584 0 0 0 OA ウバザメの幼魚

伊澤 邦彦 柴田 輝和
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.40, no.2, pp.237-245, 1993-08-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

三重県和具のサワラ刺網で1977年5月4日, 特異な形状の吻を持っ全長2.6mの雌のウバザメ1頭が捕獲された.脊椎骨椎体に形成された石灰化輪紋の数から生後6ヵ月以内の, その年の1月頃に生まれた幼魚と推定され, 腹面に溝を備えた長く湾曲した吻はウバザメの幼魚形態と考えられた。この吻の幼魚形態は急速に変化して生後1年 (全長4m) でほぼ消失すると推定された.吻は神経頭蓋の3本の吻軟骨によって支持されており, 生後1年以内に起こる吻の急激な形態変化は吻軟骨の相対成長によって引き起こされると考えられた.吻の幼魚形態は胎児期から誕生後の幼魚期にかけての摂食に関わり, 母胎内では卵食性に関係して, 誕生後の若い幼魚にとっては不十分であろうと考えられる遊泳摂餌能力を補償する口域の拡大あるいは流体力学的な意味で摂食に関与するものと考えられる.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.22, no.3, pp.127-142, 1975-12-29 (Released:2010-06-28)

フタゴハゼGlossogobius giuris (Hamilton) と見なされていたウロハゼ属の1型は新種と認められたのでG.aureus (新称: コンジキハゼ) として記載した.本種の最も重要な特徴は孔器の配列にある.ウロハゼ属の他の種と比較し, その特徴を明らかにした.
中島 淳 鬼倉 徳雄 松井 誠一 及川 信
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.53, no.2, pp.117-131, 2006-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Genuine freshwater fish faunas of 32 rivers in Fukuoka Prefecture, northern Kyushu, Japan, were surveyed between 1998 and 2005, in order to clarify their geographical distribution patterns. A total of 39 fish species/subspecies (10 families) were recorded in the field survey and from existing literature, a cluster analysis separating them into the Chikuzen-Chikugo and Chikuho-Buzen groups. The former was considered to include fauna influenced by mainland China and the Korean Peninsula, the latter being similar to the freshwater fish fauna of rivers flowing to the Seto Inland Sea. The freshwater fish species in Fukuoka were roughly divided into those that occurred in rivers regardless of river length and those that tended to be present in rivers exceeding a certain length. The genuine freshwater fish fauna in Fukuoka is considered to have evolved through geographical isolation and the restriction of river length.
鈴木 良威
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.5, no.1-2, pp.12-14, 1956-01-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

(1) この報告はカマツカ口唇の粒状突起を組織学的に研究したものである。(2) 粒状突起上にはその構造から考えて味感球が存在する。そしてこの味感球は突起の先端部附近に多く集つており, その他の部位には比較的少ないかまたはまつたくない。(3) 味感球の形態および構造は, マドヂョウやシマドヂョウのそれと大差はない。(4) この研究結果から, カマツカ口唇の粒状突起は摂餌行動に際して有効に役立つことが推察される。
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.27, no.3, pp.215-236, 1980-11-30 (Released:2011-07-04)

Six species of the genus Bathygobius collected in Japan were compared with each other and with the type specimens of nominal species considered as synonyms of three species of the genus Bathygobius: B.petrophilus, B.scapulopunctatus, and B.fuscus listed by Koumans (1953).The genus Bathygobius has the following combination of characters: a protuberance below the anterior nostril bordered by a groove containing pit organ line 6 on the upper side and by a groove containing pit organ line 7 on the posterior side, a median longitudinal groove containing pit organ line 10, which runs from the anterior margin of the cheek and divides into two posteriorly, the trapeziform mental flap bordered by a groove containing pit organ line 13 on the lateral side and by a groove containing pit organ line 14 on the posterior side, and free branched rays on the upper part of the pectoral fin.Six species of the genus Bathygobius were found in Japan, i.e., B. fuscus, B.padangensis, B.cocosensis, B.petrophilus, B.cyclopterus, and B.cotticeps.The differences between B.fuscus and B.padangensis are the least among the six species.Clearcut differences between them are only in the number of free branched rays on the pectoral fin and in coloration, although there are some specific differences in the number of pectoral fin rays and the angle between the lower and posterior axes of the first pterygiophore of the first dorsal fin. The number of differences between B.padangensis and B. cocosensis and between B.fuscus and B.cocosensis are only slightly greater. Although more differences are found between B.cyclopterus and B. cotticeps than those among the three species mentioned above, both of them have many common characteristics, some of which are specialized and are only found in these two species.Based on the number of common and distinctive characteristics, the six species are divided into three types: B.fuscus, B.padangensis, and B.cocosensis; B.petrophilus; B.cyclopterus and B.cotticeps.B.fuscus, B.padangensis, B.cocosensis, B.cyclopterus, and B.cotticeps are found in the tidal zone of rocky beaches, while B.petrophilus is collected near shore on substrates of sand or mixed mud and sand. B.fuscus, B.padangensis, and B.cocosensis are collected north of 35°N, but specimens of B.padangensis and B.cocosensis collected in the northern area of their range are extremely small in number compared with those of B.fuscus.B.petrophilus is collected between 33° and 35°N in Japan, but as the type specimens of Gobius petrophilus and Gobius villosus were collected in Indonesia, it is conjectured that B.petrophilus inhabits southern Japan south of 33°N.The examination of the type specimens revealed that Gobius poecilichthys should be synonymized with B.fuscus which is different from Mapo fuscus sensu Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder (1913).M. fuscus sensu Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder is presumed to be synonymous with B.padangensis from the description of M.fuscus sensu Snyder (1912a) from Tanegashima, in which the difference between M.fuscus and Mapo poecilichthys was recorded, and from the specimens of M. fuscus sensu Snyder (1912b) from Naha.Bathygobius sp.reported by Arai and Ida (1975), Zama and Fujita (1977), Hayashi and Itoh (1978) was identified as B.cocosensis on the basis of comparison with three specimens of that species (RMNH 4533) collected and identified by Bleeker.
宗原 弘幸 高野 和則 古屋 康則
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.37, no.4, pp.391-394, 1991-02-28 (Released:2010-06-28)

交尾型カジカ, イソバテングBlepsias cirrhosusの配偶子がいつ, どこで会合し受精開始するかを明らかにした.排卵した雌の卵巣腔から卵と卵巣腔液を取り出し, 一部の卵を海水または卵巣腔液に浸し, 24時間後にそれぞれの胚発生状態を観察した.その結果, 海水中の卵のほとんどは胚発生を開始していたが, 卵巣腔液中の卵は全く発生しなかった.しかし, これらの未変化の卵を海水に移すと, その多くが胚発生を開始した.また, 海水に浸す前の卵を光顕観察した結果, 多数の精子が卵門管内に侵入しているものの, 卵細胞質内への貫入は認められず.卵も第二減数分裂の中期にとどまっていることが確認された.以上の結果から, 本種では体内で両配偶子の会合は終えているが, 受精は産卵後海水中で開始することが明らかとなった.
渡辺 勝敏 森 誠一 名越 誠 田 祥麟 清水 義孝
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.39, no.2, pp.157-162, 1992-09-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

日本の伊勢湾周辺に局在するネコギギCoreobagrus ichikawaiは, 韓国に分布するウサギギギC. brevicorpusとの核型の相違が報告されているが, 過去にはその形態的類似性から, 独立した種としての有効性が疑われることがあった.櫛田川と田切川 (員弁川水系) 産のネコギギ32個体, および南江 (洛東江水系) 産のウサギギギ35個体について, 計数および計量的な合計18形質を比較した.その結果, 臀鰭軟条数, 鰓耙数, 体高比, 眼径比, および頭部と各鰭の大きさや形など, 多くの形質で有意な差異が認められた.さらに, 胸鰭棘前縁の鋸歯の形状や固定標本の色彩にも差異が認められた.また, 体長約50mmを越えた個体については, 両者を識別する際に相体成長をほとんど無視できることがわかった.一方, Jayaram (1966) が記載したC. okadaiは, C. ichikawaiのシノニムと判断された.
Kuei-Chiu Chen Hin-Kiu Mok
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.35, no.1, pp.90-97, 1988-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

クマノミとハマクマノミの水槽内での発音を記録し, 両種の違いを比較した.pop-chirp発音は優越個体のみにみられ, 咽頭歯をすりあわせることにより発生する.クマノミ類の発音する種類は, 発音しない種類に比べ, ceratobranchial plateと2nd to 4th pharyngobran-chialsに長い犬歯をもっている.クマノミの従属個体は, 体を間断なく動かしながら, 優越個体に対し, 別種の音 (shaking sound) を出す.この音は流体力学的なものであろう.
Jack T. Moyer Martha J. Zaiser
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.28, no.4, pp.466-468, 1982-02-27 (Released:2010-06-28)

1980年8月15日16時30分, 三宅島の水深12mの地点で全長約90cmの2尾のウツボGymnotborax kidakaが産卵しているのを観察した.両者は尾部をゆるくからませていたが, 突然腹部を押しつけ合ってから離れた.その瞬間精子による水の白濁が観察された.卵は直径約2mmの丸い浮性卵で, 親魚による卵の保護は観察されなかった.1980年7月29目19時30分には, 岸近くの水深2.5mの地点で, 全長約25cmのUropterygtus necturus4尾が群がって行動しているのを観察した.これは産卵直前の行動と思われた.
松本 清二 岩田 勝哉
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.44, no.1, pp.35-41, 1997-05-26 (Released:2010-06-28)

Paternal egg guarding and mouthbrooding of larvae and juveniles were observed in the swamp-eel, Monopterus albus. In aquaria, the male guarded and cared for eggs in the bubble nest floating inside a plastic tube (5 cm in dia-meter, 50 cm in length). It was suggested that spawning and fertilization occurred outside the nest tube, and that the male carried the fertilized eggs (ca. 4 mm in diameter) in his mouth and inserted them into the bubble mass. Until the hatching of larvae (7-8 days after spawning), the male frequently added fresh bubbles into the bubble mass. As soon as the larvae (18-21 mm in TL) hatched and emerged from the bubble nest, the male sucked them into his mouth. Fifty juveniles (32-37 mm in TL) and two yolk-sac larvae (22 mm in TL) were released from the mouth of a male collected from a natural habitat. Those juveniles were retrieved by the male, some of them voluntarily returning to the male's mouth. The mouthbrooding male frequently performed pumping behavior (i.e., inflating and deflating the buccopharyngeal cavity), thereby acquiring to take fresh air. Eggs removed from the bubble nest successfully hatched only when directly exposed to aeration. In addition, only about 40% of the hatched larvae survived more than 10 days when they were kept in well-aerated water without the male parent. These suggest that both the bubble nest and mouthbrooding are indispensable for successful development and survival of eggs and larvae in this species, which inhabits swamps and paddy fields.
仲谷 一宏
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.40, no.1, pp.35-42, 1993-05-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

1992年3月8日午後, 愛媛県松山市堀江沖2.3km, 水深22メートルの海底でヘルメット式潜水器具を用いてタイラギ貝漁をしていた潜水夫が行方不明になった.この潜水漁を支援していた船の船長によると, 作業中の潜水夫から突然「上げてくれ」という救助を求める声を聞き, 20分程度かけてやっと引き上げたが, ズタズタに裂けた潜水服とヘルメットだけを回収したという.潜水夫は行方不明で, その後の捜索にもかかわらず, 結局発見できなかった.この事故直後に海上保安部などにより潜水服の調査が行われ, その結果サメによる事故とされた.しかし, その後は詳しい調査が行われず, サメ以外の説も出されるようになったため, 佐賀県太良町の潜水士宅に保管されていた潜水服の再調査を実施した.その結果, 潜水服は胸部から脇腹にかけての胴部右半分と右足が切断され, 肩や腕などに多くの咬み傷のあることが改めて確認された.ヘルメットを固定する金属性の肩当て部分には強い力で穿孔されたと思われる穴や細かな平行な曲線からなる傷跡があり, 通信用ケーブルやゴム部の切断面にも細かな平行のすじ状の模様があった.肩当て部分のゴムの深い傷から長さ約5mm, 幅約2.5mmの歯の破片が発見され, これには2個の鋸歯が残されていた.また, 肩当てや潜水服に残された咬み跡を調査して顎の幅を検討したところ, 40cmはあったと推定された.これらの証拠から, この潜水夫を襲ったのは歯の縁辺部に鋸歯をもっかなり大形のサメであったことが明白となった.これらの歯の破片の特徴, 潜水服などに残された傷跡, 顎の大きさなどに加え, 水温 (当時の付近の水温は水深20mで1L6℃) や四国近海での当時のサメ類の出現状況などを総合的に検討した結果, この潜水夫を襲ったのは全長5m前後のホホジロザメであると結論された.日本では以前からサメによる被害が新聞などで時々報道されているが, これらの記録は散逸し, 被害の実態を捕らえることが出来ない.従って, 日本のサメによる被害を調査したが, 公認されているものも含め現時点で10数件の被害例を見い出した.しかし, これらの日本の事例においては, 襲ったサメの種類調査など後の科学的調査がほとんどなされていないため, 日本で被害を与えているサメについては種名すら分かっていないのが現状である.将来のサメによる事故を防ぐ意味からも, まだ埋もれているサメ被害例を発見し, 分析してみる必要があろう.なお, 本研究で集められたサメによる被害にっいては国際サメ被害目録 (International Shark Attack File, 事務局はフロリダ自然史博物館) に載せておいた.
佐藤 拓哉 渡辺 勝敏
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.51, no.1, pp.51-59, 2004-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

Population size and spawning site environment of the endangered southernmost population of Kirikuchi charr Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus were investigated in a tributary on the upper reaches of the Totsu River system, Nara Prefecture, central Japan, in 2001. The total number of fish≥100 mm in fork length (FL) in May was estimated to be 308±50 (SE). Water depth and gravel size at spawning sites were 15±13 cm (meant±SD) and 31±8 cm, respectively. Spawn-ing sites were found mainly at upstream sites, freely accessible to the fish. The number of fish≥130 mm in FL had dropped in the lower section of the tributary in July, most probably as a result of leisure fishing. Spawning redds were clearly fewer in the lower sections than further upstream. These results indicated that fishing pressure on the population had been heavy, resulting in a decreased level of reproduction population.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.24, no.2, pp.113-127, 1977-09-15 (Released:2011-07-04)

Callogobius sclateri (Steindachner) is newly recorded from Japan;Callogobius moroanus (Seale) is synonymized with Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker) and Callogobius snyderi (Fowler) is synonymized with Callogobius okinawae (Snyder), after comparison with the types.Therefore the species of Callogobius found in Japan are five species: C.snelliusi Koumans, C.sclateri, C.hasseltii, C.okinawae and C.tanegasimae (Snyder).
田中 彰 塩原 美敞 日置 勝三 阿部 秀直 西 源二郎 矢野 和成 鈴木 克美
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.37, no.3, pp.273-291, 1990-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

駿河湾で採集した264個体のラブカChlamydoselachus anguineusをもとに, その生殖について調査した.本種は12月から7月の間に主に採集され, 成長段階および成熟・繁殖段階で棲息域を異にしていると考えられた.雄は全長1, 100mmですでに成熟しており, 雌は全長1,400-1, 500mmの間で成熟に達した.卵巣卵は重さ230-250gになると卵巣壁にある排卵孔から排卵され, 右輸卵管のみに入り, 卵殻腺で卵殻に包まれ, 子宮内に保持される.排卵は約2週間ごとに行われ, 排卵期間は数ヵ月におよぶと考えられる.初期の胚発生は非常におそく, 妊娠期間はすくなくとも3年半におよぶと考えられる.妊娠期間中, 卵巣卵は発達しない.胎仔が全長60-80mmに成長すると, 卵殻はそれからはがれ, 膣を通り排出される.胎仔は子宮内で主に卵黄によって全長約550mm, 体重380gまで成長し産まれる.全長400mm以上の胎仔は母体から栄養分を受けとっていると考えられる.1腹の胎仔数は2-10個体で平均6個体であった.雄の生殖腺指数は一年中ほとんど変化しなかった.雌は卵巣と子宮の状態から明瞭な繁殖時期がないと考えられる.卵殻に包まれた胎仔が最長134日海水中で生存し, その成長率は1月当り10-17mmであった.
明仁 坂本 勝一
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.36, no.1, pp.100-112, 1989

The striped goby was characterized by having more than 50 scales in a longitudinal row and 2 black longitudinal bands from the head to the tail. It has been regarded as 1 species since Tomiyarna (1936) grouped several nominal species into one, <I>Tridentiger trigonocephalus</I> (Gill, 1858). But detailed study has revealed that it can be classified into 2 separate species, <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> and <I>Tridentiger bifasciatus</I> Steindachner, 1881, on the basis of the difference mainly in the forms of the sensory canals and pectoral fins and in the coloration. <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> has been collected from Hokkaido to Kyushu in Japan, and in Korea, China, and Hong Kong abroad. It has immigrated into both California, U.S.A., and New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. <I>T. bifasciatus</I> has been collected in the same area as <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> in Japan, and in the Soviet Union, Korea, China, and Taiwan abroad. Both species inhabit brackish and sea water with stony bottoms, and are often found in the same place. However, <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> has seldom been found in very dilute brackish water, and <I>T. bifasciatus</I> has not been found in undiluted sea water. The type specimen of <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> has not been found, but the identification to <I>T. trigonocephalus</I> was decided on the basis of the closeness of the numbers of the 2nd dorsal and anal fin rays to those of the original description, which were 14 and 13, respectively. In addition, the type specimen was collected in the port of Hong Kong, where the water is not diluted and is unlikely to be suitable as habitat for <I>T. bifasciatus</I>.
向井 貴彦 西田 睦
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.52, no.2, pp.133-140, 2005-11-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

The geographical distributions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplo-types in non-indigenous populations of a freshwater goby, Tridentiger brevispinis, were investigated. Although 26 mtDNA haplotypes were obtained from 168 individuals (including a closely-related species, T. obscurus) representing 36 indigenous populations, only two haplotypes (I-Al and III-B1) were found in 59 individuals of T.brevispinis from 12 non-indigenous populations. Many of the latter had the I-Al haplotype, thepopulations being located near indigenous populations having the same haplotype. A non-indigenous population in Lake Biwa had the III-B1 haplotype, the lake being close to the natural distribution area of that haplo-type. Thus, the non-indigenous populations of T. brevispinis may have become es-tablished following artificial transplantations from nearby populations. The III-B 1 haplotype, however, was also scattered throughout geographically-distant, non-in-digenous populations, its dispersal possibly having been a consequence of trans-plantation of Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis), from Lake Biwa, accompanied by T. brevispinis. However, the primary cause of the expansion of non-indigenous goby populations retains unclear.
松宮 由太佳 渡辺 勝敏 井口 恵一朗 岩田 祐士 山本 軍次 西田 睦
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.48, no.2, pp.93-107, 2001-11-26 (Released:2010-06-28)

Freshwater-fish fauna of the Minami River system, Reinan Region, Fukui Prefecture, Japan, was investigated in 1998. Forty-five species in 14 families (including those newly recorded, such as Rhinogobius flumineus) were identified in the present research. Combined with data previously reported, a total of 55 species in 16 families, which included 36 primary and diadromous freshwater species (11 families), composed the fish fauna that could be considered naturally distributed in this river system. Compared to the richer fish fauna in western Japan regions, that of the Minami River system, representative of the Reinan Region, is poorer, and composed of peripheral fish fauna. The construction of many weirs and dams along the river system have prevented fish migration, causing more or less distinct fish assemblages to form in each of the upper, middle and lower reaches. Also, a number of species which inhabit small tributaries and/or irrigation channels in the Minami River System, such as Tanakia limbata, Acheilognatus tabira subsp.1 (sensu Hosoya, 1993), Lefua echigonia, Oryzias latipes, and the `nagare-hotokedojo'L. sp.(sensu Hosoya, 1993), have been threatened with extinction.
渡辺 勝敏 前田 洋志
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.41, no.4, pp.409-420, 1995-02-21 (Released:2010-06-28)

遺伝学的に別種であることが示されている日本産ギギ科魚類2種, Pseudobagrus aurantiacus (Temminck and Schlegel) (アリアケギバチ) とそのシノニムとして扱われてきたP. tokiensis Döderlein (ギバチ) について, 模式標本を含む多数の標本を基に両種を再記載し, 形態比較を行った.その結果, P. aurantiacusは, より高い背鰭, 胸鰭棘前縁を広く覆う顕著な鋸歯列, 外向きの1-3歯を伴うより高密度な同後縁鋸歯列, より幅広い上後頭骨突起, 上後頭骨突起と同程度の長さの大きな上神経骨, 幅広い擬鎖骨後方突起 (後端>20°), 外翼状骨から大きく離れた舌顎骨前縁より明瞭な若魚の体斑パターン, 等によってP. tokiensisから区別された.
黒田 長禮
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.2, no.6, pp.271-284, 1953-03-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

The present article contains an introductory notes on Lake Biwa with some notes on the fishes, a brief history of the study on the fishes of this lake, from 1806 to the most recent (1951), and a complete list of the fishes of Lake Biwa (45 species and subspecies found in the lake itself, in addition to two species found near this lake and 13 introduced species) with their distribution records in Japan and the neighbouring couneries.The mark × indicates simply the occur ence of the species or forms found in the region named at the top of the column and the mark _??_, that the same is known to be found as an introduced species in the region.Next I have given the names of localities around or near Lake Biwa with the names of collected fishes in old and new records.Lastly, in my conclusion concerning the distribution of these fresh water fishes found in this lake, I have noted two endemic forms: Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens and Chaenogobius annularis isaza; 19 species are confined to the Japanese waters, and most of the remaining ones (about 30) are common to the Asiatic Continent in their distribution.
渡辺 勝敏 高橋 洋 北村 晃寿 横山 良太 北川 忠生 武島 弘彦 佐藤 俊平 山本 祥一郎 竹花 佑介 向井 貴彦 大原 健一 井口 恵一朗
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.53, no.1, pp.1-38, 2006-05-25 (Released:2010-06-28)

The biogeography of freshwater fishes in Japan was reviewed in terms of achievements and perspectives. In the last three decades, biogeographic studies have changed from earlier descriptions of the freshwater fish fauna, based on the Linnean classification system, to phylogenetic approaches using various molecular markers. Especially, the phylogeographic approach, which explores the formation of geographic distribution patterns of genealogical lineages within species, has become predominant. Analyses of genuine freshwater fishes have disclosed their speciation and dispersal patterns throughout temperate East Asia since the Neogene, along with the formation of the Japanese Archipelago. In particular, molecular clocks of mitochondrial DNA have played an important role in examinations of biogeographic relationships between the Japanese Archipelago and Chinese continent/Korean Peninsula, and vicariance by Fossa Magna in central Honshu Island. Patterns of range expansion through the sea and landlocking in coldtemperature euryhaline fishes have indicated their speciation and distribution dynamics under the fluctuating climatic conditions of the Plio-Pleistocene. Likewise, phylogeographic implications of unusual biological entities arising from interspecific hybridization or gynogenesis have been discussed. Nevertheless, despite the emphases given to some groups, the present knowledge of phylogeographic patterns of Japanese freshwater fishes is for the most part still insufficient for quantitative analyses of the overall history of the freshwater fish fauna and geographic regions of Japan. Improved research techniques and methodologies for the integration of findings from multiple taxa and/or genes are essential. Further, evolutionary formation of distributional ranges should be considered together with ecological biogeography, including the processes of local adaptation, interspecific interaction and extinction. Modern day disturbances of freshwater fish distributions, including fish transportation, are rapidly leading to artificial distribution patterns and extinctions. Exhaustive phylogeographic analyses should be necessary as a primary requirement for conserving freshwater fish biodiversity in Japan.