男澤 嶺 松田 寛子 熊崎 広大 田中 麻美子 宇田川 瑛里 西田 毅 白井 隆明
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.27, no.4, pp.237-242, 2017 (Released:2017-04-27)
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The postprandial increase in blood triglyceride levels is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease and a large number of studies has shown that a diet rich in vegetables may provide protection against many chronic diseases. Leaf vegetables generally contain β-carotene, zeaxanthin and chlorophyll including thylakoids. In this study, we investigated the bile acid-binding capacities of thylakoids in vitro and the suppressive effects of it before the administration of a lipid meal on postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in rats using oral fat tolerance/loading tests (OFTT). Consequently, thylakoids bound bile acids in a dose-dependent manner. Following the administration of the lipid meals, increases in the serum triglycerides levels were significantly reduced in rats fed 300 mg/kg bw of thylakoids just before lipid meals. Additionally, the area under the curve showed that a high-dose thylakoids significantly inhibited the absorption of dietary fat. Moreover, the level of fecal bile acid was significantly increased although there were no significant differences in the fecal volume and fecal total lipid levels. These results suggest that thylakoid intake before eating a lipid diet induces a suppressive effect of postprandial hypertriglyceridemia to defecate bile acid and confirmed the results of the health-promoting potential dietary thylakoids. This health benefit of thylakoids could be achieved by substantially increasing the consumption of vegetables.
太田 雅夫 金丸 輝雄 西田 毅
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.16, pp.105-177,en2, 1965-11-25 (Released:2009-12-21)

This paper is a report on the field-survey of the voting behaviour and the political consciousness of the citizens of Kyoto, the First Constituency of Kyoto Prefecture, expressed in the 30th General Election of the members of the House of Representatives which took place on 21st November, 1963.As is well-known, compared with the previous Election which was fought with the U. S. -Japanese Security Treaty as the centre of political issues, the points at issue were not clear in the last, 30th Election, and the reason for the Election not being sufficiently understood among the nation, the campaign remained on a low key from the beginning to the end. Correspondingly, the voting ratio in the whole country was 71.1%, which was the second lowest since the end of the Second World War, the first being 67.9% in 1947.In the city of Kyoto, which forms the First Constituency of Kyoto Prefecture, 58.2% was recorded, which is lower than the average of the whole country by 12.9% and is within the lowest-voting group in the country.The result was the elections of two Liberal-Democrats (Ministerial Conservatives), one Communist, one Socialist and one Democratic-Socialist. Therefore in the new political map of Kyoto, there are two Conservatives against three “Reformists, ” the Conservatives having obtained 42% of the votes cast and the Reformist parties 58%. The Communist candidate came out at the top of the members elected. Thus, the Reformist forces are strong in this constituency. The reformist tendency in the political climate of Kyoto has long been pointed out, together with the emphasis of the classical character of this city, especially in connection with its cultural characteristics.Are we to regard this Reformist tendency of Kyoto as being the same as the tenacious strength of the Reformists in large cities, such as Tokyo and Osaka, where the organized forces, with workmen in large and small factories and white-collars as the centre, constitute their support? Or, is there any particular phenomenon in the case of Kyoto, peculiar to it and different from other regions?Further, how far are the citizens of Kyoto conscious of objective recognition of circumstances and subjective selection of value which form the two criteria of political consideration imposed upon the modern “citizens”? Upon these premises and bearing these problems in view, the writers have arranged into order the relation between voting behaviour and political consciousness based on various materials. These materials specifically include those of voting precentage and abstention, choice ox candidates —its reason and motives— points at issue, and so on. The paper lays stress on the description of the actual reality of Kyoto, and does not adopt the method of abstracting a general proposition out of the pattern in this case.
山田 加奈子 島本 国一 白 ろ 宮崎 直人 吉元 寧 松枝 博明 川邊 清隆 西田 毅 松田 寛子 白井 隆明
vol.30, 2018

【目的】我々は、カボチャの主要品種である「えびす」のでん粉が果実内で急速に糖化し、食味が変化することを報告している。近年、消費者志向の変化をうけて、粉質感が強い品種の栽培が増えている。8品種のカボチャの貯蔵中の成分変化および嗜好評価をおこない、品種の特性を明らかにすることを目的とした。<br>【方法】北海道の同一圃場で収穫された5品種(えびす、北渡交4号、雪化粧、ジェジェJ、TC2A)および産地より調達した収穫日が既知の3品種(くりゆたか、くり将軍、プリメラ115)のカボチャをそれぞれ10℃および常温で貯蔵したものを試料として用いた。各試料について、収穫直後、1ヶ月または2ヶ月後の固形量や遊離糖組成を分析し、でん粉を抽出してラピッド・ビスコ・アナライザー(RVA)粘度特性などを測定した。また、各貯蔵期間における全ての試料を用い、カット後に蒸煮し冷凍貯蔵した試料を解凍して「パンプキンサラダ」を調製し官能評価をおこなった。<br>【結果】固形量は、経時的に減少し、でん粉の分解と呼吸により水分が増加したと考えられる。一方の遊離糖は、経時的に増加したが、還元糖とショ糖が同時に増加する「えびす」型と還元糖の増加が少なくショ糖を増加する「北渡交4号」型の2タイプが見られた。<br> 抽出でん粉の6%RVA粘度は、「えびす」では、貯蔵により粘度が低下したが、他の品種では、特有の粘度特性を持つが、貯蔵中の変化が小さかった。サラダの嗜好では、貯蔵と共に糖化が進んだ甘いだけ品種よりも、硬さや甘さのバランスが取れた品種の方が評価が高い傾向にあった。
西田 毅 ニシダ タケシ Nishida Takeshi
同志社法學 (ISSN:03877612)
vol.63, no.1, pp.1-59, 2011-06-30

Article大正・昭和初期の政治学者中島重が影響を受けたイギリスの政治的多元論の実相を検討した。中島は20世紀初頭の英独両国で支配的であった対照的な国家学説を対比し、彼自身は自由主義と個人主義の立場に立つH・スペンサーの「国家株式会社説」を評価したこと、そして国家を団体の一種と捉え、国家の権能を限定的に解釈する国家観の正しさを弁証している。さらに、ギルド社会主義と多元論の関係について論及し、中島政治学が天皇制の支配原理と相容れない学説であることを確認した。This article examines that an influence of political pluralism on Nakajima Jyu, political scientist in Taisho period. Social and political pluralism is a theory of state that appeared in England during the early 20th century. The characteristic of the theory put a special emphasis on a limitation of political functions of the state : for the defense of one's country and keeping the order. Pluralism stressed the autonomy enjoyed by disparate groups within a society- such groups as religious groups, trade unions, professional organizations, ethnic minorities. Exponents of the theory are S.G.Hobson, H.J.Laski, G.D.H.Cole, R.M. MacIver etc. They are reacting against what they alleged to be the alienation of the individual under conditions of unrestrained power of the state as well as capitalism. This liberal democratic thought in Western nations attracted Nakajima who was against quasi-religious state, 天皇制 Tennosei.
西田 毅
キリスト教社会問題研究 (ISSN:04503139)
vol.55, pp.29-57, 2006-12

論説 (Articles)原本の目次(英文) (誤)'Chrictianized Bushido' → (正)'Christianized Bushido'原本の目次(英文) (誤)Kogoro Takashima → (正) Kogoro Takahira