木村 昌紀 大坊 郁夫 余語 真夫
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.26, no.1, pp.13-24, 2010

We placed observers' interpersonal communication-cognition as a social skill and investigated the mechanism behind it. From the result of Study 1, although ability in face-to-face approaches influenced the accuracy of an observer's judgment of interpersonal communication in highly expressive conversations that were easy to judge, this did not occur in low-expressive conversations that were difficult to judge, suggesting a relationship between the two. In addition, to examine clues for improvement in accuracy, we conducted a lens model analysis in Study 1. Interactants' judgments about conversations were positively correlated to speeches and negatively correlated to adapters, while those of observers were positively correlated to speeches, gestures, and smiles, resulting in asymmetry of interpersonal communication-cognition between interactants and observers. In Study 2, a series of observational experiments showed the possibility of improvement in accuracy by skill training. These results suggested the validity of the placement of observers' interpersonal communication-cognition as a social skill and helped to explain some part of its mechanism.
大友 章司 広瀬 幸雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.23, no.2, pp.140-151, 2007
2 2

We examined the inconsistency between risk-aversive attitude and behavior, which may be generated by a temporal trap. We hypothesized the two processes involved in risk-related behavior in a natural disaster : a situation-oriented process, which may result in risk behavior, and a goal-oriented process, which is more likely to elicit risk-averse behavior. Based on survey data from 239 undergraduate students, our results confirm that the images associated with risk behavior and the descriptive norm were determinants of the situation-oriented process. On the other hand, risk perception, a risk-aversive attitude, and injunctive norm were determinants of the goal-oriented process. Our model suggests that risk-averse behavior may be inhibited or promoted depending upon which influence is the more salient, the situation-oriented process or the goal-oriented process. Implications for dual processes on risk-related behavior in a natural disaster are also discussed.
阿部 晋吾 高木 修
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.3, pp.258-266, 2007

This study used two scenarios to examine how a perpetrator's degree of responsibility and the magnitude of damage caused influence their cognitive and behavioral responses to an expression of anger by their victim. The results show that when the magnitude of damage and perpetrator's degree of responsibility were low, the expression of anger was viewed as being less justifiable, motivated by self interest rather than social concern, and socially inappropriate. It is suggested that these influences can lead to a perpetrator becoming more defiant and less willing to accept responsibility for his/her actions.
太幡 直也
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.1, pp.19-32, 2006

There has been little research to date concerning the sense produced when one's inner self is seen by others. Defining the sense that, although not intentionally expressed, others know one's inner self as a 'sense of transparency,' this study examines factors that affect the intensity of this sense, which is hypothesized here to be a tendency to direct attention to oneself and take the perspective of others. Participants were asked to solve conflict problems in ways that would not reflect their own characteristics and to evaluate the extent to which their replies would reveal their inner selves. Results suggested self-consciousness and public self-consciousness were related to senses of transparency. Study 2, which investigated senses of transparency in terms of one's characteristics, indicated that while public self-consciousness was related to both negative and positive senses of transparency, private self-consciousness was not related to senses of transparency. However, the hypothesis that perspective-taking also influenced senses of transparency was little supported by this study.
畑中 美穂
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.3, pp.187-200, 2006

This study examines the thoughts that arise when people are deciding whether to speak or not during conversation, and proposes decision-making processes underlying conversational inhibition. Study 1 identified typical situations in which people tend to refrain from speaking. In Study 2,382 participants were asked what they thought about while deciding whether or not to speak in these situations. The results of factor analysis indicated that the thoughts arising during decision-making are composed of four factors, i.e., 'consideration of appropriateness', 'anticipation of negative results', 'escape from relationships', and 'lack of communication skills'. Moreover, Partial Ordered Scalogram Analysis (POSA) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were conducted to examine the structure in the combination patterns of these four thoughts and the relationships between these and individual characteristics, respectively. The results suggested that behavior following decision-making differs qualitatively across the various patterns of thoughts during decision-making. Based on these results, the conversational decision-making processes underlying conversational inhibition are discussed.
高橋 知里 山岸 俊男 橋本 博文
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.2, pp.113-120, 2009

We tested a hypothesis that responses to the Singelis' (1994) interdependent self scale would be enhanced after being exposed to an "exclusion game" -a social dilemma game with an option for excluding uncooperative members. Thirty-nine participants were assigned to one of two conditions. In the self-presentation condition, participants were told that their responses to the interdependence scale would be revealed to other participants after the experiment. In the control condition, participants were assured that their responses would be anonymous. The average interdependence score increased after experiencing the exclusion game in the self-presentation condition, and decreased in the control condition. These findings show that people come to present themselves to others as being more interdependent after being exposed to a social situation in which they face a threat of rejection from their peers.
長谷川 直宏
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.1, pp.44-52, 2005

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of cultural-self-construal on self-presentation to significant-others that belong to the participants' ingroup (miuchi) or outgroup (soto). In the pilot study, 54 undergraduates and graduate students described self-images that they wanted to present to significant-others, and 19 desirable self-images were extracted. Two hundred and twenty-four undergraduate students were then included in the present survey. In terms of results, two implications were induced. First, participants who had inter-dependent-self-construal changed the presentation of their self-images than those who had independent self-construal. This result is congruent with the theory of the cultural construal of self. Second, the data show the tendency of self-depreciation to their self-images independent to the cultural-self-construals. However, the tendency is more remarkable among the people who had inter-dependent-self-construal. The discussion considered the effects of cultural-self-construal on self-presentation.
土倉 玲子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.2, pp.79-90, 2005

This questionnaire study examined the correlations among perceived relationship quality, marital activities, and conversation length in 177 middle-aged married couples. The results showed that : (1) conversation length was significantly correlated with the gap between a husband's and wife's evaluation of the quality of their relationship (EQR); (2) conversation length was positively correlated with EQR, but only for the wife; and (3) the degree of a respondent's under-or over-estimation of a partner's evaluation was not correlated with conversation length on both EQR and evaluation of activities. Results suggested that conversation length only affected the overall perception of relationship quality with a partner for the wife. Further, conversation length did not affect the degree of a respondent's under- or over-estimation of his/her partner's evaluation.
清水 裕 下斗米 淳 風間 文明
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.20, no.3, pp.191-200, 2005

The purpose of this study was to refine the scale for self-image (Shimizu, Shimotomai, & Kazama, 2003) after attaining an occupation. Undergraduates (N=688) completed a questionnaire about the types of occupations they desired, their motivation level to attatin it/them, and their self-image after attaining an occupation. The major findings were as follows. (1) Nine factors were extracted from the self-image items for male students, while seven factors were extracted for female students. These factors revealed a current outlook on the self-image that students have of themselves after obtaining employment. (2) These self-images significantly influenced the motivation level toward attaining the desired occupations. (3) Reliability and validity of the scale were satisfied, except for certain subscales. These results suggest that future self-image after attaining an occupation can be very useful for understanding the vocational decision process amongst undergraduates.
中谷内 一也
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.17, no.2, pp.63-72, 2002

This questionnaire-based research examines in what areas people have a strong desire for total risk elimination. On a seven point scale (1 =not at all to 7 =very strongly), participants in Shizuoka and Aichi prefectures rated how strongly they desire that no one should die on a range of 61 items. Items were chosen from previous studies that investigated people's risk perception of a variety of technologies, activities, and incidents. Some items were added to the list because they were heavily discussed public issues at the time in Japan (for example, dioxin or bullying at school) .The results showed that desire for zero risk is relatively weak in the areas of voluntary activities, interpersonal conflicts, and natural disasters. On the other hand, technologies related to atomic energy, medical treatment, bullying at school, and handgun use were the highest rated among the 61 items. The reason people desire zero risk regarding these items is discussed and compared to previous research dealing with people's desire for severe restrictions on technologies and activities that are perceived to be risky.
具志堅 伸隆 唐沢 かおり
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.20, no.1, pp.48-57, 2004

This study examined the effect of cognitive resources on inhibition of the mood-congruent effect to reveal the automaticity of the process proposed by the mood-as-information theory. One-hundred and fifty-three participants made judgments either under positive or negative mood. The amount of cognitive resources was also manipulated by restricting time for judgment. Results showed that, only when cognitive resources were not restricted, the mood-congruent effect was inhibited through attribution toward the origin of the mood. Therefore, these results suggest that the mood states serve as information for judgments rather automatically, while cognitive effort is required to inhibit an application of mood to judgments. The discussion considered the adaptive significance of saving cognitive resources by automatically applying mood to judgment.
田中 知恵
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-16, 2004

The effect of affective states which stem directly from an advertisement (relevant affect) on elaboration of the same ad was investigated. It was predicted that a positive relevant affect would lead a continued processing strategy motivated by affect maintenance, whereas negative relevant affect would lead a stop-processing strategy motivated by affect improvement. Thus, positive rather than negative affect would enhance elaboration of ad messages. In Experiments 1 and 2, positive or negative affective states were induced through print-media advertisement. Following this, the extent of the message elaboration of the same ad was measured by a recall task. In Experiment 3, positive or negative affective states of participants were manipulated by an ad identical to or different from the target messages (relevant or irrelevant affect). The three experiments consistently demonstrated that positive relevant affect enhanced elaboration more in comparison to the negative relevant affect. These results were clearly different from the findings of research using irrelevant affect. The different processing strategies induced by relevant affect or irrelevant affect were discussed.
金児 曉嗣
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.8, no.3, pp.159-169, 1993-03-31 (Released:2016-12-01)

The form of families has changed in the stages of civilization, and the view on the families has also varied a lot. Therefore, various cases of family pathology occur. So it can be said that modern families are now on the edge of crisis. The present study was intended to clarify the psychological problems within modern families, asking 208 male university students, 82 female university students, their 193 fathers, and 202 mothers to complete the questionnaire. From the answers to the question about "When do you feel peace on mind?" and "What is the condition in order to become happy?", Samples were divided into four types on the point of collectivism (to family and/or friends) and individualism (to himself). And the relations were examined among those types, feeling of loneliness, having a purpose in life, and death perspectives. As a result, the following were found. Both male and female university students strongly intend to be individualistic, as compared with their parents. Fathers, who have supported high growth of Japanese economy, have notably strong feeling of loneliness. Individualism is closely related to feeling of loneliness, lack of purose in life, and negative view of life-and-death. And also this study showed that the desolation of heart can be eased only where religious rites are practiced in a family. With this result, it became evident that in order to release a family from the burden of individualism, family members need to hold the common point of view which goes beyond the daily living.
村上 幸史
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.2, pp.133-146, 2005-11-30 (Released:2017-02-07)

It has been said that the reason why fortune telling in popular magazines (for women) is seen to "come true" derives from the authoritarian personality of the reader combined with the Barnum effect given by the text. However, past research had focused mostly on fortune telling of a personal character, and very few studies have been carried out which investigate matters of luck or fortune itself. The aim of this research is to investigate how people come to believe that a particular instance of fortune telling has actually "come true", focusing on the use of a "determination view of fate" as a descriptive style of text, and paying attention to both the presentation of material and the reader's cognition process, in four different studies. The "determination view of fate" is described as not varying no matter how readers act; it is something that readers accept as a set of values. For the purposes of this research, using the fortune telling descriptions in women's magazines, a line was drawn between cases in which the reader actually judged the contents as "likely to come true" (predictions) and those that actually "come true"(results), and the contents were analyzed. Consequently, among those who believed the prophecy at the stage of prediction and later judged it to have "come true, " certain structures of a self-fulfilling nature were seen to be held in common. In the light of the contents of the text, both negative and other contents described as nonvariable "fortune" contents were judged to have "come true." Although it can be concluded that, based on such results, fortune telling was recognized as actually dealing in "fortune, " it is conjectured that it evokes in the reader a feeling of hitting the mark through a revelation of fate. The reason why negative contents "come true" is discussed from the viewpoints of memory and content evaluation. The study indicates that those who believe in fortune telling do not do so because of authoritarianism, but rather because of flexible interpretation.
杉谷 陽子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.3, pp.234-244, 2007-03-20 (Released:2017-02-08)

The purpose of this study was to verify that people feel more at ease using Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) compared to other media because of higher self-presentation efficacy. The reason for this may be the lack of nonverbal cues in CMC: it can help people present themselves in a preferred way. To test this hypothesis, I conducted two experiments. The experimental hypothesis of Study 1 was as follows: when people strongly want to make a good impression on others, they feel it is easier to communicate without nonverbal cues than with them. Conversely, when people are unconcerned about the impression they make on others, the amount of nonverbal cues does not influence the level of ease that people feel. The results partially supported the hypothesis. In Study 2, I scrutinized the process of the phenomenon observed in Study 1. The model was: the lack of nonverbal cues in CMC raises self-presentation efficacy, therefore, people feel more at ease during CMC. The result of path analysis significantly supported this assumption.
油尾 聡子 吉田 俊和
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.1, pp.32-40, 2012-08-31 (Released:2017-03-01)

This study examined whether the norm of reciprocity, which implies that people feel compelled to return favors, plays a role in deterring inconsiderate behavior. We predicted that both gratitude messages, such as "Thank you for parking your bike in a straight line," and knowledge of the sender's identity facilitate reciprocation and thus deter inconsiderate behavior. Participants (N=191) were randomly assigned to read one of four descriptions. These descriptions reflected a 2 (messages: gratitude vs. prohibition)×2 (sender identity: clear vs. ambiguous) between-participants design. The participants subsequently rated the extent to which they were likely to engage in inconsiderate behavior in a given situation. As predicted, when the sender's identity was clear, the participants exposed to a gratitude message tended to refrain from inconsiderate behavior by invoking the norm of reciprocity. We also discuss the effectiveness and implications of the norm of reciprocity as a deterrent of inconsiderate behavior.
久保田 健市 吉田 富二雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.11, no.2, pp.116-124, 1995-12-15 (Released:2016-12-04)

Two studies using the minimal group paradigm were conducted to investigate the intergroup discrimination in an experimentally created minority and majority groups. In both studies, subjects were divided into the minority and the majority group by drawing lots, and asked to allocate points between other ingroup members and outgroup members. In the first study, it was found that the minority group showed significant ingroup favouritism whereas the majority group did not. The minority group was more aware of their membership in the group than their counterpart. In the second study, subjects were led to believe that the minority group and the majority group had either similar or different social attitude. On the whole, both the minority and the majority group favoured a similar group and discriminated against a dissimilar group. The effects of attitudinal similarity in minimal groups were discussed.
広瀬 幸雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.10, no.1, pp.44-55, 1994-11-30 (Released:2016-12-03)

The purpose of this article is to propose a tentative model of environment-conscious behavior, to review relevant researches on energy and water conservation, recycling, and detergents-using behavior on the basis of our model, and to clarify determinants of these behaviors. The decision making of environment-consicious behavior is hypothesized to consist of two phases. The first phase is to decide on a general goal intention of a pro-environmental lifestyle. The second is to decide on a specific behavior intention of environment-conscious behavior consistent with the general goal intention previously determined. The main conclusions of this review are as follows. The facilitating factors of the goal intention were the three main beliefs about the environmental problems; the perceived seriousness of environmental problems, the ascription of responsibility for environmental problems, and the belief in the effectiveness of an proenvironmental lifestyle. The main inhibiting or facilitating factors of the behavior intention were the three evaluations of this behavior; the feasibility evaluation, the costbenefit evaluation, and its social norm evaluation.
小池 はるか 髙木 彩 北折 充隆
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.30, no.1, pp.57-64, 2014-08-18 (Released:2015-06-06)

In this study, a survey was conducted concerning the use of rear-seat belts, which had been made obligatory by the Road Traffic Law of 2008. The research involved a longitudinal study using five points in time, from before the use of rear-seat belts became obligatory until the 2010 crackdown on failure to use them. Rates of use of rear-seat belts and awareness of their importance (risk estimation) were both raised after the law went into effect. For all items, the main effects were seen by seat position, and for two items by period.