, also incorporates what might be called "ecological" or "natural historical" approaches, which focus on searching for research material on a widespread basis and acquiring material objects that are required for study.
Ahmed Arafa Yoshihiro Kokubo Keiko Shimamoto Rena Kashima Emi Watanabe Yukie Sakai Jiaqi Li Masayuki Teramoto Haytham A. Sheerah Kengo Kusano
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (ISSN:1342078X)
vol.27, pp.10, 2022 (Released:2022-03-04)

Background: A protective role for physical activity against the development of atrial fibrillation (AF) has been suggested. Stair climbing is a readily available form of physical activity that many people practice. Herein, we investigated the association between stair climbing and the risk of AF in a Japanese population.Methods: In this prospective cohort study, we used data of 6,575 people registered in the Suita Study, aged 30–84 years, and had no history of AF. The frequency of stair climbing was assessed by a baseline questionnaire, while AF was diagnosed during the follow-up using a 12-lead ECG, health records, check-ups, and death certificates. We used the Cox regression to calculate the hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals of AF incidence for climbing stairs in 20–39%, 40–59%, and ≥60% compared with <20% of the time.Results: Within 91,389 person-years of follow-up, 295 participants developed AF. The incidence of AF was distributed across the stair climbing groups <20%, 20–39%, 40–59%, and ≥60% as follows: 3.57, 3.27, 3.46, and 2.63/1,000 person-years, respectively. Stair climbing ≥60% of the time was associated with a reduced risk of AF after adjustment for age and sex 0.69 (0.49, 0.96). Further adjustment for lifestyle and medical history did not affect the results 0.69 (0.49, 0.98).Conclusion: Frequent stair climbing could protect from AF. From a preventive point of view, stair climbing could be a simple way to reduce AF risk at the population level.

21 0 0 0 OA コロナウイルス

田口 文広
ウイルス (ISSN:00426857)
vol.61, no.2, pp.205-210, 2011-12-25 (Released:2013-04-30)
1 5

コロナウイルス(CoV)はアーテリウイルスと共にニドウイルス目に属するウイルスであり,ゲノムは約30 kb(+)鎖でエンベロープを持つRNAウイルスである.CoVの特徴は,mRNAの構造にあり,ゲノムRNA 3‘側から5‘側に違う長さで伸張する数本のmRNAから構成され,各々のmRNAの5‘末端にはゲノムRNA 5’末端に存在するリーダー配列を持つ.その構造から,mRNAは不連続のRNA合成によりできあがることは推測されるが,その機構については,現在も2つの仮説が存在し,いずれが正しいのか決定的な実験的証明はなされていない.ウイルス蛋白の翻訳は一般に各々のmRNAの5‘末端に存在するORFからのみ翻訳される.ゲノムRNA (mRNA-1) の5‘末端約20kbには2つのORF(1aと1bで802kDaをコードする)からなる.このORF間には,pseudoknot(Pn)と呼ばれる複雑な3次構造を持つ領域があり,そのため1a蛋白だけで翻訳が終止する場合と,Pnにより,1a + 1b融合蛋白が合成されるケースがある.1a + 1b蛋白は16個の調節蛋白に解裂され,プロテアーゼ,RNA polymeraseとして働く他に,細胞の蛋白合成を抑制するような蛋白も同定されている.基本的に,mRNA-2以下のものからは,構造蛋白が翻訳される.マウス肝炎ウイルス(MHV)では,mRNA-3, 5b, 6,7から,それぞれspike(S),envelope (E),integral membrane (M),necleoprotein (N)が翻訳される.合成されたM, E蛋白は小胞体からゴルジ装置に至る細胞内小腔に親和性を持ち,M蛋白にRNA-N複合体とS蛋白が結合し,小腔内に感染性粒子として出芽し,exocytosisで細胞外に放出される.最近,細胞外放出にも宿主のプロテアーゼが関与していることが報告されている.
小柳 知代 富松 裕
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
保全生態学研究 (ISSN:13424327)
vol.17, no.2, pp.245-255, 2012-11-30 (Released:2017-10-01)

人間活動が引き起こす景観の変化と生物多様性の応答との間には、長いタイムラグが存在する場合がある。これは、種の絶滅や移入が、景観の変化に対して遅れて生じるためであり、このような多様性の応答のタイムラグは"extinction debt"や"colonization (immigration) credit"と呼ばれる。近年、欧米を中心とした研究事例から、絶滅や移入の遅れにともなう生物多様性の応答のタイムラグが、数十年から数百年にも及ぶことが明らかになってきた。タイムラグの長さは、種の生活史形質(移動分散能力や世代時間)によって、また、対象地の景観の履歴(変化速度や変化量)によって異なると考えられる。過去から現在にかけての生物多様性の動態を正しく理解し、将来の生物多様性変化を的確に予測していくためには、現在だけでなく過去の人間活動による影響を考慮する必要がある。景観変化と種の応答の間にある長いタイムラグの存在を認識することは、地域の生物多様性と生態系機能を長期的に維持していくために欠かせない視点であり、日本国内においても、多様な分類群を対象とした研究の蓄積が急務である。