中谷 武
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.46, no.4, pp.6-14, 2010-01-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

This paper attempts to evaluate the significance of wage-led economy of Post Keynesian economics. In order to achieve longterm sustainable economic growth under the low growth and the environmental constraints, the switch from profit-led economy to wage-led economy will be effective and also inevitable. The main points are as follows: 1) Our current economic crisis can not be resolved by simply resuming the Keynesian demand policies in face of environmental constraints, growing fiscal deficits and low birthrate and an aging population. What is important is that we have to consider both demand side and supply side simultaneously, which mutually interrelate in determining the output and employment levels. The supply side of Keynesian theory is the core of the issue, which is neglected for long because Keynes himself disregarded it. The main stream economics has picked up this point and criticized Keynes but falsely. 2) There are three ways to shift the supply curve downwards: (1) technical improvement, (2) cutting labor cost and (3) cutting profit margin. The ways employed by neo-liberals which are theoretically based on the main stream economics since eighties are the first and the second ones, whose effectiveness has shown to be restrictive because they shift the demand curve downwards as well as supply curve. In this sense the supply side policies are rebelled against by demand side; consumption demand is sharply depressed by deteriorating expectation in future wages and employment insecurity. On the other hand, the wage-led economy is to pursue the third way of downwards shift of supply curve. 3) The possibility of wage-led economy depends on both characteristics of investment and saving functions. We can say firstly that under the condition of low economic growth the characteristics of saving function become more important compared with those in investment function, secondly that a lower saving rate of laborers leads to greater possibility of wage-led economy, and thirdly that a more progressive tax system makes wage-led economy more possible. These Post Keynesian claims are of importance in face of recent regressive tax reforms and the relatively higher saving rate in Asian countries. 4) Blecker (1989) and Bhaduri and Marglin (1990) argued that the increasing international price competition prevents the potential of wage-led economy even if the domestic economy is wage-led. In this paper we discussed that this claim is not confined to wage-led economy: the profit-led economy is also not sustainable under the severe international competition. Therefore a domestic price increase can not be maintained regardless of whether it is wage-led or profit-led domestically under global competition. In other words, in face of international competition we need to improve the supply condition. Here we must consider again by which way we realize the shift of supply curve. 5) We discussed four cases of two-country economy composed of two-by-two combinations: wage-led or profit-led and domestic country or foreign country. An increase in wage share in domestic country with profitled foreign country has positive effects to both countries: the domestic production as well as foreign production increase. The effects of an increase in the wage share in wage-led domestic country become ambiguous, however, when the foreign country is also wage-led, but it affects favorably to domestic country compared to foreign country. 6) Finally we examine the necessary conditions of sustainable economic growth from longer run perspectives. If we maintain both the inside equilibrium condition and the outside equilibrium condition at the same time, how can the wage rate increase in the long run? By inside we consider the labor market and by outside we mean the trade balance. Then we argue that the wage rate increase depends on the natural growth rates of domestic and foreign economies, the elasticity of trade,(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
中谷 武
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.46, no.4, pp.6-14, 2010-01-20

This paper attempts to evaluate the significance of wage-led economy of Post Keynesian economics. In order to achieve longterm sustainable economic growth under the low growth and the environmental constraints, the switch from profit-led economy to wage-led economy will be effective and also inevitable. The main points are as follows: 1) Our current economic crisis can not be resolved by simply resuming the Keynesian demand policies in face of environmental constraints, growing fiscal deficits and low birthrate and an aging population. What is important is that we have to consider both demand side and supply side simultaneously, which mutually interrelate in determining the output and employment levels. The supply side of Keynesian theory is the core of the issue, which is neglected for long because Keynes himself disregarded it. The main stream economics has picked up this point and criticized Keynes but falsely. 2) There are three ways to shift the supply curve downwards: (1) technical improvement, (2) cutting labor cost and (3) cutting profit margin. The ways employed by neo-liberals which are theoretically based on the main stream economics since eighties are the first and the second ones, whose effectiveness has shown to be restrictive because they shift the demand curve downwards as well as supply curve. In this sense the supply side policies are rebelled against by demand side; consumption demand is sharply depressed by deteriorating expectation in future wages and employment insecurity. On the other hand, the wage-led economy is to pursue the third way of downwards shift of supply curve. 3) The possibility of wage-led economy depends on both characteristics of investment and saving functions. We can say firstly that under the condition of low economic growth the characteristics of saving function become more important compared with those in investment function, secondly that a lower saving rate of laborers leads to greater possibility of wage-led economy, and thirdly that a more progressive tax system makes wage-led economy more possible. These Post Keynesian claims are of importance in face of recent regressive tax reforms and the relatively higher saving rate in Asian countries. 4) Blecker (1989) and Bhaduri and Marglin (1990) argued that the increasing international price competition prevents the potential of wage-led economy even if the domestic economy is wage-led. In this paper we discussed that this claim is not confined to wage-led economy: the profit-led economy is also not sustainable under the severe international competition. Therefore a domestic price increase can not be maintained regardless of whether it is wage-led or profit-led domestically under global competition. In other words, in face of international competition we need to improve the supply condition. Here we must consider again by which way we realize the shift of supply curve. 5) We discussed four cases of two-country economy composed of two-by-two combinations: wage-led or profit-led and domestic country or foreign country. An increase in wage share in domestic country with profitled foreign country has positive effects to both countries: the domestic production as well as foreign production increase. The effects of an increase in the wage share in wage-led domestic country become ambiguous, however, when the foreign country is also wage-led, but it affects favorably to domestic country compared to foreign country. 6) Finally we examine the necessary conditions of sustainable economic growth from longer run perspectives. If we maintain both the inside equilibrium condition and the outside equilibrium condition at the same time, how can the wage rate increase in the long run? By inside we consider the labor market and by outside we mean the trade balance. Then we argue that the wage rate increase depends on the natural growth rates of domestic and foreign economies, the elasticity of trade, the growth rate of labor productivity and the pass-on effect to profit share. Especially, the wage rate must increase at a higher rate when the foreign natural rate of growth is higher than that of domestic one.
佐々木 栄作 中谷 武嗣 穴井 博文 広瀬 一 高野 久輝
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.21, no.6, pp.1444-1449, 1992

IABPは簡便な補助循環法として広く用いられ, 種々の機種が市販されているが, バルーンや駆動装置の特性はあまり検討されていない. われわれは, 電気インピーダンス(Z)計測を利用したバルーン容量のリアルタイム測定法を開発した. 本法は導管内にバルーンを留置し, バルーンの前後に設置した電極間のZを計測するものである. バルーン容量(V<sub>B</sub>)は, V<sub>B</sub>=[(R<sub>I</sub>-R<sub>D</sub>)/R<sub>I</sub>]V<sub>0</sub>, (<sub>0</sub>:電極間導管容量, . R<sub>D</sub>, R<sub>I</sub>:バルーン収縮時, 膨張時のZ値)で計算される. 本法により, 市販駆動装置4機種とバルーン4機種6種の駆動圧-容量曲線, 応答速度, 外部負荷圧の影響を検討した. バルーンはそれぞれ圧-容量特性が異なり, また駆動装置も駆動圧, 駆動圧波形に差を認めた. したがって異機種組み合わせて使用する場合, 安全で適切なIABP駆動を行うために, その特性を理解することが重要であると考えられた.
中谷 武
国民経済雑誌 (ISSN:03873129)
vol.142, no.3, pp.p82-102, 1980-09
中谷 武
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.50, no.4, pp.5-15, 2014-01-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

濵本 賢二 中谷 武
産業連関 (ISSN:13419803)
vol.15, no.2, pp.42-56, 2007

増澤 徹 妙中 義之 巽 英介 宮崎 幸治 戸田 宏一 大野 孝 安 在穆 中谷 武嗣 馬場 雄造 宇山 親雄 高野 久輝 越地 耕二 福井 康裕 高橋 克己 笹川 広志 塚原 金二 土本 勝也 大海 武晴
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.25, no.2, pp.260-265, 1996-04-15

長期体内埋込実験可能な全人工心臓システムの実現のために、1) 油圧駆動用血液ポンプの改良、2) モータ駆動方式改良による効率向上、3) 経皮的エネルギー伝送部と体内埋込用電池との結合、4) 急性実験によるシステム埋め込みの検討および埋込時の発熱観察を行った。最大流量8L/min、効率12%の全人工心臓を実現し、経皮的エネルギー伝送および体内埋込用電池にて1時間以上の駆動が可能であることを確認した。また、急性動物実験にて、システム全体が体内に完全に埋込可能であること、体内に埋め込んだ状態で人工心臓の発熱が4℃以下であることを確認した。本結果より十分に長期体内埋込実験に耐えうる全人工心臓システムを実現できたと考える。今後は長期体内埋込評価実験に移行し、システムの更なる評価および改良を行っていく。
五福 明夫 中谷 武平 横田 直人 伊藤 一之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2003, pp.285-288, 2003

This study develops a dialogue model and a command interpretation technique for service robots to obtain interactively the necessary information of actions for the tasks requested from users. A request from users sometimes misses some data necessary to complete the requested task because a voice command is usually requested depending on context and situation. The developed command interpretation technique first divides a command into words. Then, it analyzes the content of the command paying attention to the verb used and object included. If there are some missing data in the command, it sequentially generates queries to obtain them. The applicability of the dialogue model and the technique is demonstrated by dialogue experiments using a robot arm system.
中谷 武嗣 山岡 哲二 藤里 俊哉

中谷 武嗣 山岡 哲二

心筋梗塞に対するインジェクタブルゲル注入療法が注目されているが、梗塞部位リモデリングの抑制のために最適なゲル化材料の特性は明らかとなっていない。ポリアルギン酸など非分解性のインジェクタブルハイドロゲルを心筋梗塞部位へ注入することで心機能が回復することが報告されているが、長期にわたって残留するこれらの材料が最適とは考えにくい。本プロジェクトでは、さらに、炎症性が小さくてかつ分解することにより長期炎症を回避できるゲルの開発と評価を進めた。低炎症性を期待して生体内に存在するタンパク質の高次構造を模倣した自己組織化ペプチドを検討し、さらには、αヒドロキシ酸を主成分とするインジェクタブルゲルも開発し、それらの、感温性およびゲル化挙動について詳細に検討するとともに、皮下埋入試験による炎症誘起性の評価とその治癒能力について検討した。心筋梗塞モデルラットは、左冠動脈を結紮して作製した。結紮してから4週間後に心臓機能の指標である左室短縮率(% FS)を超音波エコー装置にて計測し、% FSが25%以下のものを心筋梗塞であると判断した。その後、30Gの注射針を用いて生分解性ハイドロゲルを心筋梗塞部位へ100μl注入した(n=4)。コントロール群としてアルギン酸ゲル(n=5)、または生理食塩水(n=5)を用いた。注入から4週間後に、% FSの測定ならびに摘出した心臓の組織学的評価により治療効果を検討した。生分解性ハイドロゲル注入群では、% FSは1か月間で、生理食塩水の場合と比較して有意に改善しており、、開発した生分解性ハイドロゲルは梗塞部位への注入により心機能を有意に改善できる。さらに、炎症系細胞密度は、アルギン酸注入群より有意に減少しており、新たなハイドロゲル群は高い% FSの回復と低い炎症性が達成される有用なシステムであることが示唆された。