呉座 勇一

吉田 順一
Society of Inner Asian Studies
内陸アジア史研究 (ISSN:09118993)
vol.31, pp.1-26, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-05-26)

This paper presents a study on crop farming agriculture of the Mongol nomads in the Mongolian highlands. The paper essentially concludes that both the nomadic Mongols of Eastern Inner Mongolia and the Khalkha Mongol nomads, who widely inhabit the central and northern parts of the Mongolian highlands, have been sharing a number of common features since the Mongol Empire, demonstrating particularly strong connection to millet – such as prefixing the Mongolian word for "millet" with the predicate "Mongol", referring to "millet" with the single word "Mongol", and predominantly cultivating millet. They also use the same cultivation method that does not interfere with their nomadic lifestyle and consists in sowing seeds after the rainy season in early summer just before leaving for summer pastures (with no irrigation or random irrigation) and harvesting on their return from the pastures before autumn frosts set in (in Eastern Inner Mongolia this traditional type of farming is called "namuγ tariy-a"). This method differs from the one adopted in the Western Mongolian highlands inhabited mostly by Oirat nomads who learned crop farming from the Bukharans and mainly cultivate cereals with substantial irrigation.
日下田 岳史
no.102, pp.290-318, 2017-03-15
川井田 豊 福留 清博 上嶋 明 西 智洋 松下 寿史
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.36 Suppl. No.2 (第44回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.B3P1321, 2009 (Released:2009-04-25)

【目的】 2007年任天堂からビデオゲーム機Nintendo WiiのコントローラーであるバランスWiiボード(以下Wiiボード)が発売された.端に4つの高性能ストレインゲージ式フォースセンサを内蔵したこのWiiボードは、重心動揺計として機能することが期待できる.臨床の場で重心動揺計は、身体の静的・動的バランスの客観的評価を可能とする.しかしながら、機器が高価であるため、われわれ理学療法士が客観的評価に重心動揺計を用いることは少ない.そこで、低価格なWiiボードをパーソナルコンピューター(以下PC)のMicrosoft Excelから利用できるか、そして重心動揺計として機能するか検討した.【方法】 PCにBluetoothで接続したWiiボードの制御は、公開されているWiimoteLibを利用し、Excelのシートに質量と足圧中心座標値を直接記録できるようにプログラミングした.Wiiボードを重心動揺計として利用できるかを検討するために、AMTI社製BIOMECHANICS PLATFORM BP400600-2000(以下床反力計)を用い、その上にWiiボードを設置し、さらにその上に人(健常成人一名33歳、167cm、78kg)が立ち、床反力計・Wiiボードの両方から重心動揺データを50Hzでサンプリングした.その後、両データに相関があるかを調べた.なお、Wiiボードの出力を、15kg、30kg、45kg、60kg、70kgの重錘を用い床反力計を基準として較正した.この研究は鹿児島大学医学部疫学・臨床研究等倫理委員会の承認を得て実施した.【結果】 ExcelからWiiボードを制御できることを確認した.こうして得たWiiボード出力と床反力計出力(質量)との間には相関係数0.999を得た.重心動揺では、前後方向座標値、左右方向座標値の相関係数が共に0.989であり、回帰直線の傾きはバランスWiiボードに対して前後方向が0.996、左右方向が0.987、と傾きはほぼ1であった.【考察】 今回の結果より、Wiiボードと床反力計両者の足圧中心座標値の相関関係は前後方向左右方向共に0.989と線形性を前提とした回帰分析を許すことがわかった.さらに、回帰直線の方程式も、足圧中心座標値は前後方向の傾きが0.996、左右方向は0.987と、両座標値はわずか1%の差しかなく、よく一致していることがわかる.以上の結果から、Wiiボードは重心動揺計と同じ機能を有するといえる.それにもかかわらず、Wiiボードは実売価格9000円程度と安価であり、数百万円する床反力計と同じ測定結果が得られたことは、理学療法における重心動揺計を利用した客観的評価の観点から普及・利用が期待できる.
笹部 昌利
仏教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.8, pp.25-44, 2001-03

The theme of this paper is to analyze the contribution of Sanetomi Sanjo (三条実美) towards the growth of political awareness and its subsequent utilization in his political campaign. Sanetsumu Sanjo (三条実万), Sanetomi's father, and Oribe Tomita (富田織部), a feudatory of his family, were his mentors. His growing involvement with political issues led him to interfer with the personal affairs of the Imperial Court, and to request dispatching a "tyokushi" (勅使) delegation to the Tokugawa Shogunate in Bunkyu 2 (1862). In September of Bunkyu 2 (1862), Sanetomi himself was appointed as tyokushi. As a result of this important appointment, his influence gradualry increased and he secured himself the right to speak in the "tyougi" ( 朝議 ) administration meetings. Sanetomi's infuluence was further boosted when he led a special mission requesting "zyoui"(攘夷) to the Tokugawa Shogunate. His involvement led the Imperial court nobles and state daimyos (大名) to recorgnise. Sanetomi as a leader of the "zyoui" campaign. As a result, his authority in Kyoto was entrenched and deepened by the support of the "Choshu-han Mouri family", as they themselves had vested interest in Sanetomi's influence and "zyoui" campaign. In August of Bunkyu 3 (1863), the Mouri family was expelled from the government. As a result, Sanetomi also decided to settle with the Mouri family in Yamaguchi thereby showing symbolicially his identification with Mauri family struggle for political justice. After the Meiji Restoration, Mouri family was given recognition and political justice for their efforts in the "zyoui" campaign. As a result, Sanetomi's contribution was also acknowledge and he was emerged as a radical politician of modern Japan.

11 0 0 0 OA ワルラスと国家

御崎 加代子
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.30, no.30, pp.55-62, 1992 (Released:2010-08-05)

Léon Walras founded his Political Economy on the idea of “equality” of the French Revolution. He concluded the economic inequality principally resulted from the landownership, and the solution he gave to this problem was the nationalization of land.Concerning the equality between the capitalist and working classes, Walras belived the free competition would realize that in a double sense. First, it would cause the assimilation of the two classes, which means “the equality in fact”. And secondly, the free competition would play the role of the imparitial and transcendental judge in the determination of the rate of wage and interest, which would bring “the equality in right” of the two classes.But Walras's concept of free competition was not only an “ideal type ” based on an obsevation of the real economic order but also a norm which was to be realized universally.His “économie politique appliquée” was given the role of organizing the free competition in a society on the basis of the conclusion of his “économie politique pure”, but regarding the labour market, he could not show concretely how to organize the free competition.Moreover, Walras's entrepreneur, which the state should take on in the real world, was expected to realize the idea of equality by observing the just output so that no “bénéfice” could be gained.
育徳財団 編
vol.1帖1冊, 1929