植村 守 加藤 健志 三宅 正和 宮崎 道彦 関本 貢嗣
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.71, no.10, pp.393-405, 2018 (Released:2018-10-25)

金森 岳広 竹下 有美枝 御簾 博文 加藤 健一郎 太田 嗣人 金子 周一 篁 俊成
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.55, no.10, pp.803-808, 2012 (Released:2012-11-16)

症例はCMT病の48歳,男性.45歳時から口渇・多飲多尿を認め,46歳時の検診でHbA1c 10.8 %(NGSP)を認めた.当科に第一回入院時,身体所見で内臓脂肪型肥満(体重84 kg, BMI 28.1 kg/m2,腹囲101 cm)と四肢遠位部の筋萎縮を認め,高インスリン正常血糖クランプ検査はMCR 4.38 ml/kg/分と末梢組織における高度のインスリン抵抗性を示した.また,肝生検にて肝線維化を伴う非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(NAFLD)と診断した.食事・運動療法とインスリン療法を開始し,1年半の外来経過中に19.6 kgの減量(体重64.4 kg, BMI 21.8 kg/m2,腹囲75.5 cm)に成功し,HbA1c 5 %台の良好な血糖コントロールを得た.第二回入院時にMCR 6.86 ml/kg/分とインスリン抵抗性の著明な改善を認め,肝生検ではNAFLDの所見が消失した.CMT病合併糖尿病も肥満を伴う症例では,食事・運動療法による減量がインスリン抵抗性の改善と血糖コントロールに有効と考えられた.
神谷 忠宏 寺崎 正起 岡本 好史 鈴村 潔 加藤 健宏 田島 将吾
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japan Surgical Association (ISSN:13452843)
vol.74, no.8, pp.2234-2238, 2013-08-25

症例は48歳,女性.血便を主訴に近医を受診し,下部消化管内視鏡検査でS状結腸に2型腫瘍を認めた.生検で高分化型腺癌と診断され,当院に紹介受診となった.腹部CT検査で,肝S4に径3cmの腫瘤を認め,同時性肝転移と診断した.手術はS状結腸切除術および肝左葉切除術を施行した.病理組織学的所見でS状結腸癌の浸潤部にinvasive micropapillary carcinoma(IMPC)成分を認めた.IMPCはSiraunkgulらが1993年に提唱した浸潤性乳癌の新しい組織型であり,近年,他臓器での報告も認められるようになってきた.IMPC成分を有する大腸癌の報告は比較的稀であり,文献的考察を加え報告する.
臼井 一茂 加藤 健太 田村 怜子 原 日出夫
神奈川県水産技術センター研究報告 (ISSN:18808905)
no.10, pp.43-49, 2019-12

加藤 健太郎

田中 康雄 遠藤 剛 山本 良一 岡邨 直人 関根 裕之 大野 健太 佐々木 幸絵 加藤 健太郎 山本 智章
vol.2009, pp.C4P2184-C4P2184, 2010

加藤 健太
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.41, no.1, pp.3-27,100, 2006-06-25 (Released:2009-11-06)

The purpose of this paper is to consider the effects of the mergers in the electric power industry during the inter-war period in Japan, based on the case of Tokyo Electric Light Co. (TELC). The foci of our analysis are the formation of a largearea electric supply network and the change in the company's performance.Through the 1920's, the aim of the mergers of the TELC changed. In the beginning of 1920's, the firm consolidated the electric power companies that supplied the industrial areas of Tokyo and its surrounding environments. The purpose of these mergers was to secure access to the electric power demand from which growth was expected. Afterwards, because TELC urgently needed to increase its electric power capacity to meet the greater demand, the firm acquired electric power companies with large-scale hydroelectric power plants one after another. Subsequently, in the latter half of 1920's, when an oversupply of the electric power became strong, TELC merged with three electric power companies that owned wide supply districts.Though the purpose of the mergers was different depending on time, the equipment and facilities obtained by TELC through the various mergers worked to expand the company's electric supply network. Toward this end, the company actively improved existing power lines and substations and built new ones in order to tie organically each power plant together. As a result, in the latter half of 1920's, achievements in cost reductions at each stage (transmission, transformation, delivery) of the supply of electric power were made possible due to progress made in the electric power ream system and through the possession of an advantageous supply district with a high customer-density.
加藤 健太
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.39, no.2, pp.1-27, 2004-09-24 (Released:2009-11-06)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of corporate acquisitions during the inter-war period in Japan, using the case of Oita Cement Co., Ltd. The focus of our analysis is the behavior and performance of the acquired company.In the first half of the 1920s, most of Oita Cement's directors were from among the firm's large shareholders, who at the same time held management positions in firms in other industries, for example banking, manufacturing, and commerce, and businessmen of local fame. Foremost among these was advisor Toyoji Wada, who was a leading magnate in financial circles and had significant influence over the firm's operating policy and decision-making.In the 1920s, Oita Cement pursued an aggressive growth strategy, including merging with two other cement companies, Asahi Cement Co. and Sakura Cement Co. At the time, Oita Cement had a burden of debt service and tried to reduce profitability through the issuance of debt bonds to finance an extensive capital expenditure program. The amount of debt increased from 1, 588, 000 yen to 7, 724, 000 yen through the 1920s.Onoda Cement acquired Oita Cement's stocks in 1930. Two directors, Shinzo Kasai and Shuzo Karim, who also held posts as Onoda directors, together with technical experts they dispatched to the firm, played an important role in formulating and implementing the recovery plan for Oita Cement through research of the firm's manufacturing capabilities, equipment, and factory management. With this acquisition as a turning point, by the end of 1934 Oita Cement paid back its borrowings from the Industrial Bank of Japan and other banks because the firm was able to borrow fixed-rate funds by issuing bonds. Onoda Cement's technological assistance made it possible for the firm to reduce manufacturing costs. Furthermore, in 1930 the firm adopted the accounting principle of listing incurred depreciation charges as expenses and also wrote off fixed assets. As a result, in first half of the 1930s Oita Cement saw a remarkable increase in net incomes both before and after depreciation.In conclusion, the acquiring company, Onoda Cement, promoted change in Oita Cement's behavior and contributed to its ability to regain profitability.
加藤 健太
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.36, no.4, pp.52-75, 2002-03-25 (Released:2010-11-18)

The purpose of this paper is to make clear the effects of a nonfinancial corporation's intervention in a firm that fell into a management crisis during the high-growth period.In this paper, we first examine the change in a failed firm's stockholding structure and the board of directors. A nonfinancial corporation takes over a failed firm's stocks to become its largest stockholder and dispatches executives with skills and experience in management or production. The dispatch of directors is not to discipline poor management but to provide human resources.Second, in order to examine the motives and effects of a nonfinancial corporation's intervention, this paper focuses on three cases.In the case of Nihon Suiso, Mitsubishi Chemical Industries took over Nihon Suiso's stock in 1960 to acquire the firm's equipment for the production of chemical fertilizer. To cope with Nihon Suiso's financial difficulties, Mitsubishi Chemical helped the firm advance into a new business and to change its products by consigned production and technical guidance.In the case of Tokyo Hatsudoki (Tohatsu), Fuji Denki Seizo intervened with the object of continued selling of their products in the early 1960s. Although Fuji Denki provided a new low-interest loan of 17 billion yen, Tohatsu filed for bankruptcy under the Corporate Reorganization Law in 1965.In the case of Kurita Industrial, C. Ito, which entered into tie-up agreement with the firm in 1965, played an important role in Kurita's reconstruction process. C. Ito's motive was to secure the commercial rights to sell the firm's products in both the domestic and foreign markets. They were not only in charge of supplying a short-term loan to Kurita, they also guaranteed long-term loans that the firm borrowed from regional and trust banks.
加藤 健
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.60, no.1, pp.20-39, 2018 (Released:2019-09-03)

Abstract: This study discusses the content of the “Wisconsin Idea.” It attempts to examine John R. Commonsʼs view on this idea and his influence on several social reforms, and it tracks how an active role played by economists led to the application of this idea to the American social reforms. Commons took part in the social gospel movement under the guidance of Richard T. Ely. As a member of this movement, Commons worked towards the achievement of social and political reforms rooted in Christianity and social sciences. According to Frederic C. Howe (1912), in the 1910s, Wisconsin was regarded as an American state likely to accept German social reforms. During this Progressive Era, in Wisconsin, several social and political reforms were executed based on the “Wisconsin Idea,” which was named such by Charles McCarthy (1912). The idea was developed by several brain trusts under the governor Robert M.La Follette. As a member of one of these brain trusts, Commons was also involved in sev-eral social reforms. Owing to his experience not only as a former social gospeler but also as a member of such a brain trust, Commons attempted to improve social welfare through the en-actment of legal rules based on cooperation between the state university and the state govern-ment. Without this cooperation, it would not have been possible to establish the comprehen-sive social legislation in Wisconsin. Commonsʼs analysis reveals that, through the expansion of university extension pro-grams, it was possible to enhance the professional ethics of workers and improve the social welfare of their community, and that there was a need for the associated economists to recog-nize the permanent interests of the nation to adopt appropriate social reforms. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to state that Commons was the very embodiment of the “Wis-consin Idea.” JEL classification numbers: B 15, I 38, N 93.
加藤 健
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.50, no.2, pp.38-55, 2009-02-05 (Released:2010-08-05)

In the early 20th century before the New Deal, a change took place in labor relations in the United States which was substantial enough to cause chronic unemployment. The purpose of this paper is to examine American thinking on social security during the 1910s, particularly the specific issue of what type of unemployment insurance was needed in the United States and, from a historical standpoint, to compare American ideas with those of European countries during the same period. The focus here is on two daring plans: the prevention of unemployment and the compensation for unemployment.Through labor legislation, John R. Commons and John B. Andrews devised a plan to make both employer and employee responsible for creating a reserve to be used for unemployment compensation. They found a system for unemployment insurance funds that was maintained and administered by only a few progressive firms which was worth emulating. They recognized the significance of these firms' method and sought to have other employers compelled to adopt the bold new ideas by introducing them through labor legislation. Afterwards, their plan was called the “Wisconsin plan.”I. M. Rubinow's scheme was designed to improve the living standard of workers and channel public subsidies into an unemployment insurance fund. His design for unemployment insurance was based on statistical data on the unemployment rate and workingmen's wages. Rubinow believed that the problem of unemployment could be solved by instituting compulsory unemployment insurance, which would be, in effect, a partial redistribution of wealth through government intervention. Later, Rubinow's ideas would become the theoretical core of the Ohio plan.In short, the features of those schemes of Rubinow's and Commons and Andrews's differed in the range of intervention to the system design by the government, but each pointed out the necessity of compulsory insurance, respectively. On examining the specific historical context, I argue that the New Deal social programs of the 1930s were not the result of attempts first initiated to handle the myriad of problems arising at a time of mass unemployment during the Great Depression; rather, they had origins which had developed from the controversy and debate on institutional social security and unemployment insurance that ran through the economic discourse of the 1910s and that, in fact, paved the way to the fruition of those systems in the future.
加藤 健
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.48, no.1, pp.32-45, 2006-06-30 (Released:2010-08-05)

John Rogers Commons (1862-1945), one of the founders of American institutionalism, developed original ideas on economic democracy, collective bargaining, and a vision for “reasonable capitalism” in the economy of the changing American society of the first half of the 20th century. The purpose of this paper is to examine Commons's design for institutions able to function effectively not only amid the changing relationships between employer and employee, but also in the face of legal decisions made during the late 19th and early 20th century. To that end, I analyze specific issues that Commons highlighted in Industrial Goodwill (1919), namely, immigration, unemployment, loyalty, and insurance.I begin by considering Commons's point of view on unemployment and his ideas on how to relieve it and measures to prevent it. Here, I focus on why “goodwill” had such central importance in his thought.Then I examine Commons's observations on training for employment in industry offer ed to non-English-speaking immigrants, encouraging loyalty in industrial relations, and “social insurance, ” as provided in one establishment. In late 19th and early 20th century industry, such an environment was created by only a minority of employers who thought in terms of the development of American industry. Commons's aim was to expand the industrial goodwill that was nurtured by those few employers and made that environment possible.In conclusion, I argue that the problem Commons took up in Industrial Goodwill concerned the way “goodwill”-as Commons defined it-functioned and could function within the sphere of American industry.
加藤 健太
vol.57, pp.H08, 2010
