猪俣 恵
岐阜歯科学会雑誌 = The Journal of Gifu Dental Society (ISSN:24330191)
vol.46, no.3, pp.115-122, 2020-03

西田 亮介
vol.59, no.7, pp.596-598, 2018-06-15

杉浦 篤子 Atsuko SUGIURA 藤女子大学人間生活学部保育学科 Department of Erarly Childhood Care and Education Faculty of Human Life Sciences Fuji Women's University
vol.52, pp.113-120, 2015-03-31

Numerous art-related publications are provided in the form of children's picture books. The Art play Book (various authors) published by the Centre Pompidou in Paris is a well-known example of this. In Japan, a variety of art books and art picture books have also been published in the form of children's illustrated works, some of whose high sensibilities have earned them the label of modern art. Modern and other forms of art are often seen as difficult to grasp; in this context,the present study involved investigation of the potential to enjoy art through children's picture books and discussion of their role as media for modern art.
石輪 健樹 徳田 悠希 板木 拓也 佐々木 聡史
南極資料 = Antarctic Record (ISSN:2432079X)
vol.64, pp.330-350, 2020-11

将来の気候変動に対する南極氷床の応答の理解には,過去の南極氷床変動史の復元およびその変動メカニズムの解明が不可欠である. しかし,地質学的データの時間的・空間的な欠落により南極氷床変動史は十分に復元されていない. 第 61 次日本南極地域観測隊では,活動の一部として宗谷海岸のラングホブデでゾディアックボートを用いた海底地形測量・生物調査・堆積物採取をはじめとする水上調査を展開した. また,ラングホブデ・西オングル島で陸上調査を実施し,表層・陸上堆積物の採取および地中探査レーダーによる地層調査を行った. 取得した海底地形データおよび堆積物は,過去の南極氷床変動史を復元する上で重要な要素となることが期待される. 本報告書では,野外調査の計画および実施内容について報告する. The Antarctic Ice Sheet is a major source of future sea-level rise due to global warming. Reconstruction of the past Antarctic Ice Sheet is essential to understand the mechanism of the Antarctic Ice Sheet response to global and regional climate changes. However, the shortage of geological evidence of sea-level and ice-sheet records makes it difficult to reconstruct the Antarctic Ice Sheet changes. The geomorphological survey is conducted in the 61st Japanese Research Antarctic Research Expedition, and the objective of this survey is to obtain sea-level and ice-sheet records from Lützow-Holm Bay in East Antarctica. We measured the bathymetry and collected sediment samples in shallow water of Langhovde. We also collected the rocks for measuring cosmogenic nuclide and the terrestrial surface sediments, and took an interference pattern under the ground by the ground-penetrating radar in both the Langhovde and West Ongul Island. The data collected will be used to obtain geological evidence of the Antarctic Ice Sheet changes in the future expedition. We report the summary of the geomorphological survey such as planning, logistics, and records.
渡辺 紘良
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.102, no.2, pp.1-31, 2020-09-17

The annual amount of freight transported on China's inland waterways during the early years of the Song Dynasty has been estimated at about 6 million dan 石, an achievement made possible by the Dynasty's human resource policies. Inheriting the national unification projects of Emperor Shizong 世宗 of the Later Zhou Dynasty, Taizu 太祖, the founder of the Song Dynasty, concentrated efforts on reducing the number of regional military governors (fanzhen 藩鎭) and rebuilding the domestic political regime, thus emphasizing the improvement of regional strongholds rather than fiscal strength; moreover, considering the relocation of the capital to Luoyang 洛陽 or Chang'an 長安, improvements in inland waterway transportation were not prioritized, and the national unification efforts were also left incomplete when he suddenly died. In contrast, in the second year of his reign (977), in order to expand waterway transportation projects, second emperor Taizong 太宗 relaxed restrictions on members of the militias commanded by former Five Dynasties military governors (jiangli yaqian 將吏衙前) illegitimized and reduced by Taizu, an action which provided human resources for private salt traders defying government monopoly and the expansion of candidates for the civil service examination system. On the other hand, after taking over management of waterway transportation and warehousing, this same jiangli yaqian promoted illegal practices among shipping crews and brought about the bankruptcy of local elites (lizheng yaqian 里正衙前) under their jurisdiction who were also involved in waterway transportation. Consequently, the Dynasty was forced to give jiangli yaqian the authority to muster ship crews in the capacity of administrators (zhugangli 主綱吏) over the waterway fleets of the Huainan-Jiangnan region. Moreover, in 983 their authority was extended to the waterway fleets of Hunan, and officially recognized by the Dynasty as managing the waterway transportation in their own right. That same year marked the occurrence of incidents throughout China, in which jiangli yaqian attempted to recover their formerly usurped judiciary authority in the provinces. Fearing that such incidents could extend to waterway transportation administration, the central government, in the wake of the exposure of corruption in the Treasury Bureau, set up departments of inland waterways and overland routes in Kaifeng, thus recognizing an even larger bestowal of authority on jiangli yaqian and ending the stagnation in waterway transportation development. In the background to this newly bestowed authority lay the actions of a group of close advisors to Emperor Taizong, some of whom were well-informed about the operations of the Treasury and Kaifeng agencies, and would be later promoted to Treasury Minister. It was largely due to this group that Taizong had been able to directly control jiangli yaqian. Moreover, the policy of entrusting the management of waterway transp01tation to jiangli yaqian paralleled the free appointment of petty officials, whose effects cannot be ignored.
岩本 哲也 倉田 陽介 阿部 博
vol.2020, pp.33-40, 2020-11-26

高速大容量通信システムにおける品質指標の 1 つとして,ネットワーク遅延を計測することは重要である.これまでに Round-Trip Time を用いた単純な測定手法や専用の遅延測定プロトコルを用いた測定手法が提案されているが,これらは正確な片方向遅延を測定するという観点で技術面やコスト面で課題を抱えている.本研究では安価な簡易 GPS モジュールを用いた測定システムと,NTP プロトコルを利用したネットワークの遅延測定手法を提案する.高価な専用機器を用いずに汎用ネットワークにおける片方向遅延を実測することで,ネットワーク測定手法としての有効性を確認・評価する.
久保 茉莉子
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.102, no.2, pp.67-74, 2020-09-17
傳田 紀代美 山口 あづさ 竹重 和明
vol.1997, no.22(1996-ARC-123), pp.1-6, 1997-03-06

VPP300/500においてBLAS (asic Linear Algebra Subprogram)のベクトル化を、富士通HPC本部との共同研究/開発として行った。今回の仕事は、並列ベクトル化LAPACKをVPP300へ実装するための第一歩として位置づけられ、アーキテクチャに最適化したベクトル化BLASを作成して、BLASを参照している数値計算ライブラリLAPACK (inear Algebra PACKag)の性能向上を目指すことを目的としている。アーキテクチャの特性を考慮し、ベクトルレジスタを最も有効に利用するようにソースを改良した。また行列サイズに応じて最も速いアルゴリズムを選択させることで、広い範囲で高性能が得られるようになった。
稲垣 信子 INAGAKI Nobuko
同志社女子大学大学院文学研究科紀要 = Papers in Language, Literature, and Culture : Graduate School of Literary Studies, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:18849296)
vol.13, pp.37-51, 2013-03-29

樋口 秀実
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.93, no.1, pp.27-53, 2011-06

The present article discusses the erection in July 1940 of the “National Temple of the Sun Goddess,” dedicated to Amaterasu Okami 天照大神, in order to discover its contribution to the psychological integration of the new state’s citizenry. Some research already exists on the process of the Temple’s erection and its significance, which emphasizes such points as since the Temple was erected to worship the Sun Goddess, it was for all intents and purposes merely an attempt to import Japan’s state Shinto religion into Manchukuo. The discussion then turns to the extent to which Japan was determined to “religiously infiltrate” Manchuria. The author argues on the contrary that the fact of the Temple being erected as a national place of religious worship makes it necessary to raise the question of to what extent it furthered the spiritual integration of the new nation. Manchukuo being a state created almost overnight by the Japanese Guandong Army, it was divided with the memory of political events and trends of the previous Three-Provincial Government regime. Another point is how Manchukuo intended to deal with the state’s multi-ethnic population. Therefore, a plan for psychological integration by raising national identity and consciousness must have been an important issue for stabilizing the governance of the new state. It is in this vein that the author reexamines the process of erecting the Temple and its significance, while asking the questions 1) why a national temple worshipping Japan’s Sun Goddess would be deemed appropriate in the light of ethnic cooperation being cited as the original rationale for state formation, 2) how much success did the Temple have in national psychological integration, and 3) if unsuccessful, what was its significance in terms of church and state issues. The Temple was erected for two reasons. The first stemmed from attempts by the imperial court’s interests in Manchukuo to strengthen the imperial authority of Puyi, and the second from attempts by Japanese bureaucrats in the Manchukuo government to gain a greater say in political affairs vis-à-vis the Guandong Army. These two civil-political forces were interested in subordinating the Army to the authority of the Emperor of Manchukuo and limiting its level of intervention in the state’s political process, by turning the spirit of Japan’s deep military allegiance to the emperor against the Army in making the Sun Goddess, the founding ancestor of Japan’s imperial family, also the founder and guardian spirit of Manchukuo. From his analysis of the political backdrop on which the Temple was erected, the author concludes that the event made no significant contribution to the psychological integration of the Manchukuo nation. The Temple, which was where Puyi placed the sacred mirror which he brought from Japan as the symbol of his imperial authority, was, nevertheless, unable to play the role as Manchukuo’s equivalent of Japan’s Ise Shrine.
梅村 坦
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.59, no.1・2, pp.01-031(226~256), 1977-10

The process of the penetration by the Mongols into the Turfan basin, territory under the control of .the Uighur Iduq-qut, has been studied by several scholars. However, since previously unstudied Uighur documents with Forfeiture Clauses have recently been brought to light (by the author in The Toyo Gakuho, 58-3/4, 1977.) and because certain other indispensable but previously neglected Chinese sources require examination, it seems appropriate to reopen the subject.Each of these nine Uighur documents (doc. I-IX) [see Table (1)] contains many titles. For example, the Blessing Clause of doc. VIII, dated 1280 A. D., mentions a number of official ranks in the following order [see Chart (1)]: uluγ suu—the Mongol Emperor; aqa-ini-oγul-lar—the Emperor’s brothers and Emperor’s sons; bägädlär—begs; ančašï-lar (按察使 An-ch’a-shih and his men)—a kind of official and his entourage dispatched from the Emperor’s court; and šaz-ïn (沙津 Sha-chin, skr. Śāsana) ayγučï—a kind of religious leader. This order is not that decided by political authorities, and therefore seems to indicate that a native of the Turfan basin originally arranged it and published this document by himself.Šaz-ïn ayγučï seems to originally have referred to a native Turfan religious leader. However, according to the Forfeiture Clause of the same document and to an Imperial ordinance issued by Shih-tsu 世祖 in 1276 A. D. which is recorded in the T’ung-chih t’iao-ko 通制条格, the šaz-ïn ayγučï were under the direct control of the Mongol Emperor in the latter half of the 13th century.Some Forfeiture Clauses include other titles not listed in the Blessing Clause of doc. VIII [see Tables (2), (3)]. There are two features common to all the Forfeiture Clauses: the higher ranking officials receive higher forfeits than lower ranking ones, and the total sum of the forfeits is too high to be paid by a person wanting to cancel a contract. Thus, the Forfeiture Clause may have been only a general formulation.It should be noted that the title bäg, which ranks rather high in the Blessing Clause of doc. VIII, ranks low in all the Forfeiture Clauses. Concurrent investigation of many Uighur documents and the Chinese sources leads one to the conclusion that the term bäg had two meanings. The high ranking bäg in the document probably referred to the official bäg, and the appearance of low ranking bägs in the Forfeiture Clauses can be explained by reference to influential persons within the native society.The highest political authority changed hands—from the Uighur Iduq-qut to the Mongol Emperor—at about the middle of the 13th century. The person of the Iduq-qut, however, seems to have continued to be respected as a descendant of the fifth son of Chinggis Khan until the latter half of the 13th century. Doc. VIII is especially interesting in that its Forfeiture Clause includes the title of the Iduq-qut, but its Blessing Clause does not. This fact suggests that the Iduq-qut maintained nominal authority as late as 1280 A. D., but that he had lost any actual power to control the Uighur society.Finally, the author presents a diagram which shows the mutual relations of every official title appearing in the documents [see Chart (3)].
住吉 和子 田中 千晶 中村 まどか 山下 祐梨 中尾 美幸 入江 康至 中島 伸佳 山辺 啓三
vol.24, pp.9-14, 2018-03-12

奥川 裕 / 工藤 恵理子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.1, pp.131-143, 2009-03-10

Previous studies have shown that people tend to overestimate the extent to which others can discern their internal states, such that liars tend to overestimate the detectability of their lies (e.g., Gilovich, Savitsky, & Medvec, 1998). In this study, we examined the effect of regulatory focus on the tendency to overestimate the detectability of lies. According to the regulatory focus theory (e.g., Higgins, 1998), prevention-focused people try to avoid failure. We hypothesized that the magnitude of the overestimation of detectability by liars increases when they are prevention-focused rather than promotion-focused. In the experiment, participants were randomly assigned to be an actor (liar) or an observer. Liars overestimated the detectability of their lies by observers and this tendency was more pronounced when liars were prevention-focused.
牧 陽一
埼玉大学紀要. 教養学部 = Saitama University Review. Faculty of Liberal Arts (ISSN:1349824X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.109-123, 2020

不在をキーワードにして中国、韓国、日本の作品を比較検討する。まず岳敏君の「無人の風景シリーズ」と小泉明郎の「空気シリーズ」を取り上げて、その影の持つ不可視性について考察する。さらに空っぽの椅子の表象に注目し、キム・ウンソン & キム・ソギョン「平和の碑」から対話への希望と不戦へのメッセージを見出す。また不戦の具体的な意図を銃の表象に求め、小沢剛「ベジタブル・ウェポン」や尹秀珍「時尚恐怖主義」に共通する危機感を考察する。最後には二重の不在である毛同強「我有一個夢 I Have a Dream」を取り上げて、不可視的な観念の世界で結びあう可能性がある事を指摘する。