今栄 国晴 竹内 義夫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.30, no.3, pp.168-177, 1959 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological characteristics of the series of approximation to Japanese. Two kinds of the series of approximation were experimentally made by the method which was quite similar to that of Shannon-Miller's guessing technique. The orders of both syllable and word-approximations were 0th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and text series. The text series means a series of meaningful syllables or words quoted from magazines and novels.Experiment 1. Syllable-approximation and intelligibility.(A) Procedure: 12 undergraduate students were asked to listen to the auditory stimuli which were given under the masking white noise at the rate of one syllable per second. Five different orders of approximation which consisted of 20 syllables were used as the stimuli. The level of noise was controlled. The S-N ratios were -8, -4, 0, +4, +8, in db.(B) Results: The intelligibility of syllables under the condition of the masking tends to increase with the ascending order of approximation (p<0.01; See Fig. 1).Experiment 2. Syllable-approximation and span of attention.(A): 8 students responsed to the visual stimuli which were presented tachistoscopically. The stimuli were 8 typewritten Japanese letters which were placed in a line vertically or horizontally.(B): The span of attention tends to extend with the ascending order of approximation (p<0.01; see Table 2).Experiment 3. word-approximation and immediate recall.(A): 20 students were asked to recall the word material which had been presented in audition. The material consisted of groups of 6, 10, 20 and 50 words.(B): The rate of recall of words increases in accordance with the order of approximation (p<0.01) and this tendency is almost equal to Miller-Selfridge's data (see Fig. 2).Experiment 4. Syllable-approximation and immediate recall.(A): The same condition as that of Exp. 3 except the material being syllables.(B): The rate of recall of syllables increases in accordance with the order of approximation (p<0.01; see Fig. 3).Experiment 5. Syllable-approximation visually presented and immediate recall.(A): 17 students were asked to recall the letters which had been presented by a film-strip projector at the speed of 2 letters per second.(B): So far as this experimental condition is concerned there is no significant difference between the auditory and the visual channel through which the messages were conveyed (p>0.99; see Fig. 4).Experiment 6. Syllable-approximation and eye-voice span.(A): 10 students were asked to read the material consisting of 24 letters. While the subject was reading aloud, the light was suddenly extinguished; he was required to continue saying as many which he had seen as possible.(B): The eye-voice span expands in accordance with the order of approximation (p<0.01; see Fig. 5).
高林 久美子 沼崎 誠 小野 滋 石井 国雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.79, no.4, pp.372-378, 2008 (Released:2011-08-26)
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This study investigated women's stereotyping and evaluation processes for other women related to their own activated self-representations for categories of homemaker and career women. We predicted that when self-representation as a traditional woman was activated, participants would evaluate traditional women more positively and nontraditional women more negatively than when self-representation as a nontraditional woman was activated. When self-representation as a traditional woman was activated, participants would regard traditional women as more feminine and nontraditional women as more masculine. Fifty-three female college students were asked to imagine their future selves as a career woman or a homemaker and rate their difficulty in imagining this. Next, they were presented with a fictitious profile of a career woman or a homemaker and asked to rate this woman. The results supported the hypotheses for those who imagined their future selves clealy. The importance of the relative perspectives of women's prejudice toward other women was discussed.
福田 恭介 水口 美咲 松尾 太加志 志堂寺 和則 早見 武人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.20023, (Released:2021-03-31)

The “Tip of the Tongue” (TOT) is a well-known phenomenon in which one cannot recall the name of a familiar person or object but can recall related words. In the TOT state, cognitive processing activities based on relating information are frequently performed. Blinking is suppressed when waiting for information and when inputting or processing information, and instead occurs at the end of the processing phase. However, the relationship between blinking and the TOT state is not yet clear. In this study, we investigated how the timing of blink suppression and occurrence changes during the TOT state. We presented successive facial photographs of famous people interspersed with those of unknown persons. The participant’s task was to name the person during recall-stimulus after each of the photographs. The participant’s responses were classified as “Recognized,” “TOT,” and “Not recognized.” Our results indicated that blink suppression occurred most frequently while waiting for the recall-stimulus period in “Not recognized” responses, whereas suppression occurred least frequently in TOT responses. We conclude that blink suppression and occurrence is related to memory-system-access processing.
伊藤 美奈子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.63, no.3, pp.205-208, 1992-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The purpose is to examine the relationship between self-acceptance and personalities developmentally, as for evaluative and affective dimensions. Results: Males and females showed differences in the formation of adolescent self-acceptance. At junior high school level, the accepted personalities are not yet differentiated as for two dimensions in both males and females. In males, they are differentiated at senior high school, and above this level, they showed a linear increase in differentiation. Females showed emotional differentiation at junior high school, and behavioral differentiation at senior high school, and further emotional differentiation at college level. The transition of male is “from a few limited to diverse”, while for females it is “from diverse to a few limited”, As the traits to self-acceptance diversify, the self-acceptance score is high.
久崎 孝浩
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.76, no.4, pp.327-335, 2005-10-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The present study explored developmental factors that would contribute to individual differences in behaviors relevant to shame and guilt of young children. The children's behaviors relevant to shame and guilt were observed by an experimental procedure. The children were led to happen to destroy an experimenter's doll, and their behavioral variables relevant to shame and guilt were measured. Their mothers answered the questionnaire tapping developmental factors: children's temperament, the frequency of maternal disciplines, and the frequency of maternal emotional experiences. A factor analysis of children's behavioral variables revealed that there were apologizing traits and repairing traits. Moreover, children who received more physical punishment were likely to apologize to the experimenter for destroying the doll. Children whose mothers experienced more shame were less likely to repair the broken doll rapidly. Boys who were temperamentally more insistent and expressing more positive emotions were likely to apologize to the experimenter for destroying the doll.
中村 麻衣子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.73, no.2, pp.140-147, 2002-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations between anxiety and physical traits of facial expressions. In this study, subjects were divided into two groups on the basis of MAS (manifest anxiety scale), and were taken pictures under three different conditions. In Analysis I, we examined how facial expressions differ between high-anxiety and low-anxiety groups. The results showed that facial expressions differed between two groups especially in mouth, left half of the face, and asymmetry of the face. In Experiment I and II, we investigated whether human beings could identify one's anxiety trait and apparent anxiety in facial expressions only on the basis of its facial expressions. The results showed that one's anxiety trait and apparent anxiety could be detected through the mouth. From these results, human beings can recognize one's anxiety through its facial expressions.