三上 正男
一般社団法人 日本治山治水協会
水利科学 (ISSN:00394858)
vol.40, no.6, pp.45-62, 1997-02-01 (Released:2019-03-28)
大坪 達弥 辻 琢己 梅山 貴生 首藤 みほ 米須 香那 松本 美菜子 吉田 侑矢 坂野 理絵 友金 幹視 藤田 敦夫 河野 武幸 三上 正
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.3, pp.363-369, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)
2 5

Local venous pain caused by dacarbazine (DTIC) injection is due to its photodegradation product 5-diazoimidazole-4-carboxamide (Diazo-IC). The production of Diazo-IC can be decreased by protecting the drug from light. Furthermore, the production of Diazo-IC reportedly increases with time; however, there are no studies reporting the association between the injection preparation time and local venous pain caused by the DTIC injection. We evaluated the efficacy of the following: (1) method used to shorten the injection preparation time and (2) method used to change the diluting solution for DTIC. We found that shortening the injection preparation time tended to decrease the local venous pain expression due to DTIC, and Veen F decreased the production of Diazo-IC compared with the normal saline and 5% glucose solution. These results indicate that shortening the injection preparation time may be effective in preventing the local venous pain caused by the DTIC injection; moreover, using Veen F for DTIC may also reduce the pain.
三上 正利
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.16, no.1, pp.19-39, 1964-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

On the basis of the “text” of the Siberian Map of 181 (1672-1673), it had been conjectured in Russia since the nineteenth century that the Siberian Map was made up around the years 1672-1673. The original Map of Siberia of 181 (1672-1673) has never discovered yet, but fortunately we have what are believed to be its threedifferent copies.L. Bagrow, regarding these copies as having much to do with the “text” of 181, asserted that they were reproductions of the original Map of Siberia of 181 (1672). In spite of some opposition, not a few scholars of the Soviet Union have followed Bagrow.B.P. Polevoy, at the February 1954 conference of the U.S.S.R. Geographical Society, held in Leningrad, presented a report, saying that at least the eastern half of the Map of Siberia of 181 was made by S.V. Polyakov in 1673, and that the author of the “text” of the Siberian Map of 181 was also Polyakov. A.I. Andreyev supports this opinion almost completely.This view is so plausible that most probably the Map of 181 will hereafter be called the “Map of Siberia of 1673.”However, I do not believe the view will survive criticism and become an established theory before Polevoy's report, still not made public, be published.
三上 正利
史淵 (ISSN:03869326)
no.100, pp.299-312, 1968-03

It is evident that after the mid sixteenth century Russians were sailing to the Ob Bay in Western Siberia and to the country of Mangazeya in the east along the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Their aim was to exchange their shipped goods for the fur offered by Siberian natives. But the use of such a route was forbidden by the chief officer (voevoda) of Tobolsk in 1619. Since then, to get to Mangazeya from Tobolsk, the first half of their course had been the passage down the river Ob to its mouth, and the latter half from there across the bays of both Ob and Taz finally to the destination. Mangazeya was the place where exchange had been made of a great deal of fur up to 1640' s. But thereafter the center of fur industry moved eastwards to the river Lena and, moreover, the main trade route in Siberia moved southwards. Thus its out-of-the-way location brought about Mangazeya's declination and, in turn, the prohibition of the sea route to it in the way mentioned above in 1667. But the coastal route of the Arctic Ocean was resumed by Russians toward the end of the seventeenth century.
三上 正 金子 敏信
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SST, スペクトル拡散 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.97, no.614, pp.145-150, 1998-03-19

Daemenらは, IDEA暗号の鍵のうち, 2^<51>個の鍵はその総当たりをするよりも少ない計算量で推定できることを述べ, そのような鍵をWeak Keys(=弱鍵)と呼んでいる。本稿では, Daemenらの考えを拡張した二段消去攻撃をIDEA暗号に対して行った。その結果, Daemenらのものとは異なる弱鍵を見いだした。その弱鍵には2^<59>個が含まれる。鍵の推定には2^<39>組の選択平文対を必要とする。しかし, 鍵の推定にかかる計算量は, 59ビットの全数探索2^<59>と比較して, 本攻撃では2^<44.2>程度で済むことを見積もった。
浦 幸帆 長田 和雄 香川 雅子 三上 正男 的場 澄人 青木 一真 篠田 雅人 黒崎 泰典 林 政彦 清水 厚 植松 光夫
エアロゾル研究 (ISSN:09122834)
vol.26, no.3, pp.234-241, 2011 (Released:2011-09-28)

Water-insoluble filtered residue materials of atmospheric wet and dry deposition are composed of mineral dusts and organic materials such as pollens. The number of pollens in the filter residue of deposition samples at Tottori was counted for 2 sizes at about 45 and 30 µm using a confocal laser microscope. Non-destructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was used to measure Fe content of the filter residue. Relationship between Fe content analyzed by XRF and insoluble residue weight corrected for pollen weight assuming pollen density of 0.9 g/cm3 showed a linear relationship, suggesting that insoluble residue corrected for pollen weight contains Fe of 3.7 % by weight on the average. The average Fe content is consistent with the values reported for Asian dust (Kosa) events in Korea and China. Because Fe content of insoluble residue in filter samples is easily measured by XRF method, mineral dust amounts in the filter residue samples can be estimated from Fe content of the sample and the average fraction of Fe for Asian dust.
三上 正男 長田 和雄 石塚 正秀 清水 厚 田中 泰宙 関山 剛 山田 豊 原 由香里 眞木 貴史

油井 聡 三上 正彰 三巻 祥浩 指田 豊 山崎 正利
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.121, no.2, pp.167-171, 2001-02-01

We previously demonstrated that Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, lycorine and lycoricidinol, inhibit induction of apoptosis by calprotectin derived from neutrophils, and that the latter alkaloid showed suppression in rat adjuvant-induced arthritis model. These findings suggest that the alkaloids have a modulating activity against inflammatory reaction. To explore further the mechanism of the suppression for inflammation, we studied the effect of the alkaloids on macrophage tumor necrosis factor(TNF-α) production in vitro, since TNF-α is recognized as a pivotal cytokine to regulate inflammation. As a result of this study, lycorine and lycoricidinol inhibited TNF-α production of murine macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide(ID_<50> were 0.2μg/ml and 0.002μg/ml, respectively). The inhibition was also observed in macrophages treated by Gram-positive bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis. Both lycorine and lycoricidinol reportedly have inhibitory activity for protein biosynthesis. Although the inhibition of TNF-α production by lycoricidinol was mainly due to the inhibition of protein biosynthesis, lycorine showed inhibition against TNF-α prodictuon at lower concentrations than the case that they inhibited ^<35>S-Cysteine/^<35>S-Methionine incorporation into macrophages. These facts sugges that the inhibition of TNF-α production is not due to the inhibitory activity against protein translation at least at lower concentrations. From these results, it was concluded that these alkaloids exert inhibitory effects not only on neutrophil apoptosis-inducing protein, calprotectin, but also on macrophage TNF-α production.