久枝 光 中村 好男 久野 譜也 福永 哲夫 村岡 功
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.345-355, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究では1) レジスタンストレーニングにおける高速度運動が, トレーニング後の運動速度に与える影響を明らかにすること, および, 2) トレーニングでの運動速度の差異が筋の肥大に与える影響を明らかにすることを目的とし, 健常な一般人に対して, 週4回8週間の肘関節屈曲トレーニングを行った.トレーニングには一定負荷を用い, 急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動によるトレーニング (Type R) と, 低速度運動によるトレーニング (Type S) の2種類を行った.トレーニングに用いた運動速度の差異がトレーニング効果に与える影響を明らかにするために, 一定負荷のもとにおこなう肘関節屈曲の運動速度, 肘関節屈曲の等速性筋力および上腕屈筋群の筋横断面積を検討した.その結果, Type Rは高速度域 (300deg/s) での等速性筋力を有意に増加させなかった.一方, 一定負荷のもとに行う運動速度の増加率はType Rにおいて高い傾向がみられた.これらの結果より, 急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動によるトレーニングは同様式の運動速度を増加させるが, 運動様式が異なる高速度域の等速性筋力を必ずしも増加させないことが示唆された.さらに, 筋横断面積の増加率はType Rにおいて有意に高値を示した.このことから, 低速度運動に比べ急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動は, 8週間のトレーニングにおいて, より筋の肥大を起こしやすいということが示唆された.
遠藤 隆志 中島 剛 坂本 将基 塩澤 伸一郎 小宮山 伴与志
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.2, pp.269-278, 2006-04-01 (Released:2007-05-10)

It has recently demonstrated that central fatigue during sustained maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) progresses faster in the presence of delayed onset muscle soreness due to eccentric contractions than in normal states (Endoh et al., 2005). However, it remains to be clarified whether these findings are related to muscle damage or muscle pain induced by eccentric contractions. The present study investigated which factor plays a more critical role in the earlier onset of central fatigue during sustained MVC with muscle pain induced by injecting hypertonic saline. Ten healthy male right-handed subjects (age, 21~32 yrs.) were asked to perform brief MVCs (~3 sec) before and after injection of isotonic saline (0.9%, 1.0 ml, ISO) or hypertonic saline (5.25%, 1.0 ml, HYP) into the left biceps brachii. The subjects then performed 1 min MVC (fatigue test) with isometric elbow flexion was done in ISO or HYP condition or intact control condition (CON). During these contractions, transcranial magnetic stimulation was delivered to the contralateral motor cortex to evaluate voluntary activation (VA), the motor evoked potential (MEP) and electromyographic (EMG) silent period (SP). Ratio of root mean square of the EMG and elbow flexion force (EMGrms/F) was also measured.The peak pain induced by the injection of HYP was significantly higher than that of ISO (p<0.01). There was no significant difference in either the maximum size of the M response or the twitch force between ISO and HYP (p>0.05). However, during the brief MVCs, both maximal force (p<0.01) and VA (p<0.05) for HYP were significantly decreased compared to those for ISO. During the fatigue test, although MVC, VA, MEP and SP were significantly altered (p<0.05~0.01), there was no significant difference among CON, ISO and HYP (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in EMGrms during the fatigue test (p>0.05).These results suggest that peripheral force-producing capacity remained intact after the injection of ISO and HYP during sustained MVC, and that progression of central fatigue during sustained MVC was less affected by the increased group III and IV afferent activity induced by HYP.
小川 宣子 藤林 真美 七山(田中) 知佳 西脇 雅人
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.6, pp.455-465, 2017-12-01 (Released:2017-11-28)

The present study aimed to examine the effects of community-based intervention on cognitive function and hand finger dexterity in older adults at different levels of time to go out. Forty men and women (age, 73 ± 1 years) participated in supervised group activity and seated exercise for 60 min per session, once each week during an 8-week intervention. The participants wore an activity monitor for 1 week to determine baseline values and for the 8 weeks of intervention. Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and pegboard test, which is related to cognitive function, were assessed before and after the intervention. Based on the total time to go out at baseline, the participants were assigned to Control group (> 60 min/day, n = 18) or Short group (≦ 60 min /day, n = 22), and then analyzed. After the 8 weeks of intervention, the Control and Short groups improved physical fitness parameters such as handgrip strength. Although MMSE in the both groups did not reach statistically significant level, these values tended to increase slightly from the baseline. Interestingly, two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated significant interaction of pegboard test, and the score significantly increased only in the Short group. Total physical activity and moderate-vigorous physical activity in the both groups did not change significantly between the baseline and intervention periods. Therefore, these results suggest that the trainability of pegboard test, which is an index of hand finger dexterity and is related to cognitive function, would differ depending on the time to go out at baseline in older adults.
与那 正栄 室 増男 下敷領 光一 永田 晟
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.5, pp.307-314, 1990-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究は, 3つの静的筋力負荷強度を用いた筋力トレーニングによってEMG-RTへの影響を検討し, 反応時間短縮の機構を探ろうとしたものである.その結果は以下の通りである.(1) 最大筋力 (MVC) , 70%MVC, 50%MVCトレーニング群ともに最大筋力, 積分筋電図 (IEMG) , 平均パワー周波数 (MPF) は有意な増加を示し, EMG-RTは有意な短縮を示した.そして, トレーニング前では示されなかった最大筋力, IEMG, MPFとEMG-RTとの間の関係は, 筋力の増大に伴って負の相関関係が示された.(2) 70%MVC, MVCトレーニング群は, 50%MVCトレーニング群に比べて変化が大きかった.(3) 動作時間 (筋放電から張力の変曲点まで: motor time) は各トレーニング群ともに短縮を示したが, 70%MVC群は他の2群に比して短縮が大きかった.(4) 反応動作時の発揮張力とその筋放電量は各トレーニング群で増加を示し, 筋放電持続時間は短縮した.しかし, 50%MVCトレーニング群に比して70%MVC, MVCトレーニング群は大きく変化した.(5) 筋力トレーニングによる反応時間の短縮は, 神経性刺激の大きいトレーニング内容によって影響を受けた.そのことは筋力トレーニングによる筋出力系への影響で, 素早い反応に関与する系が刺激されたことによるものであることを示唆するものである.
下山 寛之
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.5, pp.357-364, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-09-25)

In this review, the energy metabolism and body composition in athletes are discussed on the basis of an energy balance study using a doubly labeled water method. In athletes, the energy expenditure induced by sports activities widely differs according to the type of sports event. In addition, the physical activity of athletes can reach more than twice the basal metabolic rate throughout the sports season. It may be also more than three times depending on the duration of the tournament and/or the training camp. Thus, the event type, and training time and intensity must be considered when estimating the energy requirement of athletes.
小野 三嗣 荻野 光男 本間 達二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.13, no.1, pp.35-38, 1964

特別には運動などを行つていない, 医科大学の男子学生について, 能動握力と受動握力及び肩帯固定力を測定し, 次の結果を得た。<BR>1) 能動握力と受動握力とは, その被験全例について, 相関係数を求めると0.52となるが, 約5%の極端なものを除外すると相関係数は0.42に低下する。<BR>2) 受動握力と肩帯固定力との相関係数は, 0.67で, 比較的強い正相関を示す。<BR>3) 力を一定にして浅指屈筋の遠位端, 筋腹中央, 近位端附近の皮膚表面から誘導した筋電図では, 能動的な場合も, 受動的な場合も殆んど差異を認めなかつた。
小野 三嗣 尾谷 良行 高橋 泰光 坪田 修三 倉田 博
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.17, no.1, pp.1-13, 1968

剣道5段2名, 3段3名, 初段2名, 無段 (経験約1年) 3名, 剣道は全く無経験であるが他のスポーツには習熟しているもの4名を対象として, 木刀, 竹片, 竹刀によるストレーンゲージ打撃を行わせた。その時の張力並びに微分曲線を陰極線オッシログラフ並びにペン書きオッシログラフに記録し, 大要次の如き結果を得た。<BR>1) 剣道熟練者はその静的筋力を打撃力に転換する率が高い。また張力発生の傾斜も鋭いため, 衝撃エネルギーとして考える時, 未熟練者よりも遥かに大きな値を示す。<BR>2) 熟練者は打撃に際して上腕三頭筋を有効に使用し, しかもその瞬間に上腕二頭筋は充分に弛緩させている。未熟練者では上腕二頭筋と三頭筋が同時に収縮することが珍しくない。<BR>3) 熟練者は同じ動作のくりかえし, 或いは用具の変更によって, 筋放電パターンに大きな差異を生じることはないが, 未熟練者では変動が大きい。<BR>尚シンクロナイズ装置付電子ストップウオッチを用い, 四肢のそれぞれ二肢を同時に動作しようとする場合の時差を測定した。<BR>剣道選手に特有と思われる所見は発見できなかった。
豊岡 示朗 吉川 潔 足立 哲司
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.4, pp.419-430, 1995-08-01
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朝の起床後におけるジョギングの問題点, その実施時間帯による代謝特性を明らかにすることを目的として, 男子長距離選手5名 (19~26歳) とジョガー (32~50歳) を対象に, 絶食, スナック, 夕方の3条件を設定して60分間のトレッドミルによるジョギングを課し, 血中基質と代謝反応を測定し, 次のような結果を得た.<BR>1) 絶食条件のジョギング前後の血液グルコースは, ジョガー群で100.8mg/d<I>l</I>: 93.0mg/d<I>l</I>, ランナー群で101.0mg/d<I>l</I>: 105.6mg/d<I>l</I>となり, ジョガー群の低下が大きい傾向が見られた.しかしながら, 両群間に有意差は認められなかった.また, 夕食を摂らなかった被験者1名 (48歳) が, 走行後65mg/d<I>l</I>となり, 低血糖レベルに近づいた.<BR>2) 同条件での遊離脂肪酸は, ジョガー群の安静で, 0.37mmol/<I>l</I>, 運動後, 0.57mmol/<I>l</I>, ランナー群の場合, 運動前0.25mmol/<I>l</I>, 運動後0.37mmol/<I>l</I>となり, いづれも, 約50%の上昇がみられたものの, 安静値の2倍に達した被験者は1名であった.また, その最大値は, たかだか, 0.86mmol//<I>l</I>であった.<BR>3) 上述の結果から, 起床後の空腹状況において, 50~60%VO<SUB>2</SUB>maxで60分間のジョギングを実施した場合, 脱力感, 不快感や低血糖症状に陥る例は稀であり, 遊離脂肪酸が急上昇 (安静の3~4倍) することもほとんどないことが示唆された.しかしながら, 中高年ジョガーの場合, β-ヒドロキシ酪酸が, 運動前に比べ1.3~2.6倍も増加する例 (6名中5名) が見られた.<BR>4) 血中基質の動態からみた夕方ジョギングの特徴は, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) と比べ, 運動前のインスリンレベルが2.7倍高く, 運動中のアドレナリン分泌の亢進, 血液グルコース取り込みの増加, 脂肪分解能の抑制であった.一方, 朝の2条件の動態は, ほぼ同様となり, インスリン, アドレナリン, ノルアドレナリン, 血液グルコースの変動が小さく, グリセロールの増加, FFA代謝回転レベルの高いことが認められた.<BR>5) 60分間のジョギングによる全消費エネルギーは, スナック条件が他の条件より4~5%高く (P<0.01) 654.4kcal, 以下, 夕方条件・627.5kcal, 絶食条件・619.2kcalとなった.この差異の要因は, スナック摂取からくる酸素摂取量の増加に依る.<BR>6) 呼吸商 (RQ) から60分間のジョギングによる炭水化物と脂肪の酸化比率をみると, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) の場合, 約51~50%: 49~50%とほぼ同様になったのに比べ, 夕方条件の場合は, 67.4%: 32.6%となり, 朝のジョギングの方が約16~17%脂肪の酸化が多い (P<0.01) ことが認められた.<BR>7) 以上の結果から, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) によるジョギングは, 夕方実施する場合に比べて脂質代謝が高いと示唆された.
森 博康 徳田 泰伸
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.3, pp.207-218, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-05-13)

To evaluate the effectiveness of a 24-week nutritional supplementation program involving whey protein intake after resistance exercise in treatment of sarcopenia and quality of life (QOL) among older women with sarcopenia, we carried out a pilot study, randomized controlled trial among elderly individuals with sarcopenia, aged 65-years or older, who were allocated to three groups: exercise and whey protein supplementation (Ex+Whey) group, exercise (Ex) group, and whey protein supplementation (Whey) group. Sarcopenia was defined using the Asian Working Group for sarcopenia 2014 criteria, as follows: low hand-grip strength (<18.0 kg) or slow gait speed (<0.8m/sec), and low skeletal muscle mass index (SMI, <5.7kg/m2). A 24-week program of resistance exercise, carried out twice per week, was combined with whey protein supplementation, involving 11.0 g of protein and 2,300 mg of leucine. After the 24-week intervention period, the Ex+Whey group (n=20) showed a decrease in sarcopenia, lower SMI, lower grip strength, and increase in physical QOL score (sarcopenia; p=0.004, SMI and grip strength; p=0.008, QOL; p=0.027). After the 24-week intervention period, the Whey group (n=20) showed a decrease in sarcopenia and lower SMI (all p=0.017). The Ex-group (n=19) did not show a decrease in sarcopenia, lower SMI, and lower grip strength. These results suggest that resistance exercise and whey protein intake in older women with sarcopenia, on the multiple outcome measures such as improves lower SMI, lower grip strength, and physical QOL. However, there were no between-group differences in the change from the pre- to the post-intervention period at 24 weeks in the lower SMI and lower grip strength. In this study, the intervention effect of Ex+Whey could not be clearly shown in the outcome measures.
佐藤 恒久 倉田 まゆ子 石田 尚志 江橋 博 寺尾 保
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.3, pp.183-193, 1985-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

長距離レースを想定した速度で, 全力走トレーニングを17日間連日実施した1名と, 運動強度: 2/3VO2max (150m/min, 勾配+3度) のトレッドミル20分走を10年間連日実施した1名の, 健康な男性非鍛練者の経時的心電図を解析した.その結果前者では, 運動開始後21日目には, 心室内変行伝導を伴った上室性期外収縮が頻発した.23日目には, 上室性期外収縮とともに, 洞性不整脈もみられた.44日目には, 洞性徐脈と心室内変行伝導を伴った上室性二段脈, 213日目でも, 上室性二段脈が持続した.一方後者では, 運動開始5年後初めて問入性心室性期外収縮が出現し, 9年後には心室性期外収縮の頻発を認めたが, 10年目には心室性期外収縮の散発をみるに過ぎなかった.すなわち, 過激な運動では, 短期間の運動でも長期にわたって病的不整脈が観察されたのに対し, 適度な運動では, 長期にわたる負荷でも治療を要する不整脈は全くみられなかった.
鈴木 幸子 高瀬 直彦
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.10, no.1, pp.14-16, 1961

高層アパートの階段昇降を歩行で職とする人を被検者としてエネルギー代謝を実験した。<BR>普通の階段上昇速度は毎分40m内外でエネルギー代謝率は10となりかなり高い, 下降時は毎分45m程度で3程度となる。駈け昇る即ち毎分70mとなるとそのエネルギー代謝率は26となる。下降時でも毎分70mでは6.8となる。1回の昇降時間は短いが, こうしたアパート配達を職とする人の中には1棟で4回, 30棟で120回と階段昇降するとなると生体への負担は相当大きくなるものと思わねばならない。エネルギー代謝率7程度でとどめるとすると上昇時毎分30m, 下降時70mまでである。<BR>これは年令的に若く, しかも職業人でこの値となるから一般人がこの速度ではエネルギー代謝率は更に大きくなることが予想されるのでアパート昇降時の毎分速度は, これ以上遅くする必要があろう。
宮下 政司 柏原 杏子
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.4, pp.367-373, 2016-08-01 (Released:2016-07-15)

Energy balance plays an important role in weight control. Ghrelin is known to stimulate food intake, while peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) are known to suppress food intake. These appetite-related hormones are affected by behaviours such as exercise and mastication. Increasing the number of times food is chewed during a standard meal suppresses ghrelin secretion and food intake. The intensity of exercise is more strongly related to the secretion of total ghrelin, acylated ghrelin, PYY3-36 and food intake than the duration or mode of exercise. This review summarises the effects of exercise and mastication on appetite-related hormones and/or energy intake.
林 正
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.19, no.3, pp.55-67, 1970-09-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The physical fitness and motor ability of 17, 000 school children in Kyoto City, age 10-17, was studied in 1966-1968. A sports test from the Japanese Ministry of Education, 1963 was used.The sports test consists of seven items-physical fitness diagnostic test and of five items-motor ability test.At first, the mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and g1-statistics were calculate using the data of each item of the sports test for boys and girls of every age.In the paper the results obtained by these preliminary analysis of the data are reported The results which are most worth mentioning are as follows.1. The age when muscular strength is most remarkably developed coincides with the age when the increase of height is the most remarkably developed. However, according to the results obtained from the Modified Harverd Step Test and Endurance Running, improvement of respiratory and circulatory function seems to occur at a slightly older age.2. In every item of the sports test records clearly show individual differences. The individual differences related to physical fitness and motor ability seem to be greater than the individual differences related to body type. The greatest individual differences are generally found during the age when the children are most rapidly developing-girls, 10-11 years; boys, 12-14.3. In most of the items, the distribution is found to be asymmetric which is especially noticable in chinning (modified), step test and trunk extention. In these items the evaluation of individual relative ability among the group by the use of mean and standard deviation is not necessarily suitable.The use of median or mean as the standard value is recommended Records of our subject were compared with the standards records reported by the Japanese Ministry of Education and with several reports done 30-40 years ago.
西保 岳 後藤 真二 鍋倉 賢治 池上 晴夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.36, no.4, pp.195-201, 1987

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of contraction force and the pooled blood volume in the calf on the pumping action of calf muscle contraction. Calf blood volume was controlled by lower body negative pressure (LBNP) and isometric contraction of calf extensor muscle was performed using a handmade dynamometer in recumbent position. The relative volume changes (&Delta;V/V%) of calf were determined using rubber straingage, when isometric contractions (5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 kg) of the calf muscle were repeated under LBNP of 0, -20, -40, and -60 mmHg.<BR>During resting condition, &Delta; V/V was increased by 1.04% under -20 mmHg LBNP, 1.88% under -40 mmHg, and 2.54% under -60 mmHg. These increases of &Delta;V/V were due to the increased blood pooling in the calf. It was shown that the increased blood volume was almost expelled by several bouts of muscle contractions of proper force. The optimum force of contractions for expelling pooled blood was 20 kg under -20mmHg LBNP, and 40 kg under -40 and -60 mmHg LBNP. And it was apparent that the effectiveness of muscle pump was accumulated with repeating contractions, arriving to a plateau after several bouts.<BR>It was shown that the effect of muscle pump in the given contraction force was more effective under the condition with more amount of blood contained in the calf, but the muscle pumping action by light contraction forces couldn't overcome the effect of severe LBNP.
紙上 敬太 樽味 孝
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.3, pp.239-247, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-05-12)

The global pandemic of childhood physical inactivity and the associated reduction in physical fitness have become the major health problem. Based on such background, there is growing interest in child development research to investigate the associations among physical fitness, cognitive function, and the underlying neurobiological mechanisms. In the present narrative review, we first summarize the findings from behavioral studies that examined the relations of childhood fitness to academic performance and executive function. Because these behavioral findings remain controversial due to methodological inconsistencies, we further discuss differences in independent variables (e.g., physical activity vs. fitness), confounders (e.g., socioeconomic status), study designs (e.g., cross-sectional vs. randomized controlled trial), and assessments used to measure academic performance and executive function (e.g., task difficulty). Subsequently, we introduce neuroimaging studies on brain volume, task-evoked brain activation, and white matter fiber integrity which may provide mechanistic insights into the behavioral observations. To date, several randomized controlled trials using advanced imaging techniques showed that regular physical activity may change brain activations during executive function tasks and improve white matter fiber integrity in children. Collectively, our literature review suggests that regular physical activity leading to increase in physical fitness is likely to contribute to healthy brain development. Nevertheless, the current evidence is still limited and inconclusive, thus further rigorously designed randomized controlled trails are needed to clarify the association between childhood fitness and brain development.
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.6, pp.520-521, 2013 (Released:2013-12-15)