"Low-Carbohydrate and High-Protein Diet Suppresses Working Memory Function in Healthy Mice"
LC-HP: C 24.6%, P 57.6%, F 17.8%
CON: C 58.6%, P 24.2%, F 17.2%
4 wks
Published: 12/31/22
- Don't shoot the msgr
@_atanas_ @_INPST @ScienceCommuni2 @DHPSP
@nutrition_facts Here's the Japanese study about the beta-glucan with the fantastic outcome you're looking for, Dr. Greger, just in case nobody else brought it to you.
My article about hydrothermotherapy was cited in a Japanese journal in this journal paper: 2020~ 2021 年の研究に基づく温泉医学における COVID-19 のリスクについてのエビデンス・マップ構想 https://t.co/11ZDPav1Su
Link to my article: https://t.co/dGbvjalAhD @ToshiyukiHorie
熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部循環器内科学の藤末昂一郎助教、辻田賢一教授らの研究グループと弊社の共同研究結果が、日本動脈硬化学会学術誌「Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis」オンライン版に掲載されました。
https://t.co/D6v08ENy5x https://t.co/CzZiUc4yHe
博論。卵子の数と栄養と体格について書きました。秋から博論テーマにも関わる厚労省実証事業研究メンバーとしても頑張ります。CiNii 博士論文 - Decreased serum anti-Müllerian hormone level is associated with vitamin D deficiency in healthy Japanese women https://t.co/iVvXtbgYtU #CiNii
A new study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, shows you can upgrade your walking (or any exercise) with this one trick:
*Chewing Gum*
Chewing a stick of gum is enough to both elevate heart rate & calories burned.
#fitness #health https://t.co/BazXsMrsDz