水谷 令子 久保 さつき 西村 亜希子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.7, no.2, pp.55-61, 1996-11-30 (Released:2011-01-31)

三重県における粥占いを調査し, 稲作農業との関連について考察した.1.粥占いは, 四日市から松阪までに分布しており, この領域は, 伊勢平野の稲作地帯とほぼ一致している.2.占いの対象は, ほとんどが, 稲作の早稲, 中稲, 晩稲である.一部では, 麦, 小豆, 野菜類が加わっている.3.粥占いはおそらく, 小正月に民俗行事として行われていたものが, 後になって, 五穀豊穣を願う神事としても行われるようになったと考えられる.4.ある地域では, 小豆粥を用いて占いが行われている.小正月に小豆粥やぜんざいを食べて無病息災を願う風習があることとの関連が考えられる.
金 廷恩 廣木 奈津 松本 仲子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.24, no.4, pp.261-270, 2014 (Released:2014-04-28)

韓国と日本は地域的な関係から, 気候風土が近似しているだけでなく, 食文化面についても, 両国は中国からの影響を受けるなど, 歴史的にも多くの関わりをもってきた。著者は, 韓国と日本の食事について, 食材, 調理法, 食嗜好, 各国の料理に対するイメージなどの点から比較してきた。本研究は, キムチ以外の料理について, 嗜好面からの検討を加えるもので, 韓国料理を日本人が試食し, 日本料理を韓国人が試食してそれぞれの受容度を官能評価によって測定した。日本人が試食した韓国料理はぜんまいのナムル, ズッキーニのジョン, プルコギ, ジャプチェなど8品目で, それぞれ韓国醤油と日本醤油で調味した。汁物は, こんぶ・かつお節, 煮干, 干しだらのだし汁を用い, それぞれ韓国味噌と日本味噌等で調味した4品目の計12品目である。韓国人が試食した日本料理は肉じゃが, すき焼, 鯛のあら煮, きんぴらごぼうなど7品目と牛丼, 親子丼などのご飯物3品目の計10品目で, いずれも韓国醤油と日本醤油で調味した。使用した醤油および味噌については, アミノ酸を分析した。官能評価は香り, 味, 旨味, 総合評価の4項目について, 5段階の評点法により評価した。パネルは, 韓国, 日本ともに女子学生の各50人である。結果は次のように要約された。日本人の韓国料理に対する評価は, 汁を除き「普通」から「良い」の間に評価され, ほぼ受容されると理解された。韓国醤油に比べて日本醤油で調味したものが高い評価であった。韓国汁に対する評価は, 食べ慣れない干しだらのだし汁を用いた汁は好まれず, 「普通」以下の評価であった。味噌については, 本味噌にくらべて韓国味噌の評価が低く, 香りが好まれなかった。日本料理に対する韓国人の評価は, 「普通」から「良い」の間に評価され, ほぼ受容されることがわかった。ご飯物は「良い」と評価され, 嗜好度が高かった。調味に使用した醤油については, ほぼ同等の評価であったが, 7品目中2品目については, 日本醤油の評価が有意に高かった。
早川 史子 岡崎 章子 韓 順子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.17, no.3, pp.260-265, 2006 (Released:2007-01-30)

2003年10月~12月, モンゴルのウランバートル出身の女子大学生306名と地方出身の女子大学生283名を対象に飲み物調査を実施し, 次のことが明らかになった。  1. ウランバートル出身者と地方出身者の間で湯の飲用頻度がもっとも高いことは共通していた。しかし湯以外の飲み物の飲用状況は両者間で異なり, 前者では紅茶やコーヒーの飲用頻度が高く, 地方出身者ではスーティツァイ, ハルツァイの飲用頻度が高かった。  2. コーヒーは食事と食事の間に飲まれる頻度が高かったが, 紅茶は食事に付随した飲み物として定着していることが明らかになった。  3. ウランバートル出身者に比べると地方出身者ではスーティツァイに対する嗜好性が高く, 紅茶に対する嗜好性が低かったことによって, 飲み物の嗜好性に差が認められた(p<0.001)。  4. 来客時および団欒時の飲み物としてスーティツァイに対するイメージが両群とももっとも高かったが, 地方出身者の方がより高かったことと紅茶に対するイメージがウランバートル出身者の方がより高かったことによって, 両者間における来客時および団欒時の飲み物に対するイメージに有意差が認められた(p<0.001)。  5. 紅茶やコーヒーに対して嗜好性を示した者でも来客時や団欒時には伝統的飲料であるスーティツァイをイメージする者が多かった。
香山 雪彦
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.18, no.4, pp.317-323, 2008-03-30 (Released:2008-05-09)

First in this short paper, neural control mechanisms of feeding are reviewed, referring to the classical concept of hypothalamic feeding and satiety centers, and to recently identified hormones such as leptin and ghrelin. Then environmental influences on our eating are discussed, since eating, the most fundamental behavior for life, is under strong influence of cultures of the present society. In the developed countries, people under stress tend to eat too much since foods are so delicious and sweet that eating is a pleasure; they often suffer from life-style-related diseases. Also in the developed countries, many young people suffer from eating disorders, that is, anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Their behavior (refusing to eat, or eating-vomiting) is on one hand to appeal their anxiety accumulated in their childhood, and to survive extremely stressful days on the other.
水谷 佳奈子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.31, no.1, pp.13-19, 2020 (Released:2020-08-04)

Oils and fats are widely used in processed foods, and they are essential for health, taste and texture. Our food business which started from the production of margarine in 1929, has been working with the highest priority of 'reliability and safety’ and 'deliciousness’. We have focused on responding needs and demands in supply chain markets both domestically and abroad, and provided high value-added oil and fat products adjusted to every regional practice and social situation. In this report, we review how we have coped with some topics such as reduction of trans-fatty acids and recent market issues (for example, 'labor shortage’ and 'food loss and food waste’).
池田 稜子 細井 陽子 原 敏夫
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.11, no.1, pp.50-56, 2000-06-30 (Released:2011-01-31)

納豆糸引き度を低下させる要因物質を探るため, 大根を試料として検索し, 酵素的諸性質について検討した結果, 次の知見を得た.(1) 大西らの方法による納豆糸引き度低下活性と, より簡便な方法による納豆粘着度低下活性の間に, 正の相関関係が成立した.(2) 大根搾汁上清から納豆糸引き度低下要因物質を検出した.活性は加熱処理により失活した.(3) 糸引き度低下活性 (ΔL), 粘着度低下活性 (ΔW), 粘度低下活性 (ΔT) を測定した結果, いずれも大根の青首部分より先端部分に強い活性が認められ, その経時的な変化から納豆糸引き度低下要因物質は酵素である可能性が示唆された.(4) 大根搾汁上清の硫安塩析により調製した粗酵素液について, 基質γ-PGAの粘度低下活性を測定した結果, 納豆γ-PGA分解粗酵素の至適pHは5.5, 至適温度は37℃, pH安定性は, pH6.5~8.5, 温度安定性は, 35℃で約50%, 50℃ で大部分が失活した.(5) 市販プロテアーゼ (数種) によるγ-PGA溶液の粘度低下はほとんど認められなかった.本研究の概要は, 平成10年度日本食品科学工学会第45会大会において発表したことを付記します.
小泉 未希 吉井 唯 湯浅 正洋 澤村 弘美 渡邊 敏明 吉田 絵梨子 鈴木 健吾
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.24, no.3, pp.171-176, 2013-12-30 (Released:2014-01-28)

Cedar pollen allergies are one of the severe health problems in Japan. Recently, it was reported that symptoms of pollen allergies are attenuated by the intake of functional foods. Euglena is a unicellular organism classified as algae, which is taking notice as a functional food. In this study, the effect of euglena on experimental pollen allergies in mice was investigated.  5 week-old BALB/c male mice were sensitized using Cry j1 by intraperitoneal injection and intranasal instillation. AIN-93M was fed to the negative control and positive control group, whereas euglena, paramylon, and amorphous paramylon were fed (2% in AIN-93M) to each diet group. We determined the incidence of nasal rubbing, liver weight, spleen weight, white blood cell counts, serum IgE and IFN-γ.  In the euglena diet group, the percentage of positive incidences of nasal rubbing mice decreased. It is suggested that euglena may attenuate symptoms of cedar pollen allergies.
藤原 しのぶ 春日 敦子 菅原 龍幸 青柳 康夫
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.6, no.3, pp.34-37, 1996-03-31 (Released:2011-01-31)

野生および栽培キノコ13種20試料についてアミノ酸組成分析を行った. 全体的な傾向として, 含硫アミノ酸, トリプトファン, ヒスチジンは低含量, グルタミソ酸は高含量であった. また, ヒラタケ, コウタケ, サクラシメジはアミノ酸量が多く, ナラタケ, ハナイグチ, ムキタケは少なかった. コウタケを除く12種のキノコの第一制限アミノ酸は, 含硫アミノ酸であった. コウタケの第一制限アミノ酸はロイシソであった.第二制限アミノ酸は, ホンシメジを除くすべてのキノコでロイシソあるいはリジソであった.アミノ酸スコアはムキタケの33.7からコウタケの86.7の範囲であったが, 全体的に低い傾向にあった. また, 1985年 (学齢期前2-5歳) の評点パタソと比較した場合の第一制限アミノ酸は, エノキタケではロイシソ, シイタケ, ニオウシメジ, ハナイグチ, ムキタケでは含硫アミノ酸, その他のキノコではリジンであった. この場合のアミノ酸スコアはサクラシメジの39.9からコウタケの84.6となった.
大田原 美保 後藤 詩絵 香西 みどり
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.28, no.4, pp.289-297, 2018 (Released:2018-04-28)
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The relationship between rice storage conditions and the physicochemical and sensory properties of cooked rice was investigated. Both polished rice (90% yield) and brown rice were stored in the following conditions: (i) 37℃ and 75% relative humidity (RH) for 30 and 80 days; (ii) at room temperature (22.2-27.5℃, 31.3-53.9% RH) for 180 days from May to November. Treated samples of brown rice storage were polished at 90% yield after storage. The increase in fat acidity levels after storage was larger in polished rice storage than in brown rice storage, whereas the increase in reducing sugar levels after storage was larger in brown rice storage than in polished rice storage. After storage for 80 days at 37℃ and 75% RH, the hardness of cooked rice increased, and the stickiness decreased. In addition, compared with the control cooked rice sample, rice quality worsened, hardness increased, and stickiness decreased remarkably after refrigerating cooked rice at 4℃ for 16 h. The peak temperature of gelatinization for rice flour, obtained using DSC, increased after storage but that for rice starch was comparable regardless of storage conditions. This suggests an increase in interactions between rice starch and other ingredients during storage. Sensory evaluation of cooked rice stored at 37℃ and 75% RH suggested that polished rice storage was better than brown rice storage in terms of aroma and taste. In contrast, after storage at room temperature, it was suggested that brown rice storage was better than polished rice storage in terms of appearance and taste.
菊田 千景 里中 千恵 八木 万希子 赤尾 正
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.33, no.2, pp.91-97, 2022 (Released:2022-11-01)

A hospital for persons with severe motor and intellectual disabilities in Nara prefecture was considered to provide a small amount of a highly nutritious jelly diet. This study examined whether this jelly diet had appropriate physical properties for patients with the dysphagia who were able to eat L1 and L2 foods of the dysphagia diet pyramid. In addition, the reproducibility and taste of the jelly foods were evaluated under different cooking conditions, such as different chefs cooking at different facilities. The results confirmed that all six menus had L1 and L2 physical properties of the dysphagia diet pyramid, despite different cooking conditions. However, in a few menus, the levels of the dysphagia diet pyramid were altered owing to the addition of nutritious food ingredients and distinct cooking environments. Among these menus, some of the levels stepped up to the level of normal food by shifting from L0 to L1 or L1 to L2. To ensure the stable delivery of these foods, it is necessary to standardize the cooking processes and better understand the food ingredients. Concerning taste, the "Chinese cabbage salad with green shiso leaves” on the six menus was rated low following the addition of nutritious food ingredients. Furthermore, a sensory analysis for the facility staff and chefs is required to comprehensively evaluate taste.
徳永 弘子 武川 直樹 木村 敦
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.27, no.3, pp.167-174, 2016 (Released:2017-02-03)
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This research aims to clarify the characteristics of human behavior while eating meals in co-eating and solitary eating situations. To manipulate eating situations, we observed participants' behaviors (N = 6) under two different experimental settings: a solitary eating condition, in which participants had their meals alone while watching television or using their cellphone, and a co-eating condition, in which participants ate their meals in the course of dyadic conversation with friends. We assessed the participants’ gaze behaviors and eating actions during the meal and compared these between the two eating situations statistically. The results demonstrate that 1) participants in the co-eating condition glanced longer at their own meal compared to participants in the solitary eating condition, 2) participants in the solitary eating condition often stopped their other eating actions while chewing food, and 3) participants in the co-eating condition frequently gathered meal portions using a spoon while looking at their meal. These results suggest that participants in the solitary eating condition enjoyed their meal while watching television or using their cellphone in an informal atmosphere. Meanwhile, participants in the co-eating condition used their meals to coordinate their interactive behaviors with a co-eater. The social functions of co-eating are discussed from a human behavior analysis perspective.
梶原 公子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.17, no.1, pp.59-67, 2006 (Released:2006-07-28)
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Recent years, the young often eat meals outside their home. When “Shoku-no-Gaibuka” increases, it seems that the young's awareness on eating changes. This study was undertaken to investigate the “Shoku-no-Gaibuka” aspect on the part of young people. An interview survey was conducted with special focus being placed on each interviewee's personality and life-style. The interview sample included 52 young peoples 20-25 years old living in the Metropolitan area. Twenty six of the subjects were men and 26 were women. The result of the interview showed that about 30% at the young usually eat meals away from home. Many of them work until very late at night, moreover they do not eat breakfast. The amount of “Shoku-no-Gaibuka” is not related to the awareness of eating, but the young who usually eat these meals have less interest in their dietary culture and spiritual aspect. The young who usually eat “Shoku-no-Gaibuka” in addition to being unsatisfied with the meal, desire an improvement in their dietary conditions.
加藤 佐千子 長田 久雄
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.33, no.1, pp.5-18, 2022 (Released:2022-08-14)

Objective: To clarify how elderly women living alone, who were 80 years of age or older, define food activities in their life courses and how they perceive current food activities.Method: The participants were 12 women living alone who were over 80 years old. A semi-structured interview was conducted from August to December 2016 with the consent of the participants. Their conversations were recorded and the verbatim records were analyzed using M-GTA (Modified Grounded Theory Approach).Results: 63 concepts, 15 categories, 2 sub core categories and 1 core category were extracted. Food activity was recognized as a role of the wife and mother. Participants also affirmed their role in the main stages of life. However, as they moved to living alone, they re-evaluated the role they had accepted, and realized that they had moved to activities that were valuable, meaningful, and feasible to them. They were also aware that they had accepted social connections through food activities.Conclusion: Elderly women have accepted the connection with society through food and have changed the meaning and content of food activities according to their individual lives.
庄司 吏香 山中 克己 早瀬 須美子 河合 光久 瀬戸山 裕美 高田 敏彦 久代 明 藤木 理代
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.29, no.3, pp.141-145, 2018 (Released:2019-02-01)

This study aimed to clarify the influence of dietary habits and daily intake of fermented milk containing Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota, 1.5×1010 cfu/65 mL/day, on bowel habits in elderly nursing home residents. A total of 20 elderly nursing home residents (2 men, 18 women, age 88.1±6.7 years) participated in this study. We recorded the amount of food intake and bowel habits (defecation frequency and laxative administration) of residents during a designated non-intake period (6 months) and an intake period (6 months). During the intake period, defecation frequency increased from 36.5±13.7 to 41.0±14.4% (p<0.05). Frequency of laxative administration decreased slightly from 26.6±13.0 to 24.9±14.2% (there is no significant difference). Among participants who had improved defecation frequency, the amount of food intake (individual eating rate) was slightly larger than that in those that did not improve defecation frequency (94.0±5.1% vs. 89.1±13.6%). These findings suggest that daily intake of fermented milk containing Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota might provide benefits including improved bowel habits in elderly nursing home residents.
田澤 英二郎 加野 博之 松本 苗緒 村上 正人
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.29, no.1, pp.45-52, 2018 (Released:2018-08-01)
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“Adzuki Ann” prepared from Adzuki beans is a popular paste (Ann), which is generally used in Japanese confectionery. In product development and quality control, it is necessary to perform quantitative evaluations using sensory evaluation and chemical analyses. However, few studies have examined the most appropriate methods for assessing the flavor of Adzuki Ann. Therefore, in this study, we focused on the flavor of Adzuki Ann, defined “deliciousness” of Adzuki Ann (Tsubu Ann type; paste with remaining grains), then optimized the method for sensory evaluation, and identified aroma compounds contributing to the flavor. As a result of sensory evaluation of Adzuki Ann used for preparing Dorayaki sweets available in commercial markets, we clarified that Adzuki Ann, which is recognized as “delicious” popularly, has “moderate sweetness and rich Adzuki flavor”. This accorded with the definition of delicious Adzuki Ann flavor. Additionally, sensory evaluation scores of Adzuki flavor showed a strong correlation with maltol and cyclotene content which are important aroma compounds contributing to Adzuki flavor. In particular, as a result of the addition of cyclotene to Adzuki Ann, sensory evaluation scores of Adzuki flavor decreased significantly. This suggests that cyclotene may be an inhibitor of Adzuki flavor.
渡邊 智子 安井 健 田中 敬一 布施 望 鈴木 亜夕帆 佐々木 敏 山下 市二 安本 教傳
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.4, pp.314-320, 2011-03-30 (Released:2011-04-27)
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The principal 705 Japanese foods were selected from the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan — 2010 — (Standard Tables) because these foods are known to contain available carbohydrates including starch, glucose, fructose, sucrose maltose and/or lactose. Individual available carbohydrate contents were calculated and tabulated based both on the estimated saccharide (carbohydrate minus dietary fiber) content of each selected food in the Standard Tables and the starch and sugar content of the food included in The McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods, USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference and other sources. Because the compiled tabulated form, the Japanese Starch and Sugars Presumptive Composition Tables (JSSPCT), is harmonized with the Standard Tables, one can utilize the data in the JSSPCT as a reference for research and other purposes until and after the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology or other national organization publishes the official tables for available carbohydrate composition of foods in Japan.
青江 誠一郎
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.26, no.1, pp.3-6, 2015 (Released:2015-07-27)
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Barley have a component of soluble fiber called β-glucan which have β-(1→3) and β-(1→4)-linkages. Studies on the physiological functions of barley have been rapidly increasing in terms of the cholesterol-lowering effect, serum glucose and insulin normalization including the second meal effects, decreased body fat accumulation, and appetite control. It has been scientifically proven that the soluble dietary fiber in barley, β-glucan, might reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that daily intakes of 3 g or more of soluble fiber (β-glucan) in barley may reduce the risk of heart disease by its ability to lower total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) supported the following health claim for barley β-glucan: 1) maintenance of normal blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations, 2) reduction of post-prandial glycemic responses, and 3) digestive function (normal stool frequency). Recent clinical studies have suggested that the consumption of barley and its products might reduce many risk factors associated with the metabolic syndrome, namely diabetes and dyslipidemia. In our inter vention study in Japanese men and women, the consumption of high β-glucan barley reduced waist circumstaznce and visceral fat area. This review presents recent information about the health function of barley β-glucan.
岩本 彩子 杉山 佳菜子 中山 真 梅原 頼子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.32, no.3, pp.107-113, 2021 (Released:2022-02-01)

This study investigated the stress-reducing effect of kabusecha containing of high amounts of theanine, a nutritional component of green tea, on daily high-stress person. The subjects were 109 college students and staffs who live in different environments (12 men, 97 women, 19-67 years). Twenty-nine person with high stress (2 men, 27 women, 19-58 years old) were selected by Stress Response Scale-18 (SRS-18), one of the subjective stress evaluation methods. As a single-blind study, a 30-days tea challenge was conducted on them divided into two groups, one is kabusecha containing theanine and the other is barley tea without theanine. The quantitative stress level was assessed with SRS-18 and salivary amylase and blood pressure as objective stress evaluation methods. The quantitative stress levels were assessed with salivary amylase and blood pressure as objective stress evaluation and SRS-18 as subjective evaluation. As a result, the salivary amylase level and SRS-18 score decreased significantly in the kabusecha group. It was speculated that kabusecha has an anti-stress effect by suppressing the autonomic nervous system pathway, especially the sympathetic nervous-adrenal medullary axis. Interestingly, blood pressure and SRS-18 score also decreased significantly in the barley tea group. It was considered that barley tea induces a stress-reducing effect by a stress response activation pathway different ,from that of kabusecha. These findings suggested that kabusecha has the stress-reducing effect of on someone with high stress in daily life using a combination of subjective and objective measures of stress. In the future, it is expected that as one of the stress coping methods, people could select the tea according to individual stress by clarifying the involvement of various nutritional components in the psychological stress-reducing effect.
高橋 秀典 小野 廣紀 堀 光代
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.32, no.3, pp.131-136, 2021 (Released:2022-02-01)

This study investigated the relationship between nutrients and COVID-19 infection in order to provide useful suggestions for infection control in terms of enterobactera. Based on the data taken from a national health and nutrition examination survey, the present study examined the correlation coefficients between each intake of 40 kinds of nutrients and the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in 12 areas in Japan. The number of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people were cumulatively counted using three indices; 1) positive cases of PCR test results, 2) inpatients, 3) deaths reported by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. The results revealed that the intake of carbohydrate and carbohydrate energy ratios had significant and negative correlations with the number of positive PCR test results in the 12 areas. In contrast, the intake of animal proteins, animal fat, monounsaturated fatty acid, fatty energy ratios, and animal protein energy ratios correlated positively and significantly with the number of positive PCR test results. Regarding the number of inpatients, only carbohydrate energy rates had a significant and negative correlation. No other significant and positive or negative correlations were found between the intake of nutrients and the number of inpatients. As for the number of death cases, intake of the carbohydrate energy ratios and vitamin K had significant and negative correlations with it. In contrast, intake of animal protein energy ratios had a significant and positive correlation with it. These findings suggest nutrients seem to prevent or promote COVID-19 infection. Further research is necessary to determine whether these results can be applied to individual participants longitudinally. To do so, the relationship between the immune system and enterobacteria should be examined from the perspective of nutritional physiology.
井出 留美 伊藤 喜久治 平山 和宏 武藤 志真子
日本食生活学会誌 = Journal for the integrated study of dietary habits (ISSN:13469770)
vol.16, no.3, pp.205-214, 2005-12-30
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穀物を加工して栄養素を強化したシリアルには様々な種類があり, 玄米シリアルのようにビタミン・ミネラルをバランスよく含むものや, 小麦ふすまシリアルのように食物繊維が豊富なものなどがある。過去の研究で, 全粒穀物シリアルを摂取することにより, 肌状態, 特に吹き出物や皮膚の赤みに良い影響を及ぼしたとするものがあるが, シリアルの成分の何が肌状態の改善に寄与しているかは, 明らかになっていない。また, 他の食品成分で肌状態が改善されたとする研究もあるが, タンパク質やカロテノイドに関するものなどであり, ビタミン・ミネラル全般や食物繊維に関する研究は少ない。今回は, シリアルの成分のうち, 2大特長とも言える, (1) ビタミン・ミネラルのバランス, (2) 食物繊維のどちらの要素がより皮膚の健康に寄与するかを検証するため, 朝食欠食の習慣がある22~35歳の女性21名について, それぞれ上記2つの特徴を持つ全粒穀物シリアルの, 皮膚に及ぼす影響について調べた。<br>21名を3群に分け, 1群はコントロール群とし, その他は, ビタミン・ミネラルのバランスに優れた玄米シリアル群と, 食物繊維を豊富に含む小麦ふすまシリアル群とに二分した。実験期間は全部で6週間とした。最初の2週間は, どの群も普段通りの食生活とし, 食物繊維の効果を確認するため, 発酵食品全般や, 供試シリアル以外のシリアルは摂取しないように指導した。次の2週間は, コントロール群は普段通りの食事, それ以外の2群には, 全粒穀物シリアル (玄米シリアル, もしくは小麦ふすまシリアル) 40gを, 朝1回と, 昼か夜どちらかの1回, 計1日に2食のシリアルを毎日摂取させ, それまで摂っていた炭水化物をシリアルに置き換えるよう指導した。最後の2週間は, 3群とも, 発酵食品や食物繊維の多い食品を摂らずに, 普段通りの食生活とし, シリアルは摂取しないよう指導した。 (株) エフシージー総合研究所において, 2週間毎に測定した項目は次の通りである。体重, BMI, 体脂肪率, 皮膚水分量 (電気伝導度型SKICON-200), 皮膚弾力 (キュートメーター), 皮脂量 (透過光比率型セブメーター), 皮膚拡大写真撮影 (メディカルニッコール), 皮膚キメ写真, 排便回数, 美容専門家による視診触診, 皮膚状態・体調に関するアンケート。いずれの顔面皮膚計測も, 同研究室の23℃, 50% Room Humidityの恒温恒湿室にて15分間座位安静後実施した。また, 計42日間の食事記録 (シリアル摂取前14日, 摂取中14日, 摂取中止後14日)。食事記録は, 栄養計算ソフト「Basic4」で解析し集計した。<br>なお, 本試験は, ヘルシンキ宣言に基づきその原則を遵守し, 被験者には試験目的を説明して同意が得られた上で実施した。<br>その結果, 玄米シリアルグループ・小麦ふすまシリアルグループとも, 全期間を通して, 一日一回程度の定期的な排便回数を保った。この間の栄養素摂取状態は, 小麦ふすまシリアルグループは, 食物繊維とビタミンB<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub>と葉酸が非摂取期間に比べて有意に高い値を示した。玄米シリアルグループは, 主にカルシウムと鉄, ビタミンA・B<sub>1</sub>・B<sub>2</sub>, C, ナイアシン, ビタミンE, 食物繊維など, バランスよくビタミン・ミネラルと食物繊維の摂取量が有意に増加した。Fig.1と2は, それぞれ右目尻と右頬の水分量の変化を示しており, 玄米シリアル群で, 摂取期間の2-4週に, 水分量が増えていることがわかる。また, Fig.3は, 皮膚の弾力性の変化を示したもので, 有意差はないものの, やはり玄米シリアル群で, 摂取期間である2-4週に, 皮膚の弾力性が増えていることがわかる。Fig.4a~dは玄米シリアルを摂取した30代女性の皮膚のキメ写真である (キメとは, 皮膚の表面に広がる網目のような凹凸のこと。高い部分の &ldquo;皮丘&rdquo;, 皮丘の間を溝のように走る &ldquo;皮溝&rdquo;, &ldquo;毛孔&rdquo; で形づくられる。均一に整った格子状の美しい起伏が続く状態が, キメの細かい皮膚と言うことができる)。Fig.4aはウォッシュアウト前, Fig.4bはシリアル摂取前, Fig.4cはシリアル2週間摂取後, Fig.4dはシリアル摂取中止後2週間で, 摂取2週間後に皮膚のキメ, すなわち皮溝と皮丘の織り成す起伏が整ってきている。<br>以下にシリアルによる今回の試験成績をまとめる。ビタミン・ミネラルと食物繊維のバランスに優れた玄米シリアルは, 肌に問題のある若年女性の肌状態を改善させた。食物繊維の豊富な小麦ふすまシリアルは, 肌状態の改善に寄与しなかった。シリアルは, 若年女性の栄養素摂取状態を良くするのに寄与した。特にカルシウムや鉄, ビタミンA・B<sub>1</sub>・B<sub>2</sub>, C, ナイアシン, ビタミンE, 食物繊維など, 皮膚の健康にとって大切な栄養素の摂取増加に寄与した。