崔 鳥淵 高橋 英幸 板井 悠二 高松 薫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.1, pp.119-129, 1998-02-01 (Released:2010-12-10)
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本研究では, 筋力トレーニングにおける一般的な手段であるパワーアップ型手段とバルクアップ型手段の筋の形態および機能の面からみたトレーニング効果の相違を, 膝伸展運動による週2回, 8週間のトレーニング実験を通して比較検討した.被検者には, 健常な一般成人男子11名を用いた.パワーアップ型群 (5名) には, 1RMの90%の負荷で5セット行わせた.セット間には3分間の休息をとらせた (レペティション法) .一方, バルクアップ型群 (6名) には, 1RMの80~40%の負荷で9セット行わせた.セット間には30秒~3分間の休息をとらせた (インターバル法・マルチパウンデツジ法) .おもな結果は次の通りである.1.大腿四頭筋全体および大腿四頭筋を構成する各筋の筋断面積の増加率は, いずれもバルクアップ型群がパワーアップ型群より有意に高い値を示した.2.1RM, 等尺性最大膝伸展力および等速性最大膝伸展力 (角速度, 60・180・300deg/sec) の増加率は, 実測値および筋断面積あたりの相対値ともに, パワーアップ型群がバルクアップ型群より高い値を示した.このうち, 1RMの実測値, 60deg/secの角速度による等速性最大膝伸展力の実測値を除くすべての項目に有意差が認められた.3.等速性平均膝伸展力 (角速度, 180deg/sec; 試行回数, 50回) の増加率は, 実測値および筋断面積あたりの相対値ともに, バルクアップ型群がパワーアップ型群より有意に高い値を示した.また, 連続50回にわたる等速性膝伸展力の低下率は, トレーニングが進むにつれてバルクアップ型群では小さくなるのに対して, パワーアップ型群では顕著な変化は認められなかった.上述の結果は, パワーアップ型手段はおもに筋力・無気的パワーの増大に, バルクアップ型手段はおもに筋肥大および無気的持久力の増大にそれぞれ有効であることを示すものである.これらの結果は, 筋力トレーニングでは, 特性の異なるパワーアップ型手段とバルクアップ型手段を, 各人の目的に即して適切に使い分けることが重要であることを示唆するものである.
井川 幸雄 鈴木 政登 塩田 正俊
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.1, pp.1-10, 1985-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

The purpose of the present study was to assess the effect of commercial sports beverage intake after a thermal exposure on water-electrolytes balance.Nine healthy male volunteers with a mean age of 26.4 years, not heat acclimated, participated in a control experiment where no fluid was given (C experiment) . Five of them were given 500ml isotonic sports beverage containing Na+, K+, Cl-and glucose (S. B experiment) and/or 500 ml tap water (Wa experiment) immediately after sauna exposure. The nude subjects were exposed to a sauna with 65 to 70°C (r. h. 50 to 60%) for 30 min.Serum protein, electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-), creatinine, plasma aldosterone (Ald), and catecholamines concentrations and excretions of electrolytes and aldosterone into urine were measured before, and 3, 30, 60, and 120 min after the sauna. Serum and urinary osmolalities, blood pressure, rectal temperature (Tr), heart rate, oxygen consumption and weight loss were also measured.Body weight loss ranged from 50 to 750g. Serum protein, electrolytes and Ald concentrations increased significantly after the sauna. The enhanced levels of these variables and the depression of urine volume, urinary Na+excretion were maintained throughout the 2h recovery period in C experiment. Hydration associated with a reduced concentration of serum protein and electrolytes was observed at 30 min in S. B, at 60 min in Wa, and a dehydration occured again at 120 min both in S. B and Wa. A peak of urine volume was observed at 60 min in S. B and at 120 min in Wa during recovery. Free water clearance (CH2O) was -0.98 ml/min/100 ml GFR (Ccr) prior to the exposure. With no fluid administration after the sauna, an excess in negative water balance remained throughout the 2 h recovery. But CH2Ochanged from negative to positive at 60 and 120 min after sports beverage and/or water loadings.A significant elevation of % TRNa (0.33 to 1.14%) was maintained after the sauna in both C and Wa experiment. Plasma Aid concentration and excretion of Aid in urine after the exposure were higher in both C and Wa than in S. B experiment. The increased Tr did not return to the initial level throughout the recovery. No significant differences were observed among the three experiments in heart rate and blood pressure as well as Tr.The data indicate that salt deficit due to the sauna exposure was attenuated, but not prevented, by sports beverage intake, although the Aid secretion was alleviated. It is suggested that an over loading of sports beverage or water (i. e. 500 ml VS 50 to 750 g weight loss) leads to a marked and prompt water-diuresis, and to another dehydration. The increase of Tr as well as a partly salt deficit can be related to the rises in Ald secretion still observed at 2 h recovery.
齊藤 訓英 山本 利春 笠原 政志
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.3, pp.219-228, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-05-13)

A few studies have reported that nighttime sleep and daytime napping are significantly associated with sleep disorders, memory, concentration, cognitive ability, and academic performance in children. Moreover, sleep is identified as an important factor that has a profound effect on children’s athletic performance. If a short daytime nap is shown to benefit children involved in sports activities, this evidence could be used to improve children’s athletic performance in the afternoon. In this study, we investigated whether a short daytime nap could reduce the decline in athletic performance observed in the afternoon in children involved in basketball games. We investigated 10 elementary school-age male basketball players. The study was performed under two conditions, with and without a 20-min nap during the lunch break, and evaluation was performed under both conditions for 3 days each. The reaction and 20-m sprint times were measured after morning practice, before afternoon practice, and at the end of practice on all days. At the beginning of afternoon practice, the 20-m sprint time was significantly shorter (p<0.05) in the no-nap group (4.18±0.27 s) than in the nap group (4.24±0.24 s). In conclusion, our results suggest that a short daytime nap in children may reduce the decline in exercise performance observed in the afternoon.
赤羽 秀徳 青木 和夫 星川 秀利
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.2, pp.221-234, 2004-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of ankle plantar and dorsal flexion on the lower extremities' dynamics and crank torque in pedaling movements. Twelve males (6 cyclists and 6 non-cyclists) pedaled at the rate of 90 and 120 rpm for a power output of 200W. Subjects were divided into two groups according to the different ankle movement patterns in one crank rotation. The first group (Gr1) showed a one time plantar and dorsal flexion movement in one rotation. The second group (Gr2) showed two plantar and dorsal flexion movements in one rotation. It was assumed that the exertion of positive plantar flexor power in the upstroke phase could provide the difference of the ankle movement patterns. The following results were shown in Gr2 as compared with Grl. 1) The positive crank torque time ratio was extended due to dorsal flexor torque produced near the top dead center. 2) Continuous muscle contraction of the same muscle was avoided and reduction in a burden was brought about due to plantar flexion in the upstroke phase. 3) Reduction of hip extensor torque was shown. These results suggest that two dorsal and plantar flexion movements in one rotation in pedaling could be a more effective pattern in terms of muscle work.
井上 由里 大谷 啓尊 上杉 雅之 成瀬 進 小枝 英輝
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.3, pp.345-350, 2015-06-01 (Released:2015-05-28)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the past injuries of female junior high and high school soccer players in comparison with those of male junior high and high school soccer players. 41 female and 60 male players were examined for the past injuries that they had experienced. The incidence of injuries in females was 0.21±1.69 injuries per player per year compared to 0.28±0.41 injuries per player per year in males. There was not significant difference in the incidence of past injuries between males and females. The most frequently injured region was the ankle in females and the upper extremities in males. Females experienced frequent ligament injuries while males experienced frequent fractures. It was unusual that females experienced a higher rate of Osgood-Schlatter disease. Females also had more traumatic injuries caused by non-contact incidents. We conclude that it is important for female soccer players in junior high and high school to take measures to prevent ligament injuries in the lower leg and traumatic injuries caused by non-contact incidents. We need to conduct further research to reveal why the females experienced a higher rate of Osgood-Schlatter disease.
鈴木 政登 坂木 佳寿美 松原 茂 三浦 次郎 塩田 正俊 飯島 好子 町田 勝彦 井川 幸雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.4, pp.231-242, 1990-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

成長期にあるスポーツ選手の運動と栄養摂取の実状を把握するとともに適正な運動と栄養のあり方を考える目的で, 次のような実験を行なった.高校生野球部員17名 (15~16歳, 169.1cm, 59.Okg) を対象に, 1週間の夏期強化練習 (自宅通学) 時にエネルギー消費量 (EE) , 栄養摂取量 (CI) , 摂取食品目数, 体重および血圧を毎日測定し, 12分間走は4回行なった.血液・尿成分は強化練習初日, 4日目および最終日 (7日目) の3回測定した.本実験結果は, 次の通りであった.1.強化練習1週間の平均EEは53.4±7.5kcal/kg/dayであった.CIはEEの87.2%に相当し, 1日あたり平均7.4kcal/kg少なかった.しかし, 体重の経日的変化は観察されなかった.2.強化練習経過にともなう血圧変化はみられなかったが, 12分間走成績は低下した.3.炭水化物 (C) , 脂肪 (F) および蛋白質 (P) の熱量比は, 1週間の平均でそれぞれ66.0, 20.3および13.8%であり, 動物性蛋白質は47.8%であった.4.食事内容は各家庭でほぼ決まっており, 個人内変動が少なかった.概ね摂取食品目数が少なく, 10品目に満たない者が35%みられ, それがほぼ1週間継続していた.5.血液成分のうち顕著に変化したのは1血清TG, TP, Hgb濃度およびCPK活性であり, 強化練習4日目から最終日にかけてCPK活性が著しく上昇し, 他は低下した.とくにTG濃度低下が著しく4日目には初日の1/3以下に激減した.6.強化練習4日目, 最終日にかけて, 無機燐 (Pi) , 尿素窒素 (UN) およびカテコールアミン (CA) 排泄量が著増し, Na, Cl排泄量は低下した.7.強化練習1週間の体重, 12分間走成績, EEおよびCIと血液・尿成分変化との相互関連を調べた結果, 負のエネルギー出納 (CI-EE) が増すほど, 尿中CA排泄量や血清CPK活性が上昇し, TG, TPおよびHgb濃度が逆に低下することが示された.以上の実験結果から, 現状の運動量と栄養摂取状態が持続すれば体重が減少し, 貧血を生じる可能性は十分あり, 体力のみならず十分な技術向上も期待できない, と考えられる.この運動量で野球練習を続けるならば, 摂取食品目数および総摂取熱量の増加, とくに脂肪 (現在の熱量比の平均20.3%) , 蛋白質 (現在平均1.509/kg/day) の摂取増加など栄養摂取面の改善が必要であると思われる.稿を終えるにあたり, 本研究遂行に御協力いただいた栄養士, 三浦かおり, 横田あけみの両氏に厚く御礼申し上げます.また, 被検者として御協力いただいた千葉県立流山中央高校野球部々員諸君ならびに大井監督に御礼申し上げます.
高橋 啓悟 白井 祐介 鍋倉 賢治
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.5, pp.371-381, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-09-16)

This study aimed to elucidate the effects of exercise intensity on stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) function of the lower limbs after cycling. Ten male triathletes performed a cycling graded test to determine the ventilatory threshold (VT) and two hopping-cycling (30 min of cycling at 90 or 110% VT)-hopping tests. The two hopping-cycling-hopping tests performed in random order. Power output (PO), heart rate (HR) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored throughout the 30-min cycling. Blood lactate concentrations (BLa) were measured in order to assess metabolic stress. The SSC function was calculated as the ratio of the jump height to the time spent in contact with the ground (reactive strength index [RSI]). PO, HR and RPE values during cycling at 110%VT was higher than at 90%VT (p < 0.01). BLa value after the cycling at 110%VT was higher than at 90%VT (90%VT: 2.4±1.0 vs. 110%VT: 5.9±2.8 mmol/L, p < 0.01). Regardless of the cycling exercise intensity, the RSI significantly decreased after the cycling exercise (p < 0.01). The RSI remained decreased at 15 min after the cycling exercise (p < 0.05). These results demonstrated that the SSC function decreased after cycling. Exercise intensity during cycling is likely to have no effect on the decrease in SSC function.
平田 庸子 弘原海 剛 濱田 尚美 白井 麻子 渡辺 一志
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.4, pp.269-276, 2021-08-01 (Released:2021-07-15)

This study aimed to clarify the effects of carbohydrate mouth rinse on exercise performance. We examined the effect of mouth rinse on fatigability. Thirty healthy male college students completed three trials with non mouth rinse (CON), mouth rinse intervention of 6% glucose (GMR), and artificial sweetener (PLA). Handgrip exercise was performed as a fatigue task. The subjects performed a 10-seconds maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) followed by a 40% MVC rhythmic grasping movement for 14 per minutes, followed by a 4-seconds rest. This set of exercises was performed for a total of ten sets. Mouth rinse was performed from the 5th set to the 10th set. The subjects were divided into three groups: L, M, and S, according to the degree of decrease in MVC due to fatigue in CON. The effect was evaluated using the rate of change in MVC after the mouth rinse. The evaluation was performed for each trail and group. In the L group, mouth rinse significantly improved the rate of change of MVC compared with the other trials (GMR vs. CON: P = 0.002; PLA vs. CON: P = 0.042). A significant trend was observed in the M (GMR vs. CON: P = 0.062), but not in the S. In conclusion, the effects of mouth rinse differed depending on fatigability in isometric hand grip performance, with mouth rinse inhibiting the decrease of motor fatigue. In addition, it was suggested that the sweetness of carbohydrates may have an effect on mouth rinse.
間野 忠明
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.130-135, 1994-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
青山 敏之 阿江 数通 相馬 寛人 宮田 一弘 梶田 和宏 奈良 隆章 川村 卓
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.91-100, 2021

<p>The yips represent a disorder that makes it challenging for an individual to perform automatic and coordinated movements in sports activities. The cause of the yips is not sufficiently clarified, and limited information is available regarding throwing yips in baseball. Therefore, this study was designed to clarify the incidence and characteristics of the throwing yips among college baseball players. Total 107 players of the college baseball team participated in the study and completed the questionnaire by answering questions about their experience of the yips (loss of control to throw the ball accurately for more than 1 month), the symptom intensity, and changes observed in the symptoms in different situations. The 47.1% of players met the definition of throwing yips. The symptoms of the yips were more pronounced with short-distances and low intensity of throwing. Moreover, there were various subjective symptoms, such as the issue about co-contraction of the upper limb, sensory function, body ownership, and movement planning. Various physical symptoms associated with throwing yips suggest that the yips are not only a disorder of motor skills, but result from movement disorders. The present results show that the occurrence of the yips depends on the throwing condition; this finding provides useful insights into the mechanism and the treatment of the yips. Interdisciplinary studies that aim to elucidate the cause of the yips and develop effective intervention are necessary.</p>
綾田 練 白木 仁 福田 崇 竹村 雅裕 向井 直樹 宮川 俊平
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.125-130, 2007-02-01 (Released:2007-05-15)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the pathologic changes of jumper's knee before and after jumping and effects of icing after jumping. Sixteen healthy college students and sixteen collegiate volleyball players with jumper's knee were divided into two groups by eight, without icing group and with icing group after jumping exercise. Without icing groups rested for 20 minutes, while with icing groups were treated with ice for 20 minutes after eighty times of jumping. Signal to noise ratio (SNR) and sectional area of patellar tendon with Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the tenderness of patellar tendon with visual analog scale were measured before and after exercise, following with or without icing and 24 and 48 hours later from the treatment. In jumper's knee group, significant increase was found in the SNR, sectional area of patellar tendon, and tenderness of patellar tendon after exercise compared to before exercise. In addition, in jumper's knee with icing group, significant decrease was found in the SNR, sectional area of patellar tendon after icing and 24 and 48 hours after icing, and the tenderness of patellar tendon after icing compared to after exercise. These results suggested that icing was an effective treatment for jumper's knee after exercise.
森山 雅 幸 篤武
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.4, pp.257-268, 2021-08-01 (Released:2021-07-15)

The aims were to investigate the changes in physical activity of university students after the COVID-19 emergency declaration was lifted, and to determine whether there were any differences in these changes between academic years. The subjects were 81 students attending university or graduate school in Kochi Prefecture who completed a baseline survey (May 2020). Analysis 1, included 51 subjects who responded to both the baseline survey and the retrospective survey (October 2020) on physical activity at 1 year prior. In Analysis 2, 71 subjects who participated in at least one follow-up examination (August 2020, November 2020) were included. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Long Form was used to assess physical activity and sitting time per week. Between October 2019 and May 2020, the total (-47.7%), vigorous (-59.3%) and moderate (-42.1%) physical activity decreased, and sitting time (+36.9%) increased. The interaction between the time of the survey and year of university (first-year, ≥second-year), analyzed using a generalized linear mixed model, on total, vigorous, walking physical activity and sitting time was significant. Especially, the estimate of least squares mean after inverse square root transformation of total physical activity in first-year students was higher in November 2020 (8192.4 METs·min/week) compared to baseline (3388.5 METs·min/week). Vigorous physical activity in first-year students was also higher in November 2020 (4773.3 METs·min/week) compared to baseline (1060.3 METs·min/week). The emergency declaration in April 2020 inhibited physical activity among university students, and the impact was particularly strong among first-year students.