高橋 英之
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.4, pp.431-432, 2014-12-01 (Released:2015-06-09)
高野 陽太郎 大久保 街亜 石川 淳 藤井 大毅
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.3, pp.287-300, 2001-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

This study compared Cosmides's (1989) social contract theory with Cheng & Holyoak's (1985) pragmatic reasoning schema theory as accounts of the thematic content effect in the Wason selection task. The former explains the effect in terms of an innate algorithm, whereas the latter explains it in terms of learned schemata. Cosmides prepared a “switched rule,” in which an antecedent and a consequent in the original conditional rule were interchanged so that the innate algorithm could not be applied while the pragmatic reasoning schema could. She found that the effect disappeared, and concluded that the effect is not produced by the pragmatic reasoning schema. However, the context attached to the switched rule revealed that this rule could hardly be interpreted as a permission rule, which could invoke a pragmatic reasoning schema. We made small modifications in Cosmides's switched rule and its context so that this rule could be interpreted as an obligation rule, which could also invoke a pragmatic reasoning schema. The cost-benefit relation in the context was held essentially unchanged so that the innate algorithm could not be applied. As a result, the thematic content effect appeared for the switched rule as well. This finding favors the pragmatic reasoning schema theory over the social contract theory, and thus largely reduces the plausibility of the hereditary account of reasoning ability. It was stressed that especially strong evidence is needed for hereditary accounts because they might well be utilized to justify social prejudice and discrimination.
野島 久雄 新垣 紀子
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.3, pp.275-286, 2001-09-01

Donald A. Norman has been a prominent figure in the history of Cognitive Science in the latter half of the twentieth century. In this paper, we discussed how he influenced and formed major research trends in Cognitive Science and the related area by reviewing his works so far, and tried to considered the possible future development in his works and Cognitive Science research.
清水 大地 岡田 猛
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.488-492, 2013-12-01 (Released:2014-12-24)

このたびは大会発表賞という栄誉ある賞をいただき,大変光栄に存じます.ご選考下さいました先生方,会場での発表に耳を傾けて下さった皆様にはこの場をお借りして厚く御礼申し上げたいと思います. この研究は,ダンサーの方達との交流を深める中で感じていた「こういった複雑で魅力的な身体表現を,ダンサーはいかなる工夫を経て生み出したのか」という問いを起点として検討したものです.ある身体表現が生成され発展するプロセスを検討する,という分析の困難さに頭を抱えることも多々ありましたが,研究会での議論やダンサーの方達との話し合いを通じて「身体行為を行った際に生じた変化に着目する」という本研究の観点は徐々に導かれていきました.まだ不十分な点も多くありますが,こうした新たな試みを評価していただけたことを大変うれしく感じます.指導教員の岡田猛先生,研究室の皆様,ダンサーの皆様,そしてご協力頂いた全ての方々に感謝を申し上げます.
中村 友昭 長井 隆行
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.1, pp.23-32, 2016-12-30 (Released:2017-09-01)

In this study, we define concepts as categories into which a robot classifies perceptual information obtained through interaction with others and the environment, and the inference of unobserved information through the concepts is defined as understanding. Furthermore, a robot can infer unobserved perceptual information from words by con-necting concepts and words. This inference is the understanding of word meanings. We propose probabilistic models that enable robots to learn concepts and language. In this paper, we present an overview of the proposed models.
日髙 昇平
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.1, pp.67-78, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-09-01)

One of major paradigms in cognitive science is to model cognitive process as an in-formation processing in the digital computer. Marr (1982) has proposed to capture the cognitive process by the three levels of information processing, known as the levels of hardware implementation, algorithm and representation, and computational theory. In particular, the “computational theory” level is supposed most important among the three, as it captures the goal of the information process and explains why the process is organized so. It is, however, often controversial what to count as the computational theory, and there are several variations in its interpretation. In this article, we review these views on the computational theory, and overview the potential problems of the computational theory in a narrow sense which have been pointed out in past literature. By doing so, we discuss the aspects of the current paradigm to be extended toward a new alternative paradigm beyond the formulation of cognition as optimization.
山本 寿子 針生 悦子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.1, pp.22-36, 2016-03-01 (Released:2016-09-01)

In Japanese, some homophones can be distinguished by their lexical pitch accentual patterns. When and how do Japanese children start using pitch accent information as a cue to lexical distinction? In this research, we taught children two novel labels as names for two different objects. One label was a novel homophone whose accentual pattern was different from a familiar word, and the other, a novel non-homophone of a familiar word. The children ’s learning of these two labels was tested by a picture fixation task and an object choice task. The two-year-old children learned the novel non-homophone; however, they failed to learn the novel homophone (Experiment 1). On the other hand, three- to five-year-old children succeeded in learning both the la-bels, and their performance improved with age (Experiment 2). These results suggest that Japanese children gradually develop the ability to use pitch accent information as a cue to lexical distinction in words throughout their childhood. The findings are discussed in terms of how Japanese children pay attention to pitch information in the learning of words.
プファイファー ロルフ
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.1, no.2, pp.2_42-2_57, 1994-11-30 (Released:2008-10-03)

The study of emotion has always been a difficult and controversial subject. The main reason seems to be that in spite of the many years of investigation and the abundance of studies aiming at understanding human emotions, virtually no consensus could be reached. In this paper we argue that there are fundamental underlying problems and that a radically different approach is needed. We propose a new one, called the “New Fungus Eater Approach”. It is illustrated by experiments with autonomous robots, the “New Fungus Eaters”, which are named after their predecessor, the “Solitary Fungus Eater” invented by Masanao Toda in 1961. This approach is outlined and it is demonstrated how it can contribute to understanding the foundations of what one might want to call emotional processes. It is also discussed how some of the basic controversies “disappear” in this way.
髙木 幸子 平松 沙織 田中 章浩
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.3, pp.344-362, 2014

This study aims to further examine the cross-cultural differences in multisensory emo-<br>tion perception between Western and East Asian people. In this study, we recorded<br> the audiovisual stimulus video of Japanese actors saying neutral phrase with one of the<br> basic emotions. Then we conducted a validation experiment of the stimuli. In the first<br> part (facial expression), participants watched a silent video of actors and judged what<br> kind of emotion the actor is expressing by choosing among 6 options (i.e., happiness,<br>anger, disgust, sadness, surprise, and fear). In the second part (vocal expression), they<br> listened to the audio part of the same videos without video images while the task was<br> the same. We analyzed their categorization responses based on accuracy and confusion<br> matrix, and discussed the tendency of emotion perception by Japanese.
横山 慶子 山本 裕二
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.2, pp.284-298, 2011 (Released:2011-12-16)

This study was designed to elucidate collective dynamics in ball sports by developing an index to quantify team cooperation; it also aimed to confirm the validity of that index by applying it to actual game data. Cooperation within a team was quantified in terms of the team divergence coefficient (TD), which was expressed as team convergence-divergence during play. To evaluate use of space on the court or field, a team pressure-field (TP) was calculated as the sum of individual pressure-fields (IPs), based on the pressure-field model developed by Kijima (2008). The TD was then calculated from the TP using Shannon's entropy. We analyzed the relationship between the TD and team distance which was confirmed as a control parameter for pattern of game, by analyzing data from two actual field hockey games played by six-player adult and youth teams. The adult game has shown that it switched the cooperation patterns between divergence and convergence according to the team distance, however, the youth game has not shown. Our results suggest that the team distance would be considered as a control paramter for a team cooperation. We discussed a collective dynamics of team cooperation from a dynamical systems perspective.
渡辺 美紀 小川 浩平 吉川 雄一郎 石黒 浩
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.4, pp.411-419, 2016-12-01 (Released:2017-05-31)

Human judgment and decision making is influenced by artifacts as well as other people. Human-robot communication in real life has been attracting attention and robots have begun to be utilized as a human interlocutor in recent years. For instance,Watanabe et al. (2015) reported that an android as a salesperson could influence human preferences through a touch display conversation. In order to apply robots as inter-locutors for human decision making, we need to understand how people are influenced during interactions with robots. Thus, we investigated how semi-forced choices through a touch display conversation with an android and human interlocutor influenced human preferences based on cognitive dissonance theory. The results indicated that people are more willing to accept a semi-forced choice with an android as an interlocutor rather than with a human interlocutor.
福井 直樹
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.3, no.1, pp.1_51-1_71, 1996 (Released:2008-10-03)

This paper argues that there are rather unexpected fundamental connections to be made between the principles of language and the laws governing the inorganic world. After summarizing the major development of economy principles in physics and the basic results of discrete optimization problems in combinatorial mathematics, I will argue that the economy principles which theoretical linguists are currently trying to discover in the theory of language are something comparable to the Principle of Least Action in physics. This provides us with a concrete interpretation of the point Chomsky has repeatedly made (Chomsky, 1991a,b, passim), i.e., language, despite its biological nature, shares the fundamental property of the inorganic world; it is designed for “elegance,” not for efficient use. I will then discuss the nature of two types of economy principles of language proposed in the literature, “economy of derivation” and “economy of representation,” from the point of view of the theory of computational complexity, and claim that the two economy principles exhibit quite different properties with respect to their computational complexities: economy of representation is efficiently solvable and therefore seems to be in the complexity class P in the sense of the theory of computational complexity, whereas economy of derivation is fundamentally computationally intractable and appears to belong to the class NP-P. How, then, can language be ever used, if its fundamental property (economy of derivation) poses an intractable optimization problem? I will suggest that language is equipped with certain mechanisms, the real-world counterparts of the “heuristic algorithms” studied in the theory of optimization, that facilitate its efficient use. Thus, to the extent that these mechanisms are available, language becomes usable, despite its fundamental computational intractability.