石鎚 英也
情報科学研究 (ISSN:02866048)
vol.30, pp.1-34, 2010-03-01

It is widely known that various anomalies and stylized facts go with stock prices. Volatility clustering and calendar effects in price time series are well-known examples. Some traders take advantage of such market distortions to increase their profits or reduce the risks of trading. Pairs trading is one of their practical and typical ways. In this paper, time-series data of stock prices in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange are investigated, and risks in and rewards for pairs trading is evaluated through computer simulation.
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi
no.38, pp.1-37, 2008-07-25

Called Toyoashihara-no-nakatsukuni (豊葦原の中津国) in the mythological age, Japan is described as a country where grass or trees and stones or rocks are fierce and vociferous. Japanese plants and minerals have feelings and express them just like human beings from time immemorial. Since then the Japanese have believed that a tama (soul) subsists in everything that exists on earth. This is the core of Japanese culture, which the Japanese keep still now.There is another system of belief which can never be compatible with this Japanese culture. That is the Buddhist system, which presupposes that minds "transmigrate." When a body dies, the mind leaves it and enters an embryonic germ, and a new life begins. It is only those endowed with a mind that can transmigrate and succeed in becoming a Buddha. Human beings and animals belong to one world and plants and menerals to another. There is a line of demarcation, impossible to get over between the two worlds.The Japanese refuse to accept this point. as it contradicts the principle of Japanese culture. All Japanese leaders of religion agree in removing the line between animals and plants. They deny the Buddhist system of Indian origin. And here appears an interesting character who was unique in maintaining the Japanese principle.Kenchi ( 顯智) was a leader of the followers of Shinran ( 親鸞) in Shimotsuke (下野) from the latter half of the 13th century to beginning of the 14th century. He said that plants are preachers as well as humans. He believed that plants are not different in their nature from human beings. In the view of Kenchi, this was a universal truth and there should be expressions in Buddhist scriptures to support it. He claimed to have found two relevant passages in the Dafodingshoulengyanjing (大佛頂首楞嚴經).In the first passage it is said that plants become humans and humans become plants. It follows that plants and humans are transformed into each other and that plants can become humans at will. In the second passage it is said that clods of earth raised by owls grow into owls and that plant seeds raised by birds grow into birds. It follows that minerals are transformed into animals and plant seeds are transformed into animals. So Kenchi asserted that plants and minerals are regardedas the same in their nature as humans in the Buddhist scripture.It is to be regretted that Kenchi's quotations are beside the point for two reasons. In the first place, the text of the Dafodingshoulengyanjing is not authentic as it was made up by a Chinese writer. The stories of owls raising clods and birds raising seeds have been handed down among the Chinese from the time of Simaqian (司馬遷145_86BC) Secondly, the passages quoted by Kenchi occur in the text as negatve examples. The first one demonstrates the view of the ignorant, and the second one introduces the view of followers of an anti-Buddhist cult.Japanese religious leaders who call themselves advocators of Buddhism are all faithful to their own tradition. In removing a the boundary between animals and plants, they are practical deniers of Buddhism. Among them Kenchi is worthy of our attention. He is so ignorant as to quote passages intended to give counter-examples in an unauthentic Chinese text. Unlike the others, he is unsophisticated and all the easier to understande. His case symbolizes straightforwardly the contradictive aspect observed in the Japanese tradition.
永田 忠靖 Nagata Tadayasu

授与年:2021.03.19 博士論文(神道学)
植野 弘子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.41, pp.377-411, 1992-03-31

杉本広大 平嶋崇大 前川卓也
vol.2014-UBI-44, no.18, pp.1-7, 2014-10-07

水野 暁子 Akiko Mizuno
日本福祉大学子ども発達学論集 = The Journal of child development
vol.6, pp.11-20, 2014-01-31

植物を生物と思えるようになるには, 生物教育として何が重要かを探るため, 昨年度 (水野 2013) と同じように 「命の仲間度アンケート」 と 「食べものと生物アンケート」 を実施した. 今年度は, 約 3 分の 2 の学生たちが, 食べものの原材料である植物を生物と思っていなかった. しかし, それらの学生たちも植物の構造や機能についての知識は, 植物を生物と思った学生たちと違いがみられなかった. また, 小学校から高校までの過程で, 全員, 授業の一環として植物を栽培した経験があった. 植物栽培の体験もあり知識もあるのに, 植物を生物と思えていない学生が多い. 小学校教師を目指す学生たちが受講する 「理科研究」 のレポートから, この現状を打開する方法を探ってみた.
松山 一紀 櫻井 映海 Kazuki Matsuyama Eimi Sakurai
評論・社会科学 = Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review) (ISSN:02862840)
no.145, pp.1-17, 2023-05-31

管 宗次 Shuji SUGA
武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:09163115)
vol.53, pp.126-134, 2006-03-31

This paper discusses the modern and premodern characteristics of Dan Kotowo. Dan Kotowo, a classical waka poet in the Meiji era, embarked on a modern publishing enterprise. As he not only accepted printing orders but also made publishing plans and edited literary works, he attracted attention and his business flourished in the middle and late Meiji era. Besides he was an accomplished player of Yakumo-goto, a double-stringed zither. He contributed to the way of chanting of waka accompanied by Yakumo-goto.
松平 功
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = The St. Andrew's University journal of Christian studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.48, pp.17-49, 2013-03-27

Although the environmental problem was once considered to be one of the important problems to affect the earth in the future, it has already now a critical issue for present people because of rapid environmental and ecological destruction. The most serious issue is the nuclear fuel problem, as we remember thedisaster of Chernobyl and of Three Mile Island, and the terrible accident that has been occurred at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan that was caused by tremendous earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. People now have to ask why the gl obal destruction and the environmental crisis has developed and who is the person responsible of this critical issue. No one will be able to deny that the influence of modernization from European and American society is the major factor. If so a question will arise. As Christian countries, what kind of role has Christianity played in order to solve the environmental problems in the European and American societies? Moreover, has Christianity made an effort to perform deterrent work of environmental destruction? If so, why is the environmental issue continuing at this moment? The primary purpose of this essay will be to research the historical and ethical relationship between the factor of environmental destruction and Christianity in the West through the standpoint of Sociology of Religion. This thesis will also attempt to analyze the social structure of the West at the time of the Industrial Revolution, and to pursue people' s concepts about the environment in those days.