山内 啓之 鶴岡 謙一 小倉 拓郎 田村 裕彦 早川 裕弌 飯塚 浩太郎 小口 高
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.17, no.1, pp.169-179, 2022 (Released:2022-06-14)

飯塚 浩一
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.65, pp.122-136, 1996

The "Information society studies" suggest the coming of the society that information is more important for the production of goods and services, rather than working hours and capital. Besides it makes indices which characterise the information society, demonstrates the emergence of the new society by the use of those indices, and proposes the information policies based on that demonstration. However, the age of the, "information society" is described to be the end of the social development history, and there are many problems-what is information? what is the difference between information and knowledge? what is the value of information? etc.-which have not been solved. Accordingly I would like to deal with the "socio-information studies", which investigate the relationship between the change of the social structure and the "socio-information" which is not the measurable thing, but the "social discourse" which acquire the specific historical meaning in a society. In addition, I am taking a fresh look at the media studies of Marshall McLuhan, who was a Canadian scholar of English literature and studied the social change from the viewpoint of the philosophy of technology, and am considering the possibility of McLuhan's work as the approach of the "socio-information studies".
飯塚 浩一
法学研究 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.84, no.2, pp.83-106, 2011-02

はじめに一 公共サービス放送の成立 (一) 公共サービス放送の理念 (二) 文化統治の手段としての公共サービス放送二 BBCによる文化統治の実践 (一) 階級対立と国民統合 (二) 戦間期におけるBBCの番組にみる文化統治 1 標準英語の採用 2 教育放送の開始 3 クラシック音楽に対する支援 4 バラエティー番組の「質」の維持おわりに䕃山宏教授退職記念号
山内 啓之 小口 高 早川 裕弌 飯塚 浩太郎

Free and open source GIS software has been utilized for GIS education all over the world. However, as far as we recognize, GIS education in many Japanese universities underutilize such software packages. Therefore, we developed GIS exercise materials explaining spatial data analyses using free and open-source GIS. We have been providing these materials for higher education and designated them as the GIS Open Educational Resources. We used the materials in a university exercise class, which was held as an intensive course for three days at The University of Tokyo. During the exercise, we have conducted questionnaire surveys to clarify the three criteria: difficulty, understanding and satisfactory levels of the students. The results showed that the students felt difficulty in some situations such as the utilization of GIS for the first time and complex operations using different types of data. The contents of the exercise syllabus and materials were improved based on the feedback. We conducted another GIS exercise class at the university to verify the utility of improvements. In this presentation, we show the improvements in the exercise syllabus and the comparison of educational effects on students before and after the improvements.
飯塚 浩一
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.71, pp.31-43, 1999

The broadcast media have generally been regarded to have the great influence on the enormous audience. Accordingly politicians would like to regulate them and create the political climate convenient for themselves. As a matter of fact you could find a lot of examples of political pressure on the broadcast media when you would examine the history of broadcasting. The typical one is the censorship, but politicians have found the indirect way of control of journalistic activity of broadcast media. The structure of the British broadcasting has consisted of both the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) which has been financed by the licence fee, and the Independent Television which has been constituted by the various companies financed by the advertising. Politicians have often applied pressure on the BBC by taking some programmes off the air, criticising the BBC in the parliament speech, appointing governors who is critical of what the BBC does and so on. I think that the ways of control over the BBC have been developed mainly during the Thatcher era. In this essay I would like to consider the arrangement of the government control over the BBC, the transformation of the way of control under the Thatcher government and its effect on the management of the BBC in 1990s.
田島 聖士 小野寺 勉 阿部 公喜 海老沢 政人 飯塚 浩道
一般社団法人 口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.63, no.4, pp.344-350, 2013

北島 一輝 飯塚 浩二郎 藤原 伸也 河村 隆 鈴木 智
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._1A1-U04_1-_1A1-U04_2, 2015-05-17 (Released:2017-06-19)

Recently, volcano activation is increasing. Accordingly, various disasters occur. Among them, a debris avalanche has heavy effect for people who are living around volcano. Therefore, the observation method to surveillant volcano surface is necessary. In this study, we focus on to surveillant amount of volcano ash using excavator. Light and small observation tool is better than heavy tool in case of volcano surface. Because of we would like to move the observation tool to upper position of volcano surface. If the observation tool is light and small, the autonomous carrier like multi copter can move it. Our group develops light small excavator by slider mechanism and rotary drilling.
根本 剛志 河村 隆 鈴木 智 飯塚 浩二郎 奥田 一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2011, pp.264-267, 2011

In this paper, we present prototype robot to replicate features of dragonfly flight. We have observed and revealed characteristics of dragonfly flight in lifting, cruising, and hovering. With flapping fore and hind wings out of phase, we have achieved sustained flight with our dragonfly prototype. We present overview of observation, flapping mechanism, experimental setups, and experimental results.
山内 啓之 小口 高 早川 裕弌 飯塚 浩太郎 宋 佳麗 小倉 拓郎
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2020年度日本地理学会春季学術大会
pp.96, 2020 (Released:2020-03-30)

GISを用いて空間的思考力を向上させるための教育は,地理学を通じた人材の育成に有効である。最近では,2022年の高等学校における地理総合の必修化を背景に,中高生を対象とするGIS教育の実践に関心が集まっている。一方で,中高生が実際に地理情報を取得する手法や,GISを操作してデータを処理する手法を学習できる機会は限られている。そこで演者らは,中高生が,GISや関連機器の活用を体験するプログラムを企画して実施した。 本プログラムは,日本学術振興会の「ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス」の一環として,「デジタル地図とスマホ,ドローン,3Dプリンタで自然環境と人間生活を調べよう!」と題し,2018年8月3日,17日と2019年8月17日に実施した。受講者はインターネットを通じて応募し,中学1年生〜高校2年生までの計82名が参加した。 本プログラムは講義と4つの実習で構成され,1日でGISの基本や関連技術を網羅的に体験できるようにした。講義では,電子地図と紙地図の違いやGISの基礎知識を30分程度で解説した。受講者がより身近にGISを理解できるように,スマートフォンの位置情報ゲームや企業でのGIS活用の事例も紹介した。 実習は,1)データ解析,2)データ取得,3)アウトリーチ的活用,4)WebGISの活用の4つを体験するものとし,各1時間で実施した。1)のデータ解析では,無償で利用できるQGISと,基盤地図情報数値標高モデルを用いた地形の分析手法を解説した。受講者は,講師の指示とスクリーンに投影した操作画面に従って,標高データの段彩表現,陰影図の作成,傾斜角の算出,土地利用データの重ね合わせ等を体験した。2)のデータ取得では,主にドローンによる写真測量を取り上げた。受講者は屋外でドローンによるデータ取得を見学した後,室内でトイドローンの操作を体験した。3)のアウトリーチ的活用では,3Dプリントされた地形模型やスマートフォンのVRアプリを活用して,地形学の研究手法や,研究成果を効果的に伝達する手法を紹介した。受講者がより関心を持って学べるように,3Dプリンタでの模型の製作工程や,反射実体鏡による地形分類の手法等も解説した。4)のWebGISの活用では,防災をテーマに,Web地図上で洪水に関する情報を重ね合わせ,地域の脆弱性を読み取った。実習の冒頭では,受講者に洪水時の状況を伝えるために,対象地域の概観,水害の歴史,被害状況等について簡単に解説した。次に受講者が3〜6人のグループに分かれ,ノートパソコンやスマートフォンでWeb地図を閲覧しながら,洪水時に危険な地域や避難所に関する各自の意見を付箋にまとめ,A0の大判地図に貼り付けた。実習の後半では,討論の結果を模造紙にまとめ,グループごとに発表した。 本プログラムの効果を検証するために,受講者を対象とするアンケートをプログラムの終了後に実施した。アンケートは講義と各実習を5点満点で評価する設問,該当する項目を選択する設問,回答を自由に記述する設問で構成した。各受講者がアンケートに5点満点で回答した難易度,理解度,満足度の平均値を用いて,本プログラムを評価した。難易度については,2)のデータ取得や3)のアウトリーチ的活用のような直観的に理解しやすい実習を易しいと評価する傾向があった。一方で,講義,1)のデータ解析,4)のWebGISの活用のように,既存の知識との連携,複雑なPC操作,空間的思考力を要するものには難しさを感じる者が多かった。特に,1)のデータ解析は,他の実習に比べ難しいと感じる傾向があった。理解度は,難易度と全体的に同様の傾向を示したが,難易度よりもやや肯定的な評価となった。一方で満足度は,全ての内容について受講者の回答の平均値が4以上の高評価となった。以上の結果から,本プログラムは受講者が部分的に難しさを感じたものの,講義および実習の内容を概ね理解でき,高い満足感を得たと判断される。今後は,その他のアンケート項目の結果も参考に,プログラムの構成や教授法を改善する予定である。
河村 隆 野内 知樹 降旗 克行 栗林 直樹 青柳 匡尚 中﨑 滉平 北橋 尚浩 鈴木 智 飯塚 浩二郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 2016 (ISSN:24329509)
pp.C-20, 2016 (Released:2017-06-19)

Curling is one of the winter sports called chess on ice. Athletes are required high level skill and smart strategy. This paper deals with curling phenomenon of rotation stone on the ice.To Understand this phenomenon, polypropylene and Teflon sheet makes low friction environment, and curling stone experiment was carried out. Then curling stone phenomenon was reproduced on force plate instead of ice.
飯塚 浩昭 坂本 秀樹 中村 納 南 敏
vol.45, pp.365-366, 1992-09-28

飯塚 浩一
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.67, pp.39-54, 1997

In the 1980s, the Thatcher government tried to introduce the principle of the free market into the sphere of public service. The British broadcasting has also experienced the great change under the pressure from the Thatcher government. The structure of the British broadcasting from the 1950s has been described as the 'regulated competition' or the 'comfortable duopoly' by the Annan Committee and the Peacock Committee respectively. This 'comfortable duopoly' has consisted of both the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) which has been financed by the licence fee, and the Independent Television (Channel 3) which has been constituted by the various companies financed by the advertising. The Thatcher government hoped to change this situation and introduce the competition into the British broadcasting. From their viewpoint, the licence fee was to replace it with advertising on BBC television, and Channel 3 franchises would be awarded by a process of competitive tender. By the Broadcasting Act 1990,the franchise auction for Channel 3 was held in 1991. It might be said generally, when the government talk about the reform of the media system, they must hope to influence the journalism of the media. Accordingly I would like to deal with the influence of the broadcasting reform by the Thatcher government on the British broadcast journalism, especially focusing on the 'impartiality' which has been the guideline for the British broadcast journalism so far.
飯塚 浩二郎 水上 憲明 大槻 真嗣 國井 康晴 黒田 洋司 久保田 孝
vol.2007, pp."2A2-M07(1)"-"2A2-M07(4)", 2007-05-11

Lunar rovers are required to move on rough terrain such as in craters and rear cliffs where it is scientifically very important to explore. Wheel typed rovers are popular for planetary exploration missions. However, there is a problem that the wheel typed rovers have possibility of stack. Therefore, this paper investigates a mechanism of kinetic behavior between the wheels of the exploration rovers and soil. This study especially focuses on influence on mobility of lugs. The fin called lug needs for running on soften surface like soil. However, there are few studies about the effect of lugs. Therefore, in this study, running experiments on simulant are carried out to observe the traversability of the wheel with lugs using slip ratio and electrical current.