高橋 仁大 前田 明 西薗 秀嗣 倉田 博
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.4, pp.483-492, 2006 (Released:2008-01-25)
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The purpose of the present study was to elucidate tactical strategies for winning a tennis match. Forty-two men's singles matches in the 1997 and 1998 Kyushu collegiate tennis championships were analyzed. Analytical criteria were the relationship between point-winning at each score and the techniques used. In the present research, techniques were categorized into the following 5 groups: service, return, stroke, offense and defense. The following results were obtained: 1. Stroke was the most frequently utilized technique regardless of point-winning. 2. Return and defense techniques, which are considered “passive” techniques, produced significantly high rates of point-losing. 3. The rate of point-winning by service was low at high rate counts (HRC), but high at low rate counts (LRC). In contrast, the rate of point-losing by service was high at LRC-game-points. The rate of point-winning by service was higher for players leading in score, and was low at important scores. 4. The rate of point-winning by players using the defense technique was high at HRC-opponent's game-points. To win a point using passive techniques is the most important tactic at opponent's game-points. 5. The rate of point-losing during the offense technique was high at LRC-up counts. Offense techniques are effective for winning points; however, they involve a higher risk of losing points. These results indicate that players should analyze the relationship between point-winning and strategies at each score.
成田 健造 中島 求 仙石 泰雄 本間 三和子 椿本 昇三 高木 英樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17051, (Released:2018-06-15)

The purpose of this study was to compare active drag during front-crawl swimming performed by competitive swimmers with passive drag acting on the same group of swimmers with a streamlined position at various velocities. Seven male competitive swimmers participated in this study, and the testing was conducted in a swimming flume. Active drag was evaluated for front-crawl swimming with upper and lower limb motion using a methodology that estimates the drag in swimming using measured residual thrust values (MRT method). Passive drag was measured by a load cell connected to the swimmers with a streamlined position using a stainless-steel wire. In each case, drag was estimated at six staged velocities ranging from 1.0 to 1.5 m/s. To compare the drags at various velocities, we calculated coefficients a and b by applying the measured force value at each velocity to the equation D = a vb (D: drag, v: velocity). The active drag estimated from the MRT method (a = 35.7 ± 5.3, b = 2.80 ± 0.22) was larger than passive drag (a = 23.6 ± 3.1, b = 2.08 ± 0.23). Furthermore, the difference between active and passive drag was large at high velocities. Therefore, it is possible that the effects of factors other than posture and/or body shape have a large influence on active drag, especially at high velocity.
海野 孝 杉原 隆
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.2, pp.117-132, 1989-09-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning effect of pattern recognition on a tennis net-player's anticipation. An experiment was conducted to determine whether the learning of pattern recognition with the film was significantly effective in improving the supped and accuracy of motor response to the film stimulus of the opposing passer's return. Subjects were 12 male beginners (less than 3 years experienced), 12 male intermediaries (3-8 years experienced), and 10 male advanced players (more than 8 years experienced). And the first two groups were given instrucitons and KR with the films in the learning session. The major results are as follows: 1) In the pre-learning reaciton time test to the film stimulus, the reaction time (the time from the impact to the moment of lifting a leg) of both the beginners and the intermediaries were significantly longer than that of the advanced. And no significant differences among three groups were found on the correct response rate in the film series of +8 (continue to show the film to the post-impact 8th frame). But in the film series of 0 (to the impact frame), both the beginners and the intermediaries showed significantly smaller values than the advanced. 2) During the learning session, the correct answer rates of both the beginners and the intermediaries on pass-lob and cross-straight anticipation were significantly increased. 3) In the post-learning reaction time test, the reaction time of both the beginners and the intermediaries were significantly shortened, and they showed smaller values thant the advanced. And the correct response rates of both groups in the film series of 0 were also significantly increased. 4) The learning effect of the intermediaries was significnatly greater than that of the beginners. These results suggest that the learning of pattern recognition with the film has a noticeable effect on improvement in anticipation and the speed and accuracy of motor response to the opposing passer's return.
小野 雄大 友添 秀則 根本 想
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.62, no.2, pp.599-620, 2017

In recent years, the way university sports are conducted has been under discussion. In particular, there is some concern about the balance between studies and competitive activities, which is important when considering the future of university sports in Japan. As no previous research has focused on sports recommendation admissions to universities in Japan, the present study first attempted to clarify the way in which this system has developed.<br>  The following findings were obtained:<br>  1.&nbsp;In Japan, even before the recommendation admission system was officially approved, athletes had been given preferential treatment in entrance examinations, which was not disclosed to the public or stipulated in application guides.<br>  2.&nbsp;Soon after the recommendation admission system was officially approved, campus disputes worsened, which caused the preferential admission treatment of athletes to be severely criticized, making it difficult to continue with the conventional system any longer. Accordingly, during the period from the late 1960s to the early 1970s, universities abolished the preferential treatment given to athletes in entrance examinations.<br>  3.&nbsp;Since the recommendation admission system was officially approved in 1967, the faculties of physical education at private universities, among others, started to actively admit athletes based on recommendation. These physical education faculties selected students based on physical skill tests to secure competent athletes. Thus, by matching the admission policy of the faculty with the sporting abilities of athletes, universities were able to secure competent athletes without having to impose a special admission quota for athletes.<br>  4.&nbsp;In the 1980s, private universities played a leading role in conducting entrance examinations with a special admission quota for athletes. Waseda University launched the Special Selection System for Physical Education Major, which introduced a special admission quota for athletes, specified the athletic events and performances, and made the selection process widely known to the public. In conducting this selection, however, the university faced a dilemma of whether or not to employ it as the system for strengthening their sports teams.<br>  5.&nbsp;In 1987, the Ad Hoc Council on Education, an advisory body of the Japanese Government on education, recommended that assessment of sports activities be taken into consideration in entrance examinations. The 1989, the Guidelines for University Entrance Examination, revised in accordance with the Council's recommendation, listed &ldquo;adequate assessment of activities in sports, culture, etc.&rdquo; as a selection method for university admission for the first time.<br>
松浦 孝明
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第67回(2016) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.343_2, 2016 (Released:2017-02-24)

[はじめに] 障害を理由とする差別の解消の推進に関する法律が施行され、教育現場においても施設設備だけでなく、授業内での適切な教材の使用や障害の特性に配慮した指導が求められている。しかし、文部科学省等から合理的配慮事例集が示されているが、体育授業に関する事例はほとんど見られない。本研究では、地域の小学校等に在籍する肢体不自由児に対する合理的配慮事例集を作成し、今後のインクルーシブな体育授業の充実に寄与することを目的とする。[方法] 筑波大学附属桐が丘特別支援学校の教育相談による支援事例および地域の小学校や中学校から転入した児童生徒に対するアンケート結果から、体育授業の参加を困難とすると思われる要因(障害特性、認知特性など)を整理するとともに、適切な配慮について整理する。[まとめ] 体育授業への参加を困難にする要因は、身体の動かしにくさ、ボールや用具の扱いにくさ、車いすなど補助具の利用、視覚情報処理の難しさ等に整理された。また、合理的配慮の事例は、施設設備、教材、指導法、人的配置などに分類し、体育授業全般に共通するものと個別の指導内容に応じたものに整理することで利用しやすい事例集になると思われた。
松本 直也 出村 慎一 松浦 義昌 内田 雄 長澤 吉則
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.192_1-192_1, 2017

<p> サッカー選手は、相手選手の巧みな動きに対する反応が遅れると、すぐに攻守が入れ替わるため、優れた敏捷能力が不可欠である。本研究は連続選択反応テスト(Tsubouchi et al. 2016)を利用し、大学サッカー選手の敏捷性のポジション間差を検討する。連続選択反応テストは連続的且つランダムに提示される方向指示に従って8方向の移動を繰り返すテストである。方向指示刺激は5パターン用意されており、被験者は全てのパターンを実施する。最大最小を除いた3パターンの動作時間の平均を評価変数とした。本研究では、関西学生サッカーリーグ1部校のM大学サッカー部員116名を被験者とし、連続選択反応テストを2試行(計10パターン分)実施した。試行間信頼性を検証するために級内相関係数(ICC)を算出した。また、対応のない1要因分散分により動作時間を4ポジション(ゴールキーパー13名、ディフェダー40名、ミッドフィールダー43名、フォワード20名)間で比較した。解析の結果、高いICC(0.815)が認められ、ポジション間の比較ではいずれも有意差は認められなかった。以上より、サッカー選手はポジション違いに関係なく敏捷性に差はない。</p>
田中 美吏 霜 辰徳 野坂 祐介
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.1, pp.289-300, 2016 (Released:2016-06-17)

The effects of psychological pressure on lower limb muscular activity and center of pressure (COP) were investigated in a standing, postural control task. Healthy male participants (N=18) performed a balancing task by standing on a balance disk with their dominant foot. Participants were requested to stabilize their posture for 30 s (one-trial). After acquisition trials, participants performed 2 non-pressure and 2 pressure trials in counterbalanced order for a performance-contingent cash reward, or punishment. Stress responses were successfully induced as assessed by state anxiety, perceived pressure, mental effort, and heart rates that increased under pressure conditions. The results indicated that the rate of co-contraction between the soleus (SOL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles in the dominant leg increased significantly in association with an increment in the EMG amplitude of the SOL under pressure. Moreover, the COP area in pressure trials was significantly smaller than in non-pressure trials. These functional changes in postural control under pressure could have been modified by internal focus of attention, affective states including anxiety, and movement strategies that enhance muscle and joint stiffness in the lower limbs.
山田 理恵
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.329_1-329_1, 2016

<p> 古戦場の舞台や合戦にまつわる伝説に因んで、綱引きが行われる県境の地域がある。また、経済的事情等により中止された県境綱引きもある。発表者は、伝統綱引きによる地域開発との比較において、地域の歴史や伝説を題材にした県境綱引きに着目し、現地調査および資料調査を行ってきた。本研究では、その一環として、鹿島(加賀市)の綱引き伝説が、県境綱引きとして現代に再生された事例について考察する。その伝説では、美しい鹿島の森をめぐり、加賀の女神と越前の男神がそれぞれ綱を作り鹿島に巻き付け引き合っていたが、なかなか勝負がつかなかったところ、男神の綱が切れ尻もちをつき鹿島は加賀の方に少し動き、男神の大きな尻もちの跡は北潟湖になったという。このような伝説に基づき、2015年10月、広域的な交流と活性化を目的として「第1回鹿島の森伝説 越前・加賀県境綱引き」が、北潟湖の湖畔、鹿島の森を望む「越前加賀県境の館」前(福井県と石川県の県境)で開催された。県境一帯を一つの地域としてとらえ、地域の伝説に登場する綱引きを現代に蘇らせたこの県境綱引きは、スポーツによる地域開発を考察するうえでの好事例と位置づけられる。</p>
近藤 亮介 國土 将平
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.193_2-193_2, 2017

<p>【背景】立ち五段跳びは様々なトレーニング場面で活用されているが、局面全体に着目した技能の評価基準はない。【目的】立ち五段跳びの局面全体の動作評価基準を検討し、典型的な技能ステージとその跳躍特性を明らかにする。【方法】立ち五段跳び動作の時間的順序性と身体の相対的位置関係を考慮した動作評価基準124項目を使用し、61名(年齢:13-36歳、男:49名、女:12名)の動作を試技映像から評価した。対象局面は両脚跳躍、1・3・5歩目とした。ニューラルテスト理論(段階モデル)を適用し、Kondo et al.(2014)を参考に4ランクを推定した。動作観点毎の各カテゴリ達成確率が50%を超えるランクを基準に各技能ステージを解釈した。跳躍特性は踏切・滞空時間の観点で分析した。【結果】技能ステージと跳躍距離の関連性は、身長、体重、性別、年齢、シューズ、路面条件を統制したSpearmanの偏順位相関係数が0.672(p<.01)であった。技能ステージ毎の跳躍特性を検討した結果、技能ステージが上位になるほど、より短い踏切時間で大きく弾むリバウンド型跳躍に移行していくことが示唆された。</p>
松竹 貴大 夏原 隆之 田部井 祐介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.111_1-111_1, 2016

<p> 本研究では、熟練したサッカー選手の状況判断時における脳内情報処理の特性を明らかにする事を目的に、競技レベルの異なる大学生サッカー選手26名(Expert群:13名、Sub Expert群: 13名)を対象に実際のプレー状況を想定した選択反応課題(3vs1パス回し課題、4vs2パス回し課題)における事象関連電位(event related potential:ERP)、筋電図反応時間(electromyography reaction time:EMGRT)及び反応時間(Reaction Time:RT)の測定を行った。結果、EMGRT、RTではExpert群がSub Expert群より有意に短かった。ERPにおいてはP300潜時、振幅ともに有意差は認められなかった。状況判断におけるExpert群とSub-Expert群の大きな違いは、正確に速く運動を実行できる(出力できる)ことであった。これらのことから、熟練したサッカー選手は状況判断を行い、プレーを実行する際「どのような状況か」という評価よりも、「何をすべきか」という反応・運動の処理が、より先行して賦活していることが示唆された。</p>