アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.14, no.2, pp.313-329, 2015

人民戦争を生きた治療師たち<BR>中村 友香<BR><BR>「客人たちの父」預言者イブラーヒームのおもてなし―パレスチナ自治区・ヘブロン/ハリールの食事配給施設を訪ねて―<BR>山本 健介<BR><BR>「目覚めた人」が,日々瞑想し続ける理由<BR>松岡 佐知<BR><BR>ブルネイの人々がめざす新しい経済―イスラーム金融に寄せられる期待を描く―<BR>上原健太郎
原口 佳典
一般社団法人 日本支援対話学会
支援対話研究 (ISSN:21882177)
vol.1, pp.23-36, 2013

西垣 悦代
一般社団法人 日本支援対話学会
支援対話研究 (ISSN:21882177)
vol.1, pp.7-22, 2013

This article examines the origin, history, development, definition, and issues of health coaching in Japan and in western countries, and discusses the potential to develop evidence-based health coaching in Japan.As there is no suitable Japanese translation for 'coach' and 'coaching', these terms have been adopted using similar Japanese pronunciation 'koochi' and 'koochingu'. The etymology of the English word 'coach' is mentioned in many Japanese books and articles regarding coaching: it is derived from a Hungarian word kocsi, originally meaning a vehicle driven by horses, and later, private tutor. Some describe the English meaning of the word as escorting an important person to the place where he/she wishes to go, but this definition is not correct. It was not until the 1980s when psychological theories entered the practice of sport coaching in Japan. Griffith, who is called the father of sport psychology, was the first to apply psychological theories to sport training in the 1920s. However, these theories were not widely acknowledged until the 1960s. Given that Griffith's book was not translated into Japanese, sports and psychology did not interface with each other until Takeda, K., a clinical psychologist trained in the United States who was also a well-known college football manager, first wrote a book entitled "Psychology of Coaching" in 1982 in Japanese. Unfortunately, his ideas were not widespread in the field of sport management in Japan.The Human Potential Movement (HPM) in the United States, which initiated various self-awareness training programs, also had an influence on Japan. There were many self-awareness training companies in Japan in the 1970s and 1980s. The first Japanese coaching company was established in 1997 and licensed by the Coach University (Coach U) founded by Leonard, T.. The founder of this company, Ito, M., also ran a self-awareness training company since 1980. In 1990, Ghosn, C., the CEO of Nissan, an automobile company, successfully incorporated a coaching program into managerial training in his company. This attempt shed light on the potential of applying coaching to the business field in Japan.Bachkirova, T. pointed out that the definition and objectives of coaching are not clear enough to distinguish it from mentoring and counseling. Many coaching companies in Japan adapted the definition of professional coaching according to the International Coach Federation (ICF), which states that professional coaching is a partnership between a coach and client that focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change. However, the majority of Japanese coaching books targeting non-professional readers define coaching as simply a collection of communication skills. Health coaching is very popular among Japanese health professionals, in particular, among nurses. There are currently about 40 health-related coaching books written in Japanese, as well as almost 600 academic articles about coaching in the health and medical fields. However, there are no theory-oriented books, and only 8 academic articles relate to clinical trials with control groups.Psychologists are now contributing to make coaching more theory-oriented and evidence-based. Some countries have academic societies for coaching psychology, and conferences are held internationally. However, the commitment to this emerging field among Japanese psychologists is still very limited. In the future, cooperation between Japanese psychologists and coaching psychologists in western countries should be encouraged to accelerate the spread of more evidence-based coaching in Japan.
横山 シヅ
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.25, no.7, pp.545-550, 1974

1) 日勤の看護婦の家事労働集中時間帯は一般共働き婦人と同傾向を示す.<BR>2) 準夜勤の場合の掃除, 洗たくは午前中, 買物, 夕食準備は午後4時までに行われる.<BR>3) 深夜勤あけの日中はまず睡眠をとることにより疲労を回復し, 家事は二次的に行われている.仮眠率は拡大家族より核家族, とくに子どものない家族が高率である.<BR>4) 休日は洗たく, 掃除は午前中, 買物は午後の時間帯に行われるが, 準夜勤の場合より集中度が低く, 家庭婦人に近似する.<BR>三交代制の看護婦の就労を可能にするためには, 勤務形態の1サイクルの中で睡眠時間も家事時問も充足させることが必要である.そのためには個々の家庭が適応した生活のパターンを形成することが必要であろう.さらに社会的条件としては看護婦の待遇改善をし, 勤務時間を短縮させることがいっそう重要である.
vol.[6], 1801
曲山人 (三文舎自楽) 著
vol.2編, 1882

4 0 0 0 OA 刑罪大秘録

vol.全, 1836
根津 朋実 井上 正允 田中 統治
カリキュラム研究 (ISSN:0918354X)
vol.13, pp.107-120, 2004

This is a case study on a six-year secondary school in Japan, aimed to clarify the function of leadership development within its school festival, especially "Music Festival" that has been done since about 40 years ago. In Japan, there is little study that focus on extra-curricular activities of six-year secondary school. Because the school, called "Chu-Kou-Ikkan-Kou" (in Japanese), is not popular so much in secondary education, though it has been increased little by little within these 5 years. We approached this important research question by case study method, using teacher records, school newspaper, participant observation, and informal interview. In this case, the school, attached to Univ. and boys 6year secondary has almost 50 years history and practice; above all, it has produced a lot of leaders in many fields. The academic achievement of its student is one of the highest in Japan, but we focused on its extra-curricular activities, not academic curriculum, since high academic achievement does not assure student's matured personality at all. We found three facts. (1) The extra-curricular activities of the school has two dimensions of articulation between junior- and senior- high, one is "smoothing" and the other "separating". These dimensions also can be seen in academic curriculum. (2) "Music Festival" has a function as "initiation", especially on junior-high students. (3) The festival has a judgment system with some professional musicians from outside the school. About leadership development, our results are following: a) The school orders each class to elect many leaders. In case of "Music Festival", including conductor, piano player, and committee, b) Many students have experienced some activities as leaders, and then they come to learn that "To be a leader is too difficult without followers". After "Music Festival", they feel like this seriously, and notice the importance of cooperation with other classmates, c) 12-18 years students work hard together for "Music Festival", and their performances of chorus are shown on the same one stage. It represents the range of development strongly to students' mind, especially of junior-high. They become to see high-school student as their "role model" through the festival.
藏中 さやか
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
no.29, pp.135-155, 2015-03

I investigated `Hanada no obi', a poem with words generated partially from the lyrics of 'Saibara', which is a song in the Heian era, and its melody was made in line with the tunes of Gagaku.There have been preliminary studies which focused on and after the medieval period, but did not discuss in detail examples of their application in the central period of poem history. In this paper, I collected and analyzed examples of their application during the years 1000 -1200 to point out the changes, their background and the underlying reasons.At the beginning, the words implied a sense of difference between the sexes, and their usage is limited to situations where females give to males clothes and obis, and they were found in the waka from the former to the latter. This study, however, clarified that such tendencies disappeared by the end of the Heian era.I investigated `Hanada no obi', a poem with words generated partially from the lyrics of 'Saibara', which is a song in the Heian era, and its melody was made in line with the tunes of Gagaku.There have been preliminary studies which focused on and after the medieval period, but did not discuss in detail examples of their application in the central period of poem history. In this paper, I collected and analyzed examples of their application during the years 1000 -1200 to point out the changes, their background and the underlying reasons.At the beginning, the words implied a sense of difference between the sexes, and their usage is limited to situations where females give to males clothes and obis, and they were found in the waka from the former to the latter. This study, however, clarified that such tendencies disappeared by the end of the Heian era.
高野 幹久 湯元 良子
vol.36, no.4, pp.145-153, 2011 (Released:2011-12-13)
3 3

The lung is expected as a promising administration route for protein and peptide drugs. However, information concerning alveolar absorption mechanisms of these high molecular weight drugs is lacking. The alveolar region of the lung is lined with a continuous epithelium comprising of type I and type II epithelial cells, and squamous type I cells cover 90~95% and cuboidal type II cells cover 5~10% of the alveolar surface area. Using primary cultured alveolar type II and transdifferentiated type I cells, however, it was found that type II cells would play a significant role in albumin and insulin endocytosis from the alveolar space. Functional and siRNA studies suggest that albumin is taken up by clathrin-mediated endocytosis in type II cells, while clathrin- and caveolae-independent but dynamin-dependent pathway is involved in insulin endocytosis. The approach to enhance insulin uptake by the alveolar epithelial cells and absorption from the lung is also discussed.

1 0 0 0 OA 山菴襍録 2卷

(明) 釋無慍 撰
vol.[1], 1600
山崎 光子 Yamazaki Mitsuko
県立新潟女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02883686)
vol.21, pp.91-104, 1984-03

沼崎 誠 小口 孝司
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.5, no.1, pp.42-49, 1990-02-20 (Released:2016-11-25)

The present study tried to make a Japanese self-handicapping scale and examined the scale to measure the individual differences in self-handicapping behavior. Subjects were 428 university students. In Study 1, the self-handicapping scale (Jones et al., 1986) was translated into Japanese. The self-handicapping scale was analyzed, its items and structure were checked for reliability, and so on. As a result "SH23" that consists of 23 items was made "SH23" was negatively correlated with self-esteem scales as predicted. In Study 2, the predictive validity was confirmed. Also two factors that are the "can't" factor and the "wouldn't" factor which were extracted in Study 1 were contributed independently to predict self-handicapping behaviors.

1 0 0 0 OA [師守記] 64巻

vol.巻6 紙背, 1339