蔭山 雅洋 鈴木 智晴 杉山 敬 和田 智仁 前田 明
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.14061, (Released:2015-03-17)
5 3

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between ball velocity and the mechanical power of the lower limbs during pitching motion in 30 collegiate baseball pitchers. Three-dimensional positions of 37 reflective markers attached to the subject were tracked by an optical motion capture system (Mac3D System) with 12 cameras. The ground-reaction forces (GRF) of the pivot and stride legs during pitching were determined using two multicomponent force plates. Pitching motion was assessed in terms of the joint torques, joint torque powers and work done by each of joint in the lower limbs using a three-dimensional motion system. The joint torques of the hip, knee, and ankle were calculated using inverse-dynamics computation of a musculoskeletal human model (nMotion musculous 1.51). Pitching motion was divided into two phases: phase 1 was defined as the time taken from the knee of the stride leg reaching maximal height (MKH; 0%time) to the stride foot making contact with the ground (SFC; 100%time), and phase 2 was defined as the time taken from SFC to the ball being released (REL; 200%time).  These studies revealed that the positive work resulting from hip abduction (r=0.401) and knee extension (r=0.355) of the pivot leg (Phase 1) was positively correlated with ball velocity (p<0.05). The positive work resulting from hip adduction (r=0.359) and knee extension (r=0.409) of the stride leg (Phase 2) was positively correlated with ball velocity (p<0.05). In addition, the pitched ball velocity was positively correlated with pivot hip abduction torque at 74-94%time, pivot hip internal rotation torque at 76-89%time, stride hip adduction torque at 96-114%time, stride hip adduction torque power at 108-114%time, stride knee extension torque at 101-131%time, stride knee extension angular velocities at 158-189%time, and stride knee extension torque power at 156-174%time (p<0.05).  These results indicate that a pitcher with high pitched ball velocity can generate hip abduction and knee extension power of the pivot leg, and that these are increased by hip abduction and hip internal rotation torque when moving the body forward before stride foot contact. In addition, it is suggested that high-ball-velocity pitchers can generate hip abduction and knee extension torque in order to stabilize the body just after stride foot contact, and that these are increased by the knee extension power for increasing trunk rotation and trunk twisting from the first half to the middle of the second phase.  Therefore, the present results indicate that pitchers with a higher ball velocity can generate greater mechanical power of the lower limbs for increasing the energy of trunk rotation and the arm.
奥村 拓朗 伊藤 雅広 岡出 美則
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.262_3, 2018

<p> 国立教育政策研究による平成25年度学習指導要領実施状況調査では、小学校高学年の6年生を対象としたボール運動領域ゴール型における、攻撃に関する達成規準を通過した児童の割合はいずれも90%を超えていた。しかし、この調査は中学年段階については検討していない。そこで、本研究では2017年に小学校4年生2学級65名を対象としたフラッグフットボールの授業(8時間単元)のメインゲームにおいて発揮されたゲームパフォーマンスの達成度を学習指導要領に示された指導内容の例示に即して評価することで、学習指導要領に示された指導内容の例示の妥当性について検討した。分析対象は、8時間目のメインゲーム中のゲームパフォーマンスとした。2名の分析者間の分析結果の一致率は93.8%であった。その結果、中学年の内容として例示されている「ボール保持者と自分の間に守備者がいないように移動すること」を通過した児童の割合は84.6%で、学習指導要領実施調査で設定されている評価の基準と対応させると相当数の児童が通過しており、示されている内容が妥当であることが確認できた。</p>
福田 啓子
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.123-135, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)

The purpose of this study was to clarify how naginata education was practiced at the Women's Normal College of Nara (WNCN) from 1911, when naginata was first introduced, to 1946, when it was abolished, based on analysis of historical documents preserved at the WNCN and the book used by the instructor.The main educational purpose of the WNCN, which was founded toward the end of the Meiji era to train women teachers, was to cultivate feminine virtues such as chastity and elegance. Naginata was practiced in order to achieve these virtues through physical and mental training.Naginata education at the WNCN was studied by analyzing the content of instructions drawn up by naginata schools, with a focus on naginata instructors. This revealed that naginata was taught at the WNCN for 35 years, during which three Kyoshin-ryu instructors taught for 25 years and two Tendo-ryu instructors taught from Butokukai for nine years. From 1911 to 1936, naginata was a compulsory extracurricular subject for first- and second-year students and an elective extracurricular subject for third- and fourth-year students. The instruction based on Kyoshin-ryu was unique in that Arai, with support from the college, adapted the lesson forms for teaching at the school, including the use of easy forms, lessons in the early morning, introduction of kangeiko (winter practice), and presenting certificates to diligent students.It is also confirmed that Mitamura Chiyo was installed as a naginata instructor at the WNCN when the discipline was incorporated into the regular curriculum in 1937.The results of this study confirm that naginata education based on Instruction Guidelines for School Gymnastics issued by the Ministry of Education had been practiced at the WNCN before World War II.
岩竹 淳 山本 正嘉 西薗 秀嗣 川原 繁樹 北田 耕司 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.0801310061, (Released:2008-02-01)
9 2

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between acceleration and maximum sprinting ability, performance in various jumping tasks, and maximum leg strength in adolescent students. Sprinting ability was evaluated in terms of 50m sprinting velocity. The jumping tasks used for performance measurement included Standing five jump, Standing triple jump, Standing long jump, Counter movement jump and Rebound jump. Maximum leg strength was measured using isometric squats in which the angle of the knee was 135 deg. The results demonstrated that students with superior sprinting ability also showed high performance in the various jumping tasks and also had higher maximum leg strength. Among the various factors that affect sprinting ability, performance in one-leg alternation jumping, performance in jumping with both legs simultaneously, and leg strength were shown to have a high correlation in that order. In addition, the influence of both legs in the simultaneous jumping task and leg strength were considered to make a large contribution to acceleration sprinting ability. Similarly, the influence of one-leg alternation jumping performance was considered to make a large contribution to maximum sprinting ability. The findings of this study are considered useful for application to health and physical education classes.
藤田 英二 赤嶺 卓哉 高井 洋平 川西 正志 Dennis R. Taaffe 柳沼 悠 山本 正嘉
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18083, (Released:2019-08-07)

Here, in comparison with community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, we investigated the skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density of a Japanese alpinist (Mr. A) who, at the age of 80 years, is to date the oldest person to have climbed to the summit of Mount Everest (8,848 m). Using dual X-ray absorptiometry, we determined the appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), total bone mineral density (tBMD), whole body fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) of Mr. A (84.6 yr) and 209 community-dwelling middle-aged and older men (50-79 yr, mean age: 68.1 yr). The SMI, tBMD, FFMI and FMI were 8.79 kg/m2, 1.075 g/cm2, 22.3 kg/m2 and 9.8 kg/m2, respectively, in Mr. A and 7.46 ± 0.81 kg/m2, 1.020 ± 0.100 g/cm2, 18.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2 and 5.5 ± 1.7 kg/m2, respectively, in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men. The values in Mr. A were higher than those in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, with z-scores for the SMI and tBMD of 1.63 and 0.55, respectively. Mr. A maintained a high skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density even at the age of 84 years, which may have been attributable in part to his long-term training for mountain climbing.
酒井 紳 武田 剛 佐藤 智俊 椿本 昇三 高木 英樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16079, (Released:2017-03-28)

In a competitive swimming race event, the back plate can be placed on the starting block. Although the back plate has different setting positions, the effect of the plate position on start performance has not yet been clarified. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the back plate position on the kick-start performance of competitive swimmers. Six male swimmers dived from an instrumented starting block that contained two force plates and force sensors to measure the reaction forces exerted by the hands and front and rear feet. Four high-speed cameras were used to obtain kinematic data on the swimmers. The horizontal take-off velocity of the front plate position resulted in a better outcome than the back plate position (p<0.05). In the front plate position, a longer rear foot contact time generated a large impulse, and swimmers were able to achieve a higher take-off velocity. To generate a larger impulse, the contact time on the starting block needed to be longer. However, swimmers were able to achieve a higher take-off velocity using the front plate position without extending the block time. In this manner, the front plate position did not affect the time on the block. Moreover, different setting positions of the back plate influenced the joint angle of the postural set before the starting signal. Differences in the joint angle led to an increase in the horizontal component of the force impulse of the rear leg. Therefore, revealing the relationship between the joint angle of the postural set and start performance would provide detailed information on the optimum start posture for swimmers, including the plate position.
若槻 遼 相馬 満利 柏木 悠 船渡 和男
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第68回(2017) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.144_3, 2017 (Released:2018-02-15)

寺田 和史 塩見 玲子 上 英俊 灘本 雅一 中谷 敏昭
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.191-199, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)

The rate of perceived exertion is an easy and practical way to monitor the intensity of resistance exercise in a field setting. For middle-aged persons, weight-bearing exercise is safer than resistance training using weights. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of exercises using one's own body weight by measuring exercise intensity with the newly-developed perceived exertion Japanese scale (S-scale, on a 6-point scale) in middle-aged men. Twenty-five healthy men (age range, 40-70 years) were randomly and equally assigned to an exercise training intervention group (TG, n=13) or a control group (CG, n=12). TG members performed a structured exercise regimen consisting of group-based and home-based training using their own bodyweight, performing repetitions until they reached a perceived exertion intensity of 5 out of 6 (S-scale). Participants performed one set of each exercise, which included resistance training of the upper (push-up) and lower (squat) limbs and abdominal (sit-up) muscles, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. The outcome measures were body composition, abdominal girth, and blood pressure, as well as the 30-second chair-stand test (CS-30), vertical force in sit-to-stand movement from a chair, vertical jump (VJ), shoulder horizontal adduction (a test of muscle strength), 30-second sit-up test, leg muscle power using a bicycle ergometer, center of foot pressure (a static equilibrium function test), and chair sit-and-reach test. There were no incidents of injury or musculoskeletal damage due to the exercise program. At the baseline, each group was well matched in physical characteristics. After 12 weeks of intervention, we identified a statistically significant two-factor interaction between the exercise and control groups in the CS-30 (F=19.8, p<0.01) and VJ (F=34.4, p<0.01). These results suggest that weight-bearing exercises performed in conjunction with the newly-developed perceived exertion scale provide safe and effective resistance training for middle-aged men.
丹治 史弥 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17116, (Released:2018-07-12)

Step parameters are associated with running economy (RE), but the relationship between these longitudinal changes remains unclear. In the present study, we aimed to clarify the relationship between changes in step parameters and RE at intensities below and above the lactate threshold (LT) in well-trained middle to long-distance runners and to acquire knowledge applicable to coaching. A total of 29 male university students training in distance running (age, 19.4 ± 1.0 yr; height, 171.3 ± 4.5 cm; body weight, 57.1 ± 3.6 kg) participated in the study. Participants performed multistage incremental treadmill tests to measure step parameters (ground contact time: CT; step length: SL; step frequency: SF; leg stiffness: kleg) and RE before and after 4 months of training. Since the LT speed of participants was 16.6 ± 1.1 km・h−1, intensities below, near, and above the LT were set at 13.8 and 15.0 km・h−1, 16.2 km・h−1, and 17.4 and 18.6 km・h−1, respectively. No significant relationships were observed between changes in RE and any of the step parameters at intensities below and near the LT. Moreover, although no significant relationship was noted between changes in RE and both SL and SF, there was a significant positive and negative relationship between changes in RE and CT and kleg, respectively, at intensities above the LT. Changes in kleg showed a strong negative correlation with CT changes at each intensity. It can be concluded from these findings that shortening the CT improves the RE for high-intensity running and that this variation is partly attributable to the improvement in kleg.
春名 匡史
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.144_1, 2017

<p> 体幹伸展運動に伴う肩甲骨後傾運動は、オーバーヘッドスポーツで障害予防やパフォーマンスアップに重要となる。本研究の目的は、体幹伸展時の、肩甲骨と、上位胸椎、下位胸椎、腰椎および肋骨運動の運動連鎖を定量評価することである。対象は20歳代健常成人男性6名。対象者の肩甲骨、胸腰椎および肋骨(肋骨下縁に6個貼付)の骨特徴点に赤外線反射マーカを貼付し、端座位での体幹中間位と体幹最大伸展位(視線前方注視かつ上肢脱力位)を光学式モーションキャプチャ・システムにより静的に計測した。カメラ座標系に対する肩甲骨座標系の回転を肩甲骨の外観上の運動とし、胸部座標系に対する肩甲骨座標系の回転を肩甲骨の胸郭に対する運動とし、それぞれオイラー角で表現した。上位胸椎(1–7胸椎)、下位胸椎(7–12胸椎)、腰椎(12胸椎–5腰椎)および肋骨運動は各マーカ間の距離の和で表現した。肩甲骨前後傾、上位胸椎、下位胸椎、腰椎および肋骨運動それぞれに対して、体幹中間位から体幹最大伸展位への変化量を求めた。外観上の肩甲骨後傾運動は下位胸椎伸展に、胸郭に対する肩甲骨後傾運動は腰椎伸展および肋骨下制に影響されることが明らかとなった。</p>
小林 育斗 阿江 通良 加藤 謙一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.158_2, 2017

<p> 本研究では、小学生の投動作をクラスター分析によって類型化するとともに、標準動作モデルを用いた投動作の練習を実施し、その効果を投動作の類型別に検討して、指導のための知見を得ることを目的とした。投動作の類型化では、6年生女子40名のソフトボール投げを3次元動作分析し、投球腕の関節角度などについて標準動作モデルからの動作逸脱度の指標(zスコア)を求め、これを変数としてクラスター分析を行った。投動作の練習では、6年生女子15名に対し、投動作の標準動作モデルの提示や画像遅延表示システムを用いた小学生自身の動作の観察を含む投練習を計4回(各40分)行わせた。練習期間の前後において投動作を3次元動作分析した。投練習によって、女子全体では投距離とボール初速度は有意に増加した。標準動作モデルからの逸脱が大きい類型では、体幹の側屈や前方回転が改善され、肩関節まわりの力学的仕事が増大し、投距離とボール初速度が増加した。このことから、本研究で用いた方法(目標とすべき動作との比較や修正)は、特に標準動作モデルからの逸脱が大きい小学生に投動作の改善と投能力の向上をもたらすと言える。</p>
小川 真奈 藤原 素子 中田 大貴
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.158_1, 2017

<p> 本研究では、フリースローの正確さに影響を及ぼす要因を明らかにするために、キネマティクス的要因と身体特性的要因について複合的に検討を行うことを目的とした。バスケットボール経験のある女子大学生16名を対象とし、フリースロー20本を行った。被験者の右半身に動作マーカーを貼付し、被験者の右側方からハイスピードカメラ(300fps)でシュート動作全体を撮影した。撮影した映像から、動作時間と右半身5部位(肘関節、肩関節、股関節、膝関節、足関節)の関節角度および角速度を算出した。また、被験者の身体計測および体力測定を別日に行った。結果、キネマティクス的要因について、股関節、膝関節、足関節において、シュートの正確性とボールリリース時の角速度の平均値および標準偏差(ばらつき)との間にそれぞれ有意な正の相関がみられた。身体特性的要因については、全ての項目においてシュートの正確性との間に有意な相関がみられなかった。これらの結果から、被験者が持つ身体的特性よりも、実際に行う際の動作自体がフリースローの正確性に影響を与えており、特に下肢の関節運動がフリースローの正確さに影響を及ぼしていることが示唆された。</p>
久保 景子 太田 昌秀 豊田 泰代
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.194_3, 2018

<p> スポーツや遊びの基本となる重要な動きには、走る、跳ぶ、転がる、投げる、捕るなどがあり、その中でも投運動は、幼児(初心者)にとって難しい動きとなる。これは「走る、跳ぶ、転がる」といった自分の体のみを使って行うものに対し、「物を扱う」ことがプラスされ体を動かさなければならないからである。投げ動作は「胴体のひねり」「重心の移動」「腕のしなり」など多くのポイントがあるが、初心者がボールを持って投げるとき「そのまま前へ押し出す」という動作が多くみられる。手首、肩、胴体の可動域は狭く、しなやかとは程遠い動きが出現する。そこで本研究は、西幅や、豊田等の先行研究を参考に、手ぬぐいの先を丸め、ハンマーのような物を簡易的に作り、使用を試みた。結果、ボール投げの未熟な女児が手ぬぐいハンマーを使用した後、腕全体を使って大きなフォームで投げることが出来た。</p>
森下 義隆 勝亦 陽一 神事 努
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18058, (Released:2019-07-05)

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the influence of swing parameters by changing the hitting point in space in baseball batting. Twenty-eight skilled baseball players (12 professional and 16 universitylevel) participated. The participants were instructed to hit a ball that was tossed from 5 m away in the direction of the pitching mound. The balls were tossed to various locations with reference to the home plate. The participants were required to hit the balls in a specific direction according to the tossed course, i.e., a ball tossed to the inside of a home plate was stroked toward the same-field direction and one tossed outside of the home plate was stroked toward the opposite-field direction. The motions of the ball and bat during these attempts were recorded using a motion capture system operating at 500 Hz. The 3D coordinates of the ball center (hitting point) and the swing parameters included the speed of the head of the bat (bat-head speed) and the angle of the swing from a horizontal line (swing angle) measured immediately before ball impact and the time from the start of the swing to ball impact (swing time). These parameters were calculated in each trial. Analysis of a total of 644 trials revealed that the bathead speed tended to increase as the hitting point moved inside, forward, and low. Furthermore, the swing angle and swing time tended to increase as the hitting point moved inside, forward, and high. Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the bat-head speed and swing angle were independently associated with (in the following order) the distance in the pitcher’s direction, the hitting height, and the inside-outside direction course (R2=.360 and R2=.589, respectively). These results suggest that the timing of swing initiation and bat acceleration during a swing motion are the main factors changing the swing parameters, and that in order to sharp hit a ball, it is important to impact the ball with the hitting point as close to the pitcher as possible.