長谷川 真由美 林 一也 津久井 亜紀夫
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.20, no.4, pp.300-304, 2010-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)

Mulberries were obtained from five cultivars, i. e., three cultivars for fruit (Ficus, Kataneo, Raraberi) and two cultivars for sericulture (Ichinose, Tagowase).   The anthocyanins, protein, liquid, sugar and minerals in these mulberries were then analyzed.   In addition, mulberries of the five cultivars were processed into jam to determine and compare the residual quantities of the total anthocyanins and the main anthocyanins. 1) The moisture content of the five mulberry cultivars did not significantly differ. However, the carbohydrate contents of the mulberries cultivars for sericulture were higher than those of the cultivars fruit. 2) The main anthocyanins were determined to be cyanidin 3-glucoside and cyanidin 3-rutinoside in all from five cultivars. The cyanidin 3-rutinoside content ranged from 68-78%. 3) The fruit and jam of the three cultivars for fruit contained larger quantities of the total anthocyanins than those of the cultivars for sericulture. 4) The mulberry jam made from the cultivars for fruit retained higher ratios of the total anthocyanins and the main anthocyanins than the mulberry jam made from the cultivars for sericulture. The anthocyanins in the jam made from the cultivars for fruit were more stable than those in the jam made from the cultivars for sericulture.
和合 治久
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.20, no.4, pp.265-269, 2010-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)

In a modern society, there are various kinds of diseases directly related to human life style due to unbalance of the autonomic nervous system, because some emotion of anxiety, sorrow and fear caused by uncomfortable stresses is increasing in human life. Generally, such life style-related disease are took place by domination of sympathetic nervous system in everyday life. Thus, it will be needed to induce or activate the parasympathetic nervous system to suppress the body condition under the domination of sympathetic nervous system leading to a worse function of alimentary canal such as constipation or diarrhea. This actually means the decline of our eating habit. From this viewpoint, I have long been involved in the study on seeking the significant methods to get a well-balanced life style including exercise, functional food or music. Particularly, since music therapy is well known to reduce unpleasant stresses and anxiety, I have focused on finding out the effective music to suppress the sympathetic nervous system or to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Here, I would like to mention the effectiveness of music therapy using a Mozart music in recovering from a lot of disorders (Mibyou) caused by the ascendancy of sympathetic nervous system over parasympathetic nervous system. Results clearly showed that Mozart music is greatly useful in improving the various diseases caused by unbalance in autonomic nervous system including the disorders of digestive organs. Accordingly, music therapy with a Mozart music can be introduced as an easy tool to overcome the diseases associated with our life style, leading to a better and satisfactory eating habit.
野嶽 勇一 戸田 聡美 射場 仁美 平良 寛進 上間 長亮 平良 東紀
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.31, no.4, pp.221-228, 2021

<p> Moromi vinegar is produced from awamori-pressed lees which is generated as a by-product during the manufacturing process of awamori. Since it contains rich essential amino acids and citric acid, it is expected to be used as a functional food material. However, the peculiar flavor of moromi vinegar has prevented its popularization.</p><p> Therefore, we fermented moromi vinegar using the <i>Lactobacillus plantarum</i> K-3 strain in this study in order to resolve the issue about its flavor. The results of a sensory analysis for flavor showed that the sour taste decreased in the obtained drink while the sweetness and mellowness significantly increased. Considering the decrease in the amount of furfural, the taste of moromi vinegar was suggested to remarkably improve by fermentation using the <i>L. plantarum</i> K-3 strain.</p><p> As the obtained drink indicated a DPPH radical-scavenging activity, an animal experiment was conducted to examine whether it has any physiological activities. As a result, C57BL/6J mice fed a high fat-diet had a decreased weight gain, improved liver function and inflammation, and suppressed cholesterol synthesis by intake of the obtained drink.</p>
菊地 和美 古郡 曜子
日本食生活学会誌 = Journal for the integrated study of dietary habits (ISSN:13469770)
vol.19, no.3, pp.273-279, 2008-12-30

&nbsp;&nbsp;クロテッドクリームの基礎的性状を調べるために, 北海道産クロテッドクリームを用いて, 色調, 動的粘弾性, 示差走査熱量分析 (DSC測定) を行った。さらに, クロテッドクリームを用いて北海道江別市の大学生を対象とした江別産小麦粉を用いた焼き菓子調理および官能検査を試みた。<BR>1. クロテッドクリームの色調は, ホイップクリームに比べて明るさのある黄色を呈していた。<BR>2. 動的粘弾性ではクロテッドクリームおよびホイップクリームともに, 最大貯蔵弾性率は5℃付近に存在し, 温度が上昇すると粘性要素が高くなった。<BR>3. 示差走査熱量分析ではクロテッドクリームの吸熱エンタルピー (&delta;H) は乳脂肪クリームのそれよりも大きかった。<BR>4. 北海道産食材を用いた調理体験では, クロテッドクリームに抹茶粉末やキャロットジャムなどを混合している様子が観察された。<BR>5. 官能検査では, 焼き菓子のみに比べて焼き菓子にクロテッドクリームを添えたものは総合評価が有意に高かった。さらに, クロテッドクリームのみに比べて, 風味では抹茶入りクロテッドクリーム, 外観ではキャロットジャム入りクロテッドクリームの評価が有意に好まれた。<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;以上より, クロテッドクリームはジャムと混ぜたり, しぼりだして用いることができるため, その特性を活かして焼き菓子などへ利用できる可能性が示唆された。
山崎 貴子 伊藤 直子 岩森 大 堀田 康雄 村山 篤子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.19, no.3, pp.193-201, 2008-12-31 (Released:2009-05-01)
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本研究ではいも類, 根菜類, 果菜類, 葉菜類を低温スチーミング調理し, 糖およびビタミンCの測定, 官能評価, 衛生面から検討した。低温スチーミング調理では茹で加熱に比べて糖やビタミンCの残存率が高かった。また葉菜類では40-50°CのスチーミングによりビタミンCが増加した。さらに調味料の浸透性, 殺菌効果の面でも効果があることが示され, 官能評価でも高い評価が得られた。  以上の結果より, 低温スチーミング調理は食材ごとに適切な温度で加熱することで, より栄養・機能性成分を保持し, 素材本来の風味を生かすことのできる調理法であることが示された。今後はさらに食品の成分変化, 特に酵素との関係の解明とこれらの食材の利用によるメニュー開発を検討していきたい。  最後にオーブンレンジ型低温スチーミング装置をご提供くださいました東芝家電製造株式会社に深く感謝いたします。
金光 秀子 佐藤 郁雄 石田 裕美
日本食生活学会誌 = Journal for the integrated study of dietary habits (ISSN:13469770)
vol.19, no.2, pp.148-154, 2008-09-30

&nbsp;&nbsp;ケアハウスおよび養護老人ホームに入居中の,健康な65歳以上の男性8人,女性19人,合計27人を対象とし,連続3日間の食事調査を行い,同時に摂取した食事サンプルの分析値から,Seの摂取量 (実測値) を推定した。<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;食事調査のエネルギーおよび栄養素摂取量の計算値の平均値は,男女とも多くの栄養素が食事摂取基準 (身体活動レベルI,70歳以上) の推奨量,目安量等を満たしていた。しかし,個人別にみるとカルシウム,マグネシウム,亜鉛,ビタミンA,ビタミンB2,ビタミンC,食物繊維は推奨量および目安量等の水準に達していない者が多くみられた。また,実測Se摂取量,摂取エネルギー1,000kcal当たりおよび基準体重1kg当たりのSe摂取量はその推奨量を満たしており,不足の可能性は低いと考えられたが,個人差が大きく,食事摂取量の少ない高齢者ではSe摂取量が低い傾向がみられた。また,全Se摂取量の約40%が魚類を主にした料理に依存していた。栄養有効性を考慮するとSeの栄養状態が危惧される。
青木 隆子 菅原 龍幸
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.10, no.3, pp.81-100, 1999-12-31 (Released:2011-01-31)

7魚種について, 種々の加熱方法 (焼く, 煮る, 電子レンジ, 揚げる) で調理した場合の栄養成分 (一般成分, 無機質含量, 遊離アミノ酸含量, コレステロール含量, 脂肪酸組成, EPAおよびDHA含量) について分析を行い, その結果について検討した.1. 切り身で調理した場合水分の減少が著しく, 見かけ上, ミネラル, タウリン, EPAおよびDHA含量が増加した.2. 丸十尾) で調理した場合1) 脂質含量の少ない魚 (5%以下) 脂質の滲出や溶出よりも水分減少の方が大きく, 見かけ上, 脂質含量の増加により, EPAやDHAの増加が認められたが, タウリン含量は減少した. 揚げ物の場合は, 揚げ油と魚油の置換によりEPAやDHA含量は約50%以下に減少した. また, タウリン含量も減少した.2) 脂質含量の多い魚 (17%以上)脂質の滲出や溶出が著しく, 見かけ上水分含量は増加し, タウリン含量は焼く調理で増加の傾向であった. しかし, EPAやDHA含量は約50%の減少であった.3) 脂質含量が1) と2) の中間の魚脂質の滲出と共に水分含量も減少し, EPAやDHAおよびタウリンは減少の傾向を示した. この傾向は, 焼く調理で大きかった.高度不飽和脂肪酸は, 熱, 光などに特に不安定とされているが, 一般的な加熱調理直後では, 脂肪酸組成に顕著な差は認められなかった. すなわち, 分解, 消失することはほとんどない. しかし, EPAやDHA含量は調理方法や漁獲時の脂質含量によって顕著な差が認められた.
瀬浦 崇博 宮嶋 郁恵
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.4, pp.217-224, 2013-03-30 (Released:2013-04-30)

In these days, it is well known that obesity and metabolic syndrome in middle age have been increasing, but younger women in Japan have different problems in nutrient intake. The first problem is less energy intake because of excessive dieting, secondary, the unbalance of nutrient intake caused by Western lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between daily food intake, body mass index (BMI) and physical strength in junior college students.  【Result】(1) The energy intake of normal weight group (BMI18. 5-25) was higher than that of low weight group (BMI<18. 5). (2) Physical strength measured by stamina test detected by 50% maximal heart rate (50% HRmax) of obese group (BMI>25) were significantly higher than that of low weight group. (3) Physical strength measured by stamina test detected by 50% HRmax was weak correlated and intake of protein, carbohydrate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B2, folic acid, pantothenic acid, cholesterol, fiber.  【Conclusion】We concluded that young women in low weight group have lower energy intake than that in normal weight group. Furthermore, young women in low weight group have lower physical strength than that in obese group.
野口 智弘
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.26, no.3, pp.103-109, 2015 (Released:2016-02-02)

Flour can be used to form dough with very high viscoelasticity by kneading well and adding water. The higher protein content in wheat flour helps form good dough that is suitable for making bread. However, there is the wheat which bread characteristics have bad though a protein content is high. In addition to the amount of gluten, the quality of the gluten has also been determined to be important. An increased interest in gluten quality has led to elucidation of the relationship between the sub-unit structures of gliadin and glutenin, and the baking quality. These studies have clearly shown that wheat containing “5+10” high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMWG) exhibits excellent bread-making properties. Much of the wheat grown in North America and Europe contained “5+10”, but in Japan this was only true for a few varieties. In recent years, varieties with “5+10” have started to be made in Japan, introduced by breeding. The details of the mechanism of disulfide-binding (S-S bond) formation have not yet been determined. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is the enzyme that catalyzes S-S bond formation in proteins. We think that PDI involved in wheat seed storage protein synthesis remains present in the flour, becoming involved in S-S bond formation in the bread-making process. We consider this hypothesis. As a result of PDI activity comparison of in flour, they tends to exhibit high PDI activity in bread making highly wheat was observed. As a result of the production of bread is added to the medium flour and PDI obtained by the E. coli expression system, it was found that improves the specific volume. In the future, by advancing the research on the relationship with the flour subunit structures and S-S bond formation by PDI, it is considered that meaningful information is obtained.
武副 札子 平井 和子 西村 弘子 青木 洋子 樋口 寿
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.9, no.3, pp.48-55, 1998-12-31 (Released:2011-01-31)

成人男女の健康と食行動に対する認識や排便習慣の実態を検討するために, 25歳から54歳の2, 416名 (男性1, 316名, 女性1, 100名) を対象に質問紙調査を行った.1)「健康と便秘に関連性がある」と答えた割合は, 男性87%で女性の方が93%と多かった (p<0.001).2) 排便が週に3回以下の「便秘傾向」の割合は男性13%に対して女性17%と多く, 毎日排便のある割合は男性71%に対して女性44%と少なかった (p<0.001).3)「健康に適した食生活」を「している」と「大体している」とを合わせた回答数は男性66%で女性の方が83%と多かった (p<0.001).4) 男性の方が女性よりも肉類と魚介類の「多量摂取」が多く, その他の食品群では「少量摂取」が多い傾向がみられ, 摂取頻度に性差がみられた (p<0.01以下).5)「健康に適した食生活に対する意識」と「摂取量」との関連性が総ての食品群で認められた (男女各々p<0.05以下)
三宅 妙子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.3, pp.243-253, 2010-12-30 (Released:2011-01-24)
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岡山県栄養士会は, 岡山県下の福祉・保健・医療, それぞれの施設から副食の食事形態を共通理解するためのツール作成を求められている。  そこで, 副食の食事形態の名称統一を目的に, 岡山県栄養士会, 岡山県栄養士会福祉栄養士協議会, 岡山県老人保健施設協会の学術委員会栄養士部会, ならびに岡山県病院栄養士協議会の協力により, 食事形態などに関するアンケート調査を実施し, 副食の食事形態を共通理解するための基準案の提唱を試みた。  副食の食事形態の名称の総数は, 福祉施設 (112施設) では171, 保健施設 (65施設) では102, 医療施設 (153施設) では327にも及んだ。しかし, 副食の名称統一に向けての基準案 (7名称) : 1普通食, 2一口大, 3きざみ食, 4ソフト食, 5やわらか固形食, 6ペースト食, 7嚥下訓練食にしたがって分類・整理することができた。  このたび提案した副食の食事形態基準案は, 形状の解釈を標準化することで, 管理栄養士間だけでなく, 多職種との共通認識のためにも活用が期待される。  管理栄養士が, 栄養管理された, 安全で, 享受できる食事を提供することは, 当然のことである。  今後は, 喫食者の視覚や味覚を良好に刺激できる外観, 美味しさ, さらに, 咀嚼・嚥下機能の維持に繋がる食事の提供のためにも, 試行を重ねたい。
今野 暁子 大出 京子 佐藤 玲子 佐々木 ルリ子 松本 まりこ 佐藤 真美 青柳 公大
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.1, pp.48-53, 2012

&nbsp;&nbsp;To investigate the optimum reheating conditions, we carried out physical measurements and a sensory analysis of the flavor characteristics and quality changes that occur during reheating of grilled miso-marinated chicken.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Compared with an ordinary oven, the loss of mass (weight loss) was reduced when reheating was carried out in a convection oven. The chicken meat was significantly tougher when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C than when reheated using the Cook-Serve system. The toughness of the meat was the same when reheated in a convection oven at 130&deg;C and 150&deg;C as when reheated using the Cook-Serve system. The meat exhibited less chewiness when reheated in a convection oven compared with an ordinary oven.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;The sensory analysis revealed that when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C, the color of the chicken meat was significantly browner. The meat was considerably tenderer when the Cook-Serve system was used, and less tender when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C. When reheated using the Cook-Serve system, the chicken was significantly juicier. The Cook-Serve system resulted in a notably high overall evaluation.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;In conclusion, reheating in a convection oven required less time and resulted in reduced loss of mass (weight loss) in comparison with reheating in an ordinary oven. When using a convection oven, a temperature of 150&deg;C resulted in a shorter reheating time compared with 130&deg;C and reduced loss of mass. Thus, reheating grilled miso-marinated chicken in a convection oven at 150&deg;C is the optimum method of reheating.
樋口 恭子 石川 哲也 庄司 崇 山本 祐司 田所 忠弘 三輪 睿太郎
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.2, pp.156-158, 2010-09-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

Recently, new types of ferrous fertilizers that release soluble Fe have been developed for use in Fe-sufficient soils. We applied ferrous chloride (FeCl2) to leaves of young eggplant (Solanum melongena) grown in Fe-sufficient soil. Foliar application of FeCl2 brought about an increase in the number of axillary shoots and fresh weight of whole shoot. Moreover, concentrations of Ca and Mn of leaves were increased though the treatment solution did not contain Ca or Mn. Foliar application of FeCl2 could increase not only Fe concentration but also Ca concentration in leaves of leaf vegetables.
江間 三恵子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.17, no.1, pp.68-76, 2006 (Released:2006-07-28)

Recently, the demand for Japanese eggs and meat with higher moisture contents for better eating habits has increased. Their protein values are excellent. An egg is a nourishing food, and when dry, becomes available for every food material. It is said that dried meat is a good nourishment tonic. This investigation will clarity the transition concerning age, and develop a patent. We then examined the relations of these dehydrated foods and associated eating habits.  As a result of the investigation, it was shown that their quality changes with age as well as the ways to use dehydrated eggs and dried meat.
木下 明美 山本 公平
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.2, pp.117-120, 2012-09-30 (Released:2012-10-30)

At present, the carbohydrate source in a staple Japanese diet is mostly polished rice. Brown rice polishing mainly enhances its appearance and gives it a soft texture. Unfortunately, brown rice polishing causes the loss of valuable nutrients. In recent years, the Japanese are concerned with healthy foods as a precaution against life-style related diseases and metabolic syndrome. Unpolishing rice could be a healthy option. What is improved for the ease of consuming tasteless brown rice is germinated brown rice. Thus, germinated brown rice has recently appeared in the commercial market. In addition, rice cookers with a setting for germinated brown rice are now available.  Rice bran oil is commonly consumed as vegetable oil. In this study, the fatty acids composition of brown rice was analyzed.  It was expected that the fatty acids in the lipids of germinated and ungerminated brown rice were changed by the germination or the boiling. However, there were no effects on the fatty acid contents, and the germinated brown rice is a safe food to eat, and its high consumption will improve dietary quality, and the useful dietary education of young children.
神崎 宣武
日本食生活学会誌 = Journal for the integrated study of dietary habits (ISSN:13469770)
vol.13, no.3, pp.142-146, 2002-12-25

Now the porcelain is the main daily tableware in Japan. But before the porcelain came into wide use, the lacquer ware was the main.<BR>The production of porcelain has started at Hizen Arita in the early part of 17<SUP>th</SUP> century. But in the Edo period, it did not become popular as daily tableware. In the Meiji period, the railway opened to traffic, and the porcelain spread to the whole country.<BR>On the table-tray (zen), the small bowl was the first to change from the lacquer ware to the porcelain, the plate for fish was the second, and the rice bowl was the third. As on the whole, the lacquer ware changed to the porcelain, but the ceramic and plastic rice bowl did not come into wide use.<BR>Why did the rice bowl change to the porcelain? It is generally agreed that the rice is the staple food of the Japanese people, and this is certainly the case today. However, this has not been true at all times or for all people. Throughout the Japanese history, we lived largely on katemesi (mixed rice and cereals) and zosui. Katemesi and zosui need the rice bowl of porcelain.
江間 三恵子
日本食生活学会誌 = Journal for the integrated study of dietary habits (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.4, pp.247-258, 2013-03-30

&nbsp;&nbsp;In this paper, the beast, chicken and egg types as food during the Edo period were evaluated. Our results are summarized as follows:<BR>1) The habit was used to eat salted whale meat in the juice from December in Edo period.<BR>2) Deer meat and seal meat were made dry and were salted foods.<BR>3) The meats of whales and birds were salted foods, and were kept in one year. And then they were used as special event foods.<BR>4) The meat ball and soup were used with rice and vegetables, and used as a side dish.<BR>5) Wild boar meat and deer meat were cooked in their juice in a pot in winter time as &ldquo;Botan Nabe&rdquo; (boiled boar food) and &ldquo;Momizi Nabe&rdquo; (boiled deer meat food) .<BR>6) As for eating roasted meat, a person in Edo period ate dog, rabbit, otter, deer, etc. They also ate boiled swan and crane chicken.<BR>7) &ldquo;Senba cooking&rdquo; (fisherman cooked food) and roast bird were also ate by the general population.<BR>8) Eggs were used rice, called rice gruel, the porridge of rice and vegetables etc. It was used for dishes with juices, cooked food and steamed and broiled foods.
日笠 志津 根岸 由紀子 奥崎 政美 成田 国寛 辻村 卓
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.1, pp.26-32, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-08-01)
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Consumers of organically-grown vegetables often believe that these products are healthful and taste better than conventionally-grown vegetables. However, nutrient content and organoleptic characteristics vary from farm and year to year. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of agricultural technique on the production of high quality vegetables each year, for 3 years. Nutrient component analysis and a sensory test (of quality, as indicated by appearance, texture and taste) of spinach and komatsuna were carried out on produce from an organic farm and a conventional farm in Mie prefecture. Cultivation practices were the responsibility of each farmer, who had been selected (from our previous studies) because they had cultivated organically-grown spinach or conventionally-grown komatsuna that had scored highly in the sensory test.  The amount of nutrients of komatsuna was no significant differences. The appearance and texture of organically-grown komatsuna were preferred but preference based on taste was different between each years. The water, manganese and total of free amino acid contents of organically-grown spinach were lower, and the sodium and oxalic acid contents were higher than those of conventionally-grown spinach. For each of the 3 years, the organically-grown spinach scored highly in almost every parameter of the sensory test. The spinach might be more susceptible to the effect of organic manure than komatsuna. The results suggest that cultivation technique is likely to contribute vegetable quality. Future study is needed to determine the influence of agricultural practices on nutrient content, taste and the eating quality of vegetables after cooking.
加藤 みわ子 伊藤 康宏 永 忍夫 清水 遵
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.18, no.2, pp.140-144, 2007 (Released:2007-11-07)
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本研究では, 蓄積的疲労感が味覚に影響を与えるかを味覚試験を行って実験的に検討したところ,  &nbsp1) 蓄積的疲労感の高い人は塩味の閾値が低かった &nbsp2) 塩味閾値が低い人は抑うつ気分が高かった 3) 塩味閾値の低い人ほど呈味直後の快適感が減少していたの結果を得た。そして, 疲労感の蓄積が味覚に影響を与える大きな要因のひとつであること, 肉体疲労のみならず精神的な疲労感やストレスを緩和することが健康で良好な食生活の実現, 惹いては生活習慣病予防に大切であることが示唆された。