中房 敏朗
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.1, pp.319-338, 2016

This paper describes a historical study of &ldquo;Yamatobataraki&rdquo;, a form of gymnastics that was devised by Professor Kakei Katsuhiko around 1920 in Japan. The main study aim was to clarify how the practice of Yamatobataraki spread in Imperial Japan from the 1920s to 1930s. The diffusion process consisted of 3 phases. The first was associated with the growth of the Folk High School movement. Around 1924, Kato Kanji introduced Yamatobataraki to the Yamagatakenjichikoshusho, which was the original model of the Folk High School. Kato then transferred to the Nihonkokuminkotogakko, which was the head institution of the Folk High Schools, and introduced Yamatobataraki as part of its educational program. Kato's educational systems, along with Yamatobataraki, were reproduced throughout Japan and Taiwan, because the Nihonkokuminkotogakko helped to found other similar institutions. In the second phase, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry promoted the foundation of a large number of Nomindojo, i.e. farmers' schools. As a result, 50 farmers' schools introduced Yamatobataraki, because they were modeled on the educational system of the Nihonkokuminkotogakko. In the third phase, the Ministry of Colonial Affairs promoted the policy of agricultural emigration to Manchuria, and delegated the training of the emigrants to Kato Kanji. In 1938, Manmokaitakuseishonengiyugun, a large group of young agricultural emigrants to Manchuria, was institutionalized. Many young emigrants trained under Kato's methods in Uchiharakunrensho, which were formulated for the Manmokaitakuseishonengiyugun. Yamatobataraki as a daily routine was practiced as a matter of course. Thus, as described above, Yamatobataraki spread mainly via farmers' schools and emigrant training all over Imperial Japan due to the promotion of farmers' schools and emigration to Manchuria by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Ministry of Colonial Affairs.<br>
斎藤 健治 松尾 知之 宮崎 光次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.3, pp.351-365, 2006 (Released:2008-01-25)

In order to investigate muscle activity during overhand baseball pitching, surface EMG analysis of muscles in the shoulder girdle and upper limb was performed. The subjects were two college baseball players. Surface EMG was recorded from 25 portions of 16 muscles: the long and short head of the biceps brachii, the coracobrachialis, the brachialis, the lateral, medial and long head of the triceps brachii, the anterior, middle and posterior deltoid, the sternocostalis of the pectoralis major, the latissimus dorsi, the upper, middle and lower trapezius, three portions of the serratus anterior, the pronator teres, the flexor carpi radialis, the flexor carpi ulnalis, the extensor carpi radialis, the extensor digitorum, the extensor carpi ulnalis, and the brachioradialis. After rectifying the surface EMGs, their linear envelopes were extracted with a digital low-pass filter. The duration, timing and similarity of these muscle activities before and after ball-release were analyzed quantitatively through auto-correlation and cross-correlation analysis of the envelopes. The biceps and the brachialis were activated in the cocking phase and follow-through phase, and played a role in preparing for acceleration and deceleration in each phase. The triceps was activated in the acceleration phase and elbow joint extension, and contributed to the increase of ball speed by minimizing the moment of inertia about the longitudinal axis of the upper limb. The coracobrachialis was activated from the cocking phase until ball-release, and contributed to the horizontal extension of the shoulder joint. The latissimus dorsi and the pectoralis major were activated in the acceleration phase, and the duration of their activity was shorter than that of the other muscles. The activities of the trapezius and the serratus anterior differed between the two subjects. These activities in one subject were simultaneous in the acceleration phase, and those in the other were separate in the cocking phase. These activities probably represent differences in the control of scapula motion during pitching. The peak activities of the forearm muscles were concentrated in the ball-release phase, and the duration of activity was longer in the extensor muscles than in the flexor muscles. This type of correlation analysis is useful for extracting information about muscle activity during baseball pitching.
稲垣 正浩
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.27, no.3, pp.173-185, 1982-12-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

The purpose of this paper is to analize the Gaulhofer's system of subject matters in physical education (System des Schulturnens) from the historical standpoint of physical education. In order to investigate the characteristics of his system, the ideas of physical education reform movement (Turnerneuerungsbewegung) and the trends of the studies on physical education from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century are analized, and then the relationships between these factors and his system are discussed. The main findings are as follows. A lot of the historical heritages of subject matters in physical education were succeeded by his system. Especially, l) hiking (Wandern) developed in youth movement (Jugendbewegung) was evaluated as a valuable material in performance exercises (Leistungsubungen) and adopted as a group of subject matters in his system, 2) various sports, which had occupied the great part of performance exercises, were taken over from sports movement (Sportsbewegung) and play movement (Spielbewegung) and were placed as the central part of the system, 3) corrective exercises (Ausgleichsubungen) developed in north gymnastics movement (Nordische Gymnastikbewegung) were improved and placed in the system, 4) from new gymnastics movement (Neue Gymnastikbewegung), dance and dancing play were succeeded as art movements (Bewegungskunste) and 5) apparatus gymnastics (Geratturnen) developed in German turn movement (Deutsche Turnbewegung) were also succeeded as one of art movements. The originality of Gaulhofer's system was found in the following three aspects. 1) The physical movements were thoroughly considered from the viewpoint of biologicalanthropology, 2) the concept of functional physical movement was defined and the idea of the science of functional physical movement (Funktionelle Bewegungslehre) was brought into the classification of physical movements and finally, 3) in classifying the physical movement materials, both the viewpoint of biological-anthropology and that of the science of functional physical movement were harmoniously integrated.
遠藤 俊典 田内 健二 木越 清信 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.2, pp.149-159, 2007-03-10 (Released:2007-06-21)
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A study was conducted to investigate the age-related development of rebound and counter movement jumping ability. A total of 1137 boys (6 yr: 59, 7 yr: 82, 8 yr: 69, 9 yr: 142, 10 yr: 105, 11 yr: 169, 12 yr: 103, 13 yr: 110, 14 yr: 77, 15 yr: 66, 16 yr: 73, and 17 and 18 yr: 82) conducted counter movement jumping (CMJ) as a non-ballistic movement and five-repeated rebound jumping (5RJ) as a ballistic movement. Jumping ability was assessed using CMJ jumping height and the value obtained by dividing jumping height by the ground contact time in 5RJ (RJ-index). CMJ jumping height and the RJ-index in 5RJ increased in accordance with growth. Development of the RJ-index in 5RJ depended on the increase in jumping height, because ground contact time did not change even though jumping height increased with growth. There was a significant correlation between CMJ jumping height and RJ-index in 5RJ (r=0.765, p<0.001, r2=0.585). Division of jumping ability types was based on±1SD of the residual. These types were as follows: CMJ ability corresponded to RJ ability (CMJ=RJ: n=810), RJ ability was superior to CMJ ability (Good RJ: n=165) and RJ ability was inferior to CMJ ability (Poor RJ: n=162). The number of Good RJ and Poor RJ types increased between the ages of 9-13 years, which is the onset of the growth spurt. These results suggest that CMJ jumping height and RJ-index in 5RJ increase in accordance with growth, but the processes of age-related development of both types of jumping ability do not necessarily correspond to each other, and developmental differences between individuals tend to increase at the onset of the growth spurt.
海老名 真有美
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.253_1-253_1, 2016

<p> バスケットボールは、選手のポジションによってその果たすべき役割が異なっている。それに伴いポジションごとに求められる運動強度に応じて体力要素も異なることが明らかにされている。一方、スキルに関するポジション別の研究も行われてきているが、それはゲーム分析という観点からのものであり、チームとして達成すべき指標を明らかにしているものが殆どである。そこで本研究では、日本の大学女子選手を対象に、試合で勝利をあげるために到達すべきポジションごとの定量的な指標を明らかにすることを目的とした。2015年関東大学女子バスケットボール1部リーグの全42試合の公式スタッツに基づき、ポジションをガード、フォワード、センターに区分し、オフェンシブスタッツ(2P%、3P%、FT%、オフェンスリバウンド、アシスト、ターンオーバー)ディフェンシブスタッツ(ディフェンスリバウンド、スティール、ファウル)の計9項目から、勝利と因果関係のある項目を分析・検討した。本研究の成果は、選手が自分のポジションにおいてチームの勝利に貢献するために用いられるばかりか、日々のトレーニングにおいて強化すべき重要なポイントにもなりうるであろう。</p>
中瀬 雄三 佐野 淳
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17034, (Released:2017-10-19)

The purpose of this research was to clarify the structure of the momentum of basketball games as sensed by point guard players with excellent ability from the “Bewegungslehre des Sports” viewpoint in order to improve the tactical ability of basketball players. The study involved an interview survey of three such players. After considering the structure or the momentum of games, the following points became clear.  1. The players are aware that “continuity” and “compulsion” form the nature of game momentum. These two characteristics are seen as both Good and Bad momentum.  2. “Player's feelings” were listed as one of the facets of game momentum. As a means of optimizing such feelings, priority was given to player encouragement and selection of tactics to make the game exciting. 3. “Play based on common tactical intention” was listed as another facet of game momentum. Games developed with such intention had the strongest possibility of winning, and the players considered that practicing it (or preventing the other team from doing so) without any difference in tactical intention created momentum.  4. “Player's feelings” and “play based on common tactical intention”, which contribute to momentum, were considered to be not independent but interactive.  5. As a result, it was clarified that “players' feelings” is a factor that can directly generate “game momentum” and that “game-related events” and “player's sense of value” are factors that can influence each other and are interdependently structured.
田中 励子
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.5, pp.328-339, 1997-01-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

In recent years young Japanese women have become conscious of their own bodies and many of them are trimming down their weight, led to research focusing on their slimming wish fulfillment. The purpose of this study is to clarify the forming slim body made up concretely between one's body and the social system, and it's interrelationship with socio-cultural context. In order to achieve this, the author have attempted to do field research; the interview and participant observation with nine junior college women. In the analysis of field data, the main results of slimming practice and socio-cultural background of slimness consciousness are summarized as follows. (1) The author makes up perspectives and framworkes in relation to cultural values with sex role and gender identity, beauty, attitudes towards fashion, eatinghabits and health status. (2) Young Japanese women lose their model as a mother, and are not in favor of motherly feminine body type. As a result, ideal feminine among them changes in one's self-image, body image and beautiful figure. They think the dominant ideal of female beauty was androgynous, adolescent body type. (3) Pursuit of slimness may be regarded as adjustment to present social requirement. (4) Popular magazines towards women seriously influence on their ideal body. And slim bodies play an important part in making distinction one's self from others as an opposition to "obesity/slimness". (5) The author discusses the socio-cultural context of forming slim bodies among young women, and explains their forming slim bodies by the concepts of "reforming" bodies. As reforming slim bodies lay self identity in compensation for self-independence in their ways.
岸本 卓也 春日 晃章 坂井 智明
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第67回(2016) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.349_2, 2016 (Released:2017-02-24)

遠藤 保子
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.44, no.4, pp.325-333, 1999-07-31 (Released:2017-09-27)

Dance anthropology or the anthropology of dance has typically focused on the study of dance in non-Western, nonindustrialized or nonliterate societies. The discipline has changed, however, not only in terms of the types of cultures and societies it concerns itself with, but also in terms of its perspective on the subject matter. Through a careful cross-national review of the research literature, it is suggested that there have been three developmental stages in dance anthropology. The first stage was period of establishment. Early anthropologists, such as E. B. Tylor referred to dance activity by the evolutionary framework of the 19th century. In the early 20th century, under the direction of F. Boas, anthropologists in the US studied Native American cultures including the types and functions of dance in that society. Also in this period, British anthropologists like A. R. Radcliffe-Brown made contributions to the understanding of the value of dance in society. The next stage was the period of development. The first full articulation of dance anthropology is found in Panorama of Dance Ethnology by 'the mother of dance ethnology', G. P. Kurath (1960). Kurath discussed dance ethnology from three main standpoints: 1) common problems of choreology and anthropology, 2) choreographic procedures, 3) practical considerations. During the 1970s, J. Kealiinohomoku, A. P. Royce, A. L. Kaeppler, J. L. Hanna pursued a more anthropologically-oriented direction. Their subdiscipline has been termed 'dance anthropology', rather than dance ethnology, because it was informed by and addressed to prevailing anthropological theory. These researchers have published many papers dealing with the theory and methods of dance methodology. The final stage was the period of expansion. In 1979 J. L. Hanna used V. Tuner's poststructuralist framework to analyze the Ubakala dance-plays as mediators of Paradox in Nigeria. In Japan, from the 1970s dance researchers interested in anthropology gathered and analyzed data about the functions and structures of dance in Asia and Africa.
吉田 毅
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.2, pp.577-594, 2012 (Released:2012-12-05)
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The purposes of this study were to identify, from a sociological perspective, the main factors involved in the process that a former J-League soccer player overcame the challenges and difficulties over retirement, and to find features that would be informative for athletes facing problems related to retirement from sport. This J-Leaguer became wheelchair-bound after being severely disabled in a traffic accident, and was able to overcome various challenges and difficulties through a career transition to wheelchair basketball. His life history was investigated on the basis of data recorded mainly during interviews. This study was based on the subjective socialization theory, especially Erikson's theory of identity related to subjective action, which is considered to partly overcome the problems associated with contemporary socialization theory, with special reference to the specific significance of individuals who helped the subject to overcome his difficulties. The difficulties he experienced were related to both retirement and life with a walking disability, the former being in conflict with the subject's strong self-identity as an elite soccer player. The presence of “irreplaceable others”, including his wife who devoted herself to his support and their newborn baby, his sense of responsibility for them, and his pride based on self-identity enabled him to exercise his subjectivity (reflexivity), allowing him to overcome his difficulties. In terms of his career transition to wheelchair basketball, “leading others” and “associates” in a wheelchair basketball club played important roles. When athletes retire as players, the following points are considered important for overcoming their associated difficulties. It is vital that the new change of career is well balanced with the athlete's self-identity. The role of others such as “leading others” is influential in finding a suitable career field. Furthermore, it should not be overlooked that the feelings of athletes that allow them to exercise their subjectivity to overcome their difficulties, “irreplaceable others”, self-identity which is the main source of such inner feelings, and “associates” in a supporting role are all valuable in this respect.
松本 沙羅 玉城 耕二 柴原 健太郎 本郷 由貴 木下 佳子 西條 修光
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.268_3-268_3, 2016

<p> オープンスキル系のバスケットボール競技では、絶えず変化する状況の中で、その場に応じた的確な状況判断が要求される。これまで、認知的トレーニングの研究が多くなされてきたが、一致した効果はみられていない。その原因の一つは、認知的トレーニングの介入効果が主に指導者の評価に依存し、選手自身の状況判断の変容に目が向けられていないことである。例えば、夏原はMcpersonの言語報告から知識を定量化する方法を用いて、熟練者ほど優れた知識構造を持っていることを明らかにしている。そこで本研究は、選手自身の知識構造の変容を明らかにすることで、認知的トレーニングの介入効果を検討することにした。実験参加者は関東大学女子2部リーグに所属するA大学の女子バスケットボール部員14名であった。認知的トレーニングの介入効果を検討するために、関東大学女子1部リーグの公式戦の映像を用いた状況判断テストに加え、40分のゲームを行った。状況判断テストでは、当該状況での判断に至るまでの知識構造を目的、条件、動作の分類から評価し、介入前後での変容について検討した。方法の詳細及び結果、考察については発表当日に報告する。</p>