鈴木 賢
pp.4-11, 2019-03-31

楠川 充敏 鈴木 賢一 中井 孝幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.776, pp.2107-2117, 2020 (Released:2020-10-30)

1. Objectives In Japanese universities, the realization of a new type of group learning environment, based on the use of analogic and digital media, has been promoted: Learning Commons (hereinafter, "LC"). Recently, examples of LC built separately from university library have increased. In the previous report, we conducted surveys in libraries where the reading area and the LCs are integrated, aiming to clarify the seat choice behavior of individual and group users. However, it was still to define if all the users actually choose only one of those two types, or if some of them rather choose both types. For this reason, we tried to clarify the differentiated use behavior of reading areaff and LCs, aiming to acquire a useful knowledge for future learning space planning. 2. Research method We conducted a questionnaire survey and a behavior observation survey regarding the use status (addressed to users), and a questionnaire survey regarding the facility conditions (addressed to library staff). The surveys were conducted in four Japanese universities: Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Ritsumeikan University, Chubu University, and Kyoto Sangyo University, which have different LC installation types. All of those institutions have more than 6,000 students and multiple departments. The different LC installation types have been identified as “integrated open type” (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ.), “integrated separate type” (Ritsumeikan Univ.), “distributed combined type” (Chubu Univ.), “distributed independent type” (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.). 3. Results We noted that, as for the actual conditions, LC facilities have been built outside the library building in those universities where the number of students is larger. Our hypothesis was that most of the single users tend to chose reading areas, and that most of the group users tend to chose LC; however, the results showed that around the 50% of the plural places users tend to choose both facilities, regardless of single or group use. The analysis of this portion of users’ behavior made clear that, between the reasons of their place choice, there are the possibility of using learning tools as PCs and copy machines, and the factor of nearness (LC facilities situated near the faculty building were largely used). In the “distributed type”, a large number of users chose both reading areas and LC because of the quiet environment. From this, it can be thought that by separating LC from the library building, it becomes possible to create various acoustic environments inside the vast surface obtained. Also in the “integrated open type”, where there are no partitions between reading areas and LC, and where, within the same floor, there is a differentiation of quiet and lively spaces, many users’ purpose was “to find a quiet environment”. This behavior could only mean that the concept of “quietness” is not only linked to the absence of sound. 4. Conclusions From those considerations, it seems necessary to provide a differentiation in the sound environment of the learning spaces. Even by planning spaces where there is a sort of “noisy” acoustic condition, it becomes possible to increase the place choice factors of the users.
新井 高 鈴木 賢 旗生 隆 横田 誠 長谷川 紘司 木下 四郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.19, no.2, pp.170-176, 1977-06-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
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Purpose of this study was to know the effect of natural and synthetic bristle toothbrushes on plaque removal.Two kinds of natural toothbrushes (animal bristle and pig bristle) and two kinds of synthetic toothbrushes (nylon bristle and rubber) were evaluated using Scrub brushing method. Twelve adults, 6 patients and 6 dentists, 6 males and 6 females, aged 19 to 42, volunteered for this study.Plaque score was calculated with the modified Volpe's method which Suzuki et al. reported before. Facial and lingual tooth surfaces of the six representative teeth (6/41|14/6) were scored, after disclosing the plaque with a 0.5% basic fuchsin.The average percentage of plaque removal on facial and lingual tooth surfaces were as follows.(1) 59.6±16.1% (nylon bristle) (2) 42.3±13.2% (pig bristle)(3) 39.8±14.7% (rubber) (4) 39.5±13.3% (animal bristle)There was a statistically significance at the 5 percent level of confidence between nylon bristle brush and the other three brushes.A similar trend was recognized on labial, lingual, medial and papillary tooth surfaces independently.The scores after brushing were evaluated, also.(The materials of animal bristles are of horse and badger hair.)
楠川 充敏 鈴木 賢一 中井 孝幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.776, pp.2107-2117, 2020

<p> <b>1. Objectives</b></p><p> In Japanese universities, the realization of a new type of group learning environment, based on the use of analogic and digital media, has been promoted: Learning Commons (hereinafter, "LC").</p><p> Recently, examples of LC built separately from university library have increased. In the previous report, we conducted surveys in libraries where the reading area and the LCs are integrated, aiming to clarify the seat choice behavior of individual and group users. However, it was still to define if all the users actually choose only one of those two types, or if some of them rather choose both types.</p><p> For this reason, we tried to clarify the differentiated use behavior of reading areaff and LCs, aiming to acquire a useful knowledge for future learning space planning.</p><p> <b>2. Research method</b></p><p> We conducted a questionnaire survey and a behavior observation survey regarding the use status (addressed to users), and a questionnaire survey regarding the facility conditions (addressed to library staff).</p><p> The surveys were conducted in four Japanese universities: Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Ritsumeikan University, Chubu University, and Kyoto Sangyo University, which have different LC installation types. All of those institutions have more than 6,000 students and multiple departments. The different LC installation types have been identified as "integrated open type" (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ.), "integrated separate type" (Ritsumeikan Univ.), "distributed combined type" (Chubu Univ.), "distributed independent type" (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.).</p><p> <b>3. Results</b></p><p> We noted that, as for the actual conditions, LC facilities have been built outside the library building in those universities where the number of students is larger.</p><p> Our hypothesis was that most of the single users tend to chose reading areas, and that most of the group users tend to chose LC; however, the results showed that around the 50% of the plural places users tend to choose both facilities, regardless of single or group use.</p><p> The analysis of this portion of users' behavior made clear that, between the reasons of their place choice, there are the possibility of using learning tools as PCs and copy machines, and the factor of nearness (LC facilities situated near the faculty building were largely used).</p><p> In the "distributed type", a large number of users chose both reading areas and LC because of the quiet environment. From this, it can be thought that by separating LC from the library building, it becomes possible to create various acoustic environments inside the vast surface obtained. Also in the "integrated open type", where there are no partitions between reading areas and LC, and where, within the same floor, there is a differentiation of quiet and lively spaces, many users' purpose was "to find a quiet environment". This behavior could only mean that the concept of "quietness" is not only linked to the absence of sound.</p><p> <b>4. Conclusions</b></p><p> From those considerations, it seems necessary to provide a differentiation in the sound environment of the learning spaces. Even by planning spaces where there is a sort of "noisy" acoustic condition, it becomes possible to increase the place choice factors of the users.</p>
山本 晴彦 岩谷 潔 鈴木 賢士 早川 誠而 鈴木 義則
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.69, no.3, pp.424-430, 2000-09-05 (Released:2008-02-14)
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1999年9月24日早朝, 九州西岸に上陸した台風18号は, 九州を縦断し周防灘から山口県に再上陸し西中国地方を通過した後, 日本海に抜けた.台風の経路上および経路の東側に位置した気象官署では最大瞬間風速40m/s以上の強風が吹き, 最大風速も九州中南部を中心に20m/s以上を観測した.九州や西中国地方では台風の通過と満潮が重なり, 有明海沿岸や周防灘では高潮により堤防が決壊し, 農作物に塩害が発生した.台風に伴う九州7県の農作物および農業用施設の被害総額は914億円, 被害面積20万haにも及んだ.また, 山口県の小野田市や宇部市の消防本部では最大瞬間風速が52.0m/s, 58.9m/sの強風を観測した.宇部港では最高潮位が560cmを観測し, 推算満潮位351cmを209cmも上回る著しい高潮であった.このため, 周防灘に面した山口県内の市町では高潮災害が相次いで発生し, 農林水産被害は高潮に伴う農耕地の冠水と塩害, 強風に伴う農作物の倒伏, ビニールハウスや畜舎の損壊, 林地の倒木など約100億円に及んだ.山口市秋穂二島でも堤防の決壊により収穫直前の水稲や移植直後の野菜苗に約100haにわたり塩害が発生し, 収量が皆無となった.
伊藤 博隆 馬場 駿吉 高木 一平 大屋 靖彦 横田 明 伊藤 弘美 稲垣 光昭 小山 賢吾 北條 郷明 丸尾 猛 東内 朗 杉山 和子 河合 〓 森部 一穂 鈴木 賢二 柘植 勇人 板谷 純孝 鈴木 康夫
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.1991, no.Supplement52, pp.107-118, 1991-12-25 (Released:2012-11-27)
1 1

Mao-bushi-saishin-to extract capsules (6 caps. /day) were administered orally to 61 perennial nasal allergy patients presenting with nasal obstruction for 4 consecutive weeks to assess the overall efficacy, safety and utility of the drug. In the doctor's evaluation, the overall efficacy rate covering excellent and good responses was 38.3% at week 2 of treatment and 54.7% at week 4 of treatment. The utility rate covering useful and higher ratings was 60.7%.Nasal symptoms, viz, sneezing attack, nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, dysosmia and interference with daily living were all improved. Nasal obstruction, in particular, disappeared in many cases, thus generating a high improvement rate. Nasal mucosal findings, viz, swelling of inferior turbinal mucosa, watery secretion in nasal cavity, and nasal discharge eosinophil count showed good improvements.The time course of each nasal symptom i n terms of the average score according to allergy diaries, revealed significant reduction in nasal obstruction, dysosmia and interference with daily life in severity at and after week 2 and sneezing and nasal discharge were significantly alleviated at week 4 as compared with the findings obtained during the baseline period.As side effects, headache was reported in one case and stomachache in one case. These symptoms were relieved after discontinuation of treatment.
斉藤 孝明 鈴木 賢次郎
図学研究 (ISSN:03875512)
vol.34, pp.1-4, 2000

鈴木 賢 坂口 一成
