武田 十季 新島 有信 佐藤 隆
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.25, no.4, pp.319-325, 2020-12-25 (Released:2020-12-25)

Enhancing a user’s sense of presence and immersion with haptic technologies has recently been getting increasing attention in virtual reality. Yet while several devices that use wind as a haptic modality have been proposed, it is difficult to precisely and quickly control the stimulation of the wind. In this study, we tackle creating an illusion of wind blowing with multiple air cannons that provides low-latency tactile sensations based on the perception of apparent tactile motion. We conducted an experiment to investigate the occurrence of the wind blowing sensation and the optimal parameters. Based on the results, we have exhibited a demonstration by synchronizing with the sound source movement to show the possibility of creating a sense that virtual objects passed in front of the participants.
新島 和孝 太田 直哉 金谷 健一
情報処理学会研究報告. CVIM, [コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア] (ISSN:09196072)
vol.118, pp.1-8, 1999-09-19

新島 龍美
西洋古典学研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.41, pp.36-47, 1993

<p>This paper examines the so-called Protreptic parts of Plato's Euthydemus (Euthyd. 278E-283B[=PL(1)]; 288D-292E[= PL(2)]), and investigates the characteristics of wisdom or knowledge to show the basic misunderstanding of the traditional interpretation. I (1) The argument as a whole derives from the concern of Socrates' and others' that young Cleinias will become as good as possible (Euthyd. 275A) , so that the matter of 'becoming good' is meant to apply to us as well. The argument of PL(1) can be summarized as follows : (i) the realization of our happiness through possession of many good things; (ii) the demand that we use these things correctly to attain some benefit ; (iii) the requirement of wisdom or knowledge to guarantee correct use ; (iv) the necessity of searching for and loving wisdom or knowledge, namely philosophy. (2) From this summary, PL(1) seems to be Plato's real argument in favor of philosophy, and to indicate the Socratic eudaimonism. However, its more complicated figure is revealed as our investigations proceed : (a) The four 'cardinal' virtues are treated in the same way as wealth and other good things, namely as 'things' (πραγματα; 282A2). Meaning that they are supposed to be able to stand in some way independently from their owners, namely ourselves. (b) Such a treatment will almost inevitably invite these questions : what does using temperance, courage, or justice mean ; what is correct use ; what is the content of the benefit resulting from their correct use, and who are 'we' that supposedly benefit by their correct use. It is in the basic understanding of wisdom itself that these kinds of questions culminate. Yet they are unanswered and remain implicit in PL(1). Traditional interpretations believe that PL(1) shows Plato's real speech recommending the activity of philosophy. However, our scrutiny has shown that the situation plausibly suggests a problematic feature of Protreptic Logos, and if PL(1) ended with a declaration of the necessity of philosophical activity, such an interpretation could be sustained. Yet, in fact, PL(2) which clearly continues PL(1) finally ends with an anopia or impasse. II (1) PL(2) asks the question: if philosophy is the acquisition of some wisdom or knowledge, which wisdom or knowledge must we rightly acquire? The argument is still led by both the question of how we benefit and consideration of the context of acquisition or possession and use(cf. 288E1-2 ; 289B4-6 ; 290D5-7). PL(2) then proceeds to the test of kingship or royal art which is apparently the most plausible candidate, if it is knowledge that can achieve and supply our happiness. Consideration of knowledge, finally arrives at the question, in what respect are people good, and in what aspect are they useful. These remain unresolved. (2) We insist that we must take this ρπορια or impasse as such, and search for its significance and origin. (a) That final ironical situation signifies that 'being good' can not possibly be evaluated by connecting good things with ourselves through the context of possession and use. (b) The origin of this impasse can be traced back to the thought that we can be good or happy by possessing many good things. These things were, in fact, unreflectingly and unquestionedly presupposed to stand as good even outside ourselves. The final indecision within the most crucial point of determining in what respect we are good is undersood to suggest that our being good or happy, can not justly be considered by the presupposition of such a grasp on 'good' things. We could say that the more we are inclined to such a possessive thought, the more suggestive and significant the perplexing situation can be for all of us. Philosophy, when considered the acquisition of knowledge to obtain some type of benefit, remains empty and senseless. We can not, therefore, accept the</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>
新島 溪子
土と微生物 (ISSN:09122184)
vol.23, pp.15-18, 1981

1976年秋に国鉄小海線沿線をはじめとして中部山岳地帯でキシャヤスデJaponaria laminata(ATTEMS)が大発生した。キシャヤスデは日本固有種で,関東および中部地方に分布が限られ,約60年前から大発生による列車妨害の記録が残されている。秋に大発生したキシャヤスデはすべて成体で,その年の冬は10〜30cmの深さの土壌中で越冬し,翌年6月頃に交尾,産卵して一生を終える。卵は約1ケ月でふ化し,翌年から年1回つつ脱皮し,7年目に成体となる。幼虫はすべて地中で生活し,成体となった直後に群れをなして地表面をはいまわる。すなわち,気象条件や環境条件の激変がない限り,大発生の年から数えて8年目に再び大発生する可能姓が高い。このような観点から過去の記録を整理してみると,小海線浴線では8年周期でキシャヤスデが大発生していることがあきらかとなった。
古野 勝久 須摩 靖彦 新島 溪子
Edaphologia (ISSN:03891445)
vol.95, pp.15-42, 2014-11-14 (Released:2017-07-20)

鈴木 英男 安岡 広志 圓岡 偉男 神野 建 新島 典子 スズキ ヒデオ ヤスオカ ヒロシ ツブラオカ ヒデオ ジンノ ケン ニイジマ ノリコ Hideo Suzuki Hiroshi Yasuoka Hideo Tsuburaoka Ken Jinno Noriko Niijima
vol.16, no.1, pp.23-32, 2012-09-30

近年、Facebook、Twitter、mixi、GREE、Mobageの爆発的普及と、スマートフォンと呼ばれる携帯電話の登場により、掲示板、ブログ、SNS(ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス)の利用者数が急増している。高校生の携帯電話所持率も高く(95.1%)、携帯電話による子どもたちの被害も急増している。その内容は、いじめ、詐欺、異性間トラブル(強姦、児童売春)などの深刻な被害である。他方で、利用者は、被害者になるだけでなく、ネットの匿名性により、容易に加害者にもなり得る。いったん加害者になれば、匿名性は失われ、犯罪者となることもある。携帯電話を使用することは、被害者や加害者になり得るリスクを含んでいる。筆者らは過去9年にわたり国内20校以上の高校において携帯電話の情報モラル教育を実施してきた。高校生にとって理解しやすい内容にするため、筆者らの情報モラル講演は、本人追跡性について詳説、さらにデモンストレーションも行っている。本稿は、携帯電話利用にともなって生じる社会問題の複雑さ・深刻さについて分類、解説した上で、これまでの高校教育現場での情報モラル教育の実践をふまえ、効果的な情報モラル教育の一つの考え方を示すことを目的としている。本稿が高校教育現場で日夜問題に直面している関係者各位の手助けになることを期待したい。In recent years, the number of users of the BBS, bulletin board system, the blog, and the SNS, social networking service, are increasing rapidly along with the explosive spread of Facebook, Twitter, mixi, GREE and Mobage, and with the appearance of" smart phone," a new type of the cellular phone. The more high school students possess cellular phones, the more serious damage the students suffer: bullying, fraud and even sexual assaults and troubles, such as rape and juvenile prostitution. On the other hand, by the anonymity of network, students can turn into not only victims but assailants easily. Once a student becomes an assailant, however, anonymity is lost and he/she can easily become a criminal. Thus, using cellular phones involves taking risks of becoming a victim and an assailant. We authors have performed the information morals education of cellular phones over the past nine years at over 20 Japanese senior high schools. Our lectures on the information morals education have been especially based on the user traceability for cellular phones, and are readily appealing to the students, including a demonstration of showing an IP address on PC/cellular phone's displays. In this paper, we first classify and explain the complexity and seriousness of the social problems which arise as a consequence of using cellular phones. Then we show principles for effective information morals education, based on authors' experiences of the lectures on information morals education so far. We will be happy if this paper could help to support high school teachers, facing these serious problems every day.

1 0 0 0 OA 森林保護学

新島善直 著
滝 和郎 半田 肇 米川 泰弘 三宅 英則 小林 映 新島 京 筏 義人 玄 烝休 鈴木 昌和 清水 幸夫
The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke
脳卒中の外科研究会講演集 (ISSN:03878031)
vol.13, pp.159-164, 1984

Fourteen cases of arteriovenous malformations (AVM) of the brain, dura and scalp were embolized with ethyl-cyanoacrylate. Injection of the ethyl-cyanoacrylate was performed either by direct puncture of the feeding arteries or transfemoral catheterization with a detachable and leak balloon catheter. For every injection, 0.3 to 1.0ml of cyanoacrylate was used. With additional surgical removal, eight AVMs were totally eradicated and the remaining AVMs were partially embolized. Among the AVMs, dural AVM was most suitable for the cyanoacrylate embolization, and a high rate (67%) of total embolization without surgical intervention was obtained.

1 0 0 0 OA 森林美学

新島善直, 村山醸造 著
新島 龍美
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.19, pp.19-37, 2013

本研究は、アリストテレス作と伝えられる『大道徳学』(Magna Moralia)が果たしてアリストテレスの真作か否かを考察するものである。考察方法は、同書の幾つかの箇所を取り上げ、そこに含まれる議論を分析し、明らかになった内容が、アリストテレスに帰属可能なものがどうかを判断するという、ある意味で最も正統的な方法である。結論は、同書はアリストテレスの作品ではない可能性が高いというものである。This study considers whether the supposedly Aristotelian Magna Moralia can be Aristotle's genuine work. Several parts of its texts are analyzed to see if this work can be attributed to Aristotle himself. The result is that it is highly probable that it is not his genuine work.
新島 洋
no.142, pp.58-61, 1999-07
新島 龍美
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.17, pp.51-75, 2011

本研究は、アリストテレス作と伝えられる『大道徳学』(Magna Moralia)1185 b 15 に見られる'ε~κ τω~ν η~θικω~ν' の三語の理解の詳細な検討である。先ず、A. この三語を写本の読みのまま受け取る選択肢については、1「人柄に関わる事柄から」と特定の領域の現象を指示すると解する解釈、2アリストテレスの倫理学書に言及する書名と解する解釈のいずれも問題を招来することを示し、次に、B. 写本修正の試みの内、3'ε~κ τω~ν αισθη~σεων' 修正する試み、及び、4'ε~κ τω~ν αισθητω~νと修正する試みはいずれも問題に逢着することを示した上で、C. 問題の三語を'εξω τω~ν η~θικω~ν'(「人柄に関わる事柄の外で」)と修正する試みが最も問題が少ないことを示す。This study considers several interpretations on three words 'ε~κ τω~ν η~θικω~ν' in the supposedly Aristotelian work, Magna Moralia 1185 b 15 , to show that the attempt to revise the relevant words into 'εξω τω~ν η~θικω~ν' would be least problematic.