染矢 聡 岡本 孝司 飯田 将雄
社団法人 可視化情報学会
可視化情報学会誌 (ISSN:09164731)
vol.26, no.Supplement1, pp.117-118, 2006-07-01 (Released:2009-07-31)

Any wind instrument can sound due to the vibration of the air, expiration flow inside of the wind instrument. In case of a trumpet or a clarinet, a mouth or a reed helps to sound variable tones. In case of a flute, there is no mechanical vibration. We would like to investigate more detail about the flow and the vibration with sound inside or outside of the flute, in order to understand the mechanism of the wind instrument and to aid in the manufacture of the good instrument. In this report, a Japanese traditional bamboo flute was used in the experiment. The dynamic PIN technique was applied to measure the vibration. 2 kinds of experiments were done. The Argon-gas flow with different tone inside/outside of the bamboo flute was measured using a high frequency pulse laser. Oil mist was used as the tracer particles. Then, we also tried to measure the flow in bamboo flute when a human player played, using a CW-laser and the water-mist as the tracers. We successfully measured that the periodical flow near a hole of the bamboo flute went out from and came into the flute at 200-500Hz dependent on the tone.
岡本 悦司
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.51, no.6, pp.445-451, 2004 (Released:2014-08-29)

レセプトとカルテといった異なったデータを個人単位で連結(リンケージ)したり,複数の機関から個人情報を収集するがん登録のような疾病登録事業を,個人名を平文のままで行うのではなく暗号により連結可能匿名化して行う可能性を検討する。 暗号化と解読の両方が必要な通信とは異なり,暗号化のみで足りる研究目的の連結(リンケージ)の場合,情報提供を受ける研究者が鍵を共有する必要はないので自治体や保険組合等のデータ保有者は簡単な暗号化により安全に研究者にデータ提供を行うことが可能である。 Microsoft エクセル®を用いた人名暗号化の具体的な手法を紹介する。人名の漢字を JIS コード化し,そのコードを無作為に選んだアルファベット(大小52文字)で置換する。この数字とアルファベットの対応表が鍵であり,5.74×1016 通りの組み合わせがあることから鍵無しに解読は不可能である。これにより万一漏洩があってもプライバシー侵害が起こらない技術的担保ができ,公衆衛生研究が促進されよう。 がん登録や脳卒中登録のような複数の機関から個人情報を収集し追跡する疾病登録事業においても公開鍵暗号を用いることにより連結可能匿名化された登録システムが可能になる。しかしながら,暗号化作業が複雑であること,登録機関からの問合わせが不可能であること,鍵を公開することにより人名と暗号との対応表を誰でも作れることから安全性は十分には保証されず,暗号のみに頼って疾病登録事業の連結可能匿名化はなおも困難である。
伊藤 浩信 中村 眞一 岡本 和美 旭 博史 斎藤 和好
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869776)
vol.58, no.9, pp.2080-2083, 1997-09-25 (Released:2009-02-10)

船井 潔 林 美克 小泉 孝之 辻内 伸好 岡本 光明
昇降機・遊戯施設等の最近の技術と進歩技術講演会講演論文集 : Elevator, Escalator and Amusement Rides Conference
vol.2004, pp.27-30, 2005-01-19

This paper describes the method to measure the displacement of tympanic membrane of the passengers of the high speed elevators and the evaluation of the relationship among the air pressure, behavior of tympanic membrane and ear pressure discomfort. The ear pressure discomfort is caused by the difference of air pressure between the lower floors and the higher floors. For the recent high rise buildings, the effect of ear pressure discomfort is getting much important for the ride comfort of the elevator passengers. The "shape from shading" method is applied to reproduce the displacement of tympanic membrane measured by microscope and high speed video camera. Then the relationship between the displacement and the ear pressure discomfort is evaluated. The result shows that the maximum displacement of tympanic membrane is about 2 mm and it hardly moves much more when an elevator car descends, and then, the ear pressure discomfort is the worst and it is not improved without active opening of the eustachian tube. Additionally, when a car descends, there is no relationship between the displacement of tympanic membrane and the velocity of air pressure change.

1 0 0 0 OA うす雪

岡本綺堂 著
岡本 基 崎山 順子 赤塚 和也
岡山大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09174494)
vol.9, no.2, pp.91-104, 1999-02-26

1987年4月から1995年4月の9年間に衛生技術学科へ入学した361名を対象に,高校評点,入学試験(学力試験)成績と,入学後の学業成績,退学,留年,臨床検査技師国家試験との関係を調べた。 1)入学者総数は361名で,このうち留年者が39名(10,8%),退学者が18名(5%)であった。退学者の中には,実質入学辞退者が6名,4年制大学へ進路を変更した者が4名いたが,こうした退学者は1992年度までの入学者に多かった。 2)入学者全体では,予定卒業者,留年者,退学者の間で高校評点,入学試験成績には差がなかったが,入学年度ごとにみると,1987,1988年度は留年者が予定卒業者に比べて入学試験の総得点が高い傾向があり,逆に1991年,1993年度は予定卒業者に比べて有意に低かった。 3)高校評点は,データが入手できた1991年度以降一貫して留年者の評点が予定卒業者より低く, とくに1991年,1993年度は留年者の評点が有意に低かった。 4)留年者も含めて,一般教育科目の成績と専門科目の成績との間に有意を正の相関がみられた。 5)高校評点と入学試験成績との間には軽度の相関しかみられなかったが,高校評点および入学試験総合点は入学後の一般教育科目,専門科目の成績と高い正の相関を示した。 6)しかし,個々の入学試験科目の得点は,入学後の成績と相関しないか,軽度の相関しかみられなかった。 7)国家試験不合格者は,高校評点,入学試験総合点,一般科目平均点,専門科目平均点のいずれも合格者に比べて得点が低かったが,有意差はなかった。以上の結果から,短期大学部開設当初は留年者,退学者の中に予定卒業者より学力のある学生がいたが,年を追うごとに入学者の学力が均質化し,学力が不十分なために留年する学生が多くなってきていると言える。一般教育科目の成績と専門科目の成績が強い正の相関を示すことは,1年次の成績がそのまま2,3年次の成績に反映されることを示しており,入学当初の動機付けと勉学意欲の喚起が重要なことを示している。高校評点や学力試験の成績は入学後の成績とよく相関しており,学生選抜の有効な指標であると考えられたが,各入試科目との相関は乏しかったことから,個々の試験科目の問題内容については改善すべき課題があると思われた。The correlation between the school record in high school, result of entrance examination and the academic record, failure in promotion and withdrawal from school was examined in 361 students entered into department of laboratory technology from 1987 to 1995. 1) Thirty-nine students (10.8%) had failed in promotion, and 18 students (5%) had leaved from the school. The reason of withdrawal was refusal in 6 cases, and 4 students had changed their course to other universities. These cases were more frequent in the period until 1990 than in the period after 1991. 2) There were no differences in the school record in high school and the result of entrance examination among students who graduated scheduled period of attendance (regular students), those who failed in promotion, and those who had leaved the school. However, the students whofailed in promotion had got higher score in entrance examination than regular students in 1987 and 1988. In contrast, regular students had got higher score in entrance examination than the students failed in promotion in 1991 and 1993. 3) The school record in high school could be cheked during the period from 1991 to1995. In thisperiod, the students failed in promotion had got lower score in high school than regular students. Especially, the difference was significant in 1991 and 1993. 4) There was a significant positive correlation between the results in examination of general subjects and those in examination of technical and proffesional education. 5) The school records in high school had relatively weak positive correlation with the results of entrance examination. In contrast, both the school record in high school and result of entrance examination had clear positve correlations with both the results in examination of general subjects and technical and proffesional education. 6) However, the result of each subject of entrance examination, i.e. Japanese, Mathematics, English,and Science, had no or weak positive correlation with both the results in examination of general subjects and technical and proffesional education. 7) The students who had not passed the national examination of laboratory technologist had lower score in school record in high school, entrance examination, examination of general subjects and technical and proffesional education, but the diffenreces were not statistically significant. The results of the study indicate that there were students who failed in promotion or leaved school despite their excellent ability during four years following the establishment of School of Health Sciences, but thereafter the ability of students gradually became homogeneous and increased the students who failed in promotion because of insufficient ability. The highly positive correlationbetween the results in examination of general subjects and those in examination of technical and proffesional education indicate that the results of examination in the first year were directly reflected in the results of examination in second and third year, and that it is important to encourage the students's motivation and volition to study with ardor immediately after the entrance. The positive correlation of school record in high school and result of entrance examination with academic record after the entrance implicate the potential usefulness of school record in high school and result of entrance examination in determining the eligibility to enter the school. However, it is desirable to improve the subjects and problems of entrance examination because the result of each subject of entrance examination was poorly reflected in the academic record.
坂本 誠 岡崎 吾哉 岡本 直子 川口 晴之 永野 学 瀬戸 洋一
デジタルプラクティス (ISSN:21884390)
vol.7, no.1, pp.52-60, 2016-01-15

個人情報影響評価(PIA:Personal information Impact Assessment)は,個人情報の収集を伴う情報システムの導入,改修の際に,個人情報漏洩問題の回避あるいは低減を目的として個人情報に関するリスクを「事前」に評価するリスク管理手法である.海外ではPIAの実施例は多いが,その有効性を客観的に評価した事例はない.日本で普及させるには,有効性の検証が必要である.評価対象システムの個人情報に関するリスクを構築前に可視化することができるか,システムを適正に構築運用するためにPIA実施依頼組織の個人情報保護意識を向上させることができるかという観点からPIAの評価を行った.個人情報保護意識が約10% 改善するなど,有効性があるという結果を得た.
岡本 直子 逸見 泰久
日本ベントス学会誌 (ISSN:1345112X)
vol.57, pp.75-78, 2002-06-27 (Released:2009-08-07)
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The reproductive strategy of the parasitic isopod Onisocryptus ovalis in the luminescent ostracod Vargula hilgendorfii was studied at a beach in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, and in the laboratory, mainly from April 2000 to May 2001. Onisocryptus ovalis is a protandrous hermaphroditic species and changes from a mobile male to an immobile female that loses most of its appendages and has a sack-like body. Male parasites O. ovalis invade female hosts V. hilgendorfii, eat the host eggs, change sex, produce eggs, and die after the eggs have hatched. Some parasites invade immature or male hosts, but move to female hosts immediately afterwards. The percentage of hosts parasitized by O. ovalis was low (0-18%) from summer to autumn, but increased greatly (28-91%) from winter to spring mainly because of a shortage of hosts. Usually, one or two male parasites were found in a host, and only one male of them changed sex. From winter to spring, however, up to 8 male parasites were found in a host and a maximum of five changed sex. The most adaptive parasitic strategy of O. ovalis seems to fertilize eggs as a male as many times as possible, and then to produce more eggs as the only female in a host, although these parameters are not available at present.

1 0 0 0 OA Catalogue

フジヤ岡本商店 編
岡本 正行
公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会
工学教育 (ISSN:13412167)
vol.57, no.5, pp.5_2-5_2, 2009 (Released:2009-10-05)
2 2
山田 みき 岡本 祐子
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 第三部 教育人間科学関連領域 (ISSN:13465562)
no.55, pp.339-348, 2006

The purposes of the present study were to construct a new self-acceptance scale which consist items regarding self-acceptance based on self and on others, and to consider it's validity. New self-acceptance items, Acceptance by others scale, Self-esteem scale and Social anxiety scale were administered to 244 university students. The main results were the following : ①Both self-acceptance based on self scale and self-acceptance based on others scale consisted of three factors: orientation, interpersonal personality and physical attraction. ②The new self-acceptance scale's construct validity was confirmed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis; and relationships between The new self-acceptance scale and the self-esteem scale, and the new self-acceptance scale social anxiety scale were proved. ③Degree of influences of self-acceptance based on self and on others upon self-esteem and social anxiety were different. This suggested that self-acceptance based on self and on others were different.
水口充 岡本芙之
vol.2014-EC-31, no.61, pp.1-6, 2014-03-06
