水上 直紀 鶴岡 慶雅
vol.2014, pp.48-55, 2014-10-31

藤森 かよこ Kayoko Fujimori
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.21, pp.55-82, 2007-03-15

What is called "American feminism" in this article means liberal feminismor radical feminism. Many critics, especially French ones such as ElizabethBadinter and Emmanuel Todd, underestimate American feminism in the pointthat its pro-violence tendency hinders feminism from its mature developmentand further prevalence. This article does not share their view. As explainedlater, the pro-violence attitude of American feminism might be able to present aprototype of "a citizen of the world" in the coming (?) borderless, post-nationstatesworld promoted by globalization. Here "globalization" does not mean thelatest stage of American imperialism. Here globalization is "the process of increasinginterconnectedness between societies such that events in one part ofthe world more and more have effects on peoples and societies far away."It is true that not a few of American feminists regard violence as one of theiroptions to protect themselves. American radical feminists such as Naomi Wolfand D. A. Clarke assert that women should not hesitate to counterattack againstdomestic violence and other sexual violence. Paxton Quigley recommendswomen's owing guns against crimes. Martha McCaughey, a physical feminist, advocateswomen's going into training in martial arts for self-defense. The NationalOrganization for Women (NOW), which is a representative of liberal feminists inUSA, is positive about woman soldiers' service in war battles for national defense.Yet they are not especially pro-violent, because their attitude is necessarilyresulted from American core values.Some American feminists regard their position as "militia" or contemporarycitizen soldiers. Militia is a military force that engages in a rebel or terrorist activitiesin opposition to a regular army. Militiamen, ordinary people with theirown guns used for their hunting for food (never for pleasure) won the victory inthe American War of Independence, though some researches say that it is nothingbut a myth, not a historical fact. Myth or fact, in this point, militia symbolizesAmerican core values : freedom, independence, individualism, equality and democracy.Once American people feel that their "unalienable Rights, that amongthese are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" are threatened by others,governments or any organizations or individuals, they might be ready to use theirown weapons. Weapon ownership is a key aspect of citizenship under democraticgovernment for some American people. They believe that the Constitution ofthe United States of America supports their view.Certainly Amendment 2 of Bill of Rights enacted in 1791 says "A well regulatedMilitia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the peopleto keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The survey of ABC News in2002 shows that seventy three percent of the American citizens think thatAmendment 2 guarantees their right to keep and bear weapons for self defense.American people against gun control are not only what antigun critics call "gunenthusiasts." According to one research, gun owners believe that society is aviolent place; so they prepare for the possibility of doing violence themselves ;they view this position to be the most responsible one they have to take in relationto their own safety ; they are also aware that many oppressive governmentsdo not permit firearms to be owned by the general people, because gun ownershipcan potentially threaten the government through a citizens' revolt. SomeAmerican feminists share this view with gun owners.This article does not mean that American feminists' pro violence attitudeshould be positively considered because their views are resulted from Americancore values. Even if American feminists regard themselves as militiawomen,contemporary citizen soldiers, such kind of attitude can be called caricatural.There is a hypothesis that the peripheral members in a given society try to moreradically embody the society's most sweeping ideologies than the central members.American feminists who try to be regular citizens, never "second citizens",may be more stimulated to achieve American core values as completely as possible.We should notice that this kind of caricatural American feminists providesus with a prototype of a citizen of the coming world developed by globalization,where order in world politics emerges not from a balance of power among nationstatesbut from the interactions between many layers of governing arrangements.Nation-states demand its constituency to be subject to their policies andlaws, and in exchange for its subordination, they are supposed to offer their peoplebenefits and protection. But history has been showing the examples thatnation-states could be the worst oppressor and violator for people. However,globlization might permit people to traffic the many layers of governing institutions,depending on their own needs and profits. Then, nation-states will be ableto be optional, not fatal.The political philosophy of the coming, globalized world is the most radicalform of republicanism, also called civic humanism. The coming world might beable to be the most expanded republic, a new world order governed by and forthe people. Then, people will not be able to rely on nation-states as their protectors,if people don't want state interference. In other words, future citizens ofthe world must be ready to be citizen soldiers, caricatured form of militia,"American feminists." As citizens of a republic, American feminists who premisethat they can't trust the government and its agents, do not invite the state to beresponsible for their safety, even though dependency is so seductive.Some people wonder if such a world can be the greatest prison, the mostelaborate "Matrix" controlled by invisible power. Whether the biggest republic,the new world order may be utopian dystopian, a pro-violent, pro-counterattackAmerican feminist is a prototype of a citizen of the post-nation-states world.
有賀 秀子
vol.1357, no.159, pp.6-7, 1992-10-01
上西園 武良 小柳 孝裕
新潟国際情報大学情報文化学部紀要 (ISSN:24238465)
vol.2, pp.96-102, 2016-04-01

缶入りコーンポタージュスープは、冬場の缶入りスープとして定着しており、幅広い年代の人に飲用されている。しかし、飲用後に缶内に粒コーンが残留し、粒コーンを全て飲み干すことができない、というユーザビリティ上の問題ある。この問題に対して、缶形状の改良やスープ粘度の調整などが提案されている。しかし、これら従来の研究では、本来注目すべき飲用時におけるユーザ動作に関して十分な解析がなされていない。そこで本研究では、飲用時におけるユーザ動作の人間工学的な解析を行い、飲用後の粒コーンの残留要因を明らかにした。まず、飲用時のユーザ動作の特徴と残留コーン数の関係を29 名の被験者実験によって明らかにした。この結果、残留コーン数は、種々のユーザ動作の特徴の中で、ユーザが何回に分けてスープを飲用するかの回数(以下では「飲む回数」)と強い相関(相関係数R=0.82)があることを見出した。さらに、この「飲む回数」とそのときの「缶の傾斜角度」を用いて模擬的な動作パターンを作成し、これを用いることで、被験者実験を行うことなく、残留コーン数に対するユーザ挙動を再現できることを示した。次に、缶内の粒コーンの挙動を観察するため、可視化を行った。金属缶は透明樹脂により透明化し、スープに関しては、ほぼ同一の粘性・密度を持つ透明液で置き換えた。これによって、飲用時における粒コーンの動きを観察可能にした。最後に、上記の模擬的な動作パターンを可視化した缶・スープで実行することにより、飲用時に粒コーンが残留する主要因は、飲み口の段差に粒コーンが引っかかってしまうことであることを実験的に明らかにした。
Sachiko Kanamori Taeko Abe Takuma Ito Keita Emura Lihua Wang Shuntaro Yamamoto Le Trieu Phong Kaien Abe Sangwook Kim Ryo Nojima Seiichi Ozawa Shiho Moriai
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.63, no.12, 2022-12-15

To tackle financial crimes including fraudulent financial transactions (FFTs), money laundering, illegal money transfers, and bank transfer scams, several attempts have been considered to employ artificial intelligence (AI)-based FFT detection systems, particularly, deep learning-based ones. However, to the best of our knowledge, no federated learning systems using real transaction data among financial institutions have been implemented so far. This is because there are several issues to be addressed as follows: (1) it is difficult to prepare sufficient amount of transaction data for training by one financial institution (e.g., a local bank), and a small amount of dataset does not promise high accuracy for detection, (2) each transaction data contains personal information, and thus it is restricted by Act on the Protection of Personal Information in Japan to provide the transaction data to a third party. In this paper, we introduce out demonstration experimental results of privacy-preserving federated learning with five banks in Japan: the Chiba Bank, Ltd., MUFG Bank, Ltd., the Chugoku Bank, Ltd., Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Ltd., and the Iyo Bank, Ltd. As the underlying cryptographic tool, we proposed a privacy-preserving federated learning protocol which we call DeepProtect, for detecting fraudulent financial transactions. Briefly, DeepProtect allows parties to execute the stochastic gradient descent algorithm using a set of techniques for the privacy-preserving deep learning algorithms (IEEE TIFS 2018, 2019). In the demonstration experiments, we built machine learning models for detecting two types of financial frauds ― detecting fraudulent transactions in customers/victims' accounts and detecting criminals' bank accounts. We show that our federated learning system detected FFTs that could not be detected by the model built using the dataset from a single bank and detected criminals' bank accounts before the bank actually froze them.------------------------------This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal ofInformation Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. Thisarticle should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.30(2022) (online)DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.30.789------------------------------
松谷 綾子 左右田 裕生 関 啓子
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 看護学・リハビリテーション学編 = Studies in nursing and rehabilitation (ISSN:18825788)
no.2, pp.51-58, 2009-03-19

井島ワッシュバーン パトリック
崇城大学芸術学部研究紀要 (ISSN:18839568)
no.15, pp.5-21, 2021

This study examines how oni, demon-like creatures of Japanese folklore, are expressed in the popular Japanese comic series “Kimetsu no Yaiba” by Gotouge Koyoharu serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2016 to 2021 by applying a framework called Monster Theory. The publication of this theory advocated by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and made up of seven theses regarding the nature of monsters, marked the beginning of a surge in popularity of studies and research related to monsters in Europe and the United States and is a theory that attempts to clarify the meanings of monsters that appear in various modern media creations. Previous studies have shown that the presence of monsters has been useful as an indicator of social normative and non-normative distinctions, but such analyses have been primarily focused on the explication of literature and cinema. In this study, I would like to provide an example of the application of monster theory to the graphic narrative format-specifically the medium of Japanese comics. As “Kimetsu no Yaiba” provides nuanced expressions of oni, monsters that have a long history in Japan and are tied intimately to various aspects of Japanese culture past and present, it will serve as a worthy example of a robust application of the Monster Theory framework to the graphic narrative format. Through such application, I would like to develop a deeper understanding of the psychology that society has toward the self and the Other and uncover examples of alternative viewpoints within the work related to the attitudes the author thinks people should hold in regard to the self and those Others.First, I will give a short introduction to Monster Studies and Monster Theory and its applications, especially to the medium of comics. Then I will discuss the evolution of the monster’s role in society and the history of oni in Japan. After describing typical perceptions of oni and traditional representations of oni in Japanese comics, I will delve into how the main characters and oni of “Kimetsu no Yaiba” provide clear examples of several aspects of Cohen’s Monster Theory, and I will give examples that relate to each of the seven theses contained within the Monster Theory framework to expose the potential of the work as a tool for developing new more nuanced attitudes toward the self and the Other.
米地 文夫
総合政策 = Journal of policy studies (ISSN:13446347)
vol.12, no.2, pp.95-113, 2011-07-01

大倉 高志 Takashi Okura
評論・社会科学 = Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review) (ISSN:02862840)
no.99, pp.97-135, 2012-03-15
