大谷 雅夫 藤島 綾 古瀬 蔵 山下 則子 谷川 惠一 海野 圭介
国文研ニューズ = NIJL News (ISSN:18831931)
no.29, pp.1-16, 2012-10-17

●メッセージ柿本人麻呂の挨拶●研究ノート下河辺拾水の伊勢物語挿絵について統合検索システムnihumTと古事類苑データベース●トピックス第5回日本古典文学学術賞受賞者発表第5回日本古典文学学術賞選考講評研究展示「江戸の「表現」-浮世絵文学芸能特別展示「樋口一葉「たけくらべ」自筆原稿展」国文学研究資料館創立四十周年展示通常展示「新収品新寄託品展 古筆のたのしみ」第36回国際日本文学研究集会「再生の文学一日本文学は何を発信できるか一」プロググラム平成24年度サテライト講座第6回文化財保存修復学会業績賞 授賞総合研究大学院大学日本文学研究専攻 入学者募集
西村 史子 Fumiko Nishimura
共立国際研究 : 共立女子大学国際学部紀要 = The Kyoritsu journal of international studies
vol.33, pp.117-130, 2016-03

The purpose of this study is to make it clear how homeschoolers can get the financial assistance from the government in the U.S., focusing on the state tax deduction and tax credit. Only in four states, Minnesota, Illinoi, Louisiana and Indiana, the home schooling families are benefited from the income tax breaks for their education expenses. These states have a couple of characteristics in common. The first is the state church separation clause does not have the sentences to prohibit the tax allowance for the education expenses. The second is 'homeschool' is defined as private school in the state laws. Finally the federal supreme court decisions have tended to support the state financial aid policies such as school vouchers to the k-12 students who choose private or sectarian schools. Based on these cases, there occurs possibilities for the parents who homeschool their children, to get the federal income tax deduction, one of which is known as "Educator Expense Deduction" in the IRC. The teachers working for the public or private schools certified by the states have been eligible for this deduction since 2002. Although the HSLDA has lobbied in the Congress and the Senate, the federal government never admits the homeschoolers can get it.
赤堀 三郎
東京女子大学社会学年報 (ISSN:21876401)
vol.6, pp.47-54, 2018-03-02

日本では近年,不寛容が広がりつつあると言われている.不寛容社会という言葉が使 われることもある.本論文は,社会が不寛容になっているか否かを検証したり,社会の不寛容さを道徳的・倫理的見地から嘆いたり非難したりするものではない.本論文で問うのは,不寛容社会が「どのように観察されているか」である.そしてこのことを通じて,近代化や文明化のもつパラドクシカルな性質を扱うための一般的な枠組を探究する.そのためにここでは,社会を一種の観察者として把握し,その観察の仕方を問う「セカンド・オーダーの観察」の視座に立つ.ここから,次のようなことが言える:
水野 剛也
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.55, no.2, pp.5-16, 2018-03

This research attempts to analyze qualitatively (and partly quantitatively) how comic strips of the three major national newspapers in Japan, Mainichi, Yomiuri, and Asahi, both in morning and in evening editions, portrayed Prime Minister Naoto Kan during his tenure, from June 8, 2010 to September 2, 2011. As the last installment of a five-part series, this article sums up the findings of the entire series and presents conclusions.
広瀬 孝文/ボーチェック ボレスラフ A. Takafumi/Boczek Boleslaw A. Hirose
聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 = Bulletin of Gifu College of Education (ISSN:09160175)
vol.3, pp.28-56, 1976-07-20

This is a study of the relationship between the status of permanent neutrality and the modern system of collective security. The point in question is whether or not the status of permanent. Neutrality is compatible with the system of collective security which requires its members to participate in coercive measures against a common enemy. Based on a number of scholastic arguments presented in the past this is a comparative study of two different arguments : one by Switzerland which is not a member of the United Nations, and the other by Austria which has been a member of the U. N. since 1955. First, it examines these arguments in order to determine why Switzerland and Austria chose different, courses. Then, actual practices of these states in relation to the U. N. are examined in order to probe the possibility or impossibility of the existence of permanent neutrality in the United Nations. It is, then, concluded that, from a legal point of view, there remain many conditions that must be met before a permanently neutral state can become a member of the U. N. without any anxiety. But Austria became a member for her own politicalreasons, and the stability of her status in the U. N. largely depends on the political atmosphere of the organization. Whether a member of the U. N. or not, a permanently neutral state can contribute a great deal to the world peace in its own way.
木村 啓子 Keiko KIMURA 尚美学園大学総合政策学部
尚美学園大学総合政策研究紀要 = Bulletin of policy and management, Shobi University (ISSN:13463802)
vol.29, pp.77-85, 2017-03-31

大学の英語嫌いの学習者の多い英語再履修クラスで、英語への抵抗感を軽減させ、かつ学習効果を上げる試みとして、絵本からの英語多読と多読本の音読等を取り入れて英語のインプット量を増大させることを目標とした授業を1 セメスター間実施した。学期開始時と終了時に行った英語テストの結果をノンパラメトリックテストにかけた結果、9 名という少人数であったこともあり、統計的有意差は確認できなかったものの、英語力向上の効果量は大であることが判明した。また学期終了時に実施したアンケート調査の結果、英語嫌いの度合いが改善されたことが分かった。
柴田 和恵 菊地 美香 シバタ カズエ キクチ ミカ Kazue SHIBATA Mika KIKUCHI
天使大学紀要 = Bulletin of Tenshi College
vol.9, pp.93-99, 2009-06-30

本研究では、看護学生のストレスマネジメント能力を高める支援方略の基礎的資料を得るため、バイオフィードバック(以下BF)法訓練中の生理的指標(心拍数)とコヒーレンス比率との関連、およびBF 法の初回訓練直前と最終訓練直後での心理的指標(気分や感情、認知判断の傾向)の変化を明らかにすることを目的とする。対象は、A大学看護学科1年生18名で、BF 訓練は1回5~10分、週3回、3週間実施し、心拍数とコヒーレンス比率の関連をSpearmanの順位相関係数を用い、POMS 短縮版とLOC の得点比較をWilcoxonの符号付順位和検定を行った。その結果、BF 法訓練中のコヒーレンス比率と心拍数が負の相関を示し、BF 法訓練後に「活気」を除く気分・感情陰性要因すべてが有意に低減した。また、内的統制志向群は、外的統制志向群に比べて、気分・感情陰性要因への影響を受けやすい傾向があった。BF 法訓練は看護学生のストレスマネジメント能力向上に期待できることが示唆された。
富樫 ひとみ Hitomi TOGASHI
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University (ISSN:13426370)
vol.49, pp.187-198, 2015

This study is to discuss contemporary significance of youth volunteer activities and new roles of volunteer coordination institution,using examples from a volunteer coordination institution in Germany.From the results of the survey,it revealed that volunteer activities have two significances,one is an educational function and the other is acquisition and enhancement of social capital.From these significances,I think it is our right to do volunteer activity.And I think that volunteer coordination institution have four roles.The first role is to coordinate.The second role is to promote securing fairness for opportunities to participate in volunteer activities.The third role is to promote of educational function.The fourth role is to increase the volunteer actors for the promotion of symbiosis society.