村上 祐介
宗教/スピリチュアリティ心理学研究 (ISSN:27581004)
vol.1, no.1, pp.9-17, 2023 (Released:2023-08-30)

本研究の目的は,(a)輪廻転生信念と環境配慮行動の関連,および(b)これらの関連を政 府に対する信頼が調整するかどうかを検証することであった。167 名 (Mage = 46.13 歳, SD = 13.66; men = 73, women = 94) の参加者が,インターネット調査で自記式質問紙に 回答した。階層的重回帰分析の結果,政府に対する信頼の調整効果は確認されなかった ものの,輪廻転生信念と環境配慮行動との間には,有意な正の関連が示された (β= 0.15, p ‹ .001,95% CI [0.03, 0.28])。今後の課題として,より精緻化された手法を通じて,環 境配慮行動と輪廻転生信念のような宗教的信念の関連を明らかにする必要性が論じら れた。
村上 祐介
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.2, pp.507-522, 2011 (Released:2011-12-28)

Previous studies have suggested that children with developmental disorders often display clumsiness when attempting tasks that require higher body coordination ability. Long rope skipping is one such activity, but while it is usually difficult for such children, it is also effective for helping develop body coordination ability and fostering cooperative attitudes. Thus, it is important to make the most of the benefits of long rope skipping for children with developmental disorders. However, appropriate teaching methods in this context have not been well established, nor have the developmental levels of jumping movement in long rope skipping been adequately addressed. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to investigate the developmental levels of jumping movement in long rope skipping for children with developmental disorders. The subjects were five children with developmental disorders who participated once a week in private physical activity sessions. The sessions were conducted by members of a laboratory for adapted physical activity. Specifically, body coordination ability in long rope skipping was evaluated in terms of the number of double bounce movements (jumping twice during one rotation of the rope), the interval of movement, the ground and foot interval, the trunk inclination motion angle, the hip joint flexion motion angle, the knee flexion motion angle, and the number of times that the children jumped with both legs. The results indicated that there were several different movement forms in the five studied children. These forms were classified into five levels: step movement (the first level of long rope skipping movement), side jumping movement (second level), double bounce movement via large jumping movements (third level), double bounce movement via a small movement space (fourth level), and double bounce movement via small jumping movements (fifth level). These findings can be used to devise an effective approach for teaching long rope skipping to children with developmental disorders.
大桃 敏行 秋田 喜代美 村上 祐介 勝野 正章 牧野 篤 藤村 宣之 本田 由紀 浅井 幸子 北村 友人 小玉 重夫 恒吉 僚子 小国 喜弘 李 正連 植阪 友理 市川 伸一 福留 東土 新藤 浩伸 齋藤 兆史 藤江 康彦 両角 亜希子 高橋 史子 星野 崇宏 伊藤 秀樹 山本 清 吉良 直 星野 崇宏 伊藤 秀樹

村上 祐介
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.41, pp.70-86, 2015 (Released:2019-03-20)

This article examines issues regarding the reform of Japan's board of education system, and the new system in terms of the expertise of the educational administration. This paper focuses on the expertise of the educational administration as it relates to general administrative jobs.The findings of this paper are as follows. First, the distrust surrounding the expertise of Japan's educational administration has caused the reform of the board of education system. The discussion regarding the reform included arguments about the reinforcement of political control for the educational administration; however, I did not discuss how we could improve the expertise of the educational administration and restore the trust of the educational administration. In the new board of education system, the problems faced by the bureau of the board of education and issues concerning the expertise of the educational administration still remain unresolved.Second, it is important to examine the expertise required for general administrative jobs. In the field of education reform, there are many professional members of staff in the office. When we discuss the expertise of educational administration, we often focus on the expertise of the professional personnel, for example, superintendents or school education supervisors, etc. There are a large number of general administrative staff members in the bureaus of the board of education; however, nobody has analyzed their expertise in educational administration.Political and market control are often used to govern educational administration and schools, as well as bureaucracy. These controls sometimes influence education policies and practices; however, they often create confusion for schools, teachers, parents, and pupils. Educational bureaus require self-directing governance, and the role of general administrative jobs in the board of education is important to prevent professional personnel from being self-serving and self-enclosed.Third, this study examines how local governments in Japan hire and transfer general administrative personnel in the bureaus of the board of education. The results revealed that about a sixth of the prefectures hire general administrative staff personnel in the bureaus of the board of education separately from the governor's offices. Many of the local governments hire general administrative staff personnel in the bureaus of the board of education and the governor's office together.In the latter case, a few prefectures or big cities make some general administrative staff members put the bureaus of the board of education for many years and make them experts on educational administration. However, almost all local governments keep transferring general administrative staff members in the short term.We have little knowledge about how general administrative staff members improve their expertise in a specific area. Especially in the field of policies, which includes several professions, the expertise of the general administrative staff members tends to be underestimated. We have to conduct research on the expertise of general administrative jobs.
村上 祐介
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.29, pp.142-153, 2003-10-17 (Released:2018-01-09)

Personnel transfer from the central government to the local government considered to be a case of the central government controlling the local government. On the contrary, there is also the view that the local government has the initiative. However, there has been little research on this theme concerning the superintendent. This research thus aims to understand personnel transfer from the central government to the level of superintendents in all prefectures with a particular focus on showing clearly how it has changed during the period between 1956-2000. The results of the research are as follows. (1) The 1950s had many bureaucrats in the Department of the Interior. The bureaucrats of the Department of the Interior decreased in number to the 1960s, however, while the bureaucrat of the Ministry of Education increased. (2) The 1970s saw the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Home Affairs increase in number, while the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Education decreased in number. (3) The central government's bureaucrats decreased in number and the local government's bureaucrats increased in number from the end of the 1970s. This tendency continues until the present. We note the following from these results: (1) When talented people in local government increase in number, especially during the after the end of the 1970s, we often see local government's bureaucrats inaugurated as superintendents. The view that the central government controls local government cannot explain this phenomenon. Concerning the superintendent of education, in the case of personnel transfer from the central government to the local government we can see that local government has an initiative rather than it simply being a matter of the control to the central government over local government. (2) Unlike other management of local governments, in the case of the superintendent of education, the Ministry of Education needs to approve position decisions. However, the influence of this recognition system was not seen from this research. Generally, it has been thought that the influence of educational administration of the central government is very strong, compared with other levels of administration. We can now see that more research is required concerning this question. This research has been from a macro view, though, and has some limits. More results may, however, be obtained by using micro approaches.
村上 祐介
トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学 (ISSN:13454501)
vol.20, no.1, pp.16-26, 2021 (Released:2022-10-29)

本研究の目的は,学校教員の学び続ける態度と,人生満足度の関連における,コーリングの媒介効果を検討 することであった。インターネット調査を実施し,318名の学校教員がアンケートに回答した。最終的に,234 名(平均年齢 = 46.68歳,男性155名,女性79名)を対象とした媒介分析を行った結果,コーリングの媒介効果が確認された。すなわち,自主的に職務の改善に取り 組む学び続ける教師は,人生満足度が高いが,その関係性は,コーリングによって媒介されることが示された。本研究の限界と今後の展望が議論された。
村上 祐介 濱田 大佐 菅村 玄二
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.859-877, 2022 (Released:2022-10-16)

We examined the effects of postural intervention using a “risshin chair” (an upright support seat assisting a zazen-like posture) on posture maintenance, classroom time perception, implicit affect, mental health, and life meaningfulness in an actual high school setting. Twenty-seven second-grade high school students (15 girls and 12 boys; Mage = 16.93 years, SD = 0.27) sat on either a conventional chair or a risshin chair in A-B-A order for approximately four weeks in total. One-way ANOVA revealed that (a) mental health score was highest in the intervention period than in the pre- or post-intervention period (p < .001; p = .002), and that (b) the living in the present moment score was higher in the intervention period than in the pre-intervention period (p < .001). Twocondition within-participant serial mediation analysis also showed that the use of the risshin chair affected mental health and daily meaning in life through a higher level of postural improvement and a faster level of classroom time perception change (indirect effect = 0.27, 95% CI [0.02, 0.74]; 0.28, 95% CI [0.04, 0.66]). The need for examining the effectiveness of longer-term postural interventions was discussed.
村上 祐介
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.2, pp.507-522, 2011

Previous studies have suggested that children with developmental disorders often display clumsiness when attempting tasks that require higher body coordination ability. Long rope skipping is one such activity, but while it is usually difficult for such children, it is also effective for helping develop body coordination ability and fostering cooperative attitudes. Thus, it is important to make the most of the benefits of long rope skipping for children with developmental disorders. However, appropriate teaching methods in this context have not been well established, nor have the developmental levels of jumping movement in long rope skipping been adequately addressed. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to investigate the developmental levels of jumping movement in long rope skipping for children with developmental disorders.<br> The subjects were five children with developmental disorders who participated once a week in private physical activity sessions. The sessions were conducted by members of a laboratory for adapted physical activity. Specifically, body coordination ability in long rope skipping was evaluated in terms of the number of double bounce movements (jumping twice during one rotation of the rope), the interval of movement, the ground and foot interval, the trunk inclination motion angle, the hip joint flexion motion angle, the knee flexion motion angle, and the number of times that the children jumped with both legs.<br> The results indicated that there were several different movement forms in the five studied children. These forms were classified into five levels: step movement (the first level of long rope skipping movement), side jumping movement (second level), double bounce movement via large jumping movements (third level), double bounce movement via a small movement space (fourth level), and double bounce movement via small jumping movements (fifth level). These findings can be used to devise an effective approach for teaching long rope skipping to children with developmental disorders.<br>
小玉 重夫 荻原 克男 村上 祐介
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.67, no.1, pp.1_31-1_52, 2016 (Released:2019-06-10)

これまでの政治学・教育学では, 1950年代を教育において文部省対日教組による保革のイデオロギー対立が激化した時期であると捉えることが一般的であった。それに対し本論は, そうした表面上のイデオロギー対立が注目される中で, その底流ではこの時期に教育の脱政治化が進行していったことに焦点を当てて, 教育行財政の制度と地方教育行政の実態がむしろ脱政治化へと向かったことを歴史的な検証から明らかにすると同時に, 教育行財政の制度・実態だけでなく, 現場の教育実践のレベルにおいても, この時期に脱政治化の萌芽が生じてそれが進行してきたことを示した。具体的には, 教育行財政の制度面 (2節), 教育関係団体秩序の側面 (3節), そして教育運動, 教育実践の側面 (4節) から論証した。以上の作業を通じ, 1950年代の教育政治について通説とは異なる理解を提示すると同時に, 教育が政治化する陰で, 現在に至る教育の脱政治化への転換点が1950年代に埋め込まれていたことを明らかにした。
村上 祐介
トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学 (ISSN:13454501)
vol.11, no.1, pp.56-70, 2011 (Released:2019-08-28)

本稿の目的は、「子どものスピリチュアリティ研究」 の、近年の動向を紹介することである。第一に、子 どものスピリチュアリティが注目を集めている背景 として、人生の意味やつながりの感覚に焦点をあて ることの重要性の認識や、発達の段階理論への反論 などがあることを論じる。第二に、本領域の最近の 研究動向を概観し、(a)20世紀後半では宗教体験や ピーク体験など子どものスピリチュアルな体験に、 (b)近年では、「関係意識」(Hay & Nye, 2006)に関 心が向けられ、これらの研究の多くは、成人への回 想法や子どもへのインタビューなど質的研究に依拠 していることを明らかにする。第三に、子どものス ピリチュアリティに対する、従来の心理学からの懐 疑的見解を概観する。最後に、本領域における研究 手法や定義づけの問題や、わが国における今後の方 向性として、質的研究方法の精選、尺度開発、東洋 思想における子ども観についての文献研究を挙げる。
村上 祐介
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.78, no.4, pp.398-410, 2011-12-29 (Released:2018-12-26)

村上 祐介 時田 春樹
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11316, (Released:2017-09-06)

【目的】慢性期の脳卒中片麻痺患者に対して就労支援を行った経験について報告する。【症例紹介】症例は右片麻痺と失語症を呈した40 代の女性である。2012 年10 月,左の被殻出血を発症した。他院にて6 ヵ月間の入院リハ実施後,2013 年3 月に退院し,以後,当院外来リハが開始となった。来院時の移動能力は4 点杖利用下にて短距離歩行自立,その他は車椅子自走レベルであった。【経過】理学療法では,歩行能力の向上や公共交通機関の利用に関するリハを実施した。結果,T 字杖利用下での屋内外の歩行が可能となり、介入36 ヵ月目にはバスや電車の利用が可能となった。また,多職種とも連携を図り,結果として新規の就労が可能となった。【結論】就労支援の問題点は多岐にわたるため,個々の症例の問題点を把握し,包括的に支援することが重要と思われた。