Geneviève C. LUCA Beatriz P. MONTEIRO Marilyn DUNN Paulo V.M. STEAGALL
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.79, no.6, pp.992-998, 2017 (Released:2017-06-10)

The goals of this retrospective clinical case series study were to describe the management of anesthesia, and to report perioperative complications in cats undergoing subcutaneous ureteral bypass (SUB) placement due to ureteral obstruction. Medical records of client-owned cats with ureteral obstruction and anesthetized for SUB placement between 2012 and 2015 in a veterinary teaching hospital were reviewed. Twenty-seven cases were identified. Duration of anesthesia and surgery (mean ± standard deviation) were 215 ± 42 min and 148 ± 36 min, respectively. Hypothermia was the most common intraoperative complication. Hypotension, hypocapnia, hypertension and bradycardia were also frequently observed. Out of 22 cats who experienced intraoperative hypotension, 17 received inotropes and vasopressors. There was a significant decrease in creatinine (P=0.008) and total solids (P=0.007) after SUB placement when compared with baseline values. Postoperative complications included pain, anorexia, nausea, hypertension, and urinary tract-related problems. No death occurred in the postoperative period. Successful management of anesthesia for SUB placement involves rigorous anesthetic monitoring and immediate treatment of complications. Perioperative complications appear to be common. This study could not identify risk factors associated with this procedure.
Giles Roscoe C. Mansuripur Masud
社団法人 日本磁気学会
日本応用磁気学会誌 (ISSN:02850192)
vol.17, no.1, pp.S1_255-257, 1993

Computer simulations of a two-dimensional lattice of magnetic dipoles are performed on the massively parallel Connection Machine Supercomputer. These lattices constitute a discrete model for thin films of amorphous rare earth-transition metal (RE-TM) alloys, used in erasable optical data storage systems. The simulated dipoles follow the dynamic equation of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert. Using mean-field theory, we have calculated the temperature dependence of the subnetwork magnetizations, the effective fields, the gyromagnetic coefficient, and the Gilbert damping parameter. These results are then used in the simulation of the thermomagnetic recording process, where a focused laser beam creates a hot spot and allows an external magnetic field to reverse the direction of local magnetization. Reversed domains are seen to nucleate during cooling of a heated spot with Gaussian spatial profile. In the absence of defects of the size of a domain wall, these nuclei are seen to collapse in low external fields. In contrast, samples with patches of uniform anisotropy and weakened inter-patch exchange form stable reversed domains. Color visualizations of the magnetization distribution show local pinning of the cooling reverse domain on patch boundaries.
日本海洋学会誌 (ISSN:00298131)
vol.32, no.6, pp.249-252, 1976

海産多毛類<I>Nereis diversicolor</I>による堆積物からのプルトニウムー239のとりこみの研究結果を報告する. <I>Nereis</I>のプルトニウム負荷量に対する, 堆積物と海水からの経路の相対的な重要度の比較を行なった. この比較研究に用いた実験条件下では, <I>Nereis</I>は, 体内の放射能の98%以上を海水からとりこむようにみられる.
Eugene C. BWALYA Sangho KIM Jing FANG H.M. Suranji WIJEKOON Kenji HOSOYA Masahiro OKUMURA
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.17-0084, (Released:2017-05-27)

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are a potential alternative source of differentiated chondrocytes for cartilage tissue regeneration and repair of osteoarthritic (OA) joints. We investigated the effects of pentosan polysulfate (PPS) and polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) on chondrogenesis of canine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (cBMSC) in alginate and micromass cultures (MMC). Chondrogenic differentiation medium (CDM) was supplemented with PPS or PSGAG at concentrations of 0 (positive control; PC), 1, 3 and 5 μg/ml. 10% DMEM was used as negative control. Chondrocyte phenotype was analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) for alginate cultures and Alcian blue staining for proteoglycan (PG) synthesis for MMC. In alginate culture, PPS and PSGAG showed no significant effect on type II collagen, aggrecan and HIF-2α mRNA expression. PPS had no significant effect on type I collagen whereas PSGAG significantly upregulated (P<0.05) it at all concentrations relative to other treatments. PPS demonstrated a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on type X collagen mRNA with significant inhibition observed at 5 μg/ml compared to the NC. PSGAG showed an inverse effect on type X collagen with 1 μg/ml significantly inhibiting its expression while increase in the concentration correspondingly increased type X collagen expression. In MMC, PPS significantly enhanced chondrogenesis and PG deposition whereas PSGAG inhibited chondrogenesis and promoted a fibrocartilage-like phenotype with reduced PG deposition. While PPS enhances chondrogenesis of cBMSC in MMC, the response of MSC to chondroinductive factors is culture system-dependent and varies significantly between alginate and MMC.
脇田 浩二 宮崎 一博 ソパヘルワカン J. ズルカルナイン I. パーキンソン C.D. ムナスリ Koji Wakita Kazuhiro Miyazaki Jan Sopaheluwakan Iskandar Zulkarnain Christopher D. Parkinson Munasri Geological Survey of Japan Geological Survey of Japan Research and Development Centre for Geotechnology Research and Development Centre for Geotechnology Tokyo Institute of Technology Tsukuba University
地質学論集 = The memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan (ISSN:03858545)
vol.48, pp.152-162, 1997-06-30

東南アジアの古大陸スンダランドの周りには, 様々な年代の付加体やゴンドワナ大陸起源の微小大陸片が集まってきて, 中生代・新生代を通じて次第に大陸成長を続けてきた。インドネシアの中部ジャワ, 南スラウェシ及び南カリマンタン地域において付加体の詳細な調査研究の結果, 白亜紀における海洋プレートの沈み込み, 深海堆積物の付加, 微小大陸片の衝突などが次第に明らかになってきた。これらの三池域の地質は, 構成岩相や地質時代などがお互いに良く類似している。しかし, それぞれの地域が受けた構造運動の違いが, 構成岩石の性質に微妙な違いを与えている。中部ジャワのルクロコンプレックスは, 典型的な付加体で, 白亜紀全体を通じて定常的な海洋プレートの沈み込みと海洋堆積物の付加で特徴づけられている。南カリマンタンのメラトスコンプレックスは, その被覆層とともに収束境界に沿った島弧で形成されたと推定される。一方, 南スラウェシのバンティマラコンプレックスは, 海洋プレートの沈み込みに引き続いて起こった微小大陸片の衝突の歴史を記録している。The Sundaland craton in Southeast Asia is surrounded by a number of accretionary complexes of various ages, and accreted microcontinents which were originally rifted from the Gondwanaland. Continental growth along the southern and eastern margins of the Sundaland resulted from accretion of sediments and collision of continental fragments throughout Mesozoic and Cenozoic times. Cretaceous tectonic processes in the Indonesian region such as subduction, accretion and collision have been revealed by detailed geologic investigation of accretionary complexes in Central Java, South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan. The components of these complexes are similar to each other, but the precise nature of the components differs somewhat. Differences of structure and lithology suggest differing tectonic histories. The Luk-Ulo Complex of Central Java is a typical subduction complex generated by continuous subduction of oceanic plate through out Cretaceous time. The Meratus Complex and its overlying formations in South Kalimantan are also products of oceanic plate subduction in an island arc setting. On the other hand, the Bantimala Complex of South Sulawesi records the effects of oceanic plate subduction followed by collision of a continental fragment.
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity (ISSN:00221392)
vol.44, no.1, pp.1-42, 1992 (Released:2010-09-14)
17 22

A review of indications of the return currents of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) and associated phenomena has been presented. The need for good fitting of the observed dip equatorial magnetic variation profiles had compelled the inclusion of westward currents on the flanks of the dip equator in practically all the cases. The three sources of the return currents: the curvature of the field lines through the ionospheric dynamo region, the divergence of east-west currents close to the magnetic dip equator, and the local neutral winds varying with height combine constructively, each peaking around 5° dip latitude, to provide for the return currents of practically all the eastward electrojet current. The return currents flow on the flanks of the dip equator from about 3° and terminate at a dip distance L1 in the interval 7°≤L1≤17° with a mean of L1=10±3°, sometimes extending further but not beyond the Sq focus. At a location about 5.2±0.8° dip latitude, they reach a peak of about -27±3 per cent of the peak of the eastward equatorial electrojet. The negative correlation between the width and the intensity of the equatorial electrojet has been confirmed with data derived from physical model, indicating its origin in the westward return currents. The ionospheric current system so far detected by rockets is essentially in two layers. It is suggested that the intense lower layer including the return currents around 5° dip latitude, be associated with the equatorial electrojet; and that the weak upper layer that maintains more steady altitude extent everywhere be associated with the worldwide part of the Sq currents.
Acharya BS Actis M Aghajani T Agnetta G Aguilar J Aharonian F Ajello M Akhperjanian A Alcubierre M Aleksic J Alfaro R Aliu E Allafort AJ Allan D Allekotte I Amato E Anderson J Anguner EO Antonelli LA Antoranz P Aravantinos A Arlen T Armstrong T Arnaldi H Arrabito L Asano K Ashton T Asorey HG Awane Y Baba H Babic A Baby N Bahr J Bais A Baixeras C Bajtlik S Balbo M Balis D Balkowski C Bamba A Bandiera R Barber A Barbier C Barcelo M Barnacka A Barnstedt J de Almeida UB Barrio JA Basili A Basso S Bastieri D Bauer C Baushev A Becerra J Becherini Y Bechtol KC Tjus JB Beckmann V Bednarek W Behera B Belluso M Benbow W Berdugo J Berger K Bernard F Bernardino T Bernlohr K Bhat N Bhattacharyya S Bigongiari C Biland A Billotta S Bird T Birsin E Bissaldi E Biteau J Bitossi M Blake S Bigas OB Blasi P Bobkov A Boccone V Boettcher M Bogacz L Bogart J Bogdan M Boisson C Gargallo JB Bolmont J Bonanno G Bonardi A Bonev T Bonifacio P Bonnoli G Bordas P Borgland A Borkowski J Bose R Botner O Bottani A Bouchet L Bourgeat M Boutonnet C Bouvier A Brau-Nogue S Braun I Bretz T Briggs M Bringmann T Brook P Brun P Brunetti L Buanes T Buckley J Buehler R Bugaev V Bulgarelli A Bulik T Busetto G Buson S Byrum K Cailles M Cameron R Camprecios J Canestrari R Cantu S Capalbi M Caraveo P Carmona E Carosi A Carr J Carton PH Casanova S Casiraghi M Catalano O Cavazzani S Cazaux S Cerruti M Chabanne E Chadwick P Champion C Chen A Chiang J Chiappetti L Chikawa M Chitnis VR Chollet F Chudoba J Cieslar M Cillis A Cohen-Tanugi J Colafrancesco S Colin P Calome J Colonges S Compin M Conconi P Conforti V Connaughton V Conrad J Contreras JL Coppi P Corona P Corti D Cortina J Cossio L Costantini H Cotter G Courty B Couturier S Covino S Crimi G Criswell SJ Croston J Cusumano G Dafonseca M Dale O Daniel M Darling J Davids I Dazzi F De Angelis A De Caprio V De Frondat F Dal Pino EMD de la Calle I De La Vega GA Lopez RD De Lotto B De Luca A Neto JRTD de Naurois M de Oliveira Y Wilhelmi ED de Souza V Decerprit G Decock G Deil C Delagnes E Deleglise G Delgado C Della Volpe D Demange P Depaola G Dettlaff A Di Paola A Di Pierro F Diaz C Dick J Dickherber R Dickinson H Diez-Blanco V Digel S Dimitrov D Disset G Djannati-Atai A Doert M Dohmke M Domainko W Prester DD Donat A Dorner D Doro M Dournaux JL Drake G Dravins D Drury L Dubois F Dubois R Dubus G Dufour C Dumas D Dumm J Durand D Dyks J Dyrda M Ebr J Edy E Egberts K Eger P Einecke S Eleftheriadis C Elles S Emmanoulopoulos D Engelhaupt D Enomoto R Ernenwein JP Errando M Etchegoyen A Evans P Falcone A Fantinel D Farakos K Farnier C Fasola G Favill B Fede E Federici S Fegan S Feinstein F Ferenc D Ferrando P Fesquet M Fiasson A Fillin-Martino E Fink D Finley C Finley JP Fiorini M Curcoll RF Flores H Florin D Focke W Fohr C Fokitis E Font L Fontaine G Fornasa M Forster A Fortson L Fouque N Franckowiak A Fransson C Fraser G Frei R Albuquerque IFM Fresnillo L Fruck C Fujita Y Fukazawa Y Fukui Y Funk S Gabele W Gabici S Gabriele R Gadola A Galante N Gall D Gallant Y Gamez-Garcia J Garcia B Lopez RG Gardiol D Garrido D Garrido L Gascon D Gaug M Gaweda J Gebremedhin L Geffroy N Gerard L Ghedina A Ghigo M Giannakaki E Gianotti F Giarrusso S Giavitto G Giebels B Gika V Giommi P Girard N Giro E Giuliani A Glanzman T Glicenstein JF Godinovic N Golev V Berisso MG Gomez-Ortega J Gonzalez MM Gonzalez A Gonzalez F Munoz AG Gothe KS Gougerot M Graciani R Grandi P Granena F Granot J Grasseau G Gredig R Green A Greenshaw T Gregoire T Grimm O Grube J Grudzinska M Gruev V Grunewald S Grygorczuk J Guarino V Gunji S Gyuk G Hadasch D Hagiwara R Hahn J Hakansson N Hallgren A Heras NH Hara S Hardcastle MJ Harris J Hassan T Hatanaka K Haubold T Haupt A Hayakawa T Hayashida M Heller R Henault F Henri G Hermann G Hermel R Herrero A Hidaka N Hinton J Hoffmann D Hofmann W Hofverberg P Holder J Horns D Horville D Houles J Hrabovsky M Hrupec D Huan H Huber B Huet JM Hughes G Humensky TB Huovelin J Ibarra A Illa JM Impiombato D Incorvaia S Inoue S Inoue Y Ioka K Ismailova E Jablonski C Jacholkowska A Jamrozy M Janiak M Jean P Jeanney C Jimenez JJ Jogler T Johnson T Journet L Juffroy C Jung I Kaaret P Kabuki S Kagaya M Kakuwa J Kalkuhl C Kankanyan R Karastergiou A Karcher K Karczewski M Karkar S Kasperek A Kastana D Katagiri H Kataoka J Katarzynski K Katz U Kawanaka N Kellner-Leidel B Kelly H Kendziorra E Khelifi B Kieda DB Kifune T Kihm T Kishimoto T Kitamoto K Kluzniak W Knapic C Knapp J Knodlseder J Kock F Kocot J Kodani K Kohne JH Kohri K Kokkotas K Kolitzus D Komin N Kominis I Konno Y Koppel H Korohoda P Kosack K Koss G Kossakowski R Kostka P Koul R Kowal G Koyama S Koziol J Krahenbuhl T Krause J Krawzcynski H Krennrich F Krepps A Kretzschmann A Krobot R Krueger P Kubo H Kudryavtsev VA Kushida J Kuznetsov A La Barbera A La Palombara N La Parola V La Rosa G Lacombe K Lamanna G Lande J Languignon D Lapington J Laporte P Lavalley C Le Flour T Le Padellec A Lee SH Lee WH de Oliveira MAL Lelas D Lenain JP Leopold DJ Lerch T Lessio L Lieunard B Lindfors E Liolios A Lipniacka A Lockart H Lohse T Lombardi S Lopatin A Lopez M Lopez-Coto R Lopez-Oramas A Lorca A Lorenz E Lubinski P Lucarelli F Ludecke H Ludwin J Luque-Escamilla PL Lustermann W Luz O Lyard E Maccarone MC Maccarone TJ Madejski GM Madhavan A Mahabir M Maier G Majumdar P Malaguti G Maltezos S Manalaysay A Mancilla A Mandat D Maneva G Mangano A Manigot P Mannheim K Manthos I Maragos N Marcowith A Mariotti M Marisaldi M Markoff S Marszalek A Martens C Marti J Martin JM Martin P Martinez G Martinez F Martinez M Masserot A Mastichiadis A Mathieu A Matsumoto H Mattana F Mattiazzo S Maurin G Maxfield S Maya J Mazin D Mc Comb L McCubbin N McHardy I McKay R Medina C Melioli C Melkumyan D Mereghetti S Mertsch P Meucci M Michalowski J Micolon P Mihailidis A Mineo T Minuti M Mirabal N Mirabel F Miranda JM Mirzoyan R Mizuno T Moal B Moderski R Mognet I Molinari E Molinaro M Montaruli T Monteiro I Moore P Olaizola AM Mordalska M Morello C Mori K Mottez F Moudden Y Moulin E Mrusek I Mukherjee R Munar-Adrover P Muraishi H Murase K Murphy A Nagataki S Naito T Nakajima D Nakamori T Nakayama K Naumann C Naumann D Naumann-Godo M Nayman P Nedbal D Neise D Nellen L Neustroev V Neyroud N Nicastro L Nicolau-Kuklinski J Niedzwiecki A Niemiec J Nieto D Nikolaidis A Nishijima K Nolan S Northrop R Nosek D Nowak N Nozato A O'Brien P Ohira Y Ohishi M Ohm S Ohoka H Okuda T Okumura A Olive JF Ong RA Orito R Orr M Osborne J Ostrowski M Otero LA Otte N Ovcharov E Oya I Ozieblo A Padilla L Paiano S Paillot D Paizis A Palanque S Palatka M Pallota J Panagiotidis K Panazol JL Paneque D Panter M Paoletti R Papayannis A Papyan G Paredes JM Pareschi G Parks G Parraud JM Parsons D Arribas MP Pech M Pedaletti G Pelassa V Pelat D Perez MDC Persic M Petrucci PO Peyaud B Pichel A Pita S Pizzolato F Platos L Platzer R Pogosyan L Pohl M Pojmanski G Ponz JD Potter W Poutanen J Prandini E Prast J Preece R Profeti F Prokoph H Prouza M Proyetti M Puerto-Gimenez I Puhlhofer G Puljak I Punch M Pyziol R Quel EJ Quinn J Quirrenbach A Racero E Rajda PJ Ramon P Rando R Rannot RC Rataj M Raue M Reardon P Reimann O Reimer A Reimer O Reitberger K Renaud M Renner S Reville B Rhode W Ribo M Ribordy M Richer MG Rico J Ridky J Rieger F Ringegni P Ripken J Ristori PR Riviere A Rivoire S Rob L Roeser U Rohlfs R Rojas G Romano P Romaszkan W Romero GE Rosen S Lees SR Ross D Rouaix G Rousselle J Rousselle S Rovero AC Roy F Royer S Rudak B Rulten C Rupinski M Russo F Ryde F Sacco B Saemann EO Saggion A Safiakian V Saito K Saito T Saito Y Sakaki N Sakonaka R Salini A Sanchez F Sanchez-Conde M Sandoval A Sandaker H Sant'Ambrogio E Santangelo A Santos EM Sanuy A Sapozhnikov L Sarkar S Sartore N Sasaki H Satalecka K Sawada M Scalzotto V Scapin V Scarcioffolo M Schafer J Schanz T Schlenstedt S Schlickeiser R Schmidt T Schmoll J Schovanek P Schroedter M Schultz C Schultze J Schulz A Schure K Schwab T Schwanke U Schwarz J Schwarzburg S Schweizer T Schwemmer S Segreto A Seiradakis JH Sembroski GH Seweryn K Sharma M Shayduk M Shellard RC Shi J Shibata T Shibuya A Shum E Sidoli L Sidz M Sieiro J Sikora M Silk J Sillanpaa A Singh BB Sitarek J Skole C Smareglia R Smith A Smith D Smith J Smith N Sobczynska D Sol H Sottile G Sowinski M Spanier F Spiga D Spyrou S Stamatescu V Stamerra A Starling R Stawarz L Steenkamp R Stegmann C Steiner S Stergioulas N Sternberger R Sterzel M Stinzing F Stodulski M Straumann U Strazzeri E Stringhetti L Suarez A Suchenek M Sugawara R Sulanke KH Sun S Supanitsky AD Suric T Sutcliffe P Sykes J Szanecki M Szepieniec T Szostek A Tagliaferri G Tajima H Takahashi H Takahashi K Takalo L Takami H Talbot C Tammi J Tanaka M Tanaka S Tasan J Tavani M Tavernet JP Tejedor LA Telezhinsky I Temnikov P Tenzer C Terada Y Terrier R Teshima M Testa V Tezier D Thuermann D Tibaldo L Tibolla O Tiengo A Tluczykont M Peixoto CJT Tokanai F Tokarz M Toma K Torii K Tornikoski M Torres DF Torres M Tosti G Totani T Toussenel C Tovmassian G Travnicek P Trifoglio M Troyano I Tsinganos K Ueno H Umehara K Upadhya SS Usher T Uslenghi M Valdes-Galicia JF Vallania P Vallejo G van Driel W van Eldik C Vandenbrouke J Vanderwalt J Vankov H Vasileiadis G Vassiliev V Veberic D Vegas I Vercellone S Vergani S Veyssiere C Vialle JP Viana A Videla M Vincent P Vincent S Vink J Vlahakis N Vlahos L Vogler P Vollhardt A von Gunten HP Vorobiov S Vuerli C Waegebaert V Wagner R Wagner RG Wagner S Wakely SP Walter R Walther T Warda K Warwick R Wawer P Wawrzaszek R Webb N Wegner P Weinstein A Weitzel Q Welsing R Werner M Wetteskind H White R Wierzcholska A Wiesand S Wilkinson M Williams DA Willingale R Winiarski K Wischnewski R Wisniewski L Wood M Wornlein A Xiong Q Yadav KK Yamamoto H Yamamoto T Yamazaki R Yanagita S Yebras JM Yelos D Yoshida A Yoshida T Yoshikoshi T Zabalza V Zacharias M Zajczyk A Zanin R Zdziarski A Zech A Zhao A Zhou X Zietara K Ziolkowski J Ziolkowski P Zitelli V Zurbach C Zychowski P
vol.43, pp.3-18, 2013
Davis Harold A. Keinigs Rhon K. Anderson Wallace E. Atchison Walter L. Bartsch R. Richard Benage John F. Ballard Evan O. Bowman David W. Cochrane James C. Ekdahl Carl A. Elizondo Juan M. Faehl Rickey J. Fulton Robert D. Gribble Robert F. Guzik Joyce A. Kyrala George A. Miller R. Bruce Nielsen Kurt E. Parker Jerald V. Parsons W. Mark Munson Carter P. Oro David M. Rodriguez George E. Rogers Harold H. Scudder David W. Shlachter Jack S. Stokes John L. Taylor Antoinette J. Trainor R. James Turchi Peter J. Wood Blake P.
公益社団法人 応用物理学会
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes (ISSN:00214922)
vol.40, no.2, pp.930-934, 2001-02-28

Atlas is a pulsed-power facility under development at Los Alamos National Laboratory to drive high-energy density experiments. Atlas will be operational in the summer of 2000 and is optimized for the study of dynamic material properties, hydrodynamics, and dense plasmas under extreme conditions. Atlas is designed to implode heavy-liner loads in a z-pinch configuration. The peak current of 30 MA is delivered in 4 $\mu$s. A typical Atlas liner is a 47-gram-aluminum cylinder with ${\sim}4$-cm radius and 4-cm length. Three to five MJ of kinetic energy will be delivered to the load. Using composite layers and a variety of interior target designs, a wide variety of experiments in ${\sim}\text{cm}^{3}$ volumes will be performed. Atlas applications, machine design, and the status of the project are reviewed.
Tarter Jill C. Chyba Christopher F.
日経サイエンス (ISSN:0917009X)
vol.30, no.1, pp.46-52, 2000-01

高橋 久光 セナン キャロル ハフフェイカ レイ C
熱帯農業 (ISSN:00215260)
vol.37, no.1, pp.22-27, 1993-03-01

培養液中の異なるZn濃度および遮光がトマトの生育, 窒素含有量および硝酸還元酵素の活性に及ぼす影響について検討した.Znの欠乏は, 草丈の伸長を抑制した.葉部の全窒素含有量はZn欠乏区, 微量区および標準区でほとんど差異が認められず, その傾向は茎部, 根部においても同様であった.しかし, 葉部の全窒素含有量に占める水溶性窒素含有量は, Zn欠乏区で高かった.葉部の硝酸還元酵素の活性は, 標準区で高く, Zn微量および欠乏区で低かった.その傾向は茎部および根部でも同様であった.なお, 根部の硝酸還元酵素の活性は, 葉部や茎部と比較して, 低かった.Zn欠乏作物の遮光実験下での植物体各部位の生体重および乾物重は, 各生育期間とも無遮光区で最も大きい値を示した.Zn欠乏作物の遮光実験下での葉部の硝酸還元酵素の活性は, 遮光によって低下し, 無遮光区で最も高く, 70%遮光区で最も低かった.根部の硝酸還元酵素の活性は, 4月12日と4月19日には無遮光区で高かったが, 他の部位と比較して, 全処理区ともその活性は低かった.
Nagaya K Iablonskyi D Golubev N. V Matsunami K Fukuzawa H Motomura K Nishiyama T Sakai T Tachibana T Mondal S Wada S Prince K. C Callegari C Miron C Saito N Yabashi M Demekhin Ph. V Cederbaum L. S Kuleff A. I Yao M Ueda K
Springer Nature
Nature communications (ISSN:20411723)
vol.7, pp.13477, 2016-12-05

原子の集団が数珠つなぎに電子を放出する! : 極紫外自由電子レーザーで誘起される新現象解明. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-12-12.