羽田 明
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.14, no.2, pp.109-124,A184, 1971 (Released:2010-03-12)

Les Arabes musulmans, qui avaient si facilement conquis l'Iran, eurent beaucoup de peine à occuper la Transoxiane (Mawara'n-nahr ou Sogdiane). Ils y mirent presque un siècle. C'est que les indigènes de cette règion, c. -t. -d. Sogdiens renommés pour leur activité commercial, résistèrent délibérément à l'invasion des Arabes de connivence avec les Turcs nomades. Les Arabes redoutaient ceux-ci comme “fléau de Dieu.”Or, à partir du 10 ème siècle, à peu pèrs 2 siècles après la conquête de la Transoxiane par les Arabes, les Turcs nomades, tenus à l'écart au delà du Syr Dariya, commencèrent à se convertir en musulmans. L'accroissement de la puissance de leurs frères, admis au Califat comme esclaves (mamluk), n'y aurait pas été étranger. Toutefois, c'était au fond l'influence venue de la Transoxiane complètement islamisée sous la dynastie indigène Samanides (874-999). Les Turcs, qui avaient subi jadis l'influence plus ou moins forte de la civilisation iranienne par l'intermédiaire des Sogdiens, suivirent à nouveau l'exemple de ces derniers. Basé sur le temoignage de la légende de Satoq Boghra Khan, fondateur de la première dynastie turque en l'Asie centrale, V. V. Barthold signale entre autres l'activité des marchands musulmans de la Transoxiane et la propagande par les mystiques musulmans (sufi)Quoi qu'il en soit, les Qara-khanides occupèrent la Transoxiane au détriment des Samanides et ouvrirent largement la porte au peuple turc. Les tribus turques affluèrent par là les unes après les autres au monde musulman pour y jouer un rôle dirigeant, dont les Seljougides et les Ottomans.Les Turcs étaient presque sans exeption croyants fervants de l'Islam orthodoxe (du sunnisme). Mais, cela ne leur empêchait pas d'hériter du shamanisme, leure propre foi, surtout dans la masse. Le développement remarquable des ordres mysthiques parmi eux trahit certes cette circonstance. Quand ils appellent Allah Tengri, ce ne sera pas dans son sens strict du mot le “Dieu unique” des Arabes, mais le “Dieu suprême” des Turcs. Ce qu'on qualifie du régime sultan-calife des Ottomans pourrait être lui-même un résultat de l'alliance des notions de souveraineté chamanistique et islamique.
久保 秀一 井上 孝夫 山崎 彰美 羽田 明
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.58, no.5, pp.340-349, 2011-05-15

<b>目的</b>&emsp;本研究の目的は,子どもを持つ両親の喫煙における社会経済的要因の関与の有無を明らかにすることである。<br/><b>方法</b>&emsp;千葉県西部の 3 市に住む小学校 4 年生を持つ保護者4,179人全員に対し,少子化対策を目的とした無記名自記式の質問紙調査を行った。本研究では母親がいると回答し,子ども数,喫煙,結婚に関する回答があった3,522人(84.2%)を対象とした。<br/><b>結果</b>&emsp;母親の喫煙率は21.2%であった。母親の喫煙と関連する要因としては,&ldquo;配偶者がいない&rdquo;,&ldquo;配偶者の喫煙&rdquo;,&ldquo;母親が35歳未満&rdquo;,&ldquo;育児休暇を利用していない&rdquo;,&ldquo;母親の両親が健在でない&rdquo;,&ldquo;千葉県出身,&ldquo;保育園の利用&rdquo;,&ldquo;子育てサークルを利用しない&rdquo;,&ldquo;麻しんワクチンの未接種&bull;接種不明&rdquo;,&ldquo;生活に対して不満足なこと&rdquo;であった。<br/>&emsp;父親の喫煙率は51.4%であった。父親の喫煙と関連する要因としては,&ldquo;配偶者の喫煙&rdquo;,&ldquo;父親が35歳未満&rdquo;,&ldquo;父親の職業が労務技能&bull;販売サービス&rdquo;,&ldquo;父親の勤務先が民間企業1,000人未満&rdquo;であった。<br/><b>結論</b>&emsp;両親の喫煙行動に社会経済的要因の関与が認められた。とくに配偶者の喫煙の有無と母親の配偶者の有無は強い関連性が示された。
岩澤 永照 羽田 明生 流王 智子 川村 智輝 川﨑 邦弘
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) (ISSN:13418939)
vol.138, no.12, pp.547-557, 2018-12-01 (Released:2018-12-01)

In this paper, we propose a method of construction of inter-vehicle network for coupling and decoupling vehicles. First, we describe the problems associated with construction of inter-vehicle network. Second, we propose two sequences of procedures how to solve these problems by grasping the connection matrix. Finally, we show the prototypes to which the method is applied, and we perform the test for function confirmation and evaluation of the method.
羽田 明
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.67, no.6, pp.631-635, 2019 (Released:2019-05-12)

The incredible speed at which research into the human genome has recently progressed has led to the widespread use of genomic data in clinical settings. The day will soon come when clinical practice that fails to utilize patients' genomic data will be considered outdated and will pose a high risk of legal action. In this lecture, I discuss several topics: 1.the progress of human genomic research, 2. Homo sapiens as just one of the many species on Earth; 3. the clinical applications of genomic research findings, with Kawasaki disease as an example;and 4.the current state of genomic research and its future prospects. Medical researchers and doctors have long dreamed of a day when health care services based on each individual's genomic data will be a reality;this is usually referred to as “madeto-order medicine,” “tailor-made medicine,” “personalized medicine,” and most recently, “precision medicine.” Thanks to the recent rapid development of genomic analysis,such as next-generation sequencing,as well as that of statistical analysis methods, it has been said that individual genomic data were available at a cost as low as$1,000 in 2014. Our planet is 4.6 billion years old, and life began 3.8 billion years ago. Since then,the Earth has witnessed the evolution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic unicellular organisms, followed by multicellular organisms, photosynthetic plants, the Cambrian explosion of marine life, and the emergence of land-dwelling creatures. Our mammalian ancestors appeared during the age of the dinosaurs, which suffered a mass extinction due to a dramatic change in climate caused by an asteroid impact. The small dinosaurs that survived evolved into today's birds while the mammals of that era evolved to successfully occupy a diverse array of ecological niches. The human family appeared about 2.5 million years ago in Africa. Archaic humans, such as Homo neanderthalensis, lived among our Homo sapiens ancestors, who appeared about 200,000 years ago. Now we know that 21%of the human genome has genes in common with prokaryotes and other eukaryotes. The difference between our genome and that of the gorilla and the chimpanzee is only 2% and 1%, respectively. Among Homo sapiens, the difference between any two individuals is only 0.2%, which manifests as differences in skin color, disease susceptibility, and other traits. Kawasaki disease was identified by Dr.Tomisaku Kawasaki, who reported his findings in 1967. Since then, vigorous efforts have been made to identify the cause of the disease, but so far, nothing specific has been found. We therefore took a genome-based approach and identified several genes responsible for the development of Kawasaki disease. Because some of the identified genes are thought to participate in the Ca2+-NFAT signal transduction pathway, we hypothesized that cyclosporine A, which is known as a suppressor of this pathway, might be useful in the treatment of the disease. We performed an investigator-initiated clinical trial and confirmed our hypothesis. This was one of the first clinical applications based on human genome research. Now, there are several large-scale genome-based projects, such as the UK Biobank, that are open to any researcher who would like to make use of their resources. They also contain clinical information and patient data, such as socioeconomic status, and educational background. With these kinds of resources at our disposal, we can expect great accomplishments in the not-too-distant future.
鈴木 洋一 坂本 修 真下 陽一 羽田 明
公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会
ビタミン (ISSN:0006386X)
vol.86, no.9, pp.499-507, 2012-09-25 (Released:2017-10-10)

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin and a cofactor of several types of carboxylases. Insufficient intake of biotin and a congenital deficiency of enzymes requiring biotin as a cofactor in cells cause clinical symptoms called multiple carboxylase deficiency (MCD). In recent years, several reports have shown that infants with food allergy and/or atopic eczema have developed MCD after being fed with peptide formulas. Peptide formulas available in Japan contain very little biotin because biotin has not been permitted to be added to regular foods as an additive. This, however, may lead to nutritional biotin deficiency in some infants fed with such a peptide milk. We investigated the incidence of nutritional biotin deficiency and congenital enzyme deficiency in Japan. We sent a questionnaire to 921 hospitals with a pediatric department to cover all areas of Japan. The response rate was 64%. The rate of hospitals that use peptide milk in the therapy of allergic diseases was 49%. The estimated incidence of biotin deficiency was at least 70 cases in the last 10 years. Since the first diagnosis of holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency (HCSD) in 1982, HCSD and biotinidase deficiency have been confirmed in 28 and 2 cases, respectively. These data suggest that the incidence of congenital enzyme deficiency is about 1 case per year. Supplementation of biotin is highly recommended when infants are fed with peptide milk in Japan.
菅野 純夫 羽田 明 三木 哲郎 徳永 勝士 新川 詔夫 前田 忠計 成富 研二 三輪 史朗 福嶋 義光 林 健志 濱口 秀夫 五條堀 孝 笹月 健彦 矢崎 義雄

羽田 明子 中村 アツコ 岩見 哲夫 伊元 光代
調理科学 (ISSN:09105360)
vol.23, no.2, pp.180-185, 1990-05-20
