石垣 健二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.483-495, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)
4 4

This paper focuses on “bodily experience” and “bodily dialogue” in physical education with the aim of clarifying the domain of bodily experience and bodily dialogue, and discusses the significance of physical education as “education in intercorporeality” by showing that bodily experience and bodily dialogue foster a vital sense of “we” in modern Japanese children.   First, the author examines bodily experiences in the context of physical education. Bodily experiences are central to other experiences (experiences of the self, experiences from the others and experiences of the things) in physical education, and elicit “bodily feelings”, which can be regarded as Gestalts that we perceive from the subject's viewpoint. The Gestalts consist of feelings of the self body, feelings from others' bodies, and the feelings of things for both the self and the others. The bodily feelings as Gestalts form the core of bodily experiences, and this underlies our experiences in physical education.   Secondly, the author considers the essence of bodily dialogues, through which we perceive the others by bodily feelings. Therefore the domain of bodily dialogues involves both bodily experiences and experiences from the others. The domain of bodily dialogues extends to that of “mental dialogues”, but the two are distinct because the latter is involves mental, not bodily, feelings. Also the latter promotes the restoration of corporeality by acquiring mental feelings, whereas the former promotes the formation of the latter by acquiring bodily feelings.   Finally, it can be said that the self and the others share bodily rather than mental (emotional) experiences in physical education. In other words, instead of having mental dialogues through mental feelings, we experience bodily dialogues thorough bodily feelings. In our everyday lives, we nurture “intersubjectivity” through mental dialogues, but we also nurture “intercorporeality” through bodily dialogues when practicing physical education. This makes it possible for us to recognize ‘we’ as bodily feelings. Therefore, physical education is essential for the development of modern Japanese children, who allocate too much time to intellectual training and need to education in intercorporeality.
川原 布紗子 吉田 拓矢 野中 愛里 谷川 聡
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.253_3, 2019

<p> 本研究は、状況判断の有無による方向転換動作への影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。男子大学サッカー選手12名を対象とし、状況判断を伴った方向転換走 (RAT) およびRATと同様の走路における状況判断を伴わない方向転換走(CODT) を実施し、タイムおよび方向転換前後1歩ずつにおけるキネマティクスを検討した。タイムは方向転換を含む5-13m区間において、CODTがRATよりも有意に早かった。身体重心速度は、身体重心速度最下時点においてCODTが有意に高かった。身体傾斜角度においては、矢状面で差が認められなかった一方で、前額面においてCODTは方向転換前に有意に内傾していた。これらの結果は、CODTは前後方向にはRATと同様の傾きを保持しながら、方向転換前に内傾することで高い速度を維持した減速が可能であったと考えられる。また、股関節では、身体重心速度最下時点においてCODTが有意に伸展位であった。加えて、方向転換足接地時点から身体重心速度最下時点までの股関節角度の変位量においてCODTでは伸展量が大きかった一方で、RATでは屈曲量が大きい結果となった。これらの結果は、状況判断を伴うことで減速における下肢関節の働きが異なる可能性が示唆された。</p>
藤野 健太 和田 博史 山内 亮 根本 研 関口 脩 伊藤 雅充
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16064, (Released:2017-05-19)

Strength and Conditioning (S&C) coaches are responsible for improving athletes' performance, which is achieved through various types of training. For athletes who are learning to improve their performance, it is important for the coach to guide their development by asking meaningful questions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the process by which questioning skills can be improved using Action Research (AR) methodology. In this study, 4 cycles of AR were conducted to improve the author's questioning skills, which were both lower-(complex) and higher-order (simple) questions, with avoidance of leading questions. The author of this paper was working as a S&C coach with a collegiate men's volleyball team. Fifteen players voluntarily participated in this study. As part of the AR methodology, the author selected an academic supervisor and a critical friend to observe and provide feedback based on coaching practices. An action plan was formulated through discussions based on the videotaped practices. A systematic observation approach was selected to elucidate behavioral differences in coaches over a six-week period. A modified version of the Arizona State University Observation Instrument was also used.  Interviews were conducted to reveal athletes' feelings about the coach's use of questioning. Strength and vertical jump performance were assessed before and after the AR intervention. As a result of the AR, the author's questioning skills were improved. There were three processes through which questioning skills were improved: 1) increased familiarity with higher-order questioning, which made the athletes think rather than being told, 2) increased time for planning explicit higher and lower-order questions, and 3) challenging the thinking of athletes through the use of questioning to create a better interaction between coach and athletes. This study challenged the author's use and understanding of S&C coach questioning skills for the first time. Fromthis research, the AR procedure was considered to be a very useful tool for improving the coaching skills of S&C coaches. Further research to seek ways of improving the pedagogical skills of S&C coaches will be necessary.
松尾 信之介 藤井 宏明 苅山 靖 大山 卞 圭悟
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.1106020186, (Released:2011-06-07)

Changes in the activity of hip adductor muscles with increased running speed were investigated in 4 male sprinters (personal best for 100 m: 10.58±0.26 s). The subjects were instructed to run at three different speeds (3 4 m/s, 6 8 m/s and 9 m/s). The surface electromyograms (EMGs) of 10 muscles around the hip joint were recorded, and whole-body motions were also filmed with a high-speed video camera (150 fps). Regardless of running velocity, the adductor longus (AL) showed activity concomitant with the rectus femoris when the hip joint was in extension. This suggested that the AL functioned as a hip flexor. On the other hand, the adductor magnus (AM) showed activity when the hip joint was flexed, suggesting that the AM assisted hip extensors such as the gluteus maximus. During high-speed sprinting, the AL was also activated when the hip joint was flexed. Similarly, the AM also showed activity when the hip joint was extended, corresponding to the latter half of the support phase. During the support phase, the AM may serve to stabilize the frontal plane by co-contracting with hip abductors such as the gluteus medius and tensor fasciae latae. Furthermore, the AL and AM showed increased activity while the hip was fully flexed and extended. This remarkable muscle activity around the flexion-extension reversal point during high-speed sprinting may stabilize the hip joint so that it resists dislocative force through the unique anatomical features of the hip adductor muscles, i.e. “shunt-” rather than “spurt-type” architectural characteristics.
大島 雄治 藤井 範久
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1-19, 2017 (Released:2017-06-22)

The purpose of this study was (1) to quantify the contribution of the adductors and iliopsoas to the hip joint torque, and (2) to clarify the function of the adductors and iliopsoas for terminal support until early recovery in maximal velocity sprinting. Eight male track and field athletes volunteered for the present study, and sprinted 60 m from a standing start position. Ground reaction force to the right leg was measured using a force platform (1000 Hz) placed at the 50-m mark from the start position. Simultaneously, 3-dimensional coordinates of body landmarks were recorded by a motion capture system (250 Hz) with 20 cameras. The right hip joint torque was calculated using inverse dynamics. To estimate the muscle forces of the right lower limb, we created a musculoskeletal model. The contribution of the muscle forces to the right hip joint force was calculated based on both equations of motion for each segment and equations of constraint conditions for adjacent segments connected by a joint. The main results for terminal support until early recovery were: (1) The adductor muscles generated less torque during hip joint flexion. (2) These muscles were involved in forward acceleration of the leg on the same side. (3) The iliopsoas was involved in the forward swing of the thigh on the same side.  Based on these results, it can be concluded that the hip adductors do not function as hip flexors, but as forward accelerators of the leg on the same side, based on the hip joint adductor torque. In contrast, the iliopsoas does not function as a forward accelerators of the leg on the same side, but delivers forward swing to the thigh on the same side for hip joint flexion torque.
林 忠男 奥山 瑞樹 角田 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第70回(2019) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.337_1, 2019 (Released:2019-12-20)

篠原 康男 上田 憲嗣 島崎 崇史
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第70回(2019) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.83_3, 2019 (Released:2019-12-20)

井谷 惠子
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.429-448, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)

In 2002, the Central Education Council published a report entitled “Improvement of children's physical fitness”. The report pointed out that changes in the social environment and lifestyles in recent years had influenced children's physical fitness and movement skills, and that a “comprehensive policy” addressing various aspects was essential for tackling this problem. On the basis of this report, the Ministry of Education and local boards of education are currently undertaking various projects; however, a number of gaps still remain between the findings of the report and what is actually being done to address this issue.   The present paper examines the local political issues that have led to differences between the practices of local educational governments and the recommendations of the report by focusing on practices in the Tokyo Metropolitan area and Osaka Prefecture after publication of the report.   This study revealed that the local governments had been strongly influenced by the results of physical fitness tests in comparison with other districts, counter to the comprehensive policy suggested by the report. This suggests that one of the reasons for the existing gap is the implicit demand for measurable results based on strong promotion of the evaluation system stipulated by the current educational policy. The results also show that most projects to improve children's physical fitness have been undertaken by schools, despite the fact that almost no budget has been allocated for this purpose, thus forcing schools to bear the burden and responsibility alone. Furthermore, it is also evident that competitive sports are frequently used to promote an active lifestyle, even in elementary and junior high schools.   In view of the numerous practices aiming to improve performance through sports club activities and competitive sports events, such as long-distance relays for children and Olympic education, it appears that the government in fact has a hidden agenda to promote sports and to improve athletic performance behind the façade of children's fitness as a “social issue”.
菊 幸一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.8_1, 2018

<p> 学校運動部活動が揺れている。少なくとも、この伝統的な活動を支えてきた人的資源である中高校教員によるボランティアパワーは、「働き方改革」という労働「問題」から、そのあり方が鋭く批判されている。他方、この問題は地域の中の学校という地域スポーツの観点から、これまで国が進めてきた総合型地域スポーツクラブ政策とリンクする形で、その主体を学校外の地域に移す考え方によって解決をめざす方向性が模索され、そのガイドラインが平成30年3月にスポーツ庁から公表されたところでもある。</p><p> このような昨今の動向において、これまで大きく運動部活動によって支えられてきたと思われる「体育界」や「スポーツ界」からの意見はあまり聞かれない。そこで、すでに遅きに失した感もあるとはいえ、この問題に対する科学的研究の立場(今回は主に人文・社会科学分野)から、その過去と現在を議論し未来を展望することは、今後の学校運動部活動のよりよい方向性を考えていく上で重要だと思われる。また、この議論からみえてくるガイドラインの向こう側に予測される課題を明らかにしておくことは、今後の学会による諮問形成においても重要なことと考えられる。</p>