International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Japan review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (ISSN:09150986)
vol.35, pp.59-90, 2021-03

By examining the dynamic interactions between the authorities, the Buddhist clergy, and the hidden Christians, this article aims to deepen our understanding of the Tokugawa anti-Christian policy in the aftermath of the Shimabara-Amakusa revolt (November 1637–April 1638), a period of international tension for Japan as the Iberian threat was not over. It focuses on Sessō Sōsai (1589–1649), a Rinzai monk who was summoned by the authorities of Nagasaki in mid-1647 to preach to the populace. Some of his writings and his working papers have survived. These firsthand sources enable us to bring together fields that previous scholarship has generally tackled separately: intellectual, institutional, and social history. This essay argues that around 1640, Sessō Sōsai and his patrons in Nagasaki felt that the religious inquiry had reached a deadlock as the alleged apostates could suddenly (and violently) return to their previous faith. They understood that, in order to be more efficient and obtain sincere apostasies, their fight against the forbidden cult should focus more on the actual beliefs of the hidden Catholics. They paid particular attention to the belief in miracles and in the omnipotence of God.
伴 真一朗
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.97, no.4, pp.01-025, 2016-03

This article examines the relations between Mongols and Tibetans during the first half of the 17th century, focusing on the lords of Zina 西納, a clan of Amdo Tibetans surrounded by the three forces of Ming dynasty, Central Tibetans, and Mongols. From the reign of Altan Qayan ( 1507-82) on, the Right wing of Mongols, which have migrated to the Arndo region in northwestern Tibet, formed monk-patron relations with the Gelukpa Sect of Tibetan Buddhism and contributed to the formation of the Dalai-Lama Administration in Central Tibet. Since Amdo was situated on the border with China, the Ming Dynasty had established there in the 14th century as native officials tusi 土司 by Ming dynasty of indirect rule through local chieftains, including the lords of Zina. The Right wing of Mongols who advanced into Amdo attacked the indigenous Tibetan population and seized their herds. The Lords (tusi) of Zina fended the Mongols off with military assistance from the Ming Dynasty and thus formed China's frontline of defense against the Mongols. On the other hand, once having pledged their patronage to the Gelukpa Sect, the Mongols assumed an attitude of peace towards the lords of Zina, who were also followers of Tibetan Buddhism, and were converted to the Gelukpa Sect. Then the lords of Zina grew closer to the Gelukpa Sect which had religeous influence among the Right wing of Mongols, and lent it economic assistance in its missionary activities in the Amdo region. By maintaining their military alliance with the Ming Dynasty and utilizing the monk-patron relationship between the Mongols and the Gelukpa Sect, the lords of Zina conducted a triangulated policy of diplomacy that guaranteed their survival. Within the Mongols advance into the Amdo region, the activities of the lords of Zina, who formed links with the Gelukpa Sect in Central Tibet, offer the historian an extremely interesting case when considering the origins of the relations between Arndo and central Tibet after the formation of Dalai-Lama Administration.
松木 利憲
電気通信大学紀要 (ISSN:09150935)
vol.31, no.1, pp.27-35, 2019-02-01

柏野 牧夫
vol.56, no.6, pp.558-560, 2015-05-15

閉症スペクトラム障害(autism spectrum disorder:ASD)は,相互的な対人関係の障害,意思伝達の障害,狭く偏った興味や反復的な行動を中核症状とする発達障害の一種である.ASD当事者の困りごとには,選択的聴取困難や感覚過敏など,基本的な感覚特性の特殊性に由来するものも多い.現在,ASDにおける感覚特性の詳細な分析から,その生物学的メカニズムの解明が進められている.一例として,ASD当事者がしばしば訴える選択的聴取困難の原因を調べた研究を紹介する.今後,ASDの診断,治療,支援において,臨床と基礎研究,さらに情報系技術が密接に連携していく必要がある.
川南 修一 安達 信泰 太田 敏孝
名古屋工業大学先進セラミックス研究センター年報 = Annual report Advanced Ceramics Research Center Nagoya Institute of Technology (ISSN:21876738)
vol.1, pp.3-8, 2013-03-31

Flame-fusion method was invented by Verneuil in 1902 and has been used as useful method for growing Sapphire. By the simplicity of the method, it has many advantages as high purity, high growing rate, and low cost. Even today it is commercially used to growing Sapphire for watch windows, jewels, and many equipment parts. Here we describe the Sapphire products grown by this method.
廣岡 義之
神戸親和女子大学児童教育学研究 = Studies in childhood education (ISSN:13420305)
no.35, pp.83-99, 2016-03-21
