山根 奈那子 吉川 ひろみ
作業科学研究 (ISSN:18824234)
vol.16, no.1, pp.41-54, 2022 (Released:2022-06-01)

作業バランスを評価する尺度に関する15文献をレビューした結果,16種類の尺度が開発されていた. 測定方法は自記式質問紙が多く,主観的に当事者が作業バランスを自己分析する方法が中心であった.作業バランスを評価する尺度に含まれる定義において,類似した記述内容を共通する要素として抽出し,【作業の量】,【作業のバリエーション】,【自身の価値観との一致】,【作業遂行の結果】の4つのカテゴリに分類した. この 4 側面から作業バランスを調整することで,作業と健康との関連を明らかにする研究を展開できることが示唆された.今後の課題として作業バランスの概念の明確化と可視化が挙げられた.
辰巳 桂子 出口 弘 長尾 ひろみ 杉浦 元亮 ジョン ヒョンジョン 生田 奈穂 橋爪 寛 松縄 順子 川島 隆太
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.55, no.1, pp.89-104, 2008-06

One of human-being specific activities, interpreting (oral translation), has been adopted as a popular method to enhance second language acquisition lately. The question, however, how interpreting is executed in human brains, remains largely unknown. In this paper, we present our fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) experimental results to investigate how cerebral cortices are activated when subjects are engaged in interpreting exercises. Twenty-one healthy, right-handed university student subjects participated in this study. We directly compared English to Japanese consecutive interpreting (EJ) to Japanese to English consecutive interpreting (JE) using subtraction method, as well as with sentence reconstruction tasks in Japanese (JJ) and English (EE), and with resting condition (Rest, or baseline). The direct subtraction analysis between EJ and JE left only a limited area: left superior temporal gyrus remained. In JE minus EJ (masked by EJ-Rest: P<0.05image), right and left precentral gyri, left thalamus, left and right superior temporal gyri, and left middle temporal gyrus are left, suggesting that JE recruited more extensive regions in comparison with EJ, despite that all sources of sentence recorded and used as stimuli were constructed to be at the same level of difficulty, either directly taken from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) -authorized popular textbooks used in Japanese public junior high schools, or translation of such sources. The conditions EJ, EE, and JJ showed very similar patterns of cortical activation, indicating that the conditions recruited similar brain regions: left and right superior temporal gyri, mainly left middle temporal gyrus,, left inferior frontal gyrus (opercular part and triangular part), left temporal lobe's lateral surface, and mainly left supplementary motor areas. EJ and JE commonly activated Inferior frontal gyri (opercular part and triangular part) and supplementary motor areas in both hemispheres. Kawashima (2004) reports that even a different-activity-related cortical activation serves as a preparatory activity for the individuals' following activity and enhances learning or delays development of dementia in older subjects. From the results, we infer that EE and JJ sentence reconstruction exercises that activated similar regions to those activated in consecutive interpreting might fit the purpose of consecutive interpreting training preparation.
山口 ひろみ 山口 彩夏 山崎 敏正 福住 伸一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.113, no.499, pp.163-166, 2014-03-10

本研究の目的は、単一試行脳波と音声信号を利用したSSBCI(サイレントスピーチBrain-Computer Interface)において、母音識別に注目した我々の研究を発展させ、子音の識別を可能にすることである。まず、季節の発話時もしくはサイレントスピーチ時の音声データと13ch脳波を計測した。音声信号と、ダイポールがブローカ野に推定された脳波成分の関係をKalman filterで表現した後、HMMを利用して音声信号と子音/母音の関連付けを行った。次に、SS時の脳波からKalman filterで音声信号を推定し、HMMに入力することでサイレントスピーチの内容を予測した。その結果、HMMで出力する対数尤度を比較することで、子音を含めた判別が可能であることがわかった。
熊谷 広子 渡辺 弘子 神津 登志枝 野口 ひろみ 高橋 元次
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.23, no.1, pp.9-21, 1989-06-25 (Released:2010-08-06)
8 13

Using noninvasive measurement techniques, parameters representing skin characteristics were measured in a total of 117 Japanese females ranging in age from 3 to 65 years. The parameters measured were sebum secretion rate, transepidermal water loss, skin surface conductance, skin color, skin surface temperature, corneocyte surface area, and skin surface microtopography. Measurements were taken twice for each subject, once in the summer (July) and again in the winter (December). Polynomial regression analysis was used to quantitatively assess age-related trends associated with changes in shin parameters. Also, to evaluate the progression of the aging phenomena in adults (i.e., physiological aging), multiple regression analysis was carried out with age as the criterion variable and the above parameters as predictor variables.The results of these analyses established the following facts: Most physiological skin parameters undergo changes that can be characterized by curves which attain peak values during the third decade of life, whereas morphological parameters tend to vary linearly with age. Until the third dacade of life, the physiological functions of female skin remain in the developmental phase and are extremely prone to fluctuations. However, during the third decade, the physiological development of the skin reaches a stage of completion and becomes comparatively stable, and thereafter commences a gradual transition to senescence concomitant with chronological aging. The degree of skin aging can be estimated by a quantiative assessment of age-related physiological phenomena and a comprehensive analysis of the relevant data.
長尾 ひろみ
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.51, no.2, pp.77-89, 2004-12-20

A case study on "Melbourne Incident," in which four out of five prisoners came back to Japan in 2002 being released on parole, serving 10 years in Australian prisons. It was a Drug Trafficking case involving 5 Japanese travelers. They insist that the case was a false charge and the trial was unfair due to insufficient interpreting throughout investigation and trial procedures. Evidence of mistranslation, lack of legal knowledge and intercultural understanding, and violation of professional ethics of the interpreters at the police station and at the trial were revealed by Japanese lawyers who are seeking for the possibilities of retrial to prove their innocence.
讃井 真理 田村 和恵 平間 かなえ 浅香 真由巳 今坂 鈴江 原 ひろみ 迫田 千加子 岡本 響子 熊田 栄子
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.13, no.1, pp.22-28, 2011-09

市川 ひろみ
広島平和科学 (ISSN:03863565)
vol.24, pp.223-240, 2002

Military conscription was a part of modernization. In pre-modern times, a feudal lord was not able to use all of the people for military service. By introducing universal suffrage, a modern state was able to enforce people to exercise violence. A modern state attempted to control not only its people's behavior, but also their inner life. An army has functioned as a school of nations. Through training in an army, people were standardized and disciplined. Conscientious objection was a form of "deviation" from the state integration, and therefore objectors were severely punished until the end of World War II. After the horrible experiences of war and the Holocaust, conscientious objection is considered a basic human right and by the state guaranteed. Legislation makes conscientious objection no longer a form of "deviation." The system to integrate objectors in the German Democratic Republic was the construction units (Baueinheiten). Objectors were subjected to ill treatment and lifelong discrimination. Through their experiences, they organized peace movements and provided a vital nucleus for unofficial civil movements during the late 1980s. The state of GDR had failed to integrate objectors and driven them to estrangement. In contrast, the state of the Federal Republic of Germany succeeded in integration through the introduction of civil service (Zivildienst). The number of Zivis outnumbered that of conscripts in the army in 1999. There is now a new impact of objectors on society, because they have become an indispensable part of social welfare service. Now in FRG, soldiers in the army have the right and the duty to refuse a senior officers' order, when the order is inhuman or unlawful. Soldiers should act as citizens with their own responsibility. I would like to survey the transformation of conscription system in Germany, from the viewpoint of how the state has tried to integrate each individual.