西川 俊作
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.14, no.5, pp.41-65,表3枚, 1971-12
一谷 和郎
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.71, no.1, pp.25-46, 2001

論文一 問題の所在二 抗日戦勝利後の辺幣流通 (一) 晋察冀辺区銀行の再編 (二) 辺幣の通用状況三 晋察冀辺区の貨幣政策 (一) 貨幣闘争 (二) 物価と財政 (三) 辺幣の安定化四 晋察冀辺区の存立構造 (一) 銀号と辺区銀行 (二) 対外交易五 結語
寺崎 修
法學研究 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.68, no.1, pp.301-324, 1995
岩井 大慧
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.17, no.1, pp.1-48, 1938-08

口繪:フィラデルフィア インクヮイヤー號外一 はしがき二 太平洋と日米三 日本との交易四 ペリー提督の琉球人歡待五 三使節の署名六 矢立と毛筆七 千二百九十五年マルコポーロの日本に關する報告八 太閤様の御代九 將軍(關白?)の政治的疑懼一〇 千六百年の和蘭人渡來一一 競爭一二 英國人の日本來航一三 和時計一四 日本鍛冶屋と鞴一五 日本の臺所と茶の間一六 下駄・足駄・草履・草鞋一七 日本の樂器一八 トミーと貴婦人一九 海軍兵工廠見學記念撮影二〇 日本料理自炊場二一 日本人安座喫煙二二 日本のクッション二三 日本小部屋の器具二四 結びの言葉
山岸 健
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.37, pp.27-56, 1959-12

1. 序2. 芸術社会学の課題3. 家元集団の構造4. 芸道について5. 型ということ6. 結語By the word "Iemoto", literally an "original house", is here meant the "originator" of a school in characteristic Japanese art or ceremony, such as "Cha-no-yu" (tea-ceremony), "Ikebana" (flower arrangement), etc. The "Iemoto" system consists of an originator or head master and his pupils ar followers. In the "Iemoto" system there are so many rules which must be strictly observed by the members of the group. In the present essay the writer, from the sociological point of view sees into the relations between the head master and his pupils, studying some of the fundamental regulations that should be kept by the pupils. The "Iemoto" must keep the traditional forms of art and faithfully hand them down to posterity. The faithful observance of the forms means the maintenance of the traditions and authority of the original house. The present writer regards the pupils' respect for the traditional forms and the original house as the fundamental element to the "Iemoto" system. It may be said that the problems of the "Iemoto" system should inevitable be studied in relation to those of the characteristic Japanese family system. And as to this point the writer intends to make a thorough investigation in the near future.
本間 周子
体育研究所紀要 (ISSN:02866951)
vol.14, no.1, pp.41-49, 1974-12

I have studied Morris Dance described as a centuries-old folk dance in Chapter III of a book, Douglas Kennedy's English Folk Dancing-Today and Yesterday, and I wish to discuss and state my opinions on its historical relationships with the modern dances. Upon referring to the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary, it is found that the words, 'Morris' and 'Morris Dance', were first used about the middle of the 15th century. Although, as to the etymology of the words, it is not clearly shown in the dictionary, it indicates that such words are associated with the Moorish. A further suggestion in the dictionary is that they have an interesting implication of the Robin Hood legend or dramas. It seems that the Morris Dance was most popularly played in the times when the above citation was made, i.e., about the mid-15th century. In those old days festivals took place in mid-winter, in spring or in early summer as symbols of renewal or continuity of life. Morris Dance was played as one of the highlights of the spring festival. Towards the end of the 19th century when people began to direct their interest to the rural districts, Cecil J. Sharp happened to watch Morris Dance at a certain village in Oxfordshire. He, most interested in it, began studying it, his knowledge of it was deepened, and at last he published book in five volumes. His books gave an opportunity, by which people came to know that it had been a folk dance played on a Europe-wide scale and that it had a very long history. Crowds of males were dressed in white, each with white handkerchiefs and wood sticks in their hands and wore bells on their waists and legs. The dance was accompanied by music which was played only by a person presumably in the status of a leader with his flute and small drum, or with his bagpipe or accordion. Those males danced furiously to the music. This is the basic form of Morris Dance. However, detailed studies have made it known that there were delicate differences in the dancing from country to country as well as from area to area, therefore that there were various styles in the dance. As to the relationships between this dance and the sword dance or horn dance, there would be important subjects involving factors for which discussions should be made on a very large scale and based on a long history. The above statements are the summary of my discussion of Morris Dance. Dances are considered to have been born at the same time when human beings began their living on earth. Therefore, Morris Dance, which was born as it were a breath of the British life, is also considered to have taken its shape after a lapse of very many years. In university physical education, I think it meaningful to understand the background under which ancient dances such as Morris Dance were born, and sense Nature and the mental climate which fostered them. In so doing, I think, a deeper approach can be made to the essence of the folk dances. I hope to continue this study of mine in order to know further the genealogy of Morris Dance, and at the same time I wish to deepen my understanding of the present-day meaning these ancient dances gave to us.
北田 葉子
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.65, no.4, pp.383-412, 1996-06

序一 アカデミア・デッリ・ウーミディ二 ウーミディからフィオレンティーナへ三 コジモ一世結論
小川 剛生

松本 正夫
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.34, pp.149-178, 1958-01

小林澄兄先生古稀記念論文集Since the translation of "The Mind and Heart of Love", a work by Rev. M.C. D'Arcy, was recently published, I tried to give a sort of comment and criticism on the several subjects I pickcd up from it. According to modern subjectivism, thing in itself is denied and thing as such is considered nothing else but an objectivation or projection of a central subject, in a word, it becomes merely a certain mode of subject itself. In such German idealism, just like in oriental monism, all is ego though it does recognize the difference between small and big ego and there is no room for the true existence of thouness. Thing in itself is exactly what the category of substance signified in the traditional philosophy and it occupied a highly estimated position in the field though modern philosophy lowered and dismissed it. Substance means simply that a thing is identical with itself solely by itself without any help from the other and does not mean necessarily that a thing is immutable and incorruptible in its essence. It is an assurance that some things can keep their own subjectivity in a perfect independence from conscious subject or ego. Therefore thing in itself is a necessary presupposition of thouness. It is said that true love exists between "I and you", not between "I and it". However even in the case of "I and it", "it" is not a merely projection of "I", "it" really transcends me as a thing in itself. In the case of "I and you", "you" transcends me as a thing in itself; yet here "you" is not only "in itself" but also "for itself", and so "you" is a subject (a mind) just like "I". Considering the difference between Eros and Agape, it is commonly admitted that Eros is self-immanent-love and Agape is self-transcendent-love. I am opposed to this doctrine and wish to say that the former is a love for man and the latter is a love for God. And in these cases of (1) thing-love (if admitted to say so) and (2) man-love and (3) god-love, both that self-immanent-love and that self-transcendent-love always coexist but in some different degrees as follows. In the case of (1) the former must be more and the latter less, in the case of (2) the former and the latter are almost equal in amount and in the case of (3) the former must be quite less and the latter must be the most part. This self-immanent-love is compared to animus, that is, the masculine character and this self-transcendent-love to anima, that is, the feminine character. According to Rev. D'Arcy, the former is further considered as an essential ego and the latter as an existential ego and humanism corresponds to the former and mysticism to the latter. Against this conclusion I suggested that there is no real division between both egos and their operations are mostly done together. So in a long run they must be considered one. Thus I emphasized the roll which animus takes in mysticism when not only anima but also animus, that is, the whole ego is overwhelmed by the gift from above. In the end I argued against Rev. D'Arcy's voluntarism which claims the immanent character of reason and the transcendent character of will, with the intellectualism which, to my analysis, depends on the fact of transcendency of reason and of immanency of will.
高瀬 弘一郎
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.44, no.4, pp.433-466, 1972-04

In the period of the Expansion of Europe, the Christian mission was not promoted only by the Vatican himself, but with the help of the Royal Patronage of Portugal and Spain. In addition, at that time they considered that it was their right to conquer, govern, trade with and evangelize the heathen countries, dividing them among these two Iberian countries. It may be said that the propagation of Christianity whose purpose should be a salvation of souls formed a link in the chain of the national policies. Consequently, in those days the evangelization had such a characteristic as going along with the military conquest in the territories newly discovered. It was not exceptional in Japan or in China. As a matter of fact, some missionaries had insisted that the arms should have been used in order to give swiftly a true religion to the heathen. To prove this fact, I chose the records of some missionaries such as Alonso Sanchez, Domingo de Salazar, Francisco Cabral, Gaspar Coelho, Alessandro Valignano, Pedro Ramon, Luis Frois, Pedro de la Cruz etc. preserved in the Archivum Romanum Societatis lesu at Rome and the Archive General de Indias at Seville. Some Catholic missionaries believed that the Edo Bakufu doubted if the evangelization was the preparation to invade Japan, and that these doubts would be the true cause of the Bakufu's prohibition of Christianity. It is true that the Dutch and the English who were the rivals in trade for the Portuguese managed to make the Japanese Government have these doubts, but it would be insufficient to consider the Edo Bakufu's prohibition of Christianity only as the undue suppression of faith and thought without paying regard to the characteristic of the evangelization in those days.
守永 誠治
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.35, no.6, pp.1-11, 1993-02-25

国家が成立してから今日まで約5000年の歴史があるが,その会計は現金主義によるものであって,収入と支出における絶対的真実性が求められている。このような会計システムは財政学の研究対象であるが,今日会計学の研究対象としての現金主義会計は宗教法人等の非営利組織体に求められている。一方,複式簿記が生成した時代から会計は未収金や未払金のような経済の事実に基づいて把握される発生主義会計が起ってくるのであるが,この時期は丁度,コロンブス(Columbus)による新大陸への航海の時代で1492年と機を一にしており,ルカ・パチオリ(Luca Pacioli)のズンマ(Summa)が1494年に出版されている。15世紀末における会計は公開という程のものではなかったが,資本主義の発達と手を携えて展開したのであった。それは株大会社の生成以後,必然的に企業会計の公開が求められるようになった。また産業革命以後における企業の発展は信用経済における会計の複雑化のみならず,設備資産の減価償却等を通して相対的真実性がますます求められるようになってきたのであった。19世紀に工業化を果した先進諸国は帝国主義政策をとり,会計もこれと歩調を合せて発展してきたが,20世紀前半でファシズムによる全体主義国家が崩壊すると,次第に会計の公開が求められてきたがこれは民主主義との関連で論じられるようになってきたのであった。20世紀の後半にイデオロギーの支配が崩れると共にグラースノチス(情報公開)が強く求められるようになったが,これはそれぞれの国の民族の問題が経済の問題と絡み合って国際的会計基準の統一は新らしい課題と遭遇することとなった。特に,わが国における会計の公開の問題は特有の面を持っていることを論じている。
崎川 隆
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.71, no.2, pp.357-399, 2002

論文一 はじめに二 用語・略号の規定三 「契刻者」をめぐる研究史 1 貞人=契刻者説 2 貞人・契刻者分業説 3 第一期貞人名「n」における筆跡分類研究 4 小論の課題四 書体分類の方法 1 対象資料 (一) 対象時期 (二) 対象文字 2 分析項目 (一) 左文・右文 (二) 書体 (三) 材質 3 分析手順五 分類 1 字形分類 (一) 「n」字偏旁要素 (二) 「h」字偏旁要素 2 書体分類 (一) 「n」字書体分類 (二) 「h」字書体分類 (三) 主要類型の抽出六 考察 1 書体差発生要因の検討 (一) 材質差 (二) 契刻工具差 (三) 個人筆跡差 2 貞人・契刻者分業形態の考察 3 契刻者集団の組織構造の分析 (一) 分析の方法と手順 (二) 「n」字からみた契刻者組織の構造 (三) 「h」字からみた契刻者組織の構造 (四) 両組織の対応関係 (五) 分析結果の考察 1 活動局面における三分化現象への解釈 2 中心性と出現頻度に対する解釈九 まとめ
尾佐竹 猛
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.13, no.3, pp.371-380, 1934-11
野々瀬 浩司
史学 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.61, no.3, pp.339-373, 1992

(一) はじめに(二) 「十二ヶ条」の要求内容について(三) 「十二ヶ条」の成立事情をめぐって(四) 「十二ヶ条」の性格について(五) 「十二ヶ条」と「バルトリンゲンの諸抗議書」における「神の法」の形成過程をめぐって (六) 結語
尾崎 康
斯道文庫論集 (ISSN:05597927)
vol.25, pp.121-210, 1991-03-31

一 群書治要について二 〔鎌倉〕写金沢文庫本三 〔平安〕写九条家本四 元和二年駿河刊銅活字本五 弘化三年紀伊藩刊銅活字本六 天明七年尾張藩刊本七 林羅山輯補の巻四・一三
宇治 順一郎
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.3, no.1, pp.49-81, 1960-04-25

It is very difficult for us to decide the time when the beginning1 of the modern forestry in Japan dated from. But considering the correlations of forestry with other industries and the conditions of marketing of forest products, I think it may be sought in the time between the end of the Meiji and the early Taisho .period, when the main timber-producing districts arose one after another. Just before that time, the amendment of the forest law was realized in 1907 and subsequently a series of the forestal policies was begun. They were the bounty policies and had originally formed a part of the program of the industrial exploitation after the Russo-Japanese War. But in course of time, the substantial character of these policies changed in quality and after all they, became to aim at rather the problems of the public forests, above all, the consolidation of owner-ship of the hamlet forest lands, than the exploitation of the private forests. In addition to it, by the appearance of the Shinrin-Chisui-Jigyo (the flood control afforestation project) the encouragement of afforestation was proceeded, but this project was inclined to give priority to afforestation for rather flood control than exploitation of forest production. Such evolvement of these forestal policies was reflected on the tendency at that time that in spite of the advancement of tree planting, above all on the public forests, the output of forest production, the fall for timber and fuel, stagnated or declined.
竹内 治彦
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.90, pp.73-99, 1990

社会史の流行がとりざたされるようになってから10年以上の歳月が過ぎようとしている.また近年,歴史的社会学(Historical Sociology)等の名称をかかげた雑誌が,とくに英語圏で発刊されている.それらに共通しているのは,歴史家サイドが,社会学ないし社会科学一般のもつ理論性や一般化に興味をもち,歴史学の可能性を拡げてゆこうとしていることである.ブローデル等の主張するような,歴史学を歴史的社会科学として再興しようとする姿勢がそれである.このような問題関心につきうごかされた歴史学の諸研究の業績は豊かなものであり,一定の影響力をもつものに成長を遂げているように思われる.これに対し,社会学のサイドでは歴史的な資料活用の可能性をめぐっての研究は残念ながら大きな潮流をなしているとはいいがたい.しかしながら,その研究がまったく途絶えているといえるものでもないし,近年,歴史学サイドの社会史の活動に触発されて,新しいアプローチを模索する研究も進んでいると考える.本稿では,そのような歴史社会学的研究を参照しながら,社会学に歴史的な観点を導入することによるメリットについて考えてみたい.そのさい,歴史社会学的な研究を,研究対象の拡がりにしたがって,文化論的アプローチに区分する.さらに,この四つのアプローチのうち,歴史社会学の可能性をめぐる重点が,段階論的アプローチと文化論的アプローチの対比にあると主張し,そのうちでも文化論的アプローチのもつ二つの利点を強調してみたい.それは一つには,生活主体の側から,社会の歴史を再構成する可能性をもっていることであり,またもう一つには,かって「近代化論の再興」が議論されたさいに問題となった伝統と近代の問題にたいし,文化論的アプローチが一つの解決を与えてゆく可能性をもっていることである.