Masahiro Haramoto Homare Yamanaka Hiroyasu Hosokawa Hiroshi Sano Shinsuke Sano Hiroshi Otani
Journal of Pesticide Science (ISSN:1348589X)
vol.31, no.2, pp.116-122, 2006 (Released:2006-05-25)
1 11

The control efficacy of a novel fungicide, cyflufenamid, (Z)-N-[α-(cyclopropylmethoxyimino)-2,3-difluoro-6-(trifluoromethyl) benzyl]-2-phenylacetamide was studied. In field trials, a low dosage (25 ppm) of cyflufenamid (10%WG) showed excellent efficacy in almost all plants against powdery mildew caused by various pathogens in agricultural production. Cyflufenamid also had high efficacy against brown rot in stone fruits caused by Monilinia fructicola. The fungicidal properties of cyflufenamid were investigated to elucidate the high performance of the compound in the field. Pot tests against cucumber powdery mildew indicated that cyflufenamid has excellent preventive, curative, long residual, translaminar and vapor phase activities at low concentrations. © Pesticide Science Society of Japan
林 農 HIGUCHI H. KLICK Heiko LAMPARD D. LICHTAROWICZ エー CLAYTON B.R. CHOI KwingーS 田辺 征一 若 良二 河村 哲也 望月 信介 大坂 英雄 LAMPARD Desmond HIGUCHI Hiroshi

本国際共同研究は、イギリス、ドイツ、及びアメリカの研究グルプと、本年13周年を迎えた西日本乱流研究会の研究者達が協力して、それぞれが既に研究成果を挙げ十分なデータを蓄積している運動量、熱及び質量輸送に関する実験結果を相互に交換して、これらに共通する基本原理を明らかにすることを目的としたものである。本共同研究の開始に先立つ4年前、研究代表者の林は文部省在外派遣研究員として、1991年8月から4ヶ月間ドイツ・ルール大学ボフム校に滞在し、K.Gersten教授及びHeiko Klick氏と遷移境界層中に発達する温度境界層に関して共同研究を行った。引き続き、1991年12月から4ヶ月間イギリス・ノッチンガム大学に滞在して、Kwing-So Choi博士とリブレット平面上に発達する境界層内の伝熱促進に関して共同研究を行った。その際、ノッチンガム大学のB.R.Clayton教授及びルール大学のK.Gersten教授の勧めもあって、3国間での資料交換についての国際共同研究を申請することに合意し、国内外研究者の組織化を進めた。その結果、幸いにも、平成7年度文部省科学研究費補助金国際学術研究に採択いただき、国際共同研究を実施する運びとなった。国際学術研究・共同研究では、国内の研究者グループと国外の研究者グループの対等の立場での研究者交流が重要な柱となっているので、本共同研究においても、研究経費は各研究機関の負担によることとし、研究者の交流による討論及び外国研究機関での研究に主眼をおいて学術交流を推進した。本共同研究の目的である討論をより深めるためには、各々の研究者が国内外の各地に点在する大学や研究所を訪問し互いの実験結果を比較し検討するよりは、経費と時間を有効に使うためにワークショップなりセミナーの形式を採用して多くの研究者が一堂に会して、課題の本質について討議することの方が能率良く且つ実り多い結果が得られると感じられたので、共同研究の実施期間である平成7年度中に、2度の 「質量,熱,運動量輸送の乱流制御」 に関する国際会議を開催した。一つは、1995年10月6日に鳥取大学において開催した国際交流セミナー 「質量,熱,運動量輸送に関する乱流制御」 であり、B.R.CLAYTON教授、Kwing-So CHOI助教授及びHeiko KLICK博士の3名に加えて、国際的学者である東京大学・笠木伸英教授及び名古屋大学・中村育雄教授、国内の研究グループである西日本乱流研究会の多くの研究者達が討論に加われるように配慮して、検討を十分掘り下げることができた。他の一つは、1995年8月22日にイギリス・ノッチンガム大学において開催したOne-day Colloquium 「Techniques in Turbulence Management of Mass,Heat and Momentum Transfer」 であり、西日本乱流研究会からも特別講師として、研究代表者の林農教授、研究分担者の大坂英雄教授、河村哲也教授、田辺征一教授が招かれて、ノッチンガム大学のスタッフのみならず、イギリス各地の大学、研究所、企業から集まった乱流制御問題に関心のある研究者達及び別途日本から参加の岐阜大学・福島千尋助手及び日本原子力研究所の秋野詔夫主任研究員らを交えて活発な意見交換が成され,十分な成果をあげることができた。また、河村哲也教授は、短期間であるが共同研究の相手先であるノッチンガム大学工学部機械工学科に滞在して、リブレット付き平板上に発達する境界層の数値シミュレーションに関する研究を行った。研究分担者の鳥取大学・若 良二教授もノッチンガム大学短期滞在中に乱流計測技術の調査研究についての成果を得た。今回の共同研究の結果として、本研究に加わったイギリス・ノッチンガム大学及びアメリカ・シラキュース大学と鳥取大学との大学間交流協定を締結する準備が進展している。したがって、ノッチンガム大学とはリブレット付き平板上の境界層の発達と熱伝達促進に関する共同研究を、シラキュース大学とは円柱後流の干渉とウェーブレット解析に関する共同研究を、大学間協力研究として、近い将来の文部省科学研究費補助金国際学術研究に申請するよう計画しているところである。
Hiroshi Murayama Yu Nofuji Eri Matsuo Mariko Nishi Yu Taniguchi Yoshinori Fujiwara Shoji Shinkai
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
pp.JE20140065, (Released:2014-09-06)
2 7

Background: Further evidence into the effects of social relationships on health (including those at both the individual and community levels) is needed in Japan. The Yabu Cohort Study was launched in 2012 to identify the associations between social relationships and health among community-dwelling older Japanese people and to evaluate population approaches for preventive long-term care in the community. This report describes the study design and the profile of the participants at baseline.Methods: The Yabu Cohort Study is a prospective study of community-dwelling individuals aged 65 years and older in Yabu, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The baseline survey, using a mailed self-administered questionnaire, was conducted from July through August 2012. It included information on socioeconomic status, general and psychological health, and social relationships (social network, social support, and social capital). Survival time, long-term care insurance certification, and medical and long-term care costs after the baseline survey will be followed.Results: Of 7271 questionnaires distributed, a total of 6652 were returned (91.5% response rate), and 6241 were included in the analysis. Mean age was 71.9 ± 5.2 years, 43.2% were men, and 83.8% had lived in their neighborhood for more than 40 years. Approximately 45.2% expressed general trust. About 82.4%, 49.9%, and 55.5% have participated in neighborhood association activities, municipal seminars for preventive long-term care, and salon activities in the community, respectively.Conclusions: The study is expected to provide valuable evidence on the effects of social relationships on health and to suggest the usefulness of population approaches for preventive long-term care in Japanese communities.
Satoru Ito Satoru Hiroto Hiroshi Shinokubo
Chemistry Letters (ISSN:03667022)
vol.43, no.8, pp.1309-1311, 2014-08-05 (Released:2014-08-05)

We have developed a facile procedure for the synthesis of π-extended fluorubins from perylene bisimides. Iridium-catalyzed direct borylation, the Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling, and an acid-condensation sequence afforded π-extended fluorubins 1 in moderate yields. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed a planar structure of 1. In addition, optical analysis and DFT calculations indicated the presence of intramolecular charge-transfer interactions in 1c.
Suetaka Nishiike Suzuyo Okazaki Hiroshi Watanabe Hironori Akizuki Takao Imai Atsuhiko Uno Tadashi Kitahara Arata Horii Noriaki Takeda Hidenori Inohara
The Journal of Medical Investigation (ISSN:13431420)
vol.60, no.3.4, pp.236-239, 2013 (Released:2013-11-01)
4 46

In this study, we examined the effects of sensory inputs of visual-vestibulosomatosensory conflict induced by virtual reality (VR) on subjective dizziness, posture stability and visual dependency on postural control in humans. Eleven healthy young volunteers were immersed in two different VR conditions. In the control condition, subjects walked voluntarily with the background images of interactive computer graphics proportionally synchronized to their walking pace. In the visual-vestibulosomatosensory conflict condition, subjects kept still, but the background images that subjects experienced in the control condition were presented. The scores of both Graybiel’s and Hamilton’s criteria, postural instability and Romberg ratio were measured before and after the two conditions. After immersion in the conflict condition, both subjective dizziness and objective postural instability were significantly increased, and Romberg ratio, an index of the visual dependency on postural control, was slightly decreased. These findings suggest that sensory inputs of visual-vestibulosomatosensory conflict induced by VR induced motion sickness, resulting in subjective dizziness and postural instability. They also suggest that adaptation to the conflict condition decreases the contribution of visual inputs to postural control with re-weighing of vestibulosomatosensory inputs. VR may be used as a rehabilitation tool for dizzy patients by its ability to induce sensory re-weighing of postural control. J. Med. Invest. 60: 236-239, August, 2013
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Transactions of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISSN:00211583)
vol.28, no.3, pp.186-191, 1988 (Released:2006-09-08)
4 3 10

Experiments were done on the distribution of each element between liquid Fe-Cr alloys and CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 slags having the compositions near the CaO-Al2O3 binary system in a magnesia crucible at temperatures of 1575, 1600 and 1650°C. The distribution ratios of chromium and sulphur, the oxygen content of liquid alloy and the activity coefficient of CrO in slag were expressed as functions of temperature and compositions of liquid alloy and slag. The major equations derived are as follows. log (wt%O)=0.413 log NCrO+0.0065 [wt%Cr] -0.091 ∑Ki•Ni-13044/T+5.574 log (wt%Cr)/[wt%Cr]=2.04 log [wt%O] -0.048 [wt%Cr]+0.292 ∑Ki•Ni+26 805/T-10.487 log γCrO=-0.561 log NCrO-0.096∑Ki•Ni -3044/T+1.528 log (wt%S)/[wt%S]=-0.47 log NCrO+0.0087 [wt%Cr] +2.835 ∑Ki•Ni+6902/T-4.28 where, ∑Ki•Ni=NCaO+0.1NMgO-0.8NAl2O3-NSiO2
Yukio Ozaki Yoko Takeuchi Miyuki Iwato Satomi Sakazono Hiroshi Okubo
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
pp.CH-073, (Released:2014-07-18)
1 4

The origin of a spontaneous triploid asparagus plant from crosses of 2x × 2x was investigated by SSR and flow cytometric analyses. One hundred and twenty-four progeny were obtained from crosses between a diploid female ‘Gold Schatz’ and a diploid male ‘Hokkai 100’. SSR analysis proved that two and one genes were transmitted from the maternal and paternal parents, respectively, at each SSR locus of one progeny, 07M-61, whereas one gene each was from the female and male parents in the other diploid progeny. Triploidy of 07M-61 was confirmed by flow cytometric analysis. It was suggested that the triploid plant was derived from fertilization between an unreduced egg and reduced sperm nuclei, given its SSR genotypes. It was also suggested that the unreduced maternal gamete was derived from first division restitution (FDR) or second division restitution (SDR) with chiasma occurrence during meiosis. There were no noticeable morphological differences between the triploid and diploid progeny.
Hiroshi Ohkuma Tetsuya Nakagawa Katsuyuki Shizu Takuma Yasuda Chihaya Adachi
Chemistry Letters (ISSN:03667022)
vol.43, no.7, pp.1017-1019, 2014-07-05 (Released:2014-07-05)

A spiro compound DPAA-AF combining an electron-accepting diazafluorene unit and an electron-donating bis(diphenylamino)acridane unit has been synthesized and used as an emitter in organic light-emitting diodes. DPAA-AF exhibits efficient thermally activated delayed fluorescence, and a device based on this compound emits blue-greenish electroluminescence with a maximum external quantum efficiency of 9.6%.
Yu TAMURA Hiroshi OHTA Nozomu YOKOYAMA Sue Yee LIM Tatsuyuki OSUGA Keitaro MORISHITA Kensuke NAKAMURA Masahiro YAMASAKI Mitsuyoshi TAKIGUCHI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.13-0635, (Released:2014-06-30)
1 20

Lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis (LPC) is a common form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affecting the canine large intestine. Cytokines are thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of IBD. However, to date, few studies have investigated cytokine mRNA expression in dogs with LPC. In this study, we investigated mRNA transcription levels of T helper cell cytokines, such as IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-17 and IL-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-8, IL-12 and IL-23, in colonic mucosa from LPC dogs by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. No significant differences were detected in cytokine mRNA expressions between dogs with LPC and controls, except for IL-23p19. Dogs with LPC failed to express a predominant cytokine profile in inflamed colonic mucosa as opposed to human IBD.
永田 洋 万木 豊 Nagata Hiroshi Yurugi Yutaka
三重大学農学部学術報告 (ISSN:04624408)
no.63, pp.p205-216, 1981-12

オオシマザクラ系の一品種, アサヒヤマの花芽形成は 8 月下旬に始まる。しかし, 9 月中旬までの分化形成過程にある花芽を機械的処理により開花を強制すると, 花芽から葉芽にもどってしまう。9 月下旬になると, この様な現象はみられない。そして, この時期には, 一重桜としての形態は一応完成されている。10 月に入ると, がく片の完成にひきつづき, 花弁と雄ずいが形成増加し, 10 月下旬には八重桜としてのアサヒヤマの花芽が完成する。三重県鈴鹿市白子のフダンザクラは, 通常, 10 月から 4 月まで開花がみられる。しかし, 開花のピークは秋 (10 月か 11 月) と春 (3 月か 4月) にある。これは一種の"狂い咲き"現象であり, 落葉が大巾に送れた 1978 年は秋の開花ピークがみられなかった。そのため, 翌春の開花総数は最高であった。In Prunus lannesiana WILSON f. asahiyama HORT., flower initiation occurred in late August, but until mid-September, the flower buds forced to open by mechanical treatments seemed to be reversible to vegetative stage, in the process of flower differentiation. In late September, flower buds will not reverse to vegetative even if they are forced to open. This is the time when single flower formation is complete. In early October, sepal formation occurred. October is the season while petal and stamen increase, and double flower formation is ended by the end of October. Flower buds are full-dormant in late August, and they will not be induced to flower by unseasonal defoliation in antumn. The cherry trees named Fudanzakura flower usually from October to April with two peaks in October or November and in March or April. This is a kind of unseasonal flowering brought about by too early defoliation before full-dormancy induction of the flower buds. So, if defoliation is delayed, unseasonal flowering will not be observed. In fact, in 1978 defoliation was delayed (still earlier than other cherry trees defoliation), and one flowering peak in autumn was not observed and another flowering peak in spring was the highest.
真野 博 清水 純 任 良? 中谷 祥恵 野口 有希 増田 和成 和田 政裕 Mano Hiroshi / Shimizu Jun / Im Ryanghyok / Nakatani Sachie / Noguchi Yuki / Masuda Kazunari / Wada Masahiro マノ ヒロシ シミズ ジュン Im Ryanghyok ナカタニ サチエ ノグチ ユキ マスダ カズナリ ワダ マサヒロ
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.59, no.3, pp.177-183,

DNAマイクロアレイ解析法を用いることで, 沖縄伝統野菜ニガナ (Crepidiastrum lanceolatum) を摂取させた実験動物の肝臓では, 遺伝子発現パターンが大きく変動していることを明らかにした。特に, ニガナは強力なエリスロポエチン (EPO) 遺伝子発現誘導活性を有していることがわかった。このことから, ニガナの摂取は体内のEPOタンパク質産生を上昇させる可能性が考えられた。さらに, Potential Free Energy (pF) 1.5, pF 1.8, pF 3.0の条件で灌水量を調節し, 成分量 (栄養成分や硝酸態窒素) を変化させ, 品質を改良したニガナを作製した。3種類のニガナのうちpF 1.5の灌水量条件で栽培したニガナは, 硝酸態窒素含量およびカリウム含量が比較的少なく, その他のビタミンやミネラル含量は他と同程度であったが, EPO遺伝子誘導活能が最も高かった。本研究の結果, 食品を投与した実験動物を用いたDNAマイクロアレイ解析は, 食品の新たな品質設計技術の一部として有用であると考えた。
Yasukatsu Izumi Katsuyuki Miura Hiroshi Iwao
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (ISSN:13478613)
vol.124, no.1, pp.1-6, 2014-01-20 (Released:2014-01-18)
9 35

Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is a 9-amino acid peptide that is secreted from the posterior pituitary in response to high plasma osmolality and hypotension. AVP has important roles in circulatory and water homoeostasis, which are mediated by oxytocin receptors and by AVP receptor subtypes: V1a (mainly vascular), V1b (pituitary), and V2 (renal). Vaptans are orally and intravenously active nonpeptide vasopressin-receptor antagonists. Recently, subtype-selective nonpeptide vasopressin-receptor agonists have been developed. A selective V1a-receptor antagonist, relcovaptan, has shown initial positive results in the treatment of Raynaud’s disease, dysmenorrhea, and tocolysis. A selective V1b-receptor antagonist, nelivaptan, has beneficial effects in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Selective V2-receptor antagonists including mozavaptan, lixivaptan, satavaptan, and tolvaptan induce highly hypotonic diuresis without substantially affecting the excretion of electrolytes. A nonselective V1a/V2-receptor antagonist, conivaptan, is used in the treatment for euvolaemic or hypervolemic hyponatremia. Recent basic and clinical studies have shown that AVP-receptor antagonists, especially V2-receptor antagonists, may have therapeutic potential for heart failure. This review presents current information about AVP and its antagonists.

1 0 0 0 OA 一九 畑歓三

比留井 弘司 井上 琢智 Hiroshi Hirui Takutoshi Inoue
関西学院史紀要 (ISSN:09179704)
no.17, pp.257-273, 2011-03-25
杉木 健二 松原 茂樹 逸村 裕 SUGIKI Kenji MATSUBARA Shigeki ITSUMURA Hiroshi
名古屋大学附属図書館研究年報 (ISSN:1348687X)
vol.5, pp.41-49, 2007-03 (Released:2009-01-05)

This paper describes a method for efficiently generating the metadata from the scholarly document on Web. In this study, we utilized websites resources that were accumulated in large quantities by widely collecting scholarly information on Nagoya University. These web resources increasingly become more important as a digital library. For the sake of generating metadata formalized by Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, our method takes the following two steps: First, our method judges the page type of the document by using the proper noun such as the organization name or the researcher name, or the link origin etc. Next, for generating metadata, our method applies the extraction/generation rules on each page type. Dublin Core corresponds to OAI-PMH, which is often used as a protocol for the exchange of the metadata, so it is easy to distribute scholarly information among the organizations by generating the metadata based on this set.
Ohnishi Hiroshi Yokoyama Akihito Yasuhara Yoshifumi Watanabe Akira Naka Tetsuji Hamada Hironobu Abe Masahiro Nishimura Kazutaka Higaki Jitsuo Ikezoe Junpei Kohno Nobuoki
Thorax (ISSN:00406376)
vol.58, pp.872-875, 2003
16 104

Background: The circulating level of KL-6/MUC1 is a sensitive marker for various interstitial lung diseases. Previous case reports have suggested that KL-6 may also be increased in some patients with drug induced pneumonitis. A study was undertaken to determine whether serum KL-6 could be a marker for particular types of drug induced pneumonitis. Methods: The findings of high resolution computed tomographic (HRCT) chest scans of 30 patients with drug induced pneumonitis were reviewed separately by two independent observers. The pneumonitis was classified into four predominant patterns: widespread bilateral consolidation (diffuse alveolar damage, DAD; n=7), fibrosis with or without consolidation (chronic interstitial pneumonia, CIP; n=11), consolidation without fibrosis (bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia or eosinophilic pneumonia, BOOP/EP; n=8), and diffuse ground glass opacities without fibrosis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis, HP; n=4). Serum KL-6 levels were measured by a sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Results: The overall sensitivity of serum KL-6 in detecting drug induced lung disease was 53.3%, which was lower than its sensitivity in detecting other interstitial lung diseases. However, the KL-6 level was increased in most patients with a DAD or CIP pattern (16/18; 88.9%) and was closely correlated with their clinical course. In contrast, serum KL-6 levels were within the normal range in all patients with a BOOP/EP or HP pattern. Conclusions: Particular patterns detected by HRCT scanning, such as DAD and CIP but not the BOOP/EP or HP patterns, are associated with increased circulating KL-6 levels in drug induced pneumonitis. Serum KL-6 levels may reflect the clinical activity of the particular disorders.
Tomoko Sakaguchi Hideki Itoh Wei-Guang Ding Keiko Tsuji Iori Nagaoka Yuko Oka Takashi Ashihara Makoto Ito Yoshihiro Yumoto Naoko Zenda Yukei Higashi Youichi Takeyama Hiroshi Matsuura Minoru Horie
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (ISSN:13478613)
vol.108, no.4, pp.462-471, 2008 (Released:2008-12-20)
14 30

QT prolongation, a risk factor for arrhythmias, can result from genetic variants in one (or more) of the genes governing cardiac repolarization as well as intake of drugs known to affect a cardiac K+ channel encoded by human ether-a-go-go–related gene (HERG). In this paper, we will report a case of drug-induced long QT syndrome associated with an H1-receptor antagonist, hydroxyzine, in which a mutation was identified in the HERG gene. After taking 75 mg of hydroxyzine for several days, a 34-year-old female began to experience repetitive syncope. The deleterious effect of hydroxyzine was suspected because QTc interval shortened from 630 to 464 ms after cessation of the drug. Later on, the patient was found to harbor an A614V-HERG mutation. By using the patch-clamp technique in the heterologous expression system, we examined the functional outcome of the A614V mutation and confirmed a dominant-negative effect on HERG expression. Hydroxyzine concentration-dependently inhibited both wild-type (WT) and WT/A614V-HERG K+ currents. Half-maximum block concentrations of WT and WT/A614V-HERG K+ currents were 0.62 and 0.52 μM, respectively. Thus, accidental combination of genetic mutation and intake of hydroxyzine appeared to have led to a severe phenotype, probably, syncope due to torsade de pointes.