田中 良英
ロシア史研究 (ISSN:03869229)
vol.84, pp.64-81, 2009

In the second half of the 17th century, in the German territories, which aimed to recover from the destruction caused by the Thirty Years' War, especially in the central region (for example, Halle, Leipzig, Jena, Wittenberg, Erfurt and Gotha) developed several remarkable intellectual movements: Pietism, cameralism and German early Enlightenment (in addition, Polizeiwissenschaft). In these trends we can find the similar tendency towards the justification of the reforming policies of each secular Prince to maximize the resources in his territory, maintaining the current institutional framework. Heinrich-Johann-Friedrich Ostermann, who was born in Bochum and studied in the Jena University, seemed to be one of the elite who transferred into the Russian Empire the political skills caused by the above-mentioned German intellectuals. In 1720s and 1730s, Ostermann led the College of foreign policies and tried to seek for the pro-Austrian policy, which helped Russia to act vigorously in the arena of the European international system. Furthermore, in St. Petersburg he formed the network of the diplomats sent from the several European states and collected much information beneficial to the Russian states. Osrtermann's contribution to the settlement of the internal policies and the improvement of the court lives was also large. Paying attention to his activities could lead to reconsideration of the important role of second stringers in the historical development.
田中 里奈
西洋比較演劇研究 (ISSN:13472720)
vol.16, no.1, pp.17-38, 2016 (Released:2017-04-03)

Although musicals from Broadway and the West End are generally regarded as the mainstream ever since the genre was established, since 1992 musicals from Vienna have been gradually recognized on a global scale. This research note outlines the acceptance of musicals in Vienna from the first performance in 1956 to the preparation for the original productions aiming at the global market in the 1990s, focusing on two main musical theaters, the Volksoper Wien and the Theater an der Wien. The Volksoper took the initiative to introduce musicals to the Viennese audience. Led by Ernst Marboe and Marcel Prawy, American musicals were first incorporated in the annual repertoire of the Volksoper, one of the state theaters, with Kiss me Kate (1956). In fact, considering the Volksoper as a responsible for music dramas in Vienna, musicals remained as a sub category of its repertoire. On the other hand, musicals were regarded as one of the main categories at the Theater an der Wien since their first appearance under the direction of Fritz Klingenbeck (1962-1965). While staging imported musicals, the Theater an der Wien created four original productions under the direction of Rolf Kutschera (1965-1982). Polterabend (1967), Helden, Helden (1972), Das Glas Wasser (1977), and Die Gräfin vom Natschmarkt (1978), were performed not only in Vienna but also in the other German-speaking countries. As not only the productions but also the management structure as well as the actors and actresses were expected to be homemade, Peter Weck (directed 1982-1992) established a management foundation »Vereinigte Bühnen Wien« in 1970 and a musical academy »Tanz-Studio Theater an der Wien« in 1984. His attempt was to produce high quality musical performances that not only meet the global standards but also clearly Austrian, in response to the criticism that the conventional performances were imperfect in quality or too Anglo-Saxon-styled for Vienna. The acceptance of musicals in Vienna was influenced by a multitude of cultural and social factors in the post-war era. For example, musicals were both accepted and rejected because of political factors such as the Viennese cultural policies and the relationship with the United States. Economic factors such as tourism and theater management were also influential. In addition, differences between high culture and popular culture influenced the reception to musicals. By these factors, the center of musical theater shifted from the Volksoper to the Theater an der Wien, and finally it got ready to produce the original musical series in the 1990s.
知念 幸人 田中 敦士 Chinen Yukihito Tanaka Atsushi
琉球大学教育学部発達支援教育実践センター紀要 (ISSN:18849407)
no.2, pp.87-97, 2010

佐井 峰史 田中 秀岳 柳 和久
公益社団法人 精密工学会
vol.2014, pp.227-228, 2014

傾斜プラネタリ加工とは,工具を傾斜させて偏心した後,工具主軸の自転運動と偏心軸による公転運動を合わせて穴あけを行う加工方法である.利点として,通常の穴あけ加工に比べて,ばりや層間剥離が少ない点,切削力が低減されることが挙げられる.先行研究では,CFRPに対して実験計画法により最適加工条件を明らかにした. 本研究では,実験計画法を用いてチタン合金(Ti-6Al-4V)に対する最適加工条件を求める.
緒方 巧 田中 静美 原田 ひとみ
藍野学院紀要 (ISSN:09186263)
vol.16, pp.53-62, 2002

河合 由起子 官上 大輔 田中 克己
情報処理学会論文誌データベース(TOD) (ISSN:18827799)
vol.46, no.8, pp.14-25, 2005-06-15

近年,RSS リーダにみられるように複数のWeb サイトにまたがって存在している同じテーマのコンテンツをまとめて閲覧できるシステムが求められている.しかし,既存のWeb の情報統合法では,収集した大量の情報をシステムの持つ固定の分類体系を基にカテゴライズするため,そのシステムの分類体系を把握していない利用者にとっては,欲しい情報を速やかに獲得することが困難である.本研究では,利用者がすでに分類体系を把握しているWeb サイトのポータルページのレイアウトを通して,収集・分類し統合した情報を提示できるMy Portal Viewer(MPV)を提案する.また,MPVは収集した情報を利用者の閲覧履歴に基づき動的に分類するという特徴を持つ.これにより,利用者は興味に基づき分類された情報を使い慣れているポータルページを通して閲覧でき,大量の情報を効率的にブラウジングできる.本稿では,ニュースサイトを具体例としてあげ,使い慣れているニュースサイトのポータルページを指定することで,既知の分類体系を通して興味に基づき分類され統合された記事をまとめて提示できるMPV のプロトタイプを構築し,検証する.We propose a novel web information integration system "My Portal Viewer" (MPV) to realize more efficient news articles browsing. Although a variety of systems such as RSS readers have been developed to provide integrated content from multiple web sites, the existing systems present another difficulty to the users, i.e., they still have to search the integrated content pages for the information they want because they are often unfamiliar with the page layout and the content categorization rules implemented in the systems. To solve this problem, MPV provides integrated content to a user with the appearance of the user's favorite web site. Because the user has enough knowledge about the content layout, it is easier for the user to obtain information from the integrated content page. Furthermore, MPV categorizes web content dynamically based on the user's access history which reflects the user's interest. In this paper, we describe the basic algorithms used in MPV and a prototype implementation specialized for news content.
田中 良英
ロシア史研究 (ISSN:03869229)
vol.92, pp.3-23, 2013

This paper addresses two issues. (1) It is true that as most recent works on occidental history in Japan have stressed, for understanding the relationship between a society and its army, researching military units from various points of view, especially from the standpoint of the socalled 'military historiography in a broad sense' is significant. However, is it possible to grasp the actual situation of the army without knowing its tactics, table of equipment for each soldier, daily life in battle fields, and so on, as traditionally studied by the 'military historiography in a narrow sense'? (2) Could we regard the characteristics of the 18th-century Russian army, which has often been criticized as backward, as results of the efforts of Russian leaders to actively respond to the nature of resources in their country and geographical and residential conditions in the areas where their army fought and marched through? To answer these questions, this paper mainly focuses on the reasons for expanding Russian dragoon regiments after the defeat in Narva. This expansion seems to be a better solution for both making good use of lighter Russian horses and enhancing the logistic and intelligence abilities of the army in the sparsely populated lands.
田中 武志 山田 浩之 竹門 康弘 池淵 周一
日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 第51回日本生態学会大会 釧路大会
pp.247, 2004 (Released:2004-07-30)

河川に生息するモンカゲロウ(Ephemera strigata)などの水生昆虫類では,砂礫堆上流端に位置する淵尻の瀬頭に集中的に産卵する行動が知られている.このような産卵場所選択性は,砂礫堆の河床間隙水の透水性や溶存酸素濃度などの物理化学特性と関係していると考えられる.しかしながら,産卵場所の環境条件と産卵個体数の関係や産下された卵やふ化幼虫生存率などを実証的に示した研究は行われていない.一方,近年各地の河川で生じている砂礫堆の樹林化やツルヨシの繁茂によって,このような産卵適地が減少しつつあると懸念されている.そこで,本研究では,産卵雌数に対する瀬-淵,樹冠の有無,岸際の状態,微生息場所環境条件として透水係数,動水勾配および河床間隙水流速の影響を調べた.また,モンカゲロウ卵野外孵化実験を通して,卵の孵化率・死亡率に対する河床間隙水域の物理化学的環境の影響を調べた.その結果,モンカゲロウは,上空が樹冠で覆われず,岸際が植生に覆われていない裸地部分を産卵場所に選ぶことが確認された.また,産卵場所と瀬-淵の相対的位置関係を分析した結果,産卵の集中地点は,必ずしも瀬頭とは限らず,瀬中央付近でも集中的に産卵することがわかった.次に,微生息場所条件の分析の結果,瀬の産卵雌数は,ばらつきは大きいものの動水勾配との間に有意な正の相関が認められた(r=0.61, p<0.01).これに対し,透水係数,間隙水流速との間には有意な相関は認められなかった(透水係数r=-0.17, 間隙流速r=0.25,n.s.).さらに,野外孵化実験の結果,モンカゲロウ卵は産卵場所に選ばれていない場所でも孵化できることが確認できたが,死亡率は,間隙水流速が小さく,DO供給量が小さくなる砂礫堆内陸側や下流側において大きくなる傾向が認められた.本研究の結果は,「モンカゲロウの選択する産卵場所条件は,間隙流速が大きく豊富な溶存酸素が供給される間隙水域に対応しており,卵や孵化した若齢幼虫の生存率を高めるのに役立っている」という仮説を支持している.