崔 宗煥 ジョンホァン チェ JONG-HWAN CHOI
西南学院大学経済学論集 (ISSN:02863294)
vol.51, no.1, pp.21-47, 2016-09

金子 文夫
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.109, no.2, pp.275-301, 2016-07

特集 : 韓国経済発展の歴史的条件 : 1960年代日本との比較を中心に1965年の日韓条約締結以後, 韓国は日本, 米国等から資本を導入し, 輸出増進と重化学工業化により高度経済成長を遂げ, 発展途上国段階から中進国段階を経て, 2000年代には先進国段階に移行した。こうした段階変化のなかで日本は経済協力, 民間資本輸出, 貿易等を通じて韓国に大きな影響を与えてきたが, 韓国の対日依存度は徐々に低下し, 日韓関係は垂直的関係から水平的関係に移行していった。しかし, 一方通行の資本輸出, 貿易不均衡の継続等の点で, 日韓関係には依然として非対称的性格が残されている。After the conclusion of the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty in 1965, the Republic of Korea (ROK) achieved high economic growth through the introduction of foreign capital from Japan, the U.S., among others ; an increase in exports; and industrialization of their heavy equipment and chemical firms. ROK transitioned from being a developing country through the stage of a semi-industrialized country to becoming a developed country. Through ODA, capital exports, and trade, Japan had significant influence on this stage-wise transition of ROK. Subsequently, ROK's dependency on Japan gradually decreased. However, asymmetry in the relation between Japan and Korea still remains in terms of one-way capital exports, continuity of trade imbalance, and other economic inequities.
伊藤 麻由
vol.8, pp.14-29, 2016-02-12

金 恩貞
一般財団法人 アジア政経学会
アジア研究 (ISSN:00449237)
vol.62, no.1, pp.9-23, 2016

This paper presents an historical analysis of the policy formation process within the Japanese government regarding the issues of claims between Japan and South Korea (below, "Korea") for the period from February 1951, the start of the first round of Japan-Korea talks, to October 1953, when the talks were suspended. This paper aims at providing an overview of the Japan-Korea talks from a novel perspective via elucidation of the situation within the Japanese government during the early 1950s—a period mostly blank in previous research. The process of forming concrete policies for relations with Korea during this period in Japan was clarified as described below. <BR>The paper first presents its overview findings, while referencing previous research, of the Japanese government's negotiation strategies regarding the Japan-Korea claims issue before the Japan-Korea talks officially began, specifically in regards to how these initial strategies impacted the first round of talks. It was during this period when differences in attitudes towards the claims issue surfaced between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, and considerations are presented regarding the background for such. <BR>Described next is the formation within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the "mutual abandonment of claims 'plus alpha'" concept around the time that the negotiations became locked and had their first suspension. This included the concept of justifying Japan's claims on Korea, with both sides then together abandoning their claims, and Japan agreeing to make monetary payments to Korea while avoiding the nomenclature of "claims." Examination is made of how the processes of discussions within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs converged on this idea, with focus on the interactions of the logic of the Asian Affairs Bureau, which viewed foreign relations with Korea as important, international circumstances at that time, and commitments Japan had to the United States. <BR>Finally, in the midst of opposition between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance regarding policy proposals for the Japan-Korea claims issue, clarification is made as to what kind of arguments were presented that led to the Japanese government's adoption of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' plan as the official policy for negotiating with Korea. The flexible attitude toward Korea by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs due to its emphasis on international relations was taken up as part of the Japanese government's initial Korean strategy, and made possible a conceptual framework for government policy proposals that were more suited for mutual agreement. Also, in tandem with the changing international circumstances on the Korean peninsula, Japan could not avoid improving its relations with Korea, and this served to soften the hardline policy stance that the Ministry of Finance had adopted towards Korea. <BR>When one considers the progression of the debates within the Japanese government, most worthy of notice is that Japan did not abandon its original perceptions towards Korea, but rather conceived a solution that had as its premise exclusion of the term "claims" (literally, "the right to make claims"). It is of deep interest that this concept was similar to that inclusive within the solution of the claims issue in 1965 with the adoption of the "economic cooperation" policy in the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea.
孫 知慧
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
no.9, pp.283-303, 2016-03

東アジアの思想と構造文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点This study purposed to explore the activities of Nakamura Kentaro (1880-?) who stayed in Korea during the period from 1899 to 1945 and was deeply involved in the Buddhist circle of the country. Among his many activites, this study was particuarly focused on his promotion of the Chōsen Bukkyōdan, which continued its activities from the 1920s to the 1940s. Nakamura's activities related to the Chōsen Bukkyōdan shows the purposes of establishing a religious organization in a colony and the directions of activities of such organizations. What is more, they expose the real face of the religious policies of the Government-General of Korea,which promoted 'the oneness of Korea and Japan' through Buddhism. Thus, this study attempted to explain Nakamura's view of Korean Buddhism and the meanings of his activities through the Chōsen Bukkyōdan based on Nakamura's Chōsen seikatsu gojune (1969) and Chōsen Bukkyō, the bulletin of the Joseon Buddhist Mission.
木村 正俊
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.60, no.2, pp.2_50-2_69, 2009 (Released:2013-02-07)

Between the 1950s and 1970s the world politics was dominated by revolutionary movements in the Third World and the hero of the age was Che Guevara. The Palestinian liberation movement emerged in that era. This article analyzes the evolution and devolution of the Palestinian liberation movement by regarding it as one of the revolutionary movements in the Third World.   After discussing general arguments over revolutions in the World Politics, this article treats the development of the Palestinian liberation movement and the change in its attitude toward armed struggle. Armed struggle by the Palestinian national movement and regional politics in the Middle East influenced each other. Armed struggle by Palestinian guerrilla groups stimulated the 1967 War, which resulted in changes in their attitude toward armed struggle and the shift in the agent of liberation.   The Palestinian Revolution encouraged the Lebanese Civil War. The coalition group between the Palestinian liberation movement and Lebanese progressive groups was opposed to the Lebanese conservative groups. The 1982 War had a crucial effect on the fate of the Palestinian Revolution.
松森 晶子
日本語の研究 (ISSN:13495119)
vol.13, no.1, pp.1-17, 2017-01-01 (Released:2017-07-01)

首里方言の「iːʧi息, uːʃi臼, wuːki桶」に代表されるように, 北琉球(奄美大島から沖縄本島まで)の各地には, 一部の2音節名詞の語頭音節の母音が長くなっている体系がある。この長音節の出現にアクセントが関与していることは, 服部(1932)によってはじめて指摘された。さらに服部(1979)は, その長音節が日本祖語(本稿の日琉祖語)の段階から存在していたことを論じた。本稿は, この2音節名詞の語頭に見られる長音節は, (日琉祖語ではなく)北琉球祖語の段階であらたに生じた, という仮説を提示する。本稿では, この長音節発生の原因は北琉球祖語のアクセント体系に求められるとし, これは(1)同じ体系内の単独形が似た他の型との区別のため, そして(2)体系内の同系列の3音節名詞と同じ型を内部に実現させるため, という2つの理由により生じた, という仮説を提示する。