本間 友香里 近藤 隆二郎
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集G(環境) (ISSN:21856648)
vol.68, no.6, pp.II_329-II_339, 2012 (Released:2013-02-13)

本研究は,ベルギーゲント市のNPO団体EVA(Ethical Vegetarian Alternative)の活動における特徴や強みを明らかにしたものである.EVAは動物福祉や環境問題のために,ベジタリアニズムを広めることを活動の目的としており,その中でDonderdag Veggiedag(ドンダ-ダーク・フェヒーダーク)という名の週一ベジタリアン運動を展開している.EVAの活動にはフランダース州政府から助成金が出されており,また2009年からドンダ-ダーク・フェヒーダークがゲント市のオフィシャルキャンペーンとなる等,行政との協働関係が構築できている.長い肉食の歴史を持つ国で,ベジタリアニズムを広めるEVAの活動が成功している要因を明らかにするために,EVAの活動における特徴や強みについて検討を行った. その結果,EVAは人々に対し,よりポジティブな印象を与える活動や積極的な情報発信,参加型イベントを開催する等,市民が参加し易い活動を心掛けていることが明らかになった.また質の高い内部マネジメントが行われていたり,政治家との繋がりを作り,それを行政との協働関係構築に発展させる等,行政側と市民側の両方にバランスの取れた活動が行われている.これらのことより,EVAの活動は「明るく」,また戦略に基づいた「冷静」なものといえ,活動を成功へと導いていると結論づけられる.
近藤 隆二郎 盛岡 通 城戸 由能 原田 弘之
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究 (ISSN:09167293)
vol.11, pp.259-264, 1991-06-05 (Released:2010-06-15)

The environmental planning become to involve the spatial identicalcharacteristics found out by means of analysis on historical literacy, written books, drawn maps and soon.This study is to produce a concept in event management aiming environmentalb etterment from interpretation the contents of aqua-culture of the noted springs and wells on Uemachi-hill.The results from these analyses as follows: 1) the fresh springs and wells of Uemachi-hill were indispensable for lives of peoplc in Osaka especially before 1890. 2) Before modern water supply, water carriers named as MIZUYA delivered clean water to citizens. 3) In Edo era peoples were conscious of the nature of pureness, sweetness, sustainability and holliness as drinking water.Then we planed and managed an public-participated event named as ‘UEMACHI-DAICHIMIZU MEGUR I’ in which the concept introduced from the historically relationship of human and springs/wells of Uemachi-hill had the main theme as‘You play as MINYA.’ articipants enjoyed town watching and to bring water in one well and to throw water into another dried-up well as a ceremony for environmental resuscitation.
近藤 隆二郎
vol.13, pp.48-70, 2007

楠田 哲也 近藤 隆二郎 原田 秀樹 迫田 章義 澤田 浩介 Peter R. Kauticke Julino R. Zapata
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究 (ISSN:09167293)
vol.21, pp.365-371, 2001-05-01 (Released:2010-06-15)

The old civilization is a typical example of the sustainable society, which may provide us with much information on it. Machu Picchu, one of the towns in Inca, was surveyed in 1999 and 2000 on the system of water supply and drainage to investigate sustainable systems which it might own.Machu Picchu had two springs for water resources. Water distribution was done with open channels made by stone. Water distributed to the town was utilized at a series of 16 fountains in cascade use and probably in time sharing. The first to the third fountains would be for ritual and others for drinking and irrigation. Machu Picchu had neither drainage nor wastewater treatment systems. The population in Machu Picchu was estimated around 2400 from the water supply capacity. The society of Machu Picchu was under severe restriction on water supply, and not safe on drinking water.
樋口 幸永 近藤 隆二郎
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.10, pp.859-868, 2009-10-15 (Released:2012-07-19)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the feature of the movement of recording the household account as promoted by the Zenkoku Tomo-no-kai, a readers'club of Fujin-no-tomo magazine. This study also aims to reexamine the role of the movement by tracing the transition of the readers'lifestyle as well as what they sought in life. We examined (1) the contents of the magazine as well as the feature of the house-keeping book, (2) how the house-keeping book was promoted as well as what resulted in favor of improved household budget, and (3) readers'comments included some special feature articles on the house-keeping book. The examination found that the initial plan was to assist the club members in forming their household budget by offering the mean value and quantity of their housekeeping items. It was also found that the movement was meant to help its members draw up an ideal budget in the hope that a sound household would eventually contribute to forming a sound society. Then, the movement gradually shifted its stand and tried to assist its members to consider that their households were part of the entire social system. In other words, keeping household account helped its members deepen their understanding of social affairs. This understanding has led up to less dependence on outsourcing of various nature, which would help alleviate environmental disruption. In conclusion, it is safe to state that the act or habit of keeping household account as promoted by the Zenkoku Tomo-nokai of the magazine Fujin-no-tomo has helped the club members incorporate the social concept in themselves.
近藤 隆二郎
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.5, pp.161-164, 1995-03-31 (Released:2011-07-19)
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江戸のまちにおける写し霊場 (33ヶ所) を取り上げ, 札所番号・景観類似・巡拝域などについて考察した結果, 本尊が観音である寺社のネットワークであること, 本西国との類似性を意識した演出法の存在, 江戸全域を巡るものと地域的に限られたものに分かれること, 都市像の形成を促す役割を持っていたことなどを示した。江戸西国三十三所 (上野王子駒込辺) の『案内記』を分節化し, 御詠歌が本西国連想の媒介であったこと, 景観的視点が重視されていたことを示すとともに, 現地景観体験と本西国の景観を連想する体験とが重なって成立しており, 江戸における写し霊場の鑑賞構造が, 虚実が交錯する中で部分的全体性を体得するものであったことを示唆した。
足立 啓 宮本 浩行 赤木 徹也 近藤 隆二郎 日下 正基 本多 友常
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.540, pp.141-147, 2001-02-28 (Released:2017-02-04)
1 1

Based on three case studies of social welfare facilities in proto-typical settings in a farm village, a town, and a city, we investigated how the facilities for persons with intellectual disability had been located and how they had been perceived and accepted by the local community. The following are results achieved by analyzing the diachronically receptive processes in case studies: 1) Employment opportunities which the facilities provided to the local people made it more easily receptive to people in the community. 2) The facilities played an important role of interacting with the local people in the local community. 3) The facilities tried to establish equal partnership with the local community. 4) Small group living was a key to reducing prejudice against persons with intellectual disability, and made people in the community more easily interactive under ordinary circumstances. 5) Reliable back-up supports were found to be essential in assisting independent living with persons with intellectual disability.
中井 正二 勝沼 俊雄 近藤 隆二 金本 秀之 赤沢 晃 小田島 安平 小幡 俊彦 飯倉 洋治
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.43, no.4, pp.468-472, 1989-04-20 (Released:2011-12-02)

気管支喘息発作に対して, 手軽な酸素供給装置(O2パツク®)を使用し, その効果をみた. 中等症の気管支喘息児8名に行い, ピークフロー値は有意な上昇を示し, 呼吸困難, 喘鳴など, 臨床症状も改善の傾向を認めた. 副作用は特に認めず, 総合臨床効果は, 著効3名, 有効3名, 不変2名であつた.また, 気管支拡張剤吸入療法で酸素を併用したときの効果を検討した. 1秒量(FEV1), V50, 努力肺活量(FVC)において, 予測値に対する%表示にて表わした変化を, 酸素を併用した群としない群とで検討した. 全体に, 酸素併用の方がよく改善される傾向にあり, 吸入前と吸入後の%FEV1値の差による改善度では, 酸素吸入併用の方が有意に改善していた. 酸素投与による副作用はみられなかつた.今後, 家庭内での気管支喘息発作時の酸素療法は, より広く行われてよい方法と考えられた.
市川 新 楠田 哲也 松井 三郎 盛岡 通 近藤 隆二郎 カーン ジャミール アーマド カウザー
公益社団法人 土木学会
環境システム研究 (ISSN:09150390)
no.23, pp.332-338, 1995

Moenjo-daro, one of the old civilizations in the world, was equipped with the perfect drainage system, wells and a great bath, which were excavated during 1920-30's, by British archaeologists, Sir John Marshall, Earnest MacKay and others. Those archaeologists supposed that these facilities associated with water had served almost same purpose as those in modern times do. However, there are many things which these hypotheses couldnot explain the real conditions. In this paper we would like to highlight the exact purpose of these water-related facilities, on the basis of hydraulic viewpoints.
近藤 隆二郎 守谷 光平
社団法人 日本造園学会
日本造園学会 全国大会 研究発表論文集 抄録
vol.66, pp.45, 2003

樋口 幸永 近藤 隆二郎
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.60, no.10, pp.859-868, 2009

The purpose of this study is to clarify the feature of the movement of recording the household account as promoted by the Zenkoku Tomo-no-kai, a readers'club of Fujin-no-tomo magazine. This study also aims to reexamine the role of the movement by tracing the transition of the readers'lifestyle as well as what they sought in life. We examined (1) the contents of the magazine as well as the feature of the house-keeping book, (2) how the house-keeping book was promoted as well as what resulted in favor of improved household budget, and (3) readers'comments included some special feature articles on the house-keeping book. The examination found that the initial plan was to assist the club members in forming their household budget by offering the mean value and quantity of their housekeeping items. It was also found that the movement was meant to help its members draw up an ideal budget in the hope that a sound household would eventually contribute to forming a sound society. Then, the movement gradually shifted its stand and tried to assist its members to consider that their households were part of the entire social system. In other words, keeping household account helped its members deepen their understanding of social affairs. This understanding has led up to less dependence on outsourcing of various nature, which would help alleviate environmental disruption. In conclusion, it is safe to state that the act or habit of keeping household account as promoted by the Zenkoku Tomo-nokai of the magazine Fujin-no-tomo has helped the club members incorporate the social concept in themselves.
近藤 隆二郎
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.5, pp.161-164, 1995-03-31

江戸のまちにおける写し霊場 (33ヶ所) を取り上げ, 札所番号・景観類似・巡拝域などについて考察した結果, 本尊が観音である寺社のネットワークであること, 本西国との類似性を意識した演出法の存在, 江戸全域を巡るものと地域的に限られたものに分かれること, 都市像の形成を促す役割を持っていたことなどを示した。江戸西国三十三所 (上野王子駒込辺) の『案内記』を分節化し, 御詠歌が本西国連想の媒介であったこと, 景観的視点が重視されていたことを示すとともに, 現地景観体験と本西国の景観を連想する体験とが重なって成立しており, 江戸における写し霊場の鑑賞構造が, 虚実が交錯する中で部分的全体性を体得するものであったことを示唆した。
団 朋希 近藤 隆二郎
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究論文集 (ISSN:13459597)
vol.32, pp.411-418, 2004

近藤 隆二郎 入江 紗恵子 樋口 幸永
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.4, pp.187-195, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

It is difficult to say why using household eco-account books, which are said to be very effective in reducing environmental impact, is not popular today. We believe that the reason for this lies in not only the design of the books, but also the attitude of the people who use them. In order to clarify this, we analyzed the background, the attitude, and the description of the books of twenty-one people who had been using the books for more than three years. The research showed that those who had been keeping these books were generally more than sixty years old and had a lot of free time. It also showed that they could be classified into four different groups. We named them as follows: “Nonbiri” are the members who use the books casually. “Kotsukotsu” use the books on a regular basis. “Waiwai” tend to work in groups, and “Takumi” thoroughly investigate the cause and are active in environmental investment. Of these groups, the people identified as members of Waiwai and Takumi had been using the books relatively longer than the other groups, and their books showed the effect of the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide. As a result of our research, we came to the following conclusions: (1) It is important to understand that there are two stages, reducing energy on a day to day basis and reducing CO2 by environmental investment. (2) Book-keepers who would like to be part of “Takumi” should be identified. (3)Creating groups like “Waiwai“ should be encouraged.
近藤 隆二郎 守谷 光平
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.5, pp.711-714, 2003 (Released:2003-09-24)
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In this research, walking trail is analyzed from “sense of walking” paying attention to “the change nature of walking trail.” Analysis is precedence research in a soundscape. It carried out to reference from the viewpoint of a “sound”, a “phrase”, “harmony”, and a “melody.” This is because it is necessary to take in time progress about the correlation and analysis result of the composition element of “walking trail” seen from “sense of walking” to regard as a sequence. As a result of analysis, the acquired knowledge is summarized to below. (1) as the “harmony” of walking trail, eight types; “Circuit type”, “Relax type”, “Straight-flat type”, “Approach type”, “Well-textured straight-flat type”, “Acrobatic type”, “Up and down type”, and “Particular type” were extracted (2) consequently, high “harmony” of the rate for which it accounts on a “course”—“Circuit type” and “Relax type” (3) The type of six “melodies” was extracted as changes of “harmony.” (4) It became clear to correspond with the impression acquired by the feature of the type of the “harmony” obtained from “a sense of walking” actually walking that. When improving walk space, it can be said that the space which can obtain many feelings not only from vision but from body nature including “walk feeling” is very rich space.