三宅 芳雄
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.13, no.4, pp.495-496, 2006 (Released:2008-11-13)
高橋 麻衣子 清河 幸子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.470-480, 2013-12-01 (Released:2014-12-24)

While reading silently, we process only the visual information of the text. Conversely,while reading texts orally, we process the visually presented text and produce the au-ditory information of the text through articulatory movement. These activities are assumed to facilitate the memory and comprehension of textual information. Although we cannot use such auditory nor motor information while reading silently, there is little difference between the degree of comprehension based on silent and oral reading for adult readers. The purpose of this study is to explain how we compensate the loss of multisensory process during silent reading by comparing the visual processing process during silent and oral reading. In Experiment 1, we measured the eye-movement dur-ing reading garden-path and normal sentences silently and orally. In Experiment 2,we compared the eye-movement during reading more common paragraph silently and orally. The results showed that silent reading took shorter time for comprehension than oral reading, and readers had more visual fixation points and read back frequently dur-ing reading silently than orally. These reading strategies during silent reading seemed to compensate the loss of multisensory process and support the text comprehension.
細馬 宏通
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.113-124, 2014-03-01 (Released:2015-02-02)

Recent studies of interaction research have revealed that mind in the interaction is embodied in gesture in the material world as the interaction resource. In this study,we research interaction of turning pages each other when they decide the order of the restaurant. Using a virtual menu with 6 pages, 2 participants in the experiment decided to take one dish for each one for each page. Focusing on when and how the partici-pants turn each page, we found that both participants touch or follow the page when it was turned in 64/135 cases. The timing of the turning is organized not only by their utterance of announcing their order but also the body movement of page manipulation. They used the spatio-temporal pattern of page manipulation such as moving their hand from the center to the edge of the page or lifting the edge of the page slightly. These pre-sequences of turning pages, which were step by step process of sequential move-ments with pauses and were embodied with material world of the page structure, seem to project the next movement of page manipulation to prepare the simultaneous page turning by the participants.
竹澤 正哲 亀田 達也
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.6, no.2, pp.191-205, 1999-06-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

How does a reciprocal communal sharing system come into existence in a sustainable form in human societies? The anthropological literature has provided two explanations for the origin of communal sharing under uncertainty: risk reduction by social sharing (Kaplan & Hill, 1985) and tolerated theft (Blurton Jones, 1984, 1987; Winterhalder, 1986, 1996). In this paper, we aim to develop a third explanation focusing on the emergence of a communal sharing norm. A communal sharing norm here refers to a social norm designating uncertain resources as common properties. A series of computer simulations based on an evolutionary game framework suggests that such a communal sharing norm is indeed evolvable. We argue that the evolutionary game analysis can be a powerful tool in cognitive science to derive empirical hypotheses concerning various cognitive and behavioral mechanisms.
安達 悠子 原田 悦子 須藤 智 熊田 孝恒 藤原 健志
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.83-99, 2014

The Center for Usability and Aging Research (CUAR) assemble data for over 170<br> community-dwelling older adults, who volunteered as an informant for usability testing<br> and research. In the course of database enrollment, they participated in a usability<br> test for an automatic coffeemaker, as a demonstration of activities in CUAR. In this<br> article, we analyzed data of 170 people aged 60 and over, for examining relationships<br> between results of usability testing of a coffeemaker and database items which includes<br> demographics information, test results of cognitive aging (e.g. MMSE, AIST-CAT),<br>and subjective evaluation on difficulty of artifacts usage. The results showed the in-<br>dependence between two errors, which were observed in over 25% participants, and<br> also errors and the task accomplishment, indicated by statistical independent and also<br> by comparing the lists of effective items in database. Some research questions which<br> should be pursued for cognitive aging and usability research.
竹村 和久 原口 僚平 玉利 祐樹
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.368-388, 2015

This paper examines two-stage multi-attribute decision strategies in different condi-tions where numbers of alternatives, and attributes are varied. A Monte-Carlo com-puter simulation using the concept of elementary information processes identified de-cision strategies that approximate the accuracy of normative procedures while savingcognitive effort in the two-stage decision making process. The elementary strategiesexamined in the simulation were nine decision strategies: lexicographic, lexicographicsemi-order, elimination by aspect, conjunctive, disjunctive, weighted additive, equallyweighted additive, additive difference, and majority of confirming dimensions strategies.Elementary information process and relative accuracy were computed for all combina-tion of two decision strategies for two-phased decision making process. The result ofthe computer simulation suggested that comparatively effortless and accurate heuristicwas the two-phased strategy that used lexicographic strategy to eliminate until a fewalternatives in the first stage and used weighted additive strategy in the second stage.Lastly, theoretical and practical implications of this study were discussed.
長尾 真
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.3, pp.194-197, 2001-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)
内海 彰
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.4, no.4, pp.4_99-4_112, 1997-12-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

This paper proposes implicit display theory of verbal irony that overcomes several difficulties of previous irony theories. The theory claims that irony implicitly displays the fact that its utterance situation is surrounded by ironic environment consisting of three properties, but hearers recognize an utterance to be potentially ironic even when they do not see all the three properties implicitly displayed by the utterance. Implicit display of ironic environment is accomplished in such a way that an utterance alludes to the speaker's expectation, violates one of pragmatic principles, and is accompanied by several cues for implying the speaker's negative emotional attitude. This paper also shows the validity of implicit display theory by explaining how the theory is consistent with various aspects of irony such as its echoic nature, ironic cues, unintentional irony, the asymmetry of irony and so on.
高野 陽太郎 田中 章浩
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.536-541, 2008 (Released:2010-02-15)

This paper summarizes the explanation of mirror reversal based on the multi-process theory proposed by Takano (1997, 1998). It also presents some empirical evidence to prove that the left-right mirror reversal of a viewer' own and that of an alphanumeric character are produced by different underlying principles, respectively.
鈴川 由美 豊田 秀樹
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.202-222, 2011-03-01

When applying inference statistics, power analysis should be performed as a part of research plan, and in reporting the results, some measure of effect size is supposed to be included, as APA noted. However, they have been considered less serious indeed. Power analysis including estimation of effect size will be illustrated with sample effect size and sample statistical power calculated for the articles published in the <I>Cognitive Studies</I>.
Katsuo Tamaoka
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.10, no.4, pp.441-468, 2003-12-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

The present study investigated attributes of kanji On- and Kun-readings from the perspectives of both statistical prediction and human strategy. In Study 1, discriminant analysis using the stepwise method revealed four significant indicators out of ten kanji characteristics for distinguishing On- and Kun-readings. These indicators are semantic concreteness, naming latency, special sounds and number of strokes. In Study 2, an On- or Kun-reading test is given to 30 native Japanese speakers. The result showed tendencies similar to the accuracy rates of discriminant analysis. After the test, a questionnaire revealed that 6 out of 10 strategies were employed by more than 6 out of the 30 participants. Three of these were congruent with significant indicators specified by discriminant analysis, namely, semantic concreteness, naming latency and special sounds. Despite the significant indicator in Study 1, particular strategies concerning kanji strokes and radical frequency were not used by humans. Native Japanese speakers are likely to use kanji neighborhood, kanji homophones and number of morae. The results between indicators and strategies illustrate a more general point: On- and Kun-readings can be effectively predicted by discriminant analysis on the basis of various kanji characteristics; however, due to a lack of consistency in On- and Kun-readings attached to each kanji, humans can flexibly incorporate a wider variety of strategies when making their determinations.
伊藤 昭
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.6, no.1, pp.77-87, 1999-03-01

Recently, mindreading ability is the topic of intensive investigations, fired by the &ldquo;Theory of Mind&rdquo; research by Premack & Woodruff. Few researchers, however, tried to define &ldquo;mindreading&rdquo; algorithmically. We mindread other people everyday, and think we know what mindreading really is&mdash;e.g. to reproduce in ourselves the &ldquo;thought&rdquo; existing in other's mind. Unfortunately, this definition cannot be applied for machine systems. Even for human beings or animals we cannot examine the thought in other's mind directly, and there is no method to verify the coincidence. We propose a definition of &ldquo;mindreading&rdquo; independent of the inner representation (thought) of mindreaders and mindreads. Next, Multi-player Prisoner's Dilemma Game (MPD) is proposed as a task where mindreading is expected to be effective for the survival of the players. Computer simulation shows &ldquo;(by our definition) mindreading programs&rdquo; are actually acquired through evolution in the MPD society. Lastly the validity of our definition of mindreading, the implication of our definition, and condition for the emergence of mindreading are discussed.
小川 昭利
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.3, pp.407-419, 2014-09-01 (Released:2015-05-12)

The aim of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of perception is to unravel the neural basis of the computational processing of the targeted perception. A standard fMRI study of perception generally uses simple stimuli, such as geometrical graphics in vision and pure tones in audition, and measures brain responses to such artificial stimuli, which are generated carefully. The target brain activity of percep-tual processing has been investigated using a contrast between stimulus conditions, to cancel out other processes. In contrast, the brain’s response to naturalistic stimuli is considered not to be a combination of responses to simple stimuli. The uncontrolled per-ceptual processes that are evoked in parallel hamper the analysis of the data in a simple factorial manner. In this article, I briefly reviewed fMRI studies that used naturalis-tic stimuli (e.g., photos and movies) and introduced nonstandard analytical methods. One was the computational model-based analysis of a hypothesis-driven study, and the other was the intersubject correlation of data-driven research. A model-based fMRI study can directly predict the brain responses to the processing of dynamic perception (e.g., motion perception in the middle temporal area). Intersubject correlation can be used to evaluate the reliability of fMRI signals in response to naturalistic stimuli. In addition, I introduced a decoding technique using pattern recognition, which has been used widely not only in the engineering but also in the neuroscience fields. Although the number of studies using naturalistic stimuli and novel analytical methods has in-creased, the standard fMRI study using simple stimuli and analysis remains the most effective approach to identify the neural bases of perception. I expect that these stan-dard and novel fMRI studies will contribute complementarily to the elucidation of the brain processes for naturalistic stimuli.
新垣 紀子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.2, pp.142-143, 2012 (Released:2014-07-22)
下斗米 貴之 大森 隆司
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.11, no.4, pp.319-332, 2004 (Released:2007-04-13)

Recently, many researchers have reported about how children acquire a word meaning. Especially some of them reported that the verb meaning development is delayed to that of noun. In these reports, they used the ANOVA (the ANalysis Of VAriance) for the detection of a difference in the behavioral data. But ANOVA is not a sufficient way of analysis in the sense that we can't know the detailed mechanism of the meaning acquisition in children. So, in this paper, we developed a model based analysis of behavioral data that enable more detailed structure estimation, and analyzed the children's word acquisition data with the method. From the analysis, we found a hierarchical mixture of binomial distribution with three sub-modules is a suitable model for the data. The parameter change in the model indicated that what is changing between three to five years infant is a choice of proper learning action from the recognition of verb/noun situation.
縣 拓充 岡田 猛
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.27-45, 2013-03-01

Creative activities are becoming increasingly important in modern society. Studies<br> have been conducted to promote understanding and support of creative experts in var<br>ious creative domains such as art, music, science, and technology. At the same time, it<br> has also been pointed out that many ordinary citizens do not have opportunities to par<br>ticipate in creative activities and do not have knowledge about creative processes and<br> methods. Does this mean that citizens should be just consumers of creative products?<br> In this paper, we claim that a creative society needs not only creative experts who<br> professionally participate in creative activities, but also 'people with creative literacy'<br>who understand creative activities and enjoy participating in such activities in their<br> daily life. We discuss practices to cultivate people's understanding of and motivation<br> for creative activities, and the ways that cognitive science can contribute to the support<br> of such practices.
縣 拓充 岡田 猛
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.27-45, 2013-03-01

Creative activities are becoming increasingly important in modern society. Studies<br> have been conducted to promote understanding and support of creative experts in var<br>ious creative domains such as art, music, science, and technology. At the same time, it<br> has also been pointed out that many ordinary citizens do not have opportunities to par<br>ticipate in creative activities and do not have knowledge about creative processes and<br> methods. Does this mean that citizens should be just consumers of creative products?<br> In this paper, we claim that a creative society needs not only creative experts who<br> professionally participate in creative activities, but also 'people with creative literacy'<br>who understand creative activities and enjoy participating in such activities in their<br> daily life. We discuss practices to cultivate people's understanding of and motivation<br> for creative activities, and the ways that cognitive science can contribute to the support<br> of such practices.