李 洋 高瀬規 久也 向林 学 高島 忠守 三橋 洋治 星合 昊
産婦人科の進歩 (ISSN:03708446)
vol.48, no.4, pp.406-410, 1996-07-01 (Released:2011-05-24)

隠岐 さや香 野澤 聡 小林 学 但馬 亨

佐々木 秀文 春日 井貴雄 小林 学 堀田 哲夫
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.49, no.10, pp.861-863, 1995-10-20 (Released:2011-10-19)

今回私どもは経肛門的直腸内異物の1例を経験したので報告する. 症例は37歳男性で, 自分でラムネのびんを肛門から挿入後, 摘出できなくなった. 当院入院後, 腰椎麻酔下にびんを摘出した.
小林 学
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.49, no.254, pp.65-77, 2010-06-25

Seikan Ishigai argued that the most critical innovation involving boilers was changing their shapes, for example from cylindrical to water-tube boilers. Poor material and processing technology made the development of the water-tube boiler difficult in the 19th century. Ishigai didn't pay enough attention to the material technology of boilers. In the late 1930's, H.W. Dickinson and E.C. Smith wrote a comprehensive history of the stationary and marine steam engine respectively. But they didn't pay proper attention to the relationship between engines and boilers. The author tries to explain the transition from cylindrical to water-tube boilers using steel for marine navigation. The popularization of thermodynamics among engineers and ship-owners stimulated the invention of the high-pressure marine steam engine. In the 1870's, Alexander Carnegie Kirk tried to make a water-tube boiler for the triple expansion engine. But it was too complex to put the water-tube boiler into practical use. Around the same time, William Siemens invented the open hearth steel process. In the 1880's, Kirk adopted cylindrical steel boilers and triple expansion engines. The practical application of the water-tube boilers required the invention of seamless steel tube. Understanding the transition from cylindrical to water-tube boilers alone isn't sufficient to understand the comprehensive history of the steam engine. Material and processing technology played a decisive role in the development of the marine boiler in that period.
川端 美穂子 倉林 学 中島 弘 堀川 朋恵 鈴木 紅 本川 克彦 平尾 見三 鈴木 文男 畔上 幸司 比江嶋 一昌
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.31, no.Supplement4, pp.47-52, 1999-12-05 (Released:2013-05-24)

症例1:50歳,男性.42歳時,心房粗動(AFL)となるも放置. 動悸増悪のため入院. F l e c a i n i d e 100mg,verapamil 360mgを開始したが,排便時にwide QRS頻拍(232/分)となり失神.Common AFLに対して下大静脈・三尖弁輪間でカテーテル・アブレーションを施行し,成功.症例2:39歳,男性.36歳時発作性AFL,心房細動(Afib)を指摘されるも放置. A f i b , 心不全のため入院. 心不全は改善したが,Afibはcommon AFLに移行.Pilsicainide 150mg,verapamil 120mgの投与中,歩行時wide QRS頻拍(230/分)となり失神.カテーテル・アブレーション治療によりAFL発作および失神発作は消失した. 本2 症例では, いずれも投薬をI a 群からI c 群に変更後,それまで認められなかった失神が起こるようになり,その際,2例とも労作中1:1房室伝導性AFLからwide QRS頻拍に移行していた.このような血行動態の悪化を伴うproarrhythmiaは,AFLに対するIc群投与では,十分留意すべき点と考えられた.その予防には,心拍数上昇に拮抗する房室伝導抑制薬剤,特にβblockerの十分な投与が重要と考えられた.
井元 大輔 黒沢 健至 土屋 兼一 黒木 健郎 平林 学人 秋葉 教充 角田 英俊
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.24, no.1, pp.23-41, 2019 (Released:2019-01-31)

Gait recognition is one of recently evolving techniques by which we can recognize individuals by one's gait. There are two major approaches; silhouette-based and model-based. In Japan, a method based on GEI (Gait Energy Image), which is one of the silhouette-based approaches, is used for forensic purposes. Sometimes, it is a problem of silhouettes' variabilities in one person due to different clothing that lessen recognition reliability under the GEI method. Here, we analyzed and evaluated the average error rates under clothing variation conditions using the method called Dynamic-features method, which we previously proposed. The Dynamic-features method was built inspired by previous studies of model-based gait recognition, which uses time-series of feature points and local shape features around the points automatically extracted from silhouette sequences. Before analysis, we roughly categorize whole data in the OU-ISIR gait database -treadmill dataset B-, which contains side-view data, into five clothing categories in order to deal with realistic off-line forensic situation, where we cannot strictly control the clothing conditions. As a result, the average increases of average error rate of GEI-based methods due to different clothing were ranged from approximately 8 to 11%, whereas that of the Dynamic-features method was approximately 3%. It was found that two representative dynamics of a feature point of one same person, where the point is influenced by different clothing conditions, showed different mean values but showed similar trends. Based on this fact, it is suggested that robustness of performances in Dynamic-features method under clothing variation conditions is obtained by effective utilization of dynamic properties of human's gait.
脇本 博文 沖重 薫 畔上 幸司 大庭 景介 倉林 学 上原 裕規 瑞慶覧 貴子 小西 正則 志村 吏左 磯部 光章
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.39, no.3, pp.134-139, 2007

後天性QT延長症候群は種々の原因により発生するが,アルコール離脱により生じる後天性QT延長症候群(LQTS)の認識はうすく,同病態下における多形性心室頻拍(torsades de pointes;TdP)発生の報告も少ない.今回,われわれは失神を主訴としたアルコール離脱期のLQTSに伴うTdPを2例経験した.<BR>症例1:23歳,女性.20歳ころよりビール2L/日,焼酎1L/日の飲酒を繰り返し,アルコール性肝不全にて当院入院となった.失神発作を発症し心電図モニターにてTdPが確認された.基礎心疾患なし.QTc=0.753msecと著明に延長(入院時QTc=0.529msec)し,マグネシウム静注,イソプロテレノール持続投与にてTdPは減少,QTcも徐々に短縮した.<BR>症例2:50歳,男性.48歳ころより飲酒量が増え,日本酒1升/日の飲酒を続けていた.他院にてアルコール依存症と診断され禁酒を指示されたが,その後も不定期に飲酒を繰り返していた.失神発作を発症し救急車にて当院へ搬送された.心電図はQTc=659msecと著明に延長しTdPを繰り返していた.基礎心疾患なし.マグネシウムの静注後TdPは消失し,その後QTcは徐々に短縮した.<BR>2症例とも後日施行した心臓電気生理学検査(EPS),epinephrine負荷試験では有意な所見を認めなかった.
茂庭 仁人 湯藤 潤 本江 環 進士 靖幸 永原 大五 高橋 亨 林 学 佐藤 直利 鹿野 泰邦
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.40, no.6, pp.555-560, 2008-06-15 (Released:2013-05-24)

症例は49歳,女性.2006年4月に急性下壁心筋梗塞を発症し右冠動脈(#2)にシロリムス溶出ステントを留置した.術後の抗血小板療法としてアスピリン100mg,チクロピジン200mgを投与開始した.6カ月後の確認冠動脈造影ではステント内再狭窄を認めなかったが,遅発性ステント血栓症予防のため,アスピリン,チクロピジンは継続投与していた.2007年3月,月経による大量出血をきたし,意識障害を主訴に救急外来を受診.Hb 3.5g/dLと高度な貧血を認め頭部MRIでは多発性脳梗塞を認めた.輸血やエダラボン点滴など保存的に治療し,軽度の構音障害が残存したものの軽快退院となった.抗血小板薬投与中の出血性合併症はしばしば経験するが,月経出血による重篤な合併症の報告は稀である.閉経前の女性に対する抗血小板療法中には慎重な観察が重要であると考えられた.
小林 学 平澤 茂一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.113, no.116, pp.117-122, 2013-07-01

自動分類問題や回帰問題に対して,2001年にL. Breimanにより提案されたランダムフォレストは,CARTによって生成した複数の木を用いることにより,大変良い性能を発揮することが知られている.本稿では単一あるいは複数の回帰木を用いて,2次元データである画像の無歪み圧縮を行う手法について検討する.このとき画像圧縮の特性に着目し,すでに圧縮した箇所を説明変数とし,次に圧縮する色要素を目的変数として扱う.圧縮対象の画像についてCART及びランダムフォレストで学習を行い,学習結果である回帰木をまず符号化する.次にこれらの回帰木を用いて圧縮対象の各画素値の推定を行い,推定値と画素値との差分のみを圧縮する.結果的に,いくつかの画像に適用したときにPNG 形式よりも圧縮可能であることを示す.
鈴木 佐俊 小林 学 後藤 正幸
公益社団法人 日本経営工学会
日本経営工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13422618)
vol.74, no.2, pp.63-76, 2023-07-15 (Released:2023-08-15)

小林 学
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.49, no.254, pp.65-77, 2010 (Released:2021-08-02)

Seikan Ishigai argued that the most critical innovation involving boilers was changing their shapes, for example from cylindrical to water-tube boilers. Poor material and processing technology made the development of the water-tube boiler difficult in the 19th century. Ishigai didn't pay enough attention to the material technology of boilers. In the late 1930's, H.W. Dickinson and E.C. Smith wrote a comprehensive history of the stationary and marine steam engine respectively. But they didn't pay proper attention to the relationship between engines and boilers. The author tries to explain the transition from cylindrical to water-tube boilers using steel for marine navigation. The popularization of thermodynamics among engineers and ship-owners stimulated the invention of the high-pressure marine steam engine. In the 1870's, Alexander Carnegie Kirk tried to make a water-tube boiler for the triple expansion engine. But it was too complex to put the water-tube boiler into practical use. Around the same time, William Siemens invented the open hearth steel process. In the 1880's, Kirk adopted cylindrical steel boilers and triple expansion engines. The practical application of the water-tube boilers required the invention of seamless steel tube. Understanding the transition from cylindrical to water-tube boilers alone isn't sufficient to understand the comprehensive history of the steam engine. Material and processing technology played a decisive role in the development of the marine boiler in that period.
小林 学
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.44, no.236, pp.191-202, 2005 (Released:2021-08-11)

The historical development of steam boilers has been a popular issue among historians and engineers in Japan. The most prominent example is Seikan Ishigai. Drawing on his extensive study of the steam boiler, Ishigai defines the contradiction between power and control as an intrinsic law of the development of technology. In other words, he is a technological determinist. Trevor Pinch, Wiebe Bijker's approach (Social Construction of Technology : SCOT) and also Thomas Hughes's technological systems approach, on the other hand, give more weight to external factors, and do not give proper attention to technology's own dynamics. Critical of both the approaches, the author sees the relationship between engines and boilers as the locus of the development of the steam boiler. The author too argues that the quest for efficiency is a crucial factor in the development of marine steam engines. The author tries to show that the new engine entailed a different type of boiler, it was not opposite. That is the engine played a more crucial role than the boiler in the development of the marine propulsion system. It was the engine that moved a propeller or a paddle of a ship, not the boiler. He concludes that the history of the marine boiler is a history of relationship among the engine, the boiler and the propulsion system. An internalist or externalist approach alone may not be able to account for this complex relationship.
小林 学
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.41, no.221, pp.14-25, 2002 (Released:2021-08-16)

The author discusses the relation between material technology and technology development. As a case study, The author selects steam boiler because the influence of material is especially remarkable and the development process has been clear. The low-pressure steam engine's boiler Materials had changed from copper to Wrought iron. This change hadn't necessarily taken place technological merits. This had taken place cost and ease of acquisition. When development of High-pressure steam engine began in 1800, Cylindrical Boiler was developed so that the boiler could deal with High-pressure steam safety and could have more heating surface. However, it was difficult for steam boilers to resist high-pressure steam at 19th century. Many Engineers required the material to have high tensile strength and corrosion resistance so that they might prevent steam-boiler explosions. Thus, Material Technology is important for development of steam boiler. Nevertheless, few studied how about material developments influenced developments of steam boiler. William Fairbairn, Daniel Adamson, and Henry Bessemer made a great contribution to the improvement of Steam Pressure-resistant in boilers. The author shows as follow, Firstly new material didn't have to substitute old one because it's impossible to make new materials into the form to work very well. Secondary the changing of boiler type is major; the change of materials is secondary. One boiler types gradually was improved the material technology. However, the change of types of boilers occurred when one type couldn't satisfy the demand in power and thermal efficiency. Thirdly, it's important for the development of one steam boiler, that it changed the material technology. But at all, we also found another tending, it was neglected till now. Because one specific works restricted machines and mechanism early in steam boiler development. For this reason, the factor of materials is most important, but materials problem was solved lately.
小林 学 水野 浩司 水野 勉 山田 一
公益社団法人 日本磁気学会
日本応用磁気学会誌 (ISSN:02850192)
vol.21, no.4, pp.861-864, 1997-04-15
9 3

This paper deals with the performance characteristics of a two-axis linear pulse motor (<i>X-Y</i> LPM) using air bearing. The mass, <i>M</i>, of the mover of <i>X-Y</i> LPM is 1.35 kg and the maximum static thrust, <i>F</i><sub>s</sub>, is 48.5 N with two-phase excitation at 2 A. The maximum velocity of the mover, <i>v</i>, is 1.4 m/s and the maximum acceleration, <i>a</i>, is 14.3 m/s<sup>2</sup> at a velocity of 1 m/s without any load. The kinetic thrust, Fk, is 19.3 N. A non-oriented magnetic steel sheet, 50A350, is used as the core in the mover, and rolled steel for general structures, SS400, is used as the stator. The maximum flux densities, <i>B</i><sub>m</sub>, of 50A350 and SS400 are 1.45 T and 0.123 T, respectively, in a magnetic field with a maximum intensity of 1 kA/m and at a frequency of 1 kHz. The material of the stator must have a high magnetic flux density at the driving frequency to achieve high velocity and high-thrust driving of the <i>X-Y</i> LPM.