Lanlan BAI Shiaki TAKAGI Tasuke ANDO Hiroshi YONEYAMA Kumiko ITO Hiroyuki MIZUGAI Emiko ISOGAI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.16-0198, (Released:2016-05-28)

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the major polyphenolic compound of green tea. Polyphenolic compounds were extracted from the leaf of Camellia sinensis (Japanese green tea), and the minimum inhibitory concentration against canine oral bacteria was measured. Subsequently, we investigated the inhibitory effects of polyphenolic compounds and EGCG on the growth of canine oral bacteria. EGCG showed antimicrobial activity against a model bacterium, Streptococcus mutans. Our results indicate that EGCG can inhibit the growth and biofilm formation of S. mutans, and that EGCG does not interact with streptococcal lipoteichoic acid (LTA). Furthermore, our findings suggest that EGCG interacts with other component (s) of the bacterial membrane aside from streptococcal LTA to inhibit biofilm formation and damage biofilms.
依田 博 YODA Hiroshi
現代社会研究科論集 (ISSN:18820921)
no.1, pp.39-64, 2007-03

本論文の目的は、ギデンズによる地政学的観点からの現代国家の類型に基づいて国家の多様性を示すことにある。そして、現代国家の地政学的位置は、当該国家の国内の政治経済状況の変化の影響を最も強く受ける、という仮説を検証する。冷戦が終結した現在、アメリカ合衆国が唯一の「中軸的/覇権的国家」であり、日本は、一貫して「中心的/(アメリカとの)同盟国家」である。中国とインドは、「中心的/非同盟国家」であり、中国は、安保理常任理事国としての国際的なスケールでの中心的国家であり、インドは、南アジア圏のそれである。インドが安保理常任理事国になると、国際的なスケールでの中心的国家になる可能性がある。両国は、長期にわたって国境紛争をかかえており、いずれも核保有国であり、中心的/非同盟国家としてライバル関係にある。また、かつてはいずれも帝国主義的な領域支配の野心を持たない「帝国」としての歴史を持っていたが、19世紀から20世紀前半にかけての帝国主義時代に領域を帝国主義国に蹂躙された経験を経て、両国は、現代的な中軸的/覇権的国家へと移行する可能性がある。つまり、国家がどのような姿を示すのかは、その国民がどのような政治体制のあり方を望むのかによってのみ決定されるのではなく、国際関係のあり様にも影響を受けるのである。The purposes of this paper are to identify the patterns of international relation of nation states from point of view of geopolitics, and to verify the hypothesis that the geopolitical position of any nation state would be influenced by a change of the international relation and internal conditions of the nation states. Most important elements of internal conditions are population, GDP, and military.
Taketo Kojima Ikumi Kawajiri Jun-ichi Nishida Chitoshi Kitamura Hiroyuki Kurata Mirai Tanaka Hiroshi Ikeda Takeshi Kawase
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (ISSN:00092673)
pp.20160093, (Released:2016-05-24)

A series of 2,3-diphenylphenanthro[9,10-b]furans were prepared by the reactions of phenanthrene-9,10-dione with two equivalents of benzylidenetriphenylphosphoranes as a key step. The bis(4-bromophenyl) derivative can be readily lithiated by the action of n-butyllithium in diethyl ether. The corresponding 4-trimethylsilyl and 4-methylthio derivatives were obtained by quenching the dilithio derivative with trimethylsilyl chloride and dimethyl disulfide, respectively. The Buchwald–Hartwig amination of the bromide with diphenylamine afforded the diphenylamino derivative in a good yield. Crystallographic analysis of the parent diphenyl derivative reveals that the phenanthrofuran moiety has a slightly twisted helicene-like structure, and the compound forms a columnar stacking in the crystal. The phenanthrofurans display intense blue fluorescence both in CH2Cl2 and in the solid state. Their electrochemical properties obviously indicate high HOMO energy levels of the furans, as predicted by the density functional theory calculations.
Kenichi Sakakura Yousuke Taniguchi Mitsunari Matsumoto Hiroshi Wada Shin-ichi Momomura Hideo Fujita
一般社団法人 インターナショナル・ハート・ジャーナル刊行会
International Heart Journal (ISSN:13492365)
pp.15-421, (Released:2016-05-09)

Rotational atherectomy to an angulated calcified lesion is always challenging. The risk of catastrophic complications such as a burr becoming stuck or vessel perforation is greater when the calcified lesion is angulated. We describe the case of an 83-year-old female suffering from unstable angina. Diagnostic coronary angiography revealed an angulated calcified lesion in the proximal segment of the right coronary artery. We performed rotational atherectomy to the lesion, but intentionally did not advance the rotational atherectomy burr beyond the top of the angulation. We controlled the rotational atherectomy burr and stopped it just before the top of the angulation to avoid complications. Following rotational atherectomy, balloon dilatation with a non-compliant balloon was performed, and drug-eluting stents were successfully deployed. In this manuscript, we provide a review of the literature on this topic, and discuss how rotational atherectomy to an angulated calcified lesion should be performed.
Kiyoshi OIZUMI Hiroshi NISHINO Hiroyuki KOIKE Toshio SADA Masaaki MIYAMOTO Tomio KIMURA
The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology (ISSN:00215198)
vol.51, no.1, pp.57-64, 1989 (Released:2006-08-25)
36 45

CS-905 is a novel dihydropyridine calcium blocker. A single oral administration of CS-905 or nicardipine at doses of 0.3-3.0 mg/kg produced a dosedependent reduction of blood pressure in conscious SHR. CS-905, when administered orally in conscious SHR, was more than 3 times as potent as nicardipine. Unlike the hypotensive effect of nicardipine, that of CS-905 has a gradual onset and is long-lasting, with little increase in heart rate. An intravenous administration of CS-905 also produced a hypotension with a slow onset and long duration in SHR, but CS-905 was 3 times less potent than nicardipine by intravenous administration. This difference may be attributed to the first pass effect, which was associated with nicardipine but not with CS-905. The blood pressure lowering effects of CS-905 was most potent in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, followed by SHR, RHR and normotensive rats, in this order. CS-905 is expected to be an antihypertensive agent that is effective on a once a day regimen in clinical settings.
水田 洋 MIZUTA Hiroshi
名古屋大学附属図書館研究年報 (ISSN:1348687X)
vol.9, pp.45-59, 2011-03-31 (Released:2011-04-18)

I was born in 1919 and grown up in a middle class area of Tokyo. The city was temporarily rather prosperous as a byproduct of WWI (1914-1918). The Factory Law was promulgated in 1916 in spite of the obstinate opposition of business and industry interests. In 1925 the Universal Suffrage Act was enacted as a result of the nationwide movement. But it was immediately followed by the Maintenance of Public Order Act which menaced by death penalty all the attempt to change the imperial regime and private ownership. Needless to say this was a legal reflection of the ruling classes' scare caused by the Socialist revolution in Russia. Marxist thought penetrated among students so widely that it was said clever students would become Marxists. The government strengthened the control in education so as to make students' reading circles the target of police arrest. The present writer was among them, clever or not. Towards the end of December 1941, I was driven out from the final course of the university by the break out of the Pacific War. In December 1942 I was on board for the military occupied Jawa as a civilian research worker attached to the army. The three books I took with me were Leviathan of Thomas Hobbes in the Everyman's Library, Farewell to Arms of Ernest Hemingway in the Penguin Books, and a volume of Japanese poetry of Mokichi Saito. On my arrival at Singapore I was astonished to find nicely supplied bookshops on the very place where the battle was deadly fought less than a year ago. There I bought Studies in Medieval Thought of G. G. Coulton and an introduction to the Russian grammar in English. I had no mind of hoping Japan's victory. While I have been working in Jawa for nearly three years, I learned how books were collected and used in the West, even in a colonial island. In the library of the Higher Law School of Jawa I found Franz Borkenau's Von feudalen zum bürgerlichen Weltbild which I had been looking for. I was lucky enough to make a TS copy of it to bring with me home from POW camp. In December 1949 I was appointed an associate professor of Nagoya University in charge of the history of economic thought. Before I begun to give a first course of lectures I had to face with a fatal problem of the poverty of the library holdings. It was not simply a result of Japan's isolation during the war but also was resulted from the very character of the former Imperial University of Nagoya which totally lacks faculties of humanities and social sciences. Since then it has been my official duty and private interest to collect the books of certain importance published from the time of Gutenberg to the ends of the Pacific War.
Masahiro YAMASAKI Yoshihiro TSUBOI Yusuke TANIYAMA Naohiro UCHIDA Reeko SATO Kensuke NAKAMURA Hiroshi OHTA Mitsuyoshi TAKIGUCHI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.16-0027, (Released:2016-04-28)

The Babesia gibsoni heat shock protein 90 (BgHSP90) gene was cloned and sequenced. The length of the gene was 2,610 bp with two introns. This gene was amplified from cDNA corresponding to full length cording sequence (CDS) with an open reading frame of 2,148 bp. A phylogenetic analysis of the CDS of HSP90 gene showed that B. gibsoni was most closely related to B. bovis and Babesia sp. BQ1/Lintan and lies within a phylogenetic cluster of protozoa. Moreover, mRNA transcription profile for BgHSP90 exposed to high temperature were examined by quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. BgHSP90 levels was elevated when the parasites were incubated at 43°C for 1 hr.
Yahara Yasuhito Takemori Hiroshi Okada Minoru Kosai Azuma Yamashita Akihiro Kobayashi Tomohito Fujita Kaori Itoh Yumi Nakamura Masahiro Fuchino Hiroyuki Kawahara Nobuo Fukui Naoshi Watanabe Akira Kimura Tomoatsu Tsumaki Noriyuki
Nature Publishing Group
Nature communications (ISSN:20411723)
vol.7, 2016-03-24

植物由来成分であるプテロシンBはSIK3を阻害し変形性関節症の治療薬開発のリード化合物となる. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-03-31.
鈴木 英男 安岡 広志 圓岡 偉男 神野 建 新島 典子 スズキ ヒデオ ヤスオカ ヒロシ ツブラオカ ヒデオ ジンノ ケン ニイジマ ノリコ Hideo Suzuki Hiroshi Yasuoka Hideo Tsuburaoka Ken Jinno Noriko Niijima
vol.16, no.1, pp.23-32, 2012-09-30

近年、Facebook、Twitter、mixi、GREE、Mobageの爆発的普及と、スマートフォンと呼ばれる携帯電話の登場により、掲示板、ブログ、SNS(ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス)の利用者数が急増している。高校生の携帯電話所持率も高く(95.1%)、携帯電話による子どもたちの被害も急増している。その内容は、いじめ、詐欺、異性間トラブル(強姦、児童売春)などの深刻な被害である。他方で、利用者は、被害者になるだけでなく、ネットの匿名性により、容易に加害者にもなり得る。いったん加害者になれば、匿名性は失われ、犯罪者となることもある。携帯電話を使用することは、被害者や加害者になり得るリスクを含んでいる。筆者らは過去9年にわたり国内20校以上の高校において携帯電話の情報モラル教育を実施してきた。高校生にとって理解しやすい内容にするため、筆者らの情報モラル講演は、本人追跡性について詳説、さらにデモンストレーションも行っている。本稿は、携帯電話利用にともなって生じる社会問題の複雑さ・深刻さについて分類、解説した上で、これまでの高校教育現場での情報モラル教育の実践をふまえ、効果的な情報モラル教育の一つの考え方を示すことを目的としている。本稿が高校教育現場で日夜問題に直面している関係者各位の手助けになることを期待したい。In recent years, the number of users of the BBS, bulletin board system, the blog, and the SNS, social networking service, are increasing rapidly along with the explosive spread of Facebook, Twitter, mixi, GREE and Mobage, and with the appearance of" smart phone," a new type of the cellular phone. The more high school students possess cellular phones, the more serious damage the students suffer: bullying, fraud and even sexual assaults and troubles, such as rape and juvenile prostitution. On the other hand, by the anonymity of network, students can turn into not only victims but assailants easily. Once a student becomes an assailant, however, anonymity is lost and he/she can easily become a criminal. Thus, using cellular phones involves taking risks of becoming a victim and an assailant. We authors have performed the information morals education of cellular phones over the past nine years at over 20 Japanese senior high schools. Our lectures on the information morals education have been especially based on the user traceability for cellular phones, and are readily appealing to the students, including a demonstration of showing an IP address on PC/cellular phone's displays. In this paper, we first classify and explain the complexity and seriousness of the social problems which arise as a consequence of using cellular phones. Then we show principles for effective information morals education, based on authors' experiences of the lectures on information morals education so far. We will be happy if this paper could help to support high school teachers, facing these serious problems every day.
Kazuhisa Kodama Sei Komatsu Yasunori Ueda Tadateru Takayama Jyunji Yajima Shinsuke Nanto Hiroshi Matsuoka Satoshi Saito Atsushi Hirayama
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.74, no.9, pp.1922-1928, 2010 (Released:2010-08-25)
29 51

Background: Few studies have serially monitored the change of coronary plaque after statin therapy using multiple plaque imaging modalities. Methods and Results: A prospective open-label trial was performed to assess coronary plaque regression and stabilization following 52 weeks of pitavastatin treatment (2 mg/day). Coronary segments that included the most diseased plaque of 90 patients determined on angioscopy were analyzed using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). The yellow grade of each plaque of 46 patients who had matched angioscopy and IVUS data was evaluated on angioscopy. Low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) was reduced 34.5% (145.0±24.0 mg/dl to 93.6±22.6 mg/dl, P<0.001), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol increased 17.8% (44.9±11.1 mg/dl to 51.9±11.7 mg/dl, P<0.001). Yellow grade decreased (2.9±0.8 to 2.6±0.7, P=0.040) during 52 weeks. The reduction of yellow grade was not correlated with the LDL-C level at 52 weeks or its change. The change of yellow grade was inversely correlated with maximum yellow grade at baseline. Percent atheroma volume on IVUS did not change during 52 weeks, but its change for 52 weeks was significantly correlated with LDL-C level at 52 weeks (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient 0.312, P=0.035). Conclusions: Fixed dose pitavastatin stabilized vulnerable coronary plaques by the reduction of yellow grade without significant reduction of plaque volume. The stabilization and regression of atherosclerotic plaques by statin may differ, but both nonetheless contribute to the reduction of cardiovascular events (UMIN Clinical Trials Registry UMIN000001107).  (Circ J 2010; 74: 1922 - 1928)
Nomoto Hiroshi Kondo Takuma Miyoshi Hideaki Nakamura Akinobu Hida Yoko Yamashita Ken-ichiro Sharma Arun J. Atsumi Tatsuya
Endocrine Society
Endocrinology (ISSN:00137227)
vol.156, no.10, pp.3570-3580, 2015-10

The large-Maf transcription factor v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog A (MafA) has been found to be crucial for insulin transcription and synthesis and for pancreatic beta-cell function and maturation. However, insights about the effects of small Maf factors on beta-cells are limited. Our goal was to elucidate the function of small-Maf factors on beta-cells using an animal model of endogenous small-Maf dysfunction. Transgenic (Tg) mice with beta-cell-specific expression of dominant-negative MafK (DN-MafK) experiments, which can suppress the function of all endogenous small-Mafs, were fed a high-fat diet, and their in vivo phenotypes were evaluated. Phenotypic analysis, glucose tolerance tests, morphologic examination of beta-cells, and islet experiments were performed. DN-MafK-expressed MIN6 cells were also used for in vitro analysis. The results showed that DN-MafK expression inhibited endogenous small-Maf binding to insulin promoter while increasing MafA binding. DN-MafK Tg mice under high-fat diet conditions showed improved glucose metabolism compared with control mice via incremental insulin secretion, without causing changes in insulin sensitivity or MafA expression. Moreover, up-regulation of insulin and glucokinase gene expression was observed both in vivo and in vitro under DN-MafK expression. We concluded that endogenous small-Maf factors negatively regulates beta-cell function by competing for MafA binding, and thus, the inhibition of small-Maf activity can improve beta-cell function.
Masayuki Kato Mitsuhiko Noda Hiroshi Suga Masahiko Matsumoto Yasunori Kanazawa
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
vol.16, no.6, pp.857-861, 2010 (Released:2010-01-13)
8 19 19

Aim: In 2003, the American Diabetes Association recommended that the threshold for diagnosing impaired fasting glucose (IFG) should be lowered from 6.1 mmol/L (110 mg/dL) to 5.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL). To discuss the diagnostic threshold for IFG, the association between fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and the risk of future diabetes must be known; however, data regarding this relation in the Japanese population are scarce. The aim of this study was to determine the relation between FPG and the risk of future diabetes in the Japanese general population.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted using data from annual health check-ups performed in Omiya city. A total of 11,369 subjects between the ages of 40-79 years who were not dia-betic at baseline were followed for seven years. Diabetes was defined as FPG ≥126 mg/dL or self-report.Results: The incidence of diabetes increased as the baseline FPG level increased and a similar pattern was observed irrespective of sex or age. The hazard ratios compared with subjects with FPG <85 mg/ dL adjusted for possible confounding factors were 3.83 (95% confidence interval (95% CI); 2.41-6.08) for subjects with 100 to 104 mg/dL FPG and 7.97 (95% CI; 4.98-12.4) for subjects with 105 to 109 mg/dL FPG.Conclusions: Subjects with 100-109 mg/dL FPG have an appreciable risk of diabetes that cannot be considered as “normal” and should be notified of their potential risk of developing diabetes.
Haruna Sawaguchi Hiroshi Nishida Takahiro Kawai Hiroyuki Mayama Yoshimune Nonomura
Chemistry Letters (ISSN:03667022)
pp.150005, (Released:2015-02-14)

We prepared an apatite/polymer composite material with a fractal surface by transferring the hierarchical rough surface of a plaster replica onto calcium phosphate paste and immersing the paste in buffer. The rough structure (fractal dimension = 2.3) accelerated the spreading and penetration of a water droplet placed on the surface. This material can be applied in dental implants and texture testers.
Mechanical Engineering Reviews (ISSN:21879753)
vol.2, no.1, pp.14-00368-14-00368, 2015 (Released:2015-01-01)

This paper discusses what has been found and what will be found using conceptual “origami” models to develop deployable space structures. The study covers the following: (i) one-dimensional structural elements, which are axially buckled inflatable tubes; (ii) two-dimensional elements, which are deployable membranes, such as solar arrays and solar sails; and (iii) deployable elements in nature. The study clarifies what design considerations are necessary to adapt the basic concepts to actual space structural hardware, and several limitations of origami models are discussed. Regarding the last subject, this study envisions future space structures using conceptual origami models that imitate three-dimensional deployable structures in nature, such as flowers and insect wings.
Mingming LIU Shinuo CAO Patrick VUDRIKO Hiroshi SUZUKI Takehisa SOMA Xuenan XUAN
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.15-0483, (Released:2016-01-22)

Babesia gibsoni is a tick-borne apicomplexan parasite of dogs that often causes fever and hemolytic anemia with highly variable clinical outcome. In this study, we sequenced the 254bp Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 region (ITS1) of 54 B. gibsoni isolates from 14 different geographical regions of Japan. The 54 isolates shared high sequence identity with each other and with B. gibsoni isolates reported in GenBank database (97.2–100%). Consistent with previous reports, phylogenetic analysis showed that B. gibsoni isolates from Japan formed the same clade with those from USA, Australia, India and Taiwan. Our finding indicates that B. gibsoni ITS1 region is highly conserved among isolates from dogs in Japan, making it a useful genetic marker for molecular epidemiology of the parasite.
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.77, no.12, pp.1681-1684, 2015 (Released:2016-01-01)

Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) is a key factor in the development of chronic inflammation and is deeply involved in age-related and metabolic diseases development. These diseases have become a serious problem in cats. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) is associated with aging and metabolism through maintaining inflammation via NF-κB. In addition, fibroblasts are considered an important factor in the development of chronic inflammation. Therefore, we aimed to examine the effect of cat SIRT1 (cSIRT1) on NF-κB in cat fibroblast cells. The up-regulation of NF-κB transcriptional activity and pro-inflammatory cytokine mRNA expression by p65 subunit of NF-κB and lipopolysaccharide was suppressed by cSIRT1 in cat fibroblast cells. Our findings show that cSIRT1 is involved in the suppression of inflammation in cat fibroblast cells.