渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.56, no.1, pp.115-125, 2007-10

Environmental cadmium pollution causes cadmium poisoning. The first cadmium-polluted area ever discovered in the world was the Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture in Japan. The most severe case of cadmium poisoning is Itai-itai disease (osteomalacia), which was officially recognized as a pollution-related disease by the Japanese government in 1968, and a less severe case is tubular kidney dysfunction. In other words, the occurrence of Itai-itai disease is only the "tip of the iceberg". The tubular kidney dysfunction is the earliest and most prevalent adverse result of chronic cadmium poisoning. The Japan Public Health Association Cadmium Research Committee, supported by the Environmental Agency, carried out health surveys in cadmium-polluted areas of 8 prefectures during the period of 1976-1984 and reported that many cases of tubular kidney dysfunction were found not only in Toyama but also in Ishikawa, Hyogo and Nagasaki prefectures. However, the Environmental Agency and the research committee have never certified this kidney dysfunction as a pollution-related disease. In 1970, the Japanese government set tentative acceptable standards of 1ppm for brown rice and enacted the Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law in 1971. Based on this Law, restoration projects of polluted soils of rice paddies were started. If cadmium nephropathy was certified as a officially pollution-related disease, acceptable standards for brown rice must be more strict than 1ppm, because 1ppm is a standard to prevent habitants from suffering from Itai-itai disease. This new strict standard arrives at increases in polluted rice and soils. This means increases in the expenses to buy polluted rice and to restore polluted soils. To offer indemnity to farmers for any reduction in his rice crop is the responsibility of polluting industries and to pay expenses to restore polluted soils is the responsibility of polluting industries, the central government and local authorities. This paper concludes that the main reason why cadmium nephropathy has not been certified as an official pollution- related disease is that the decision-making of the Environmental Agency and the research committee reflects the intention of the polluting industries and the government who regard the expenses above as too heavy a burden.
渡辺 伸一
vol.4, pp.204-218, 1998

卯野木 健 林田 敬 河合 佑亮 對東 俊介 安藤 守秀 飯田 有輝 笠井 史人 川崎 達也 神津 玲 近藤 豊 齊藤 正和 櫻本 秀明 佐々木 信幸 佐浦 隆一 中村 謙介 大内 玲 岡本 菜子 岡村 正嗣 栗原 知己 栗山 明 松石 雄二朗 山本 憲督 吉廣 尚大 矢坂 泰介 安部 諒 飯塚 崇仁 井上 拓保 内山 侑紀 遠藤 聡 大倉 和貴 太田 浩平 大塚 貴久 岡田 大輔 小幡 賢吾 片山 雪子 金田 直樹 北山 未央 喜納 俊介 草葉 隆一 桑原 政成 笹沼 直樹 高橋 正浩 髙山 千尋 田代 尚範 立野 淳子 田村 貴彦 田本 光拡 土谷 飛鳥 堤 悠介 長門 直 成田 知大 名和 智裕 野々山 忠芳 花田 匡利 平川 功太郎 牧野 晃子 正木 宏享 松木 良介 松嶋 真哉 松田 航 宮城島 沙織 諸見里 勝 柳 尚弥 山内 康太 山下 遊平 山本 夏啓 劉 啓文 若林 侑起 渡辺 伸一 米倉 寛 中西 信人 高橋 哲也 西田 修 日本集中治療医学会集中治療早期リハビリテーション委員会
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.30, no.Supplement2, pp.S905-S972, 2023 (Released:2023-12-10)

重症患者に対する標準化された質の高いリハビリテーションの提供は,取り組むべき重要課題である。日本集中治療医学会では,2017年に「集中治療における早期リハビリテーション ―根拠に基づくエキスパートコンセンサス―」を発行したが,系統的にエビデンスを評価したものではなく,あくまでも専門家のコンセンサスに基づくものであった。そこで,日本集中治療医学会では,質が高く,かつ,医療従事者が理解しやすく,その意思決定に資することを目的に,システマティックレビューおよびGRADE(grading of recommendations, assessment, development and evaluation)アプローチを用いた診療ガイドラインを作成した。 重症患者に対するリハビリテーションに特化し,かつ,GRADEアプローチを用いた診療ガイドラインとしては,世界初の試みである。本ガイドラインは日本集中治療医学会集中治療早期リハビリテーション委員会を核に,ワーキンググループ,システマティックレビュー班,アカデミックガイドライン推進班から構成された診療ガイドライン作成グループの合計73名からなるメンバーで作成した。リハビリテーションでは多職種連携が非常に重要であることはいうまでもない。本ガイドラインも多職種,かつ多様な専門分野を持つ医師や医療従事者,ICU患者経験者を含む多くのメンバーが作成に寄与した。 本ガイドラインでは,グループメンバーによる議論に基づいて,8領域を注目すべき臨床重要領域とした。その上で,各領域から重要な14の臨床疑問(clinical question, CQ)を作成した。 パブリックコメントの募集を計2回行い,CQに対する回答としては,10のGRADEによる推奨,4つの背景疑問の解説が示された。また,CQごとに情報を視覚的診療フローとして作成し,各CQの位置付けがわかりやすいように配慮した。多職種が関与する重症患者に対するリハビリテーションにおいて,本ガイドラインが活用されることを期待する。
渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.56, no.1, pp.115-125, 2007-10-31 (Released:2017-02-27)

Environmental cadmium pollution causes cadmium poisoning. The first cadmium-polluted area ever discovered in the world was the Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture in Japan. The most severe case of cadmium poisoning is Itai-itai disease (osteomalacia), which was officially recognized as a pollution-related disease by the Japanese government in 1968, and a less severe case is tubular kidney dysfunction. In other words, the occurrence of Itai-itai disease is only the "tip of the iceberg". The tubular kidney dysfunction is the earliest and most prevalent adverse result of chronic cadmium poisoning. The Japan Public Health Association Cadmium Research Committee, supported by the Environmental Agency, carried out health surveys in cadmium-polluted areas of 8 prefectures during the period of 1976-1984 and reported that many cases of tubular kidney dysfunction were found not only in Toyama but also in Ishikawa, Hyogo and Nagasaki prefectures. However, the Environmental Agency and the research committee have never certified this kidney dysfunction as a pollution-related disease. In 1970, the Japanese government set tentative acceptable standards of 1ppm for brown rice and enacted the Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law in 1971. Based on this Law, restoration projects of polluted soils of rice paddies were started. If cadmium nephropathy was certified as a officially pollution-related disease, acceptable standards for brown rice must be more strict than 1ppm, because 1ppm is a standard to prevent habitants from suffering from Itai-itai disease. This new strict standard arrives at increases in polluted rice and soils. This means increases in the expenses to buy polluted rice and to restore polluted soils. To offer indemnity to farmers for any reduction in his rice crop is the responsibility of polluting industries and to pay expenses to restore polluted soils is the responsibility of polluting industries, the central government and local authorities. This paper concludes that the main reason why cadmium nephropathy has not been certified as an official pollution- related disease is that the decision-making of the Environmental Agency and the research committee reflects the intention of the polluting industries and the government who regard the expenses above as too heavy a burden.
渡辺 伸一
環境社会学研究 (ISSN:24340618)
vol.4, pp.204-218, 1998-10-05 (Released:2019-03-22)

渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.56, no.1, pp.115-125, 2007-10-31

Environmental cadmium pollution causes cadmium poisoning. The first cadmium-polluted area ever discovered in the world was the Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture in Japan. The most severe case of cadmium poisoning is Itai-itai disease (osteomalacia), which was officially recognized as a pollution-related disease by the Japanese government in 1968, and a less severe case is tubular kidney dysfunction. In other words, the occurrence of Itai-itai disease is only the "tip of the iceberg". The tubular kidney dysfunction is the earliest and most prevalent adverse result of chronic cadmium poisoning. The Japan Public Health Association Cadmium Research Committee, supported by the Environmental Agency, carried out health surveys in cadmium-polluted areas of 8 prefectures during the period of 1976-1984 and reported that many cases of tubular kidney dysfunction were found not only in Toyama but also in Ishikawa, Hyogo and Nagasaki prefectures. However, the Environmental Agency and the research committee have never certified this kidney dysfunction as a pollution-related disease. In 1970, the Japanese government set tentative acceptable standards of 1ppm for brown rice and enacted the Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law in 1971. Based on this Law, restoration projects of polluted soils of rice paddies were started. If cadmium nephropathy was certified as a officially pollution-related disease, acceptable standards for brown rice must be more strict than 1ppm, because 1ppm is a standard to prevent habitants from suffering from Itai-itai disease. This new strict standard arrives at increases in polluted rice and soils. This means increases in the expenses to buy polluted rice and to restore polluted soils. To offer indemnity to farmers for any reduction in his rice crop is the responsibility of polluting industries and to pay expenses to restore polluted soils is the responsibility of polluting industries, the central government and local authorities. This paper concludes that the main reason why cadmium nephropathy has not been certified as an official pollution- related disease is that the decision-making of the Environmental Agency and the research committee reflects the intention of the polluting industries and the government who regard the expenses above as too heavy a burden.
森田 恭成 渡辺 伸一 大野 美香 自見 孝一朗 荒川 立郎 難波 智矢 堀部 達也 劉 啓文
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.27, no.5, pp.395-402, 2020-09-01 (Released:2020-09-01)

【目的】リハビリテーション(リハ)の介入日数と人工呼吸患者の日常生活動作(activities of daily living, ADL)との関係を検討した。ADLの評価には,Barthel index(BI)を用いた。【方法】共通の離床プロトコルに基づいたリハを週7日と週5日で行う施設群間で比較した。診療録より2017年1月から13ヶ月間のリハに関する情報を収集し,検討した。【結果】週7日群100例,週5日群106例が登録された。BIは両群で差を認めなかった(75対60,P=0.310)が,週7日群はリハ開始とICU退室が早く(2日対3日,P<0.0001,8日対10日,P=0.004),また,端坐位達成率が高く(41.0%対28.3%,P<0.0001),せん妄発生率が低かった(24.0%対45.3%,P=0.001)。多変量解析でBIに関係した因子は年齢であり,せん妄に関係した因子は週7日介入,年齢,鎮静プロトコルであった。【結語】週7日群と週5日群でBIには差を認めなかったが,週7日群でリハ開始とICU退室が早くなり,端坐位達成が多く,せん妄発生は少なかった。
渡辺 伸一 野田 琢嗣 小泉 拓也 依田 憲 吉田 誠 岩田 高志 西澤 秀明 奥山 隼一 青木 かがり 木村 里子 坂本 健太郎 高橋 晃周 前川 卓也 楢崎 友子 三田村 啓理 佐藤 克文
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.73, no.1, pp.9-22, 2023 (Released:2023-04-21)

バイオロギング(biologging)とは、動物に様々なセンサーを取りつけて動物の行動や生態およびその周辺環境を調べる手法である。今世紀に入り、バイオロギングデータを共有するウェブ上の電子基盤システムとなるプラットフォームが世界各国で次々と構築されている。一方、日本国内で取得されたバイオロギングデータの共有は立ち後れている。本稿では、日本国内のバイオロギングデータを保存・管理・利用するために新たに開発したプラットフォーム(Biologging intelligent Platform: BiP)について紹介する。BiP の仕様を決めるにあたり、既存の12 のプラットフォームが格納するデータの種類や解析機能に関する特徴6 項目を3 段階で評価し、格納するデータ量の増大に寄与する特徴について考察し、その結果をもとにBiP の仕様、ならびに今後発展すべき方向性について検討した。既存プラットフォームを比較した結果、格納するデータ量の増加には、データ公開レベルとデータタイプの自由度が高く、データ解析ツールの充実度が高いという特徴が寄与していた。これらの特徴を踏まえてデータ公開レベルとデータタイプの自由度を高めるようにBiP を設計した。さらに次に示すBiP 独自のウェブ解析システム(Online Analytical Processing: OLAP)を搭載した。BiP のOLAP は次のような機能を持つ:1)バイオロギング機器によって得られたセンサーデータ(Level 0)をBiPウェブサイトへアップロードし、個体や装着時のメタデータを入力すると、動物の放出前や機器の回収後の不要部分を除去して、標準形式へ変換したLevel 1 データを作成する。2)GPS データをもとに、海流・風・波浪といった海洋物理情報(Level 2 データ)を抽出できる。3)登録者が公開設定したデータの場合、利用者はLevel 1, 2 データをCSV 形式およびネットワーク共通データ形式(Network Common Data Form: NetCDF)でダウンロードできる。今後は、海洋物理情報をグリッド化したLevel 3 データを生成する機能を付与し、対象種を海洋動物から陸生動物まで、対象地域も全世界へと広げて、収集するデータの質と量を増大させる計画である。
渡辺 伸一 藤川 賢

丹 敦 渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.53, no.1, pp.165-180, 2004-10

Deer in Nara - "Nara-no-Shika"- inhabit the area in and around Nara Park in Nara City, the capital of Nara prefecture. In Nara, they have been protected as sacred animals of the Kasuga shrine for a long time. On the other hand, damage to crops caused by them was so serious that the villages in Nara built "Shikagaki" (Shishigaki) during the Edo period. "Shikagaki" is a piece of equipment which is made of wood, stones and mud to prevent damage to crops caused by wild animals, especially deer in the case of Nara. According to our fieldwork, ruins of "Shikagaki" still exist around Nara Park. However, there has been no study to prove where they are located. We would like to propose that the rums of "Shikagaki" are very precious reminders of Nara's heritage in the sense that they are the products of local villagers' hard work. The purpose of this study is to clarify the distribution of the "Shikagaki" and their present situation.
渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.61, no.1, pp.109-119, 2012-11

Over 190 animal species are designated as the national monument by the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties. The "deer of Nara" have a very peculiar characteristic among them. It is difficult to specify which "sika" deer belong to the deer of Nara because the Cultural Properties Protection Committee (the Agency for Cultural Affairs since 1968) defines them ambiguously. The deer of Nara, Cervus nippon (species name), living from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the South, are found mainly in Nara Park in the city of Nara. The deer of Nara are defined simply as "sika" deer (1) living in and around Nara Park and (2) being tame. Yet, both "around Nara Park" and "being tame" are ambiguous terms, whose specification varies from person to person. This article confirms that the way to specify the deer of Nara has been ambiguous since they were designated as national monument under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties (1957). Then, it shows how the ambiguity of the provisions has brought about various confusions and problems among local people and clarified the reasons why their content has become ambiguous. Finally, the author proposes how new provisions should be framed from the position that they must be clearly articulated.
渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.61, no.1, pp.109-119, 2012-11-30

Over 190 animal species are designated as the national monument by the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties. The "deer of Nara" have a very peculiar characteristic among them. It is difficult to specify which "sika" deer belong to the deer of Nara because the Cultural Properties Protection Committee (the Agency for Cultural Affairs since 1968) defines them ambiguously. The deer of Nara, Cervus nippon (species name), living from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the South, are found mainly in Nara Park in the city of Nara. The deer of Nara are defined simply as "sika" deer (1) living in and around Nara Park and (2) being tame. Yet, both "around Nara Park" and "being tame" are ambiguous terms, whose specification varies from person to person. This article confirms that the way to specify the deer of Nara has been ambiguous since they were designated as national monument under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties (1957). Then, it shows how the ambiguity of the provisions has brought about various confusions and problems among local people and clarified the reasons why their content has become ambiguous. Finally, the author proposes how new provisions should be framed from the position that they must be clearly articulated.