中田 考
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.5, pp.281-308, 1990-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

The Sunnite jurisprudence defines the rbellion as "revolt against the ruler by force according to their ta'wil." Jurists come to this notion through their understanding of the wars following the death of the Prophet. Ibn Taimiya says that they confound wars of three different categories, i.e., Abu Bakr's wars against the Apostates, the Civil wars, and 'Ali's wars against the Kharijite, and consequently they consider all of them revolts against the ruler, and that subjugating them is obligatory, if they persist. Ibn Taimiya criticizes this conception, and says that the apostates and Kharijite must be subjugated, but as to civil wars, withdrawal from them is better. According to Ibn Taimiya, jurists' idea of "rebellion" stems from this confusion, and it is supposed to be treated as a civil war from which muslims had better abstain. Ibn Taimiya does not only criticize jurists, but also presents his alternative, which is "deviation from the shari'a," namely, muslims must fight not "rebels against a certain ruler," but "factions deviating from the shari'a."
大沢 真理 シャイア カレン マルガリータ エステベス=アベ 阿部 彩 金 英

森 正人
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.61, no.1, pp.1-22, 2009 (Released:2018-01-10)
3 2

This article traces some trajectories of social and cultural geography since the end of the 1980s to the early 2000s and attempts to explain how the geography of materiality has become a matter in current Anglophone geography, especially in the United Kingdom. Although the new cultural geography of Japan redefines social and cultural geography and focuses on discursive practices and representations, in Japan there is low awareness of discussions on post-humanism, which is a topic in Anglophone geography. Anglophone geography consists of topics such as materiality, performativity, complexity theory, and actor-network theory. There is no paper in the Japanese or English literature in Japan that discusses such topics. Hence, this article attempts to establish a framework to facilitate the discussion of topics such as those mentioned above.To begin with, the process of development of the new cultural geography is detailed in order to review the questions raised towards the end of the 1980s on both sides of the Atlantic. The new social and cultural geography has progressed beyond the conventional understanding of culture, which is sustained by traditional cultural geography, stressing the complex relation between culture, economy and politics, and has also served to underline the crisis in geographical representations associated with anthropological discussions. In this consideration, moral geography, which forms webs of ideologies through space, place, and landscape, is examined. There have been criticisms of the new cultural geography, of which a problem of reification of the idea of culture is noted here. However, the controversy around this criticism seemingly still retains a problem of metaphysics, and rigidly assumes the existence of ‘subject’ and ‘object’. Phil Crang’s paper that intends to combine the cultural aspect with economic geography implies the idea of culture and economy as something performed. It states that there is no linearity or predetermined harmony among cultural, economic and political practices. This point of view was amplified in some lines of discussions in the late 1990s.Second, theoretical frameworks for performativity, hybridity, ethics, non-representational theory, complexity theory, and actor-network theory are outlined in this essay. The power of things, women, nature, etc. that have been objectified is included as these discussions revolve around the issue of western metaphysics which continually attempts to establish a rigid division between the subject and the object. The distinction has been always/already mediated by the corporeal. The traces left by the corporeal or things reveals the impossibility of the execution of the project of western metaphysics. Ethics are centered, instead of moral geography, to grasp the entanglement of humans and non-humans.Third, criticism of the material turn that occurred at the end of the 1990s is studied. The discussion on materiality became a critical vehicle to overcome the weakness of verbal analysis. Mike Crang’s papers on heritage show that materiality emerges in various practices and affects people’s memories. Materiality is not only an issue of matter. Subsequently, there is reference to a controversy between Daniel Miller, who influenced the material turn in geography, and Michel Callon, who proposed the actor-network theory. It demonstrates how Miller is captured by the classic Hegelian/Marxist concept: Miller assumes the linearity of ideology in a market and the predominance of the subject over the object. It is, therefore, understandable that some geographers were accused of continuing to retain Hegelian beliefs, i. e., the belief that there is a binary relation between subject/object, spirit/thing, and human/nature.(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

17 0 0 0 OA 軍事と科学

池内 了
公益財団法人 日本学術協力財団
学術の動向 (ISSN:13423363)
vol.22, no.7, pp.7_40-7_46, 2017-07-01 (Released:2017-11-03)
松田 澄子
山形県立米沢女子短期大学附属生活文化研究所報告 (ISSN:0386636X)
no.45, pp.21-36, 2018-03-15


13 0 0 0 OA 書評

日合 文雄 種村 秀紀 北詰 正顕 塩田 隆比呂
一般社団法人 日本数学会
数学 (ISSN:0039470X)
vol.53, no.2, pp.209-221, 2001-04-26 (Released:2008-12-25)

10 0 0 0 OA 本草綱目

(明)李時珍//撰, (明)李建中//図
vol.第6冊(第5-7巻), 1590
田中 智子 坂本 須美子 岩月 聡史 茶山 健二
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.44, no.6, pp.375-380, 2011 (Released:2014-04-25)

セレンは必須微量元素の1つで健康増進作用や疾病予防作用,とりわけガンの発生や転移を抑制することで,注目を集めている元素である。食品中のセレン含有量を水素化物発生原子吸光法を用い測定した。測定条件は,NIST SRM-1568 aの米粉を用い認証値 380±40 ppbに対し,382±17 ppbで妥当性を確認した。41種類の豆腐中セレン含有量を測定した結果,国産と中国産大豆を用いた豆腐中セレン含有量は低く,カナダ・アメリカ産大豆を用いた豆腐は高かった。きな粉を測定した結果も,大豆の原産国がアメリカのセレン含有量は高く,国産大豆のきな粉は低くかった。
藤原 麻優子
西洋比較演劇研究 (ISSN:13472720)
vol.17, no.1, pp.19-34, 2018 (Released:2018-04-01)

Since the debut of Musical The Prince of Tennis in 2003, stage musicals adapted from two-dimensional media such as manga and anime have gained remarkable popularity in Japan. These “2.5 dimensional musicals” are unique in many ways: they require a comparatively low budget, inexperienced actors, a remarkably simple stage set and demonstrate loyalty to the original material. In these ways, they are distinct from the more conventional and imported musical productions performed at major Japanese commercial theaters. Among the unique characteristics of 2.5 dimensional musicals, one of the most distinct is its principle of the adaptation. To adapt the original material from page to stage, musicals can either remain faithful to or deviate from the original material. In conventional musicals, faithfulness to the original material is not their main purpose. Writers cut, change and adapt the original material to serve their purpose and create “original” shows. Conversely, in 2.5 dimensional musicals, faithfulness to the original material is of great importance. The name of the genre itself suggests the importance and uniqueness of the ideals of the adaptation; 2.5 dimensional musicals strive to remain faithful to the original manga/anime image and create an effect that allows the audience to perceive what they see as two-dimensional even though the performance itself is undeniably happening in three-dimensional theater space. The latter characteristic prompted the emergence of the name “2.5 dimensional” musicals. Although its two-dimensionality has attracted notice, the fact that the performances have also been set to music and dance has been overlooked - in some cases, both musical and non-musical shows have been classified as “2.5 dimensional musicals.” To analyze the characteristics of the 2.5 dimensional musical, this study will compare Musical The Prince of Tennis with mainstream musicals such as Beauty and the Beast (1994) More than ten productions have been made of Musical The Prince of Tennis series; this paper focuses on the opening numbers of those productions. In conventional musicals, opening numbers are expected to function as an important part of the show. Opening numbers set the context, introduce characters, direct the story, present the theme, and essentially, open the show. This study aims to reveal the characteristics of Musical The Prince of Tennis and investigate how musical numbers work in those shows through comparison of the elements that characterize opening numbers.
長谷川 丈 杉山 大介 熊坂 美紀子 菱沼 美和子 松尾 公美子 井出 壮一郎 田中 聡 鬼頭 剛
一般社団法人 日本ペインクリニック学会
The journal of the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians = 日本ペインクリニック学会誌 (ISSN:13404903)
vol.15, no.2, pp.144-149, 2008-04-25
