渡邊 將司 〓井 省三
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.54, no.5, pp.353-361, 2005 (Released:2006-12-01)
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本研究の目的はジュニア競泳選手の短距離泳パフォーマンスに影響を及ぼす要因を分析するとともに, それらが年齢に伴ってどのように変化するかを明らかにすることである. 被験者は8~10歳, 11~12歳, 13~14歳, 15~18歳の4グループに区分された8~18歳の男子114名, 女子130名である. パフォーマンス (個人の50m泳のベストタイム) には体格, 筋力, 柔軟性, ストローク効率が強く影響していると仮定した. 11項目の測定値に因子分析を実施し, 体格因子, 筋力因子, そして柔軟性因子を抽出した. 因子分析から抽出された3因子とストローク効率で構成される重回帰モデルに多母集団の同時分析を性別, 年齢群別に実施した. 男女とも14歳以下では, ストローク効率のパフォーマンスへの影響が最も強かった. 15歳以上では, 男子は筋力因子のパフォーマンスへの影響が最も強くなり, 女子では体格因子が最も強くなった. 競技歴がストローク効率に及ぼす影響は小さかった. この結果, ストローク効率のパフォーマンスへの影響は低年齢で強く, 年齢とともに弱まるが, 反面, 体格因子と筋力因子は低年齢で影響が弱く, 年齢とともに強まることを示唆している.
青山 敏之 阿江 数通 相馬 寛人 宮田 一弘 梶田 和宏 奈良 隆章 川村 卓
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.91-100, 2021-02-01 (Released:2021-01-13)
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The yips represent a disorder that makes it challenging for an individual to perform automatic and coordinated movements in sports activities. The cause of the yips is not sufficiently clarified, and limited information is available regarding throwing yips in baseball. Therefore, this study was designed to clarify the incidence and characteristics of the throwing yips among college baseball players. Total 107 players of the college baseball team participated in the study and completed the questionnaire by answering questions about their experience of the yips (loss of control to throw the ball accurately for more than 1 month), the symptom intensity, and changes observed in the symptoms in different situations. The 47.1% of players met the definition of throwing yips. The symptoms of the yips were more pronounced with short-distances and low intensity of throwing. Moreover, there were various subjective symptoms, such as the issue about co-contraction of the upper limb, sensory function, body ownership, and movement planning. Various physical symptoms associated with throwing yips suggest that the yips are not only a disorder of motor skills, but result from movement disorders. The present results show that the occurrence of the yips depends on the throwing condition; this finding provides useful insights into the mechanism and the treatment of the yips. Interdisciplinary studies that aim to elucidate the cause of the yips and develop effective intervention are necessary.
小山 浩司 古島 弘三 菅野 好規 新津 あずさ 小太刀 友夏 新納 宗輔 上野 真由美 高橋 英司 足立 和隆
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.5, pp.443-453, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-09-13)

Previous studies have reported that poor posture can induce various musculoskeletal disorders. Recently, poor posture in children has become a problem. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of sagittal spinal alignment in standing and sitting positions in elementary school students and how spinal alignment changes from standing to sitting position. Moreover, it clarifies how poor posture (hyperkyphosis) in the standing position affects sitting posture. This study was conducted among 83 elementary school students. The Spinal-Mouse® System was used to measure the thoracic kyphosis angle (TKA), upper thoracic angle (UTA), lower thoracic angle (LTA), lumbar lordosis angle (LLA), and sacral anteversion angle (SAA) in the standing and sitting positions. Hyperkyphosis was defined as a thoracic kyphosis angle of >40°. Participants were assigned to two groups: hyperkyphosis and non-hyperkyphosis. Significant differences were noted in all spinal alignment characteristics in both the positions. When spinal alignment was changed from standing to sitting, ΔUTA and ΔLTA correlated with ΔLLA and ΔSAA, respectively. A strong negative correlation was noted between ΔLLA and ΔSAA. In the sitting position, TKA, UTA, and LLA were significantly higher in the hyperkyphosis group than in the non-hyperkyphosis group. ΔUTA was significantly higher in the hyperkyphosis group than in the non-hyperkyphosis group when spinal alignment was changed from standing to sitting. The characteristics of sagittal spinal alignment in the sitting position were significantly different from those in the standing position. The study findings suggest that poor posture (hyperkyphosis) in the standing position affects the sitting posture.
長久 広 宮田 浩文
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.6, pp.357-367, 2019-12-01 (Released:2019-12-03)

Hypoxic condition of skeletal muscle is caused not only by hypoxia exposure but also by exercise and disease etc. It is thought that clarifying a mechanism of response to hypoxia in vivo is useful for developing better training methods and treatment strategies. However, at present, research dealing with the effects of hypoxic exposure on skeletal muscle have not shown consistent results. Hypoxic exposure results in angiogenesis or muscle atrophy as morphological changes in skeletal muscle. Applications of hypoxic exposure include intermittent hypoxic exposure and hypoxic training, both of which may lead to angiogenesis in a mechanism different from normal hypoxic exposure. In this review, we present some findings on the effects of hypoxia exposure on skeletal muscle and discuss whether satellite cells are involved in promoting angiogenesis by hypoxia.
大野 誠 池田 義雄
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.3, pp.317-325, 1993-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
根本 裕太 菊賀 信雅 澤田 亨 松下 宗洋 丸藤 祐子 渡邊 夏海 橋本 有子 中田 由夫 福島 教照 井上 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.5, pp.431-441, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-09-13)

Approximately 40%–65% of new fitness club (FC) members cancel their membership within 6 months. To prevent such cancellations, it is essential to identify members at high risk of doing so. This study developed a model to predict the probability of discontinuing FC membership among new members. We conducted a cohort study and enrolled participants from 17 FCs in Japan. We asked 5,421 individuals who became members from March 29, 2015 to April 5, 2016 to participate in the study; 2,934 completed the baseline survey, which was conducted when the participants became FC members. We followed up the participants until September 30, 2016. We excluded 883 participants with missing values and 69 participants under aged 18 years; thus, our analysis covered 1,982 individuals. We conducted the random survival forest to develop the prediction model. The mean follow-up period was 296.3 (standard deviation, 127.3) days; 488 participants (24.6%) cancelled their membership during the follow-up. The prediction model comprised 8 predictors: age; month of joining FC; years of education; being under medical follow-up; reasons for joining FC (health improvement, relaxation); and perceived benefits from exercise (maintaining good body weight, recognition of one’s ability by other). The discrimination and calibration were acceptable (C statistic: 0.692, continuous ranked probability score: 0.134). Our findings suggest that the prediction model could assess the valid probability for early FC cancellation among new members; however, a validation study will be needed.
田舎中 真由美 青木 芳隆
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.3, pp.255-261, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-05-10)

Recently, pelvic floor muscle training has become popular not only in health magazines but also in women’s magazines, on television and on social networking services. The pelvic floor muscles are difficult to visually confirm movement of in a clothed situation, making it difficult to get a sense of muscle contraction; and, thus, there are many cases of incorrect training leading to pelvic floor dysfunction, including urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, and significant reduction of quality of life and healthy life expectancy. Therefore, the ability of instructors to teach appropriate pelvic floor muscle training is an important key to the prevention and improvement of pelvic floor dysfunction. The purpose of this review is to understand the functional anatomy and motor function of the pelvic floor muscles and to disseminate evaluation and training practices for preventing and improving pelvic floor dysfunction such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
中井 誠一 新矢 博美 芳田 哲也 寄本 明 井上 芳光 森本 武利
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.4, pp.437-444, 2007-08-01 (Released:2007-09-14)
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The guidelines for the prevention of heat disorders during sports activities were established 13 years ago in Japan. Since then, various studies on preventive measures against heat disorders have been done, yielding new knowledge about its prevention. It has been reported that the incidence of heat disorders is high in children and the elderly, and heat acclimatization and clothing are the factors involved in this disorder. We proposed to lower the WBGT (wet-bulb globe temperature) limit for warning (discontinuation of hard exercise) from “28°C or more” to “25°C or more” (corresponding to an ambient temperature of 28°C) for non-acclimatized persons, children, the elderly, and persons wearing clothes covering the entire body. We also indicated that heat disorders can occur due to unpredictable causes, because the mechanism is very complicated.
宮下 浩二 浦辺 幸夫 小林 寛和 横江 清司 河村 守雄 猪田 邦雄
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.1, pp.141-150, 2008-02-01 (Released:2008-08-06)

The magnitude of mechanical stress at the shoulder and elbow appears to be directly correlated with the degree of maximum shoulder external rotation (MER) during throwing. Therefore, it is very important to prevent excessive MER to minimize the risk of throwing injuries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between MER during throwing and the kinematic parameters of throwing mechanics, shoulder muscle strength, and shoulder range of motion in high school baseball players. The subjects were 40 male high school baseball players with no elbow or shoulder joint problems. Three-dimensional analysis was performed to calculate the MER angle. Then, the shoulder and elbow angles at initial foot contact (IFC) were computed. ROM and muscle strength of shoulder joint were also measured in each subject. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to relate the MER angle to these factors. Significant correlations were observed between the MER angle and the external rotation (ER) angle (r=−0.51, p<0.001) at IFC, and the ER range of motion (r=0.84, p<0.01). The MER angle significantly correlated with shoulder internal rotation (IR) at IFC. This finding suggests that stress on the shoulder and elbow could be increased by the degree of shoulder IR angle at the moment of IFC. Further, excessive ER range of motion may also be a risk factor.
武田 紘平 田中 喜代次 麻見 直美 沼田 治 笹井 浩行 武政 徹
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.3, pp.199-205, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-05-13)

Mitochondria activation factor (MAF) which is high-molecular weight polyphenol contained in black tea and oolong tea can increase the mitochondrial membrane potential. MAF supplementation to mice facilitates endurance running performance after 9-week endurance training and muscle hypertrophy induced by synergist ablation. In this study, we examined the effect of oral MAF supplementation on overall physical fitness (expressed as physical fitness age) in physically active middle-aged and older women. This study is a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial implemented between January and May 2019 at three fitness facilities in Ibaraki, Japan. Seventy middle-aged women aged 55 to 69 years were randomly assigned into placebo (n = 35) and MAF groups (n = 35). The placebo participants took cornstarch-containing capsules, and the MAF participants took MAF-containing capsules twice a day for 80 days consecutively. During the intake period, all participants were instructed to follow 30-min circuit training program at least twice a week. Physical fitness age was computed with eight physical fitness items assessing upper-extremity muscle strength, locomotion, and postural change. The physical fitness age decreased by 1.48 years (95% confidence interval [CI]: -2.66, -0.30) in the placebo group and 3.01 years (95% CI: -4.16, -1.86) in the MAF group. The reduction was greater in the MAF group, but did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.06). The combination of 80-day of MAF intake and circuit exercise showed beneficial results. However, our results did not indicate clear effects on physical fitness age because of low statistical power. Further studies are necessary to reveal the effects of MAF supplementation.
濱田 有香 林 直亨
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.3, pp.287-295, 2016-06-01 (Released:2016-05-14)

Overweight or obesity becomes a worldwide public health issue; the global obesity pandemic. Strategies to effectively prevent overweight and obesity are needed. Slow eating, which involves chewing food slowly and thoroughly, can be an effective strategy to prevent overweight and obesity. Previous studies reported a relationship between rapid eating and overweight. Candidate factors inducing the relationship have been thought to be related to increases in appetite and energy intake through rapid eating, allowing the ingestion of a greater-than-optimal volume of food. While the counter effect of slow eating has been widely known, effects of eating speed on digestion, absorption, and metabolism has yet to be elucidated. If eating speed affects digestion, absorption, and metabolism, eating speed can be a factor explaining the relationship between eating speed and body composition. The present review is to summarize the effects of eating speed on digestion, absorption, and metabolism, consequently suggesting preferable effects of slowly eating on increasing energy expenditure after eating.
堤 省吾 浦辺 幸夫 前田 慶明
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.3, pp.219-225, 2018-06-01 (Released:2018-05-16)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the transition of the tensor fasciae latae (TFL) and the iliotibial band (ITB) hardness after repetitive hip abduction exercise (RE) and the effect of vibration stimulation immediately after RE. Nine healthy man performed the RE (20 reps×5 sets) and the TFL and the ITB hardness were measured before and after RE. Participants were performed RE by 2 conditions(i.e. with and without vibration stimulation after RE). The results showed that with no vibration condition, hardness of the TFL significantly increased immediately, 15 min, 30 min, and 24 hours and the ITB significantly increased immediately, and 24 hours after RE compared with before RE, respectively. With vibration condition, vibration after RE, both of the TFL and the ITB hardness significantly increased only immediately after compared with before RE. On the other hand, TFL and ITB hardness significantly decreased 15 min, 30 min, and 24 hours compared with immediately after RE. In addition, with vibration condition, TFL and ITB hardness significantly decreased 15 min, 30 min, 24 hours compared with no vibration condition, respectively. This study indicated that the ITB hardness might be increased with excessive activity of TFL, and the vibration stimulation immediately after exercise is effective for decreasing the hardness.